From f86458a3b96fb48b025cf50bb417514ad649b02d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florian Bruhin <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 20:56:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove shutdown code

 qutebrowser/                   | 34 -----------------
 qutebrowser/widgets/ | 29 +--------------
 qutebrowser/widgets/       | 55 ----------------------------
 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)

diff --git a/qutebrowser/ b/qutebrowser/
index 4827b76a9..2dbaa6f29 100644
--- a/qutebrowser/
+++ b/qutebrowser/
@@ -561,22 +561,6 @@ class Application(QApplication):
-    def _maybe_quit(self, sender):
-        """Maybe quit qutebrowser.
-        This only quits if both the ExceptionCrashDialog was ready to quit AND
-        the shutdown is complete.
-        Args:
-            The sender of the quit signal (string)
-        """
-        self._quit_status[sender] = True
-        log.destroy.debug("maybe_quit called from {}, quit status {}".format(
-            sender, self._quit_status))
-        if all(self._quit_status.values()):
-            log.destroy.debug("maybe_quit quitting.")
-            self.quit()
     @cmdutils.register(instance='', nargs=0)
     def restart(self, shutdown=True, pages=None):
         """Restart qutebrowser while keeping existing tabs open."""
@@ -670,26 +654,8 @@ class Application(QApplication):
             except AttributeError as e:
                 log.destroy.warning("Could not save {}.".format(what))
-        # Shut down tabs
-        try:
-            self.mainwindow.tabs.shutdown_complete.connect(partial(
-                self._maybe_quit, 'tabs'))
-            self.mainwindow.tabs.shutdown()
-        except AttributeError as e:  # mainwindow or tabs could still be None
-            log.destroy.warning("No mainwindow/tabs to shut down ({}).".format(
-                e))
-            self._maybe_quit('tabs')
         # Re-enable faulthandler to stdout, then remove crash log
         # If we don't kill our custom handler here we might get segfaults
-        self._maybe_quit('main')
-    @pyqtSlot()
-    def on_tab_shutdown_complete(self):
-        """Quit application after a shutdown.
-        Gets called when all tabs finished shutting down after shutdown().
-        """
-        log.destroy.debug("Shutdown complete, quitting.")
diff --git a/qutebrowser/widgets/ b/qutebrowser/widgets/
index 16b62305f..822bfe7fc 100644
--- a/qutebrowser/widgets/
+++ b/qutebrowser/widgets/
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ class TabbedBrowser(TabWidget):
         cur_load_status_changed: Loading status of current tab changed.
         hint_strings_updated: Hint strings were updated.
                               arg: A list of hint strings.
-        shutdown_complete: The shuttdown is completed.
         quit: The last tab was closed, quit application.
         resized: Emitted when the browser window has resized, so the completion
                  widget can adjust its size to it.
@@ -95,7 +94,6 @@ class TabbedBrowser(TabWidget):
     start_download = pyqtSignal('QNetworkReply*')
     download_get = pyqtSignal('QUrl', 'QWebPage')
     hint_strings_updated = pyqtSignal(list)
-    shutdown_complete = pyqtSignal()
     quit = pyqtSignal()
     resized = pyqtSignal('QRect')
     got_cmd = pyqtSignal(str)
@@ -131,24 +129,6 @@ class TabbedBrowser(TabWidget):
         return w
-    def _cb_tab_shutdown(self, tab):
-        """Called after a tab has been shut down completely.
-        Args:
-            tab: The tab object which has been shut down.
-        Emit:
-            shutdown_complete: When the tab shutdown is done completely.
-        """
-        try:
-            self._tabs.remove(tab)
-        except ValueError:
-            log.destroy.exception("tab {} could not be removed")
-        log.destroy.debug("Tabs after removing: {}".format(self._tabs))
-        if not self._tabs:  # all tabs shut down
-            log.destroy.debug("Tab shutdown complete.")
-            self.shutdown_complete.emit()
     def _connect_tab_signals(self, tab):
         """Set up the needed signals for tab."""
         page =
@@ -219,12 +199,8 @@ class TabbedBrowser(TabWidget):
             log.destroy.debug("Error while shutting down tabs: {}: {}".format(
                 e.__class__.__name__, e))
         tabcount = self.count()
-        if tabcount == 0:
-            log.destroy.debug("No tabs -> shutdown complete")
-            self.shutdown_complete.emit()
-            return
         for tab in self.widgets:
-            tab.shutdown(callback=partial(self._cb_tab_shutdown, tab))
+            self._tabs.remove(tab)
     def close_tab(self, tab_or_idx):
         """Close a tab with either index or tab given.
@@ -250,8 +226,7 @@ class TabbedBrowser(TabWidget):
             if not url.isEmpty():
-            tab.shutdown(callback=partial(self._cb_tab_shutdown, tab))
-            log.destroy.debug("Removing tab {}/{}".format(idx, tab))
+            self._tabs.remove(tab)
         elif last_close == 'quit':
diff --git a/qutebrowser/widgets/ b/qutebrowser/widgets/
index 7c4d7027c..001ebb8e3 100644
--- a/qutebrowser/widgets/
+++ b/qutebrowser/widgets/
@@ -66,10 +66,7 @@ class WebView(QWebView):
         _has_ssl_errors: Whether SSL errors occured during loading.
         _zoom: A NeighborList with the zoom levels.
         _old_scroll_pos: The old scroll position.
-        _shutdown_callback: Callback to be called after shutdown.
         _force_open_target: Override for _open_target.
-        _shutdown_callback: The callback to call after shutting down.
-        _destroyed: Dict of all items to be destroyed on shtudown.
         _check_insertmode: If True, in mouseReleaseEvent we should check if we
                            need to enter/leave insert mode.
@@ -96,10 +93,8 @@ class WebView(QWebView):
         self.scroll_pos = (-1, -1)
         self.statusbar_message = ''
         self._old_scroll_pos = (-1, -1)
-        self._shutdown_callback = None
         self.open_target = ClickTarget.normal
         self._force_open_target = None
-        self._destroyed = {}
         self._zoom = None
         self._has_ssl_errors = False
@@ -164,22 +159,6 @@ class WebView(QWebView):
                                   default=config.get('ui', 'default-zoom'),
-    def _on_destroyed(self, sender):
-        """Called when a subsystem has been destroyed during shutdown.
-        Args:
-            sender: The object which called the callback.
-        """
-        self._destroyed[sender] = True
-        dbgout = ' / '.join(['{}: {}'.format(k.__class__.__name__, v)
-                            for (k, v) in self._destroyed.items()])
-        log.destroy.debug("{} has been destroyed, new status: {}".format(
-            sender.__class__.__name__, dbgout))
-        if all(self._destroyed.values()):
-            if self._shutdown_callback is not None:
-                log.destroy.debug("Everything destroyed, calling callback")
-                self._shutdown_callback()
     def _mousepress_backforward(self, e):
         """Handle back/forward mouse button presses.
@@ -341,40 +320,6 @@ class WebView(QWebView):
             raise CommandError("At end of history.")
-    def shutdown(self, callback=None):
-        """Shut down the tab cleanly and remove it.
-        Inspired by [1].
-        [1]
-        Args:
-            callback: Function to call after shutting down.
-        """
-        self._shutdown_callback = callback
-        # Avoid loading finished signal when stopping
-        try:
-            self.loadFinished.disconnect()
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        try:
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        self.stop()
-        self.close()
-        self.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.JavascriptEnabled, False)
-        self._destroyed[] = False
-        self._destroyed[self] = False
-        self.destroyed.connect(functools.partial(self._on_destroyed, self))
-        self.deleteLater()
-        log.destroy.debug("Tab shutdown scheduled")
     def on_url_changed(self, url):
         """Update url_text when URL has changed."""