Implement pretty-printing of configtypes for the doc
This is also needed to make the docs environment work on Travis - as otherwise, doc generation wasn't deterministic because of changing dict key order.
This commit is contained in:
@ -254,7 +254,11 @@
== aliases
== aliases
Aliases for commands.
Aliases for commands.
Default: +pass:[{"w": "session-save", "q": "quit", "wq": "quit --save"}]+
- +pass:[q]+: +pass:[quit]+
- +pass:[w]+: +pass:[session-save]+
- +pass:[wq]+: +pass:[quit --save]+
== auto_save.config
== auto_save.config
@ -343,6 +347,256 @@ Default keybindings. If you want to add bindings, modify `bindings.commands` ins
The main purpose of this setting is that you can set it to an empty dictionary if you want to load no default keybindings at all.
The main purpose of this setting is that you can set it to an empty dictionary if you want to load no default keybindings at all.
If you want to preserve default bindings (and get new bindings when there is an update), add new bindings to `bindings.commands` (or use `:bind`) and leave this setting alone.
If you want to preserve default bindings (and get new bindings when there is an update), add new bindings to `bindings.commands` (or use `:bind`) and leave this setting alone.
- +pass:[caret]+:
* +pass:[$]+: +pass:[move-to-end-of-line]+
* +pass:[0]+: +pass:[move-to-start-of-line]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-Space>]+: +pass:[drop-selection]+
* +pass:[<Escape>]+: +pass:[leave-mode]+
* +pass:[<Return>]+: +pass:[yank selection]+
* +pass:[<Space>]+: +pass:[toggle-selection]+
* +pass:[G]+: +pass:[move-to-end-of-document]+
* +pass:[H]+: +pass:[scroll left]+
* +pass:[J]+: +pass:[scroll down]+
* +pass:[K]+: +pass:[scroll up]+
* +pass:[L]+: +pass:[scroll right]+
* +pass:[Y]+: +pass:[yank selection -s]+
* +pass:[[]+: +pass:[move-to-start-of-prev-block]+
* +pass:[]]+: +pass:[move-to-start-of-next-block]+
* +pass:[b]+: +pass:[move-to-prev-word]+
* +pass:[c]+: +pass:[enter-mode normal]+
* +pass:[e]+: +pass:[move-to-end-of-word]+
* +pass:[gg]+: +pass:[move-to-start-of-document]+
* +pass:[h]+: +pass:[move-to-prev-char]+
* +pass:[j]+: +pass:[move-to-next-line]+
* +pass:[k]+: +pass:[move-to-prev-line]+
* +pass:[l]+: +pass:[move-to-next-char]+
* +pass:[v]+: +pass:[toggle-selection]+
* +pass:[w]+: +pass:[move-to-next-word]+
* +pass:[y]+: +pass:[yank selection]+
* +pass:[{]+: +pass:[move-to-end-of-prev-block]+
* +pass:[}]+: +pass:[move-to-end-of-next-block]+
- +pass:[command]+:
* +pass:[<Alt-B>]+: +pass:[rl-backward-word]+
* +pass:[<Alt-Backspace>]+: +pass:[rl-backward-kill-word]+
* +pass:[<Alt-D>]+: +pass:[rl-kill-word]+
* +pass:[<Alt-F>]+: +pass:[rl-forward-word]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-?>]+: +pass:[rl-delete-char]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-A>]+: +pass:[rl-beginning-of-line]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-B>]+: +pass:[rl-backward-char]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-D>]+: +pass:[completion-item-del]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-E>]+: +pass:[rl-end-of-line]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-F>]+: +pass:[rl-forward-char]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-H>]+: +pass:[rl-backward-delete-char]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-K>]+: +pass:[rl-kill-line]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-N>]+: +pass:[command-history-next]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-P>]+: +pass:[command-history-prev]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-Shift-Tab>]+: +pass:[completion-item-focus prev-category]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-Tab>]+: +pass:[completion-item-focus next-category]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-U>]+: +pass:[rl-unix-line-discard]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-W>]+: +pass:[rl-unix-word-rubout]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-Y>]+: +pass:[rl-yank]+
