command-accept --rapid will run the command without clearing the prompt,
allowing "rapid fire" commands. For example, one could open completion
for `open -t` and open several tabs in a row.
The default binding is ctrl+enter.
There are various small changes here:
- If the process is already finished, we don't try to terminate it.
- On Windows, we use QProcess::kill instead of QProcess::terminate, as terminate
will only work with processes which have a GUI loop.
- We assert that quitting the suprocess actually worked.
This test is supposed to ensure that user scripts don't run on iframes
when the @noframes directive is set in the greasemonkey metadata. It is
failing sometimes on travis but passing on local test runs. Personally I
haven't actually ran the whole test suite through, just the javascript
tests. It maybe be some stale state that only shows up when you run the
whole suite. It may be some timing issue that only shows up on travis
because ???. Hopefully this stops the red x from showing up on the PR.
For some reason, if we don't wait for about:blank to be fully loaded with
Qt 5.10, we get the next LoadStatus.finished notification with about:blank as
This is most likely caused by the changes in
See #3003
If we don't do this, earlier tests can affect later ones when e.g. using "...
should not be logged", as we don't really wait until a test has been fully
Test document-end and noframes. Because told me to.
Hopefully this doesn't slow the test run down too much, particularly the
"should not be logged" bit.
I'm just reusing and existing test html page that used an iframe because
I'm lazy.
Just runs a greasemonkey script on a test page and uses console.log to
ensure it is running.
Tests @include, and basic happy path operation (loading
and parsing script, scrip_for on webkit), only testing document-start
injecting point but that is the troublsome one at this point.
Tested on py35 debian unstable (oldwebkit and qtwebengine5.9) debian
stable qtwebengine5.7.
Note the extra :reload call for qt5.7 because document-start scripts
don't seem to run on the first page load with the current insertion
point. I need to look into this more to look at ways of fixing this.