tests: Add v0.6.0 config to test_old_config

This commit is contained in:
Florian Bruhin 2016-04-04 18:16:31 +02:00
parent 08a7ee4ffb
commit c67edcf811
2 changed files with 240 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
ignore-case = smart
wrap-search = true
startpage = https://duckduckgo.com
default-page = ${startpage}
auto-search = naive
auto-save-config = true
auto-save-interval = 15000
editor = gvim -f "{}"
editor-encoding = utf-8
private-browsing = false
developer-extras = false
print-element-backgrounds = true
xss-auditing = false
site-specific-quirks = true
default-encoding =
new-instance-open-target = tab
log-javascript-console = debug
save-session = false
session-default-name =
url-incdec-segments = path,query
zoom-levels = 25%,33%,50%,67%,75%,90%,100%,110%,125%,150%,175%,200%,250%,300%,400%,500%
default-zoom = 100%
downloads-position = top
message-timeout = 2000
message-unfocused = false
confirm-quit = never
display-statusbar-messages = false
zoom-text-only = false
frame-flattening = false
user-stylesheet = ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0px; height: 0px; }
css-media-type =
smooth-scrolling = false
remove-finished-downloads = -1
hide-statusbar = false
statusbar-padding = 1,1,0,0
window-title-format = {perc}{title}{title_sep}qutebrowser
hide-mouse-cursor = false
modal-js-dialog = false
hide-wayland-decoration = false
do-not-track = true
accept-language = en-US,en
referer-header = same-domain
user-agent =
proxy = system
proxy-dns-requests = true
ssl-strict = ask
dns-prefetch = true
auto-open = true
download-path-suggestion = path
timestamp-format = %Y-%m-%d
show = true
height = 50%
cmd-history-max-items = 100
web-history-max-items = 1000
quick-complete = true
shrink = false
scrollbar-width = 12
scrollbar-padding = 2
timeout = 500
partial-timeout = 1000
insert-mode-on-plugins = false
auto-leave-insert-mode = true
auto-insert-mode = false
forward-unbound-keys = auto
spatial-navigation = false
links-included-in-focus-chain = true
rocker-gestures = false
mouse-zoom-divider = 512
background-tabs = false
select-on-remove = right
new-tab-position = right
new-tab-position-explicit = last
last-close = ignore
show = always
show-switching-delay = 800
wrap = true
movable = true
close-mouse-button = middle
position = top
show-favicons = true
width = 20%
indicator-width = 3
tabs-are-windows = false
title-format = {index}: {title}
title-alignment = left
mousewheel-tab-switching = true
padding = 0,0,5,5
indicator-padding = 2,2,0,4
download-directory =
prompt-download-directory = true
remember-download-directory = true
maximum-pages-in-cache =
object-cache-capacities =
offline-storage-default-quota =
offline-web-application-cache-quota =
offline-storage-database = true
offline-web-application-storage = true
local-storage = true
cache-size = 52428800
allow-images = true
allow-javascript = true
allow-plugins = false
webgl = true
css-regions = true
hyperlink-auditing = false
geolocation = ask
notifications = ask
javascript-can-open-windows = false
javascript-can-close-windows = false
javascript-can-access-clipboard = false
ignore-javascript-prompt = false
ignore-javascript-alert = false
local-content-can-access-remote-urls = false
local-content-can-access-file-urls = true
cookies-accept = no-3rdparty
cookies-store = true
host-block-lists = http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt,http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/hosts,http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.zip,http://malwaredomains.lehigh.edu/files/justdomains.zip,http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/serverlist.php?hostformat=hosts&mimetype=plaintext
host-blocking-enabled = true
host-blocking-whitelist = piwik.org
enable-pdfjs = false
border = 1px solid #E3BE23
opacity = 0.7
mode = letter
chars = asdfghjkl
min-chars = 1
scatter = true
uppercase = false
dictionary = /usr/share/dict/words
auto-follow = true
next-regexes = \bnext\b,\bmore\b,\bnewer\b,\b[>→≫]\b,\b(>>|»)\b,\bcontinue\b
prev-regexes = \bprev(ious)?\b,\bback\b,\bolder\b,\b[<←≪]\b,\b(<<|«)\b
DEFAULT = https://duckduckgo.com/?q={}
completion.fg = white
completion.bg = #333333
completion.alternate-bg = #444444
completion.category.fg = white
completion.category.bg = qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #888888, stop:1 #505050)
completion.category.border.top = black
completion.category.border.bottom = ${completion.category.border.top}
completion.item.selected.fg = black
completion.item.selected.bg = #e8c000
completion.item.selected.border.top = #bbbb00
completion.item.selected.border.bottom = ${completion.item.selected.border.top}
completion.match.fg = #ff4444
completion.scrollbar.fg = ${completion.fg}
completion.scrollbar.bg = ${completion.bg}
statusbar.fg = white
statusbar.bg = black
statusbar.fg.error = ${statusbar.fg}
statusbar.bg.error = red
statusbar.fg.warning = ${statusbar.fg}
statusbar.bg.warning = darkorange
statusbar.fg.prompt = ${statusbar.fg}
statusbar.bg.prompt = darkblue
statusbar.fg.insert = ${statusbar.fg}
statusbar.bg.insert = darkgreen
statusbar.fg.command = ${statusbar.fg}
statusbar.bg.command = ${statusbar.bg}
statusbar.fg.caret = ${statusbar.fg}
statusbar.bg.caret = purple
statusbar.fg.caret-selection = ${statusbar.fg}
statusbar.bg.caret-selection = #a12dff
statusbar.progress.bg = white
statusbar.url.fg = ${statusbar.fg}
statusbar.url.fg.success = white
statusbar.url.fg.success.https = lime
statusbar.url.fg.error = orange
statusbar.url.fg.warn = yellow
statusbar.url.fg.hover = aqua
tabs.fg.odd = white
tabs.bg.odd = grey
tabs.fg.even = white
tabs.bg.even = darkgrey
tabs.fg.selected.odd = white
tabs.bg.selected.odd = black
tabs.fg.selected.even = ${tabs.fg.selected.odd}
tabs.bg.selected.even = ${tabs.bg.selected.odd}
tabs.bg.bar = #555555
tabs.indicator.start = #0000aa
tabs.indicator.stop = #00aa00
tabs.indicator.error = #ff0000
tabs.indicator.system = rgb
hints.fg = black
hints.bg = -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#FFF785), color-stop(100%,#FFC542))
hints.fg.match = green
downloads.bg.bar = black
downloads.fg.start = white
downloads.bg.start = #0000aa
downloads.fg.stop = ${downloads.fg.start}
downloads.bg.stop = #00aa00
downloads.fg.system = rgb
downloads.bg.system = rgb
downloads.fg.error = white
downloads.bg.error = red
webpage.bg = white
_monospace = Terminus, Monospace, "DejaVu Sans Mono", Monaco, "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Andale Mono", "Courier New", Courier, "Liberation Mono", monospace, Fixed, Consolas, Terminal
completion = 8pt ${_monospace}
tabbar = 8pt ${_monospace}
statusbar = 8pt ${_monospace}
downloads = 8pt ${_monospace}
hints = bold 13px Monospace
debug-console = 8pt ${_monospace}
web-family-standard =
web-family-fixed =
web-family-serif =
web-family-sans-serif =
web-family-cursive =
web-family-fantasy =
web-size-minimum =
web-size-minimum-logical =
web-size-default =
web-size-default-fixed =

View File

@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class TestDefaultConfig:
If it did change, place a new qutebrowser-vx.y.z.conf in old_configs
and then increment the version.
assert qutebrowser.__version__ == '0.5.1'
assert qutebrowser.__version__ == '0.6.0'
os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'old_configs')),