* +pass:[<Down>]+: +pass:[completion-item-focus next]+
* +pass:[<Escape>]+: +pass:[leave-mode]+
* +pass:[<Return>]+: +pass:[command-accept]+
* +pass:[<Shift-Delete>]+: +pass:[completion-item-del]+
* +pass:[<Shift-Tab>]+: +pass:[completion-item-focus prev]+
* +pass:[<Tab>]+: +pass:[completion-item-focus next]+
* +pass:[<Up>]+: +pass:[completion-item-focus prev]+
- +pass:[hint]+:
* +pass:[<Ctrl-B>]+: +pass:[hint all tab-bg]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-F>]+: +pass:[hint links]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-R>]+: +pass:[hint --rapid links tab-bg]+
* +pass:[<Escape>]+: +pass:[leave-mode]+
* +pass:[<Return>]+: +pass:[follow-hint]+
- +pass:[insert]+:
* +pass:[<Ctrl-E>]+: +pass:[open-editor]+
* +pass:[<Escape>]+: +pass:[leave-mode]+
* +pass:[<Shift-Ins>]+: +pass:[insert-text {primary}]+
- +pass:[normal]+:
* +pass:[']+: +pass:[enter-mode jump_mark]+
* +pass:[+]+: +pass:[zoom-in]+
* +pass:[-]+: +pass:[zoom-out]+
* +pass:[.]+: +pass:[repeat-command]+
* +pass:[/]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text /]+
* +pass:[:]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text :]+
* +pass:[;I]+: +pass:[hint images tab]+
* +pass:[;O]+: +pass:[hint links fill :open -t -i {hint-url}]+
* +pass:[;R]+: +pass:[hint --rapid links window]+
* +pass:[;Y]+: +pass:[hint links yank-primary]+
* +pass:[;b]+: +pass:[hint all tab-bg]+
* +pass:[;d]+: +pass:[hint links download]+
* +pass:[;f]+: +pass:[hint all tab-fg]+
* +pass:[;h]+: +pass:[hint all hover]+
* +pass:[;i]+: +pass:[hint images]+
* +pass:[;o]+: +pass:[hint links fill :open {hint-url}]+
* +pass:[;r]+: +pass:[hint --rapid links tab-bg]+
* +pass:[;t]+: +pass:[hint inputs]+
* +pass:[;y]+: +pass:[hint links yank]+
* +pass:[<Alt-1>]+: +pass:[tab-focus 1]+
* +pass:[<Alt-2>]+: +pass:[tab-focus 2]+
* +pass:[<Alt-3>]+: +pass:[tab-focus 3]+
* +pass:[<Alt-4>]+: +pass:[tab-focus 4]+
* +pass:[<Alt-5>]+: +pass:[tab-focus 5]+
* +pass:[<Alt-6>]+: +pass:[tab-focus 6]+
* +pass:[<Alt-7>]+: +pass:[tab-focus 7]+
* +pass:[<Alt-8>]+: +pass:[tab-focus 8]+
* +pass:[<Alt-9>]+: +pass:[tab-focus -1]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-A>]+: +pass:[navigate increment]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-Alt-p>]+: +pass:[print]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-B>]+: +pass:[scroll-page 0 -1]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-D>]+: +pass:[scroll-page 0 0.5]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-F5>]+: +pass:[reload -f]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-F>]+: +pass:[scroll-page 0 1]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-N>]+: +pass:[open -w]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-PgDown>]+: +pass:[tab-next]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-PgUp>]+: +pass:[tab-prev]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-Q>]+: +pass:[quit]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-Return>]+: +pass:[follow-selected -t]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-Shift-T>]+: +pass:[undo]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-T>]+: +pass:[open -t]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-Tab>]+: +pass:[tab-focus last]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-U>]+: +pass:[scroll-page 0 -0.5]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-V>]+: +pass:[enter-mode passthrough]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-W>]+: +pass:[tab-close]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-X>]+: +pass:[navigate decrement]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-^>]+: +pass:[tab-focus last]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-h>]+: +pass:[home]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-p>]+: +pass:[tab-pin]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-s>]+: +pass:[stop]+
