This is just a bugfix and performance release, but it changes some semi-public
APIs, hence the minor version bump.
- Significant performance improvements for strategies which are one_of() many
branches. In particular this included recursive() strategies. This should
take the case where you use one recursive() strategy as the base strategy of
another from unusably slow (tens of seconds per generated example) to
reasonably fast.
- Better handling of just() and sampled_from() for values which have an
incorrect __repr__ implementation that returns non-ASCII unicode on Python 2.
- Better performance for flatmap from changing the internal morpher API to be
significantly less general purpose.
- Introduce a new semi-public BuildContext/cleanup API. This allows strategies
to register cleanup activities that should run once the example is complete.
Note that this will interact somewhat weirdly with find.
- Better simplification behaviour for streaming strategies.
- Don't error on lambdas which use destructuring arguments in Python 2.
- Add some better reprs for a few strategies that were missing good ones.
- The Random instances provided by randoms() are now copyable.
- Slightly more debugging information about simplify when using a debug
verbosity level.
- Support using given for functions with varargs, but not passing arguments to
it as positional.
Filter out YES nodes when creating a temporary class for the with_metaclass
Having an YES node in a class bases will lead to a crash with a TypeError
when trying to obtain the ancestors of the given class, because .ancestors()
will try to iterate each inferred node from the bases, thus will try to
iterate over an YES node.
Upstream changelog:
Exceptions are now captured also during test tear down, as delayed events will
get processed then and might raise exceptions in virtual methods; this is
specially problematic in PyQt5.5, which changed the behavior to call abort by
default, which will crash the interpreter.
* Added --cov-fail-under, akin to the new fail_under option in coverage-4.0
(automatically activated if there's a [report] fail_under = ... in
* Changed --cov-report=term to automatically upgrade to
--cov-report=term-missing if there's [run] show_missing = True in
* Changed --cov so it can be used with no path argument (in wich case the
source settings from .coveragerc will be used instead).
* Fixed .pth installation to work in all cases (install, easy_install, wheels,
develop etc).
* Fixed .pth uninstallation to work for wheel installs.
* Support for coverage 4.0.
* Data file suffixing changed to use coverage's data_suffix=True option
(instead of the custom suffixing).
* Avoid warning about missing coverage data (just like
* Fixed a race condition when running with xdist (all the workers tried to
combine the files). It's possible that this issue is not present in
pytest-cov 1.8.X.
Codename: The great bundling.
This release contains two fairly major changes.
The first is the deprecation of the hypothesis-extra mechanism. From now on all
the packages that were previously bundled under it other than hypothesis-pytest
(which is a different beast and will remain separate). The functionality
remains unchanged and you can still import them from exactly the same location,
they just are no longer separate packages.
The second is that this introduces a new way of building strategies which lets
you build up strategies recursively from other strategies.
It also contains the minor change that calling .example() on a strategy object
will give you examples that are more representative of the actual data you'll
get. There used to be some logic in there to make the examples artificially
simple but this proved to be a bad idea.
Upstream changelog:
New Features
* Added support for more flexible error selections using --ignore, --select,
--convention, --add-ignore and --add-select (#96, #123).
Bug Fixes
* Property setter and deleter methods are now treated as private and do not
require docstrings separate from the main property method (#69, #107).
* Fixed an issue where pep257 did not accept docstrings that are both
unicode and raw in Python 2.x (#116, #119).
* Fixed an issue where Python 3.x files with Unicode encodings were
not read correctly (#118).
Upstream changelog:
Especially important changes:
* Added a warning when you instantiate a BeautifulSoup object without
explicitly naming a parser. [bug=1398866]
* __repr__ now returns an ASCII bytestring in Python 2, and a Unicode
string in Python 3, instead of a UTF8-encoded bytestring in both
versions. In Python 3, __str__ now returns a Unicode string instead
of a bytestring. [bug=1420131]
* The `text` argument to the find_* methods is now called `string`,
which is more accurate. `text` still works, but `string` is the
argument described in the documentation. `text` may eventually
change its meaning, but not for a very long time. [bug=1366856]
* Changed the way soup objects work under copy.copy(). Copying a
NavigableString or a Tag will give you a new NavigableString that's
equal to the old one but not connected to the parse tree. Patch by
Martijn Peters. [bug=1307490]
* Started using a standard MIT license. [bug=1294662]
* Added a Chinese translation of the documentation by Delong .w.
New features:
* Introduced the select_one() method, which uses a CSS selector but
only returns the first match, instead of a list of
matches. [bug=1349367]
* You can now create a Tag object without specifying a
TreeBuilder. Patch by Martijn Pieters. [bug=1307471]
* You can now create a NavigableString or a subclass just by invoking
the constructor. [bug=1294315]
* Added an `exclude_encodings` argument to UnicodeDammit and to the
Beautiful Soup constructor, which lets you prohibit the detection of
an encoding that you know is wrong. [bug=1469408]
* The select() method now supports selector grouping. Patch by
Francisco Canas [bug=1191917]
Bug fixes:
* Fixed yet another problem that caused the html5lib tree builder to
create a disconnected parse tree. [bug=1237763]
* Force object_was_parsed() to keep the tree intact even when an element
from later in the document is moved into place. [bug=1430633]
* Fixed yet another bug that caused a disconnected tree when html5lib
copied an element from one part of the tree to another. [bug=1270611]
* Fixed a bug where Element.extract() could create an infinite loop in
the remaining tree.
* The select() method can now find tags whose names contain
dashes. Patch by Francisco Canas. [bug=1276211]
* The select() method can now find tags with attributes whose names
contain dashes. Patch by Marek Kapolka. [bug=1304007]
* Improved the lxml tree builder's handling of processing
instructions. [bug=1294645]
* Restored the helpful syntax error that happens when you try to
import the Python 2 edition of Beautiful Soup under Python
3. [bug=1213387]
* In Python 3.4 and above, set the new convert_charrefs argument to
the html.parser constructor to avoid a warning and future
failures. Patch by Stefano Revera. [bug=1375721]
* The warning when you pass in a filename or URL as markup will now be
displayed correctly even if the filename or URL is a Unicode
string. [bug=1268888]
* If the initial <html> tag contains a CDATA list attribute such as
'class', the html5lib tree builder will now turn its value into a
list, as it would with any other tag. [bug=1296481]
* Fixed an import error in Python 3.5 caused by the removal of the
HTMLParseError class. [bug=1420063]
* Improved docstring for encode_contents() and
decode_contents(). [bug=1441543]
* Fixed a crash in Unicode, Dammit's encoding detector when the name
of the encoding itself contained invalid bytes. [bug=1360913]
* Improved the exception raised when you call .unwrap() or
.replace_with() on an element that's not attached to a tree.
* Raise a NotImplementedError whenever an unsupported CSS pseudoclass
is used in select(). Previously some cases did not result in a
* It's now possible to pickle a BeautifulSoup object no matter which
tree builder was used to create it. However, the only tree builder
that survives the pickling process is the HTMLParserTreeBuilder
('html.parser'). If you unpickle a BeautifulSoup object created with
some other tree builder, soup.builder will be None. [bug=1231545]
pylint changelog:
- Support for logilab-common 1.0.0
logilab-common changelog:
- remove unused/deprecated modules: cli, contexts, corbautils, dbf, pyro_ext,
xmlrpcutils. __pkginfo__ is no longer installed.
- major layout change
- use setuptools exclusively
- 'logilab' is now a proper namespace package
- modutils: basic support for namespace packages
- registry: ambiguous selects now raise a specific exception
- testlib: better support for non-pytest launchers
- testlib: Tags() now work with py3k
Upstream changelog:
* Fixed log line number in messages, and provide better contextual information
in Qt5 (#55, thanks @The-Compiler);
* Fixed issue where exceptions inside a `waitSignals` or `waitSignal`
with-statement block would be swallowed and a `SignalTimeoutError` would be
raised instead. (#59, thanks @The-Compiler for bringing up the issue and
providing a test case);
* Fixed issue where the first usage of `qapp` fixture would return `None`.
Thanks to @gqmelo for noticing and providing a PR;
* New `qtlog` now sports a context manager method, `disabled` (#58). Thanks
@The-Compiler for the idea and testing;
pytest upstream changelog
- fix issue767: pytest.raises value attribute does not contain the exception
instance on Python 2.6. Thanks Eric Siegerman for providing the test
case and Bruno Oliveira for PR.
- Automatically create directory for junitxml and results log.
Thanks Aron Curzon.
- fix issue713: JUnit XML reports for doctest failures.
Thanks Punyashloka Biswal.
- fix issue735: assertion failures on debug versions of Python 3.4+
Thanks Benjamin Peterson.
- fix issue114: skipif marker reports to internal skipping plugin;
Thanks Floris Bruynooghe for reporting and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
- fix issue748: unittest.SkipTest reports to internal pytest unittest plugin.
Thanks Thomas De Schampheleire for reporting and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.
- fix issue718: failed to create representation of sets containing unsortable
elements in python 2. Thanks Edison Gustavo Muenz
- fix issue756, fix issue752 (and similar issues): depend on py-1.4.29
which has a refined algorithm for traceback generation.
py upstream changelog
- fix issue55: revert a change to the statement finding algorithm
which is used by pytest for generating tracebacks.
Thanks Daniel Hahler for initial analysis.
- fix pytest issue254 for when traceback rendering can't
find valid source code. Thanks Ionel Cristian Maries.
Upstream changelog:
- Messages sent by qDebug, qWarning, qCritical are captured and displayed when
tests fail, similar to pytest-catchlog. Also, tests can be configured to
automatically fail if an unexpected message is generated. (See docs).
- New method waitSignals: will block untill all signals given are triggered, see
docs (thanks @The-Compiler for idea and complete PR).
- New parameter raising to waitSignals and waitSignals: when True (defaults to
False) will raise a qtbot.SignalTimeoutError exception when timeout is reached,
see docs (thanks again to @The-Compiler for idea and complete PR).
- pytest-qt now requires pytest version >= 2.7.
Internal changes to improve memory management
- QApplication.exit() is no longer called at the end of the test session and
the QApplication instance is not garbage collected anymore;
- QtBot no longer receives a QApplication as a parameter in the constructor,
always referencing QApplication.instance() now; this avoids keeping an extra
reference in the qtbot instances.
- deleteLater is called on widgets added in QtBot.addWidget at the end of each
- QApplication.processEvents() is called at the end of each test to make sure
widgets are cleaned up;
Upstream changelog:
- Fix issue #6 - support PEP263 for source file encoding.
- Clarified license to be MIT like pytest-pep8 from which this is derived.
Upstream changelog:
Stop dynamic computation of install_requires in this doesn't work
well in the presence of the pip 7 wheel cache. Use PEP-426 environment
markers instead (this means we now require setuptools version 0.7 or
Upstream changelog:
Fix encoding issue in Python 3
Bump version number to 1.3
Simplify example in README
Show extra content in report regardless of test result
Support extra content in JSON format
Upstream changelog:
- fix issue59: point to new repo site
- allow a new ensuresyspath="append" mode for py.path.local.pyimport()
so that a neccessary import path is appended instead of prepended to
- strike undocumented, untested argument to py.path.local.pypkgpath
- speed up py.path.local.dirpath by a factor of 10