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Florian Bruhin 2014-05-12 23:05:31 +02:00
parent 3c4866f3d9
commit d11f1810be

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@ -20,48 +20,12 @@ Thanks to the following people for early testing:
- meisterT_
- hrnz
- pedromj
- china
- Tsutsukakushi
Thanks to these stackoverflow users for answering my questions, and other
valuable ones:
- Pavel Strakhov
- ekhumoro
- andrean
- chelmuth
- quark
- Bleeding Fingers
- artyom.stv
- hank
- Alec Thomas
- Slawek Rewaj
Thanks to everone answering my and other questions on Stackoverflow and the IRC.
Thanks to these people for helpful bits and pieces in the Qt bugtracker and IRC
- Allan Sandfeld Jensen
- bachewii
- Vitaliy Filippov
- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- david_boddie
- jcookeman
- jturcotte
- carewolf
- mibrunin
- TheBootroo
- peppe
- HuntsMan
- Papierkorb
- hyde_
- Giles
- pvdk
- LBV_User
- Fleias
- richmoore1
- Xenakis
- ottoshmidt
- AlexWMF
- scummos
- svuorela
- kpj
- hyde
Thanks to the people triaging bugs in the Qt bugtracker.
Thanks to these projects which were essential while developing qutebrowser:
- Python