* +pass:[<Escape>]+: +pass:[clear-keychain ;; search ;; fullscreen --leave]+
* +pass:[<F11>]+: +pass:[fullscreen]+
* +pass:[<F5>]+: +pass:[reload]+
* +pass:[<Return>]+: +pass:[follow-selected]+
* +pass:[<back>]+: +pass:[back]+
* +pass:[<forward>]+: +pass:[forward]+
* +pass:[=]+: +pass:[zoom]+
* +pass:[?]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text ?]+
* +pass:[@]+: +pass:[run-macro]+
* +pass:[B]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load -t]+
* +pass:[D]+: +pass:[tab-close -o]+
* +pass:[F]+: +pass:[hint all tab]+
* +pass:[G]+: +pass:[scroll-perc]+
* +pass:[H]+: +pass:[back]+
* +pass:[J]+: +pass:[tab-next]+
* +pass:[K]+: +pass:[tab-prev]+
* +pass:[L]+: +pass:[forward]+
* +pass:[M]+: +pass:[bookmark-add]+
* +pass:[N]+: +pass:[search-prev]+
* +pass:[O]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :open -t]+
* +pass:[PP]+: +pass:[open -t -- {primary}]+
* +pass:[Pp]+: +pass:[open -t -- {clipboard}]+
* +pass:[R]+: +pass:[reload -f]+
* +pass:[Ss]+: +pass:[open qute://settings]+
* +pass:[T]+: +pass:[tab-focus]+
* +pass:[ZQ]+: +pass:[quit]+
* +pass:[ZZ]+: +pass:[wq]+
* +pass:[[[]+: +pass:[navigate prev]+
* +pass:[]]]+: +pass:[navigate next]+
* +pass:[`]+: +pass:[enter-mode set_mark]+
* +pass:[ad]+: +pass:[download-cancel]+
* +pass:[b]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load]+
* +pass:[cd]+: +pass:[download-clear]+
* +pass:[co]+: +pass:[tab-only]+
* +pass:[d]+: +pass:[tab-close]+
* +pass:[f]+: +pass:[hint]+
* +pass:[g$]+: +pass:[tab-focus -1]+
* +pass:[g0]+: +pass:[tab-focus 1]+
* +pass:[gB]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load -t]+
* +pass:[gC]+: +pass:[tab-clone]+
* +pass:[gO]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text :open -t -i {url:pretty}]+
* +pass:[gU]+: +pass:[navigate up -t]+
* +pass:[g^]+: +pass:[tab-focus 1]+
* +pass:[ga]+: +pass:[open -t]+
* +pass:[gb]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load]+
* +pass:[gd]+: +pass:[download]+
* +pass:[gf]+: +pass:[view-source]+
* +pass:[gg]+: +pass:[scroll-perc 0]+
* +pass:[gl]+: +pass:[tab-move -]+
* +pass:[gm]+: +pass:[tab-move]+
* +pass:[go]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text :open {url:pretty}]+
* +pass:[gr]+: +pass:[tab-move +]+
* +pass:[gt]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :buffer]+
* +pass:[gu]+: +pass:[navigate up]+
* +pass:[h]+: +pass:[scroll left]+
* +pass:[i]+: +pass:[enter-mode insert]+
* +pass:[j]+: +pass:[scroll down]+
* +pass:[k]+: +pass:[scroll up]+
* +pass:[l]+: +pass:[scroll right]+
* +pass:[m]+: +pass:[quickmark-save]+
* +pass:[n]+: +pass:[search-next]+
* +pass:[o]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :open]+
* +pass:[pP]+: +pass:[open -- {primary}]+
* +pass:[pp]+: +pass:[open -- {clipboard}]+
* +pass:[q]+: +pass:[record-macro]+
* +pass:[r]+: +pass:[reload]+
* +pass:[sf]+: +pass:[save]+
* +pass:[sk]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :bind]+
* +pass:[sl]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :set -t]+
* +pass:[ss]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :set]+
* +pass:[th]+: +pass:[back -t]+
* +pass:[tl]+: +pass:[forward -t]+
* +pass:[u]+: +pass:[undo]+
* +pass:[v]+: +pass:[enter-mode caret]+
* +pass:[wB]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load -w]+
* +pass:[wO]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text :open -w {url:pretty}]+
* +pass:[wP]+: +pass:[open -w -- {primary}]+
* +pass:[wb]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load -w]+
* +pass:[wf]+: +pass:[hint all window]+
* +pass:[wh]+: +pass:[back -w]+
* +pass:[wi]+: +pass:[inspector]+
* +pass:[wl]+: +pass:[forward -w]+
* +pass:[wo]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :open -w]+
* +pass:[wp]+: +pass:[open -w -- {clipboard}]+
* +pass:[xO]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text :open -b -i {url:pretty}]+
* +pass:[xo]+: +pass:[set-cmd-text -s :open -b]+
* +pass:[yD]+: +pass:[yank domain -s]+
* +pass:[yP]+: +pass:[yank pretty-url -s]+
* +pass:[yT]+: +pass:[yank title -s]+
* +pass:[yY]+: +pass:[yank -s]+
* +pass:[yd]+: +pass:[yank domain]+
* +pass:[yp]+: +pass:[yank pretty-url]+
* +pass:[yt]+: +pass:[yank title]+
* +pass:[yy]+: +pass:[yank]+
* +pass:[{{]+: +pass:[navigate prev -t]+
* +pass:[}}]+: +pass:[navigate next -t]+
- +pass:[passthrough]+:
* +pass:[<Ctrl-V>]+: +pass:[leave-mode]+
- +pass:[prompt]+:
* +pass:[<Alt-B>]+: +pass:[rl-backward-word]+
* +pass:[<Alt-Backspace>]+: +pass:[rl-backward-kill-word]+
* +pass:[<Alt-D>]+: +pass:[rl-kill-word]+
* +pass:[<Alt-F>]+: +pass:[rl-forward-word]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-?>]+: +pass:[rl-delete-char]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-A>]+: +pass:[rl-beginning-of-line]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-B>]+: +pass:[rl-backward-char]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-E>]+: +pass:[rl-end-of-line]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-F>]+: +pass:[rl-forward-char]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-H>]+: +pass:[rl-backward-delete-char]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-K>]+: +pass:[rl-kill-line]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-U>]+: +pass:[rl-unix-line-discard]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-W>]+: +pass:[rl-unix-word-rubout]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-X>]+: +pass:[prompt-open-download]+
* +pass:[<Ctrl-Y>]+: +pass:[rl-yank]+
* +pass:[<Down>]+: +pass:[prompt-item-focus next]+
* +pass:[<Escape>]+: +pass:[leave-mode]+
* +pass:[<Return>]+: +pass:[prompt-accept]+
* +pass:[<Shift-Tab>]+: +pass:[prompt-item-focus prev]+
* +pass:[<Tab>]+: +pass:[prompt-item-focus next]+
* +pass:[<Up>]+: +pass:[prompt-item-focus prev]+
* +pass:[n]+: +pass:[prompt-accept no]+
* +pass:[y]+: +pass:[prompt-accept yes]+
- +pass:[register]+:
* +pass:[<Escape>]+: +pass:[leave-mode]+
== bindings.key_mappings
== bindings.key_mappings
@ -350,7 +604,16 @@ This setting can be used to map keys to other keys.
When the key used as dictionary-key is pressed, the binding for the key used as dictionary-value is invoked instead.
When the key used as dictionary-key is pressed, the binding for the key used as dictionary-value is invoked instead.
This is useful for global remappings of keys, for example to map Ctrl-[ to Escape.
This is useful for global remappings of keys, for example to map Ctrl-[ to Escape.
Default: +pass:[{"<Ctrl-[>": "<Escape>", "<Ctrl-6>": "<Ctrl-^>", "<Ctrl-M>": "<Return>", "<Ctrl-J>": "<Return>", "<Shift-Return>": "<Return>", "<Enter>": "<Return>", "<Shift-Enter>": "<Return>", "<Ctrl-Enter>": "<Ctrl-Return>"}]+
- +pass:[<Ctrl-6>]+: +pass:[<Ctrl-^>]+
- +pass:[<Ctrl-Enter>]+: +pass:[<Ctrl-Return>]+
- +pass:[<Ctrl-J>]+: +pass:[<Return>]+
- +pass:[<Ctrl-M>]+: +pass:[<Return>]+
- +pass:[<Ctrl-[>]+: +pass:[<Escape>]+
- +pass:[<Enter>]+: +pass:[<Return>]+
- +pass:[<Shift-Enter>]+: +pass:[<Return>]+
- +pass:[<Shift-Return>]+: +pass:[<Return>]+
@ -913,7 +1176,9 @@ Valid values:
* +downloads+: Show a confirmation if downloads are running
* +downloads+: Show a confirmation if downloads are running
* +never+: Never show a confirmation.
* +never+: Never show a confirmation.
Default: +pass:[["never"]]+
- +pass:[never]+
== content.cache.appcache
== content.cache.appcache
@ -1100,7 +1365,13 @@ The file can be in one of the following formats:
`hosts` (with any extension).
`hosts` (with any extension).
Default: +pass:[["", "", "", "", ""]]+
- +pass:[]+
- +pass:[]+
- +pass:[]+
- +pass:[]+
- +pass:[]+
== content.host_blocking.whitelist
== content.host_blocking.whitelist
@ -1108,7 +1379,9 @@ List of domains that should always be loaded, despite being ad-blocked.
Domains may contain * and ? wildcards and are otherwise required to exactly match the requested domain.
Domains may contain * and ? wildcards and are otherwise required to exactly match the requested domain.
Local domains are always exempt from hostblocking.
Local domains are always exempt from hostblocking.
Default: +pass:[[""]]+
- +pass:[]+
== content.hyperlink_auditing
== content.hyperlink_auditing
@ -1478,7 +1751,11 @@ Default: +pass:[-1]+
The editor (and arguments) to use for the `open-editor` command.
The editor (and arguments) to use for the `open-editor` command.
`{}` gets replaced by the filename of the file to be edited.
`{}` gets replaced by the filename of the file to be edited.
Default: +pass:[["gvim", "-f", "{}"]]+
- +pass:[gvim]+
- +pass:[-f]+
- +pass:[{}]+
== editor.encoding
== editor.encoding
@ -1706,13 +1983,26 @@ Default: +pass:[letter]+
== hints.next_regexes
== hints.next_regexes
A comma-separated list of regexes to use for 'next' links.
A comma-separated list of regexes to use for 'next' links.
Default: +pass:[["\\bnext\\b", "\\bmore\\b", "\\bnewer\\b", "\\b[>\u2192\u226b]\\b", "\\b(>>|\u00bb)\\b", "\\bcontinue\\b"]]+
- +pass:[\bnext\b]+
- +pass:[\bmore\b]+
- +pass:[\bnewer\b]+
- +pass:[\b[>→≫]\b]+
- +pass:[\b(>>|»)\b]+
- +pass:[\bcontinue\b]+
== hints.prev_regexes
== hints.prev_regexes
A comma-separated list of regexes to use for 'prev' links.
A comma-separated list of regexes to use for 'prev' links.
Default: +pass:[["\\bprev(ious)?\\b", "\\bback\\b", "\\bolder\\b", "\\b[<\u2190\u226a]\\b", "\\b(<<|\u00ab)\\b"]]+
- +pass:[\bprev(ious)?\b]+
- +pass:[\bback\b]+
- +pass:[\bolder\b]+
- +pass:[\b[<←≪]\b]+
- +pass:[\b(<<|«)\b]+
== hints.scatter
== hints.scatter
@ -1973,7 +2263,12 @@ Default: empty
== statusbar.padding
== statusbar.padding
Padding for the statusbar.
Padding for the statusbar.
Default: +pass:[{"top": 1, "bottom": 1, "left": 0, "right": 0}]+
- +pass:[bottom]+: +pass:[1]+
- +pass:[left]+: empty
- +pass:[right]+: empty
- +pass:[top]+: +pass:[1]+
== statusbar.position
== statusbar.position
@ -2031,7 +2326,12 @@ Default: +pass:[true]+
== tabs.indicator_padding
== tabs.indicator_padding
Padding for tab indicators
Padding for tab indicators
Default: +pass:[{"top": 2, "bottom": 2, "left": 0, "right": 4}]+
- +pass:[bottom]+: +pass:[2]+
- +pass:[left]+: empty
- +pass:[right]+: +pass:[4]+
- +pass:[top]+: +pass:[2]+
== tabs.last_close
== tabs.last_close
@ -2088,7 +2388,12 @@ Default: +pass:[last]+
== tabs.padding
== tabs.padding
Padding around text for tabs
Padding around text for tabs
Default: +pass:[{"top": 0, "bottom": 0, "left": 5, "right": 5}]+
- +pass:[bottom]+: empty
- +pass:[left]+: +pass:[5]+
- +pass:[right]+: +pass:[5]+
- +pass:[top]+: empty
== tabs.position
== tabs.position
@ -2241,26 +2546,40 @@ Valid values:
* +query+
* +query+
* +anchor+
* +anchor+
Default: +pass:[["path", "query"]]+
- +pass:[path]+
- +pass:[query]+
== url.searchengines
== url.searchengines
Definitions of search engines which can be used via the address bar.
Definitions of search engines which can be used via the address bar.
The searchengine named `DEFAULT` is used when `url.auto_search` is turned on and something else than a URL was entered to be opened. Other search engines can be used by prepending the search engine name to the search term, e.g. `:open google qutebrowser`. The string `{}` will be replaced by the search term, use `{{` and `}}` for literal `{`/`}` signs.
The searchengine named `DEFAULT` is used when `url.auto_search` is turned on and something else than a URL was entered to be opened. Other search engines can be used by prepending the search engine name to the search term, e.g. `:open google qutebrowser`. The string `{}` will be replaced by the search term, use `{{` and `}}` for literal `{`/`}` signs.
Default: +pass:[{"DEFAULT": "{}"}]+
- +pass:[DEFAULT]+: +pass:[{}]+
== url.start_pages
== url.start_pages
The page(s) to open at the start.
The page(s) to open at the start.
Default: +pass:[[""]]+
- +pass:[]+
== url.yank_ignored_parameters
== url.yank_ignored_parameters
The URL parameters to strip with `:yank url`.
The URL parameters to strip with `:yank url`.
Default: +pass:[["ref", "utm_source", "utm_medium", "utm_campaign", "utm_term", "utm_content"]]+
- +pass:[ref]+
- +pass:[utm_source]+
- +pass:[utm_medium]+
- +pass:[utm_campaign]+
- +pass:[utm_term]+
- +pass:[utm_content]+
== window.hide_wayland_decoration
== window.hide_wayland_decoration
@ -2301,7 +2620,24 @@ Default: +pass:[100%]+
== zoom.levels
== zoom.levels
The available zoom levels.
The available zoom levels.
Default: +pass:[["25%", "33%", "50%", "67%", "75%", "90%", "100%", "110%", "125%", "150%", "175%", "200%", "250%", "300%", "400%", "500%"]]+
- +pass:[25%]+
- +pass:[33%]+
- +pass:[50%]+
- +pass:[67%]+
- +pass:[75%]+
- +pass:[90%]+
- +pass:[100%]+
- +pass:[110%]+
- +pass:[125%]+
- +pass:[150%]+
- +pass:[175%]+
- +pass:[200%]+
- +pass:[250%]+
- +pass:[300%]+
- +pass:[400%]+
- +pass:[500%]+
== zoom.mouse_divider
== zoom.mouse_divider
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ Config types can do different conversations:
# FIXME:conf show the type docstrings in the documentation
# FIXME:conf show the type docstrings in the documentation
import re
import re
import html
import shlex
import shlex
import codecs
import codecs
import os.path
import os.path
@ -250,6 +251,15 @@ class BaseType:
assert isinstance(value, str), value
assert isinstance(value, str), value
return value
return value
def to_doc(self, value, indent=0):
"""Get a string with the given value for the documentation.
This currently uses asciidoc syntax.
if not value:
return 'empty'
return '+pass:[{}]+'.format(html.escape(self.to_str(value)))
def complete(self):
def complete(self):
"""Return a list of possible values for completion.
"""Return a list of possible values for completion.
