Added option to webview for selection enabled caret mode.
In status bar checking value of this option to identificate about it.
Added bindings: <Space> for toggle selection mode, <Ctrl+Space> drop
selection and keep selection mode enabled.
In webview added javascript snippet to position caret at top of the
viewport after caret enabling. This code mostly was taken from cVim sources.
Allow user switch in caret mode for browsing with caret, and visual mode
for select and yank text with keyboard.
Default keybindings is c or v for caret mode, and again v for visual mode. All
basic movements provided by WebAction enum implemened with vim-like
bindings. Yanking with y and Y for selection and clipboard respectively.
There is bug/feature in WebKit that after caret enabled, caret doesn't
show until mouse click (or sometimes Tab helps). So I add some workaround
for that with mouse event. I think should be better aproach.
Signed-off-by: Artur Shaik <>
Adds a basic completion model implementation around the global browser
history and registers that for the open command.
Modifies WebHistory to add an __iter__ method and to use a dict instead of a
set to store an entire HistoryEntry for each archived item instead of just the
URL. Brief tests showed that the lookup time for set and dict are very
similar. They are at least on the same order of magnitude. Testing membership
of a list on the other hand, as was the case before a set was used, was four
orders of magnitude slower on my machine.
For every (scheme, host, port) tuple, we save all SSL errors we asked the user
about, and if everything matches (scheme, host, port, error, certificate), we
don't ask the user again.
This turns off searching no matter what autosearch is set to, and also makes it
possible to use fuzzy_url before the config is up.
For now, we use this for quickmarks and the startpage.
We already attempted this in c5a2039da4, but
having the directories as module attributes means they'll be created on start
(rather than when they're actually used), and it'd also be impossible to change
them after init for some reason in the future.
To still have a nice short API, we simply change the attributes to functions.
See #499.
See #11.
This adds PyYAML as a new dependency.
It adds the following new commands:
:session-delete <name>
Delete a session.
:session-load <name>
Load a session.
:session-save [<name>]
Save a session.
:wq [<name>]
Save open pages and quit.
And the following new settings:
general -> save-session:
Whether to always save the open pages.
With most actions which use fuzzy_url (:open/quickmarks/etc.) it's rather
confusing when relative files are opened - the only place where they should be
opened is when we're processing a commandline argument.
It seems 354018efcd broke IPv6 IPs on older Qt
FAIL: test_urls (qutebrowser.test.utils.test_urlutils.IsUrlTests) (url='2001:41d0:2:6c11::1')
Test things which are URLs.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/lib/buildbot/slaves/slave/ubuntu-utopic/build/qutebrowser/test/utils/", line 168, in test_urls
self.assertTrue(urlutils.is_url(url), url)
AssertionError: False is not true : 2001:41d0:2:6c11::1
We used to enter KeyMode.none and then with a zero-time singleShot QTimer enter
the normal mode. This doesn't really make sense, and caused an exception if a
keypress was processed before the timer fired.
Without this fix, it's possible for URLs to be valid according to is_url, but
not according to QUrl::fromUserInput, e.g. "http:foo:0". This caused an
exception later because fuzzy_url runs qtutils.ensure_valid.
Crash occurs in / Question class due to Python slots
being called on deleted Qt objects. This causes either a TypeError or
an AttributeError (probably depending on the state of the deleted Qt
Fixed by declaring slots in the Question object explicitly via
decorator "@pyqtSlot()".
Possible further TODOs:
- Find out whether this is a problem for slots in other objects as
- Create unittest for this bug (might me somewhat tricky, though).
The first branch already checks for `os.path.exists(path)`, so it doesn't make
sense for the second one to check that again (ANDed with some other condition).
We use io.TextIOWrapper which already handles newline converting, so we
shouldn't open the QSaveFile with QIODevice.Text in the mode, as this lead to
double-converting newlines, which in turn produced this error message on