Automatic config migration for renamed sections/options.

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Florian Bruhin 2014-11-27 07:07:28 +01:00
parent bdbe284a56
commit cb1df68153

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@ -205,6 +205,9 @@ class ConfigManager(QObject):
KEY_ESCAPE: Chars which need escaping when they occur as first char
in a line.
ESCAPE_CHAR: The char to be used for escaping
RENAMED_SECTIONS: A mapping of renamed sections, {'oldname': 'newname'}
RENAMED_OPTIONS: A mapping of renamed options,
{('section', 'oldname'): 'newname'}
sections: The configuration data as an OrderedDict.
@ -222,6 +225,23 @@ class ConfigManager(QObject):
KEY_ESCAPE = r'\#['
'permissions': 'content'
('colors', 'tab.fg.odd'): 'tabs.fg.odd',
('colors', 'tab.fg.even'): 'tabs.fg.even',
('colors', 'tab.fg.selected'): 'tabs.fg.selected',
('colors', ''): '',
('colors', ''): '',
('colors', ''): '',
('colors', ''): '',
('colors', 'tab.indicator.start'): 'tabs.indicator.start',
('colors', 'tab.indicator.stop'): 'tabs.indicator.stop',
('colors', 'tab.indicator.error'): 'tabs.indicator.error',
('colors', 'tab.indicator.system'): 'tabs.indicator.system',
('colors', 'tab.seperator'): 'tabs.seperator',
changed = pyqtSignal(str, str)
style_changed = pyqtSignal(str, str)
@ -328,17 +348,27 @@ class ConfigManager(QObject):
cp: The configparser instance to read the values from.
for sectname in cp:
if sectname in self.RENAMED_SECTIONS:
sectname = self.RENAMED_SECTIONS[sectname]
if sectname is not 'DEFAULT' and sectname not in self.sections:
raise UnknownSectionError("Unknown section '{}'!".format(
for sectname in self.sections:
if sectname not in cp:
reverse_renamed_sections = {v: k for k, v in
if sectname in reverse_renamed_sections:
old_sectname = reverse_renamed_sections[sectname]
old_sectname = sectname
if old_sectname not in cp:
for k, v in cp[sectname].items():
for k, v in cp[old_sectname].items():
if k.startswith(self.ESCAPE_CHAR):
k = k[1:]
# configparser can't handle = in keys :(
k = k.replace('<eq>', '=')
if (sectname, k) in self.RENAMED_OPTIONS:
k = self.RENAMED_OPTIONS[sectname, k]
self.set('conf', sectname, k, v)
except configtypes.ValidationError as e: