colors.completion.fg is now a list instead of a QColor. As this test
specifically wanted to test a QColor, I just changed it to a different
config option.
When QtWebEngine shuts down, it calls pending callbacks, which means we access
an invalid 'settings' object when that happens. The stack would look something
like this:
0 QtWebEngineCore::WebEngineSettings::setAttribute(QtWebEngineCore::WebEngineSettings::Attribute, bool)
12 QtWebEngineCore::CallbackDirectory::invokeEmptyInternal<QVariant const&>(QtWebEnginePrivate::QWebEngineCallbackPrivateBase<QVariant const&>*)
14 QtWebEngineCore::CallbackDirectory::~CallbackDirectory()
19 QWebEnginePage::~QWebEnginePage()
If we instead get the settings from the view freshly, we get a RuntimeError from
PyQt telling us that it's dead. Not sure why it doesn't know about settings
being dead...
With that, we'd get a RuntimeError, which we can simply ignore as it doesn't
matter anyways if the tab is gone.
This means something like this:
:hint ;; later 20 follow-hint a ;; later 20 tab-close
Won't crash anymore, as the webelem.Error will be shown in the statusbar.
This gives us slightly different values it seems, but I think they are more
correct (and don't need the "+ 5" above).
Taking the width directly (not the sizeHint width) returned values like 100 or
so when the scrollbar wasn't shown yet, so that seems wrong.
The situation where there's no scroll bar at the point the column widths are
calculated is a very rare one. What happens more often is that the scroll bar
disappears due to filtering, in which case we didn't recalculate the column
widths anyways.
Furthermore, we can even go wrong with this calculation, when we calculate the
column widths while the entire completion is invisible - then the scroll bar
won't be visible either, and we won't subtract the space needed for it.
Let's not try to optimize for this uncommon case, and just always subtract the
scrollbar, even if it's not there initially.
Now colors.completion.fg may be set to a list to specify a different
color for each completion column. For example:
:set colors.completion.fg [black,blue,white] will use black text for the
first column, blue for the second, and white for the third.
Setting to a single value still works and behaves as before. The default
is unchanged from 'white'.
command-accept --rapid will run the command without clearing the prompt,
allowing "rapid fire" commands. For example, one could open completion
for `open -t` and open several tabs in a row.
The default binding is ctrl+enter.
I mistakenly checked the length of wheres instead of words. This fixes
that check, renames 'wheres' to 'where_clause' to be clear
that it is a string and not an array, and adds a test.