diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.asciidoc b/CONTRIBUTING.asciidoc index 558887a5b..fa0388931 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.asciidoc +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.asciidoc @@ -553,22 +553,32 @@ qutebrowser release * Make sure there are no unstaged changes. * Run `src2asciidoc.py` and commit changes if necessary. -* Run `asciidoc2html.py`. -* Adjust `__version_info__` in `qutebrowser/__init__.py`. * Run all tests on all supported systems. * Test an upgrade from the previous version (no manual intervention). * Test an upgrade from the first version (no manual intervention). +* Run `asciidoc2html.py`. +* Adjust `__version_info__` in `qutebrowser/__init__.py`. +* Remove *(unreleased)* from changelog. +* Commit + * Create annotated git tag (`git tag -s "v0.X.Y" -m "Release v0.X.Y"`) * If it's a new minor, create git branch `v0.X.x` -* `git push`; `git push "v0.X.Y"` +* `git push origin`; `git push origin v0.X.Y` * Create release on github * Mark the milestone at https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/milestones as closed. -* Create standalone Windows package (32/64bit) in Windows VM -* Upload to PyPI: `python setup.py register sdist upload --sign` -* Upload to qutebrowser.org with checksum/GPG +* Build sdist: `python3 setup.py sdist --sign` +* Sign: `gpg --detach-sign -a dist/qutebrowser-0.X.Y.tar.gz` +* Upload to PyPI: `twine upload dist/foo{,.asc}` +* Create Windows packages via `scripts/dev/build_release.py` and upload. +* Upload to qutebrowser.org with checksum/GPG + - On server: `sudo mkdir -p /srv/http/qutebrowser/releases/v0.X.Y/windows` + - `rsync -avPh dist/ tonks:` + - On server: `sudo mv qutebrowser-0.X.Y.tar.gz* /srv/http/qutebrowser/releases/v0.X.Y` + +* Update AUR package * Announce to qutebrowser mailinglist