Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/3100'

This commit is contained in:
Florian Bruhin 2017-11-02 11:32:45 +01:00
commit 9a69ccc9e3
11 changed files with 156 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -1961,7 +1961,14 @@ Default: +pass:[-1]+
=== editor.command
The editor (and arguments) to use for the `open-editor` command.
`{}` gets replaced by the filename of the file to be edited.
Several placeholders are supported. Placeholders are substituted by the
respective value when executing the command.
`{file}` gets replaced by the filename of the file to be edited.
`{line}` gets replaced by the line in which the caret is found in the text.
`{column}` gets replaced by the column in which the caret is found in the text.
`{line0}` same as `{line}`, but starting from index 0.
`{column0}` same as `{column}`, but starting from index 0.
Type: <<types,ShellCommand>>

View File

@ -1618,10 +1618,12 @@ class CommandDispatcher:
assert isinstance(text, str), text
caret_position = elem.caret_position()
ed = editor.ExternalEditor(self._tabbed_browser)
self.on_editing_finished, elem))
ed.edit(text, caret_position)
@cmdutils.register(instance='command-dispatcher', hide=True,

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class WebEngineElement(webelem.AbstractWebElement):
'class_name': str,
'rects': list,
'attributes': dict,
'caret_position': int,
assert set(js_dict.keys()).issubset(js_dict_types.keys())
for name, typ in js_dict_types.items():
@ -132,6 +133,10 @@ class WebEngineElement(webelem.AbstractWebElement):
def set_value(self, value):
self._js_call('set_value', value)
def caret_position(self):
"""Get the text caret position for the current element."""
return self._js_dict.get('caret_position', 0)
def insert_text(self, text):
if not self.is_editable(strict=True):
raise webelem.Error("Element is not editable!")

View File

@ -126,6 +126,14 @@ class WebKitElement(webelem.AbstractWebElement):
value = javascript.string_escape(value)
def caret_position(self):
"""Get the text caret position for the current element."""
pos = self._elem.evaluateJavaScript('this.selectionStart')
if pos is None:
return 0
return int(pos)
def insert_text(self, text):
if not self.is_editable(strict=True):

View File

@ -766,11 +766,11 @@ editor.command:
name: ShellCommand
placeholder: true
default: ["gvim", "-f", "{}"]
default: ["gvim", "-f", "{file}", "-c", "normal {line}G{column0}l"]
desc: >-
The editor (and arguments) to use for the `open-editor` command.
`{}` gets replaced by the filename of the file to be edited.
`{file}` gets replaced by the filename of the file to be edited.
type: Encoding

View File

@ -1341,9 +1341,12 @@ class ShellCommand(List):
if not value:
return value
if self.placeholder and '{}' not in ' '.join(value):
if (self.placeholder and
'{}' not in ' '.join(value) and
'{file}' not in ' '.join(value)):
raise configexc.ValidationError(value, "needs to contain a "
"{}-placeholder or a "
return value

View File

@ -48,11 +48,26 @@ window._qutebrowser.webelem = (function() {
var id = elements.length;
elements[id] = elem;
// InvalidStateError will be thrown if elem doesn't have selectionStart
var caret_position = 0;
try {
caret_position = elem.selectionStart;
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof DOMException && === "InvalidStateError") {
// nothing to do, caret_position is already 0
} else {
// not the droid we're looking for
throw err;
var out = {
"id": id,
"value": elem.value,
"outer_xml": elem.outerHTML,
"rects": [], // Gets filled up later
"caret_position": caret_position,

