quteproc: delegate LogLine to log.ColoredFormatter

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Daniel Schadt 2016-05-25 23:28:13 +02:00
parent cc7c477e3e
commit db240e294e

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@ -104,27 +104,19 @@ class LogLine(testprocess.Line):
colorized: If True, ANSI color codes will be embedded.
format_dict = {
'asctime': self.timestamp.strftime(log.DATEFMT),
'levelname': self.levelname,
'name': self.category,
'module': self.module,
'funcName': self.function,
'lineno': self.line,
'message': self.full_message,
if colorized:
log_color_name = log.LOG_COLORS[self.levelname]
log_color = log.ColoredFormatter.COLOR_ESCAPES[log_color_name]
format_dict['log_color'] = log_color
format_dict['reset'] = log.ColoredFormatter.RESET_ESCAPE
color_names = log.ColoredFormatter.COLOR_ESCAPES.keys()
format_dict['log_color'] = ''
format_dict['reset'] = ''
format_dict.update({color: '' for color in color_names})
result = log.EXTENDED_FMT.format_map(format_dict)
r = logging.LogRecord(self.category, self.loglevel, '', self.line,
self.message, (), None)
# Patch some attributes of the LogRecord
if self.line is None:
r.line = 0
r.created = self.timestamp.timestamp()
r.module = self.module
r.funcName = self.function
formatter = log.ColoredFormatter(log.EXTENDED_FMT, log.DATEFMT, '{',
result = formatter.format(r)
# Manually append the stringified traceback if one is present
if self.traceback is not None:
result += '\n' + self.traceback
return result