Replace some tests with a generic host blocking list
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,23 +32,25 @@ from qutebrowser.browser import adblock
from qutebrowser.utils import objreg
from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc
BLOCKED_HOSTS = ['localhost',
URLS_TO_CHECK = ('http://localhost',
def data_tmpdir(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
@ -110,23 +112,31 @@ def download_stub(win_registry):
def create_zipfile(files, directory):
def create_zipfile(files, directory, zipname='test'):
"""Returns a zipfile populated with given files and its name."""
directory = str(directory)
zipfile_path = os.path.join(directory, '')
zipfile_path = os.path.join(directory, zipname + '.zip')
with zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_path, 'w') as new_zipfile:
for file_name in files:
new_zipfile.write(file_name, arcname=os.path.basename(file_name))
# Removes path from file name
return new_zipfile, zipfile_path
def create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=BLOCKED_HOSTS, name='hosts'):
def create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=BLOCKED_HOSTS,
name='hosts', line_format=None):
"""Returns a QUrl instance linking to a file with given name in given
directory which contains a list of given blocked_hosts."""
blocklist = QUrl(os.path.join(str(directory), name))
with open(blocklist.path(), 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as hosts:
for path in blocked_hosts:
hosts.write(path + '\n')
hosts.write('# Blocked Hosts List #\n\n')
if line_format == 'etc_hosts':
for path in blocked_hosts:
hosts.write(' ' + path + '\n')
elif line_format == 'no_hosts':
hosts.write('This file is not a hosts file')
else: #one host per line format
for path in blocked_hosts:
hosts.write(path + '\n')
return blocklist
def assert_urls(host_blocker,
@ -136,7 +146,7 @@ def assert_urls(host_blocker,
"""Test if urls_to_check are effectively blocked or not by HostBlocker
Url in blocked_hosts and not in whitelisted_hosts should be blocked
All other Urls should not be blocked."""
whitelisted_hosts += list(host_blocker.WHITELISTED)
whitelisted_hosts = list(whitelisted_hosts) + list(host_blocker.WHITELISTED)
for str_url in urls_to_check:
url = QUrl(str_url)
host =
@ -150,14 +160,34 @@ class TestHostBlockerUpdate:
"""Tests for function adblock_update of class HostBlocker."""
def generic_blocklists(self, directory):
file1 = create_blocklist(directory, BLOCKED_HOSTS[5:], 'hosts', 'etc_hosts')
file2 = create_blocklist(directory, name='README', line_format='no_hosts')
file3 = create_blocklist(directory, BLOCKED_HOSTS[