@ -443,6 +453,21 @@ class List(BaseType):
return ''
return ''
return json.dumps(value)
return json.dumps(value)
def to_doc(self, value, indent=0):
if not value:
return 'empty'
# Might work, but untested
assert not isinstance(self.valtype, (Dict, List)), self.valtype
lines = ['\n']
prefix = '-' if not indent else '*' * indent
for elem in value:
lines.append('{} {}'.format(
self.valtype.to_doc(elem, indent=indent+1)))
return '\n'.join(lines)
class FlagList(List):
class FlagList(List):
@ -1117,6 +1142,19 @@ class Dict(BaseType):
return ''
return ''
return json.dumps(value)
return json.dumps(value)
def to_doc(self, value, indent=0):
if not value:
return 'empty'
lines = ['\n']
prefix = '-' if not indent else '*' * indent
for key, val in sorted(value.items()):
lines += ('{} {}: {}'.format(
self.valtype.to_doc(val, indent=indent+1),
return '\n'.join(line.rstrip(' ') for line in lines)
class File(BaseType):
class File(BaseType):
@ -401,15 +401,7 @@ def _generate_setting_option(f, opt):
f.write(" * +{}+".format(val) + "\n")
f.write(" * +{}+".format(val) + "\n")
if == 'bindings.default':
f.write("Default: {}\n".format(opt.typ.to_doc(opt.default)))
# FIXME:conf
elif opt.default:
f.write("Default: +pass:[{}]+\n".format(html.escape(
f.write("Default: empty\n")
_generate_setting_backend_info(f, opt)
_generate_setting_backend_info(f, opt)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ class TestBaseType:
basetype.valid_values = configtypes.ValidValues('foo')
basetype.valid_values = configtypes.ValidValues('foo')
assert basetype.get_valid_values() is basetype.valid_values
assert basetype.get_valid_values() is basetype.valid_values
@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [
('hello', '+pass:[hello]+'),
('', 'empty'),
('<', '+pass:[<]+'),
def test_to_doc(self, klass, value, expected):
assert klass().to_doc(value) == expected
class MappingSubclass(configtypes.MappingType):
class MappingSubclass(configtypes.MappingType):
@ -599,6 +607,24 @@ class TestList:
expected = '' if not val else text
expected = '' if not val else text
assert typ.to_str(converted) == expected
assert typ.to_str(converted) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('val, expected', [
# simple list
(['foo', 'bar'], '\n\n- +pass:[foo]+\n- +pass:[bar]+'),
# empty
([], 'empty'),
def test_to_doc(self, klass, val, expected):
doc = klass().to_doc(val)
assert doc == expected
def test_to_doc_unimplemented(self):
"""List.to_doc with another Dict/List is not implemented."""
valtype = configtypes.List(valtype=configtypes.String())
typ = configtypes.List(valtype=valtype)
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
class TestFlagList:
class TestFlagList:
@ -687,6 +713,9 @@ class TestBool:
def test_to_str(self, klass, val, expected):
def test_to_str(self, klass, val, expected):
assert klass().to_str(val) == expected
assert klass().to_str(val) == expected
def test_to_doc(self, klass):
assert klass().to_doc(True) == '+pass:[true]+'
class TestBoolAsk:
class TestBoolAsk:
@ -1503,6 +1532,24 @@ class TestDict:
assert d.to_str(converted) == '' if not val else text
assert d.to_str(converted) == '' if not val else text
@pytest.mark.parametrize('valtype, val, expected', [
# simple dict
(configtypes.String(), {'foo': 'bar'},
'\n\n- +pass:[foo]+: +pass:[bar]+'),
# dict as value
{'foo': {'bar': 'baz'}},
'\n\n- +pass:[foo]+:\n\n* +pass:[bar]+: +pass:[baz]+'),
# empty
(configtypes.String(), {}, 'empty'),
def test_to_doc(self, klass, valtype, val, expected):
typ = klass(keytype=configtypes.String(), valtype=valtype)
doc = typ.to_doc(val)
assert doc == expected
def unrequired_class(**kwargs):
def unrequired_class(**kwargs):
return configtypes.File(required=False, **kwargs)
return configtypes.File(required=False, **kwargs)
Reference in New Issue
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