View File

@ -96,11 +96,12 @@ class ExternalEditor(QObject):
def on_proc_error(self, _err):
def edit(self, text):
def edit(self, text, caret_position=0):
"""Edit a given text.
text: The initial text to edit.
caret_position: The position of the caret in the text.
if self._filename is not None:
raise ValueError("Already editing a file!")
@ -121,7 +122,9 @@ class ExternalEditor(QObject):
self._remove_file = True
line, column = self._calc_line_and_column(text, caret_position)
self._start_editor(line=line, column=column)
def edit_file(self, filename):
"""Edit the file with the given filename."""
@ -129,13 +132,82 @@ class ExternalEditor(QObject):
self._remove_file = False
def _start_editor(self):
"""Start the editor with the file opened as self._filename."""
def _start_editor(self, line=1, column=1):
"""Start the editor with the file opened as self._filename.
line: the line number to pass to the editor
column: the column number to pass to the editor
self._proc = guiprocess.GUIProcess(what='editor', parent=self)
editor = config.val.editor.command
executable = editor[0]
args = [arg.replace('{}', self._filename) for arg in editor[1:]]
args = [self._sub_placeholder(arg, line, column) for arg in editor[1:]]
log.procs.debug("Calling \"{}\" with args {}".format(executable, args))
self._proc.start(executable, args)
def _calc_line_and_column(self, text, caret_position):
r"""Calculate line and column numbers given a text and caret position.
Both line and column are 1-based indexes, because that's what most
editors use as line and column starting index. By "most" we mean at
least vim, nvim, gvim, emacs, atom, sublimetext, notepad++, brackets,
visual studio, QtCreator and so on.
To find the line we just count how many newlines there are before the
caret and add 1.
To find the column we calculate the difference between the caret and
the last newline before the caret.
For example in the text `aaa\nbb|bbb` (| represents the caret):
caret_position = 6
text[:caret_position] = `aaa\nbb`
text[:caret_position].count('\n') = 1
caret_position - text[:caret_position].rfind('\n') = 3
Thus line, column = 2, 3, and the caret is indeed in the second
line, third column
text: the text for which the numbers must be calculated
caret_position: the position of the caret in the text
A (line, column) tuple of (int, int)
line = text[:caret_position].count('\n') + 1
column = caret_position - text[:caret_position].rfind('\n')
return line, column
def _sub_placeholder(self, arg, line, column):
"""Substitute a single placeholder.
If the `arg` input to this function is a valid placeholder it will
be substituted with the appropriate value, otherwise it will be left
arg: an argument of editor.command.
line: the previously-calculated line number for the text caret.
column: the previously-calculated column number for the text caret.
The substituted placeholder or the original argument.
replacements = {
'{}': self._filename,
'{file}': self._filename,
'{line}': str(line),
'{line0}': str(line-1),
'{column}': str(column),
'{column0}': str(column-1)
for old, new in replacements.items():
arg = arg.replace(old, new)
return arg

View File

@ -60,8 +60,9 @@ class TestSet:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('option, old_value, inp, new_value', [
('url.auto_search', 'naive', 'dns', 'dns'),
('editor.command', ['gvim', '-f', '{}'], '[emacs, "{}"]',
['emacs', '{}']),
['gvim', '-f', '{file}', '-c', 'normal {line}G{column0}l'],
'[emacs, "{}"]', ['emacs', '{}']),
def test_set_simple(self, monkeypatch, commands, config_stub,
temp, option, old_value, inp, new_value):

View File

@ -1815,9 +1815,12 @@ class TestShellCommand:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kwargs, val, expected', [
({}, '[foobar]', ['foobar']),
({'placeholder': '{}'}, '[foo, "{}", bar]', ['foo', '{}', 'bar']),
({'placeholder': '{}'}, '["foo{}bar"]', ['foo{}bar']),
({'placeholder': '{}'}, '[foo, "bar {}"]', ['foo', 'bar {}']),
({'placeholder': True}, '[foo, "{}", bar]', ['foo', '{}', 'bar']),
({'placeholder': True}, '["foo{}bar"]', ['foo{}bar']),
({'placeholder': True}, '[foo, "bar {}"]', ['foo', 'bar {}']),
({'placeholder': True}, '[f, "{file}", b]', ['f', '{file}', 'b']),
({'placeholder': True}, '["f{file}b"]', ['f{file}b']),
({'placeholder': True}, '[f, "b {file}"]', ['f', 'b {file}']),
def test_valid(self, klass, kwargs, val, expected):
cmd = klass(**kwargs)
@ -1825,8 +1828,15 @@ class TestShellCommand:
assert cmd.to_py(expected) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kwargs, val', [
({'placeholder': '{}'}, '[foo, bar]'),
({'placeholder': '{}'}, '[foo, "{", "}", bar'),
({'placeholder': True}, '[foo, bar]'),
({'placeholder': True}, '[foo, "{", "}", bar'),
({'placeholder': True}, '[foo, bar]'),
({'placeholder': True}, '[foo, "{fi", "le}", bar'),
# Like valid ones but with wrong placeholder
({'placeholder': True}, '[f, "{wrong}", b]'),
({'placeholder': True}, '["f{wrong}b"]'),
({'placeholder': True}, '[f, "b {wrong}"]'),
def test_from_str_invalid(self, klass, kwargs, val):
with pytest.raises(configexc.ValidationError):

View File

@ -177,3 +177,18 @@ def test_modify(qtbot, editor, initial_text, edited_text):
editor._proc.finished.emit(0, QProcess.NormalExit)
assert blocker.args == [edited_text]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('text, caret_position, result', [
('', 0, (1, 1)),
('a', 0, (1, 1)),
('a\nb', 1, (1, 2)),
('a\nb', 2, (2, 1)),
('a\nb', 3, (2, 2)),
('a\nbb\nccc', 4, (2, 3)),
('a\nbb\nccc', 5, (3, 1)),
('a\nbb\nccc', 8, (3, 4)),
def test_calculation(editor, text, caret_position, result):
"""Test calculation for line and column given text and caret_position."""
assert editor._calc_line_and_column(text, caret_position) == result