Make vars declarative, new function for URL lists

This commit is contained in:
Jan Verbeek 2016-08-09 16:20:02 +02:00
parent 8e4733f483
commit 7e634a1e52
2 changed files with 42 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ class CommandDispatcher:
clicking on a link).
count: The tab index to open the URL in, or None.
force_search = False
if url is None:
if tab or bg or window:
urls = [config.get('general', 'default-page')]
@ -255,15 +254,7 @@ class CommandDispatcher:
raise cmdexc.CommandError("No URL given, but -t/-b/-w is not "
urllist = [u for u in url.split('\n') if u.strip()]
if (len(urllist) > 1 and
any(not urlutils.is_url(u) and
urlutils.get_path_if_valid(u, check_exists=True)
is None for u in urllist)):
urllist = [url]
force_search = True
urls = [x for x in [self._parse_url(u, force_search=force_search)
for u in urllist] if x is not None]
urls = self._parse_url_input(url)
for i, cur_url in enumerate(urls):
if not window and i > 0:
tab = False
@ -277,10 +268,13 @@ class CommandDispatcher:
# We want to open a URL in the current tab, but none
# exists yet.
# Explicit count with a tab that doesn't exist.
def _parse_url(self, url, force_search=False):
def _parse_url(self, url, *, force_search=False):
"""Parse a URL or quickmark or search query.
@ -299,8 +293,27 @@ class CommandDispatcher:
# We don't use cmdexc.CommandError here as this can be
# called async from edit_url
message.error(self._win_id, str(e))
return None
def _parse_url_input(self, url):
"""Parse a URL or newline-separated list of URLs.
url: The URL or list to parse.
A list of URLs that can be opened."""
force_search = False
urllist = [u for u in url.split('\n') if u.strip()]
if (len(urllist) > 1 and not urlutils.is_url(urllist[0]) and
urlutils.get_path_if_valid(urllist[0], check_exists=True)
is None):
urllist = [url]
force_search = True
for cur_url in urllist:
parsed = self._parse_url(cur_url, force_search=force_search)
if parsed is not None:
yield parsed
@cmdutils.register(instance='command-dispatcher', name='reload',

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@ -49,31 +49,29 @@ def _current_url(tabbed_browser):
def replace_variables(win_id, arglist):
"""Utility function to replace variables like {url} in a list of args."""
variables = {
'{url}': lambda: _current_url(tabbed_browser).toString(
QUrl.FullyEncoded | QUrl.RemovePassword),
'{url:pretty}': lambda: _current_url(tabbed_browser).toString(
'{clipboard}': utils.get_clipboard,
'{primary}': lambda: utils.get_clipboard(selection=True),
values = {}
args = []
tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window',
if any('{url}' in arg for arg in arglist):
url = _current_url(tabbed_browser).toString(QUrl.FullyEncoded |
if any('{url:pretty}' in arg for arg in arglist):
pretty_url = _current_url(tabbed_browser).toString(QUrl.RemovePassword)
if any('{clipboard}' in arg for arg in arglist):
clipboard = utils.get_clipboard()
if any('{primary}' in arg for arg in arglist):
primary = utils.get_clipboard(selection=True)
for arg in arglist:
for var, func in variables.items():
if var in arg:
if var not in values:
values[var] = func()
arg = arg.replace(var, values[var])
except utils.ClipboardEmptyError as e:
raise cmdexc.CommandError(e)
for arg in arglist:
if '{url}' in arg:
arg = arg.replace('{url}', url)
if '{url:pretty}' in arg:
arg = arg.replace('{url:pretty}', pretty_url)
if '{clipboard}' in arg:
arg = arg.replace('{clipboard}', clipboard)
if '{primary}' in arg:
arg = arg.replace('{primary}', primary)
return args