Merge branch 'editable'

This commit is contained in:
Florian Bruhin 2014-07-16 08:47:37 +02:00
commit fed18d31f2
2 changed files with 86 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -711,13 +711,15 @@ class CommandDispatcher:
and do everything async.
frame = self._tabs.currentWidget().page().currentFrame()
elem = frame.findFirstElement(webelem.SELECTORS[
elem = webelem.focus_elem(frame)
if elem.isNull():
raise CommandError("No element focused!")
if not webelem.is_editable(elem):
if not webelem.is_editable(elem, strict=True):
raise CommandError("Focused element is not editable!")
text = elem.evaluateJavaScript('this.value')
if webelem.is_content_editable(elem):
text = elem.toPlainText()
text = elem.evaluateJavaScript('this.value')
self._editor = ExternalEditor(self._tabs)
partial(self.on_editing_finished, elem))
@ -734,5 +736,8 @@ class CommandDispatcher:
if elem.isNull():
raise CommandError("Element vanished while editing!")
text = webelem.javascript_escape(text)
if webelem.is_content_editable(elem):
text = webelem.javascript_escape(text)

View File

@ -170,7 +170,22 @@ def get_child_frames(startframe):
return results
def _is_object_editable(elem):
def is_content_editable(elem):
"""Check if an element hsa a contenteditable attribute.
FIXME: Add tests.
elem: The QWebElement to check.
True if the element has a contenteditable attribute, False otherwise.
return (elem.hasAttribute('contenteditable') and
elem.attribute('contenteditable') not in ('false', 'inherit'))
def _is_editable_object(elem):
"""Check if an object-element is editable."""
if not elem.hasAttribute('type'):
log.webview.debug("<object> without type clicked...")
@ -187,42 +202,81 @@ def _is_object_editable(elem):
return False
def is_editable(elem):
def _is_editable_input(elem):
"""Check if an input-element is editable.
elem: The QWebElement to check.
True if the element is editable, False otherwise.
objtype = elem.attribute('type').lower()
if objtype in ['text', 'email', 'url', 'tel', 'number', 'password',
'search', '']:
return is_writable(elem)
def _is_editable_div(elem):
"""Check if a div-element is editable.
elem: The QWebElement to check.
True if the element is editable, False otherwise.
# Beginnings of div-classes which are actually some kind of editor.
div_classes = ('CodeMirror', # Javascript editor over a textarea
'kix-') # Google Docs editor
for klass in elem.classes():
if any([klass.startswith(e) for e in div_classes]):
return True
def is_editable(elem, strict=False):
"""Check whether we should switch to insert mode for this element.
FIXME: add tests
elem: The QWebElement to check.
strict: Whether to do stricter checking so only fields where we can get
the value match, for use with the :editor command.
True if we should switch to insert mode, False otherwise.
# Beginnings of div-classes which are actually some kind of editor.
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
roles = ('combobox', 'textbox')
log.misc.debug("Checking if element is editable: {}".format(
div_classes = ['CodeMirror', # Javascript editor over a textarea
'kix-'] # Google Docs editor
tag = elem.tagName().lower()
if tag == 'input':
objtype = elem.attribute('type').lower()
if objtype in ['text', 'email', 'url', 'tel', 'number', 'password',
'search', '']:
return is_writable(elem)
if is_content_editable(elem) and is_writable(elem):
return True
elif elem.hasAttribute('role') and elem.attribute('role') in roles:
return True
elif tag == 'input':
return _is_editable_input(elem)
elif tag in ('textarea', 'select'):
return is_writable(elem)
elif tag in ('embed', 'applet'):
# Flash/Java/...
return config.get('input', 'insert-mode-on-plugins')
return config.get('input', 'insert-mode-on-plugins') and not strict
elif tag == 'object':
return _is_object_editable(elem)
return _is_editable_object(elem) and not strict
elif tag == 'div':
log.webview.debug("div with classes {} clicked!".format(
for klass in elem.classes():
if any([klass.startswith(e) for e in div_classes]):
return True
elif tag == 'span':
log.webview.debug("span with classes {} clicked!".format(
return False
return _is_editable_div(elem) and not strict
return False
def focus_elem(frame):
"""Get the focused element in a webframe.
FIXME: Add tests.
frame: The QWebFrame to search in.
return frame.findFirstElement(SELECTORS[Group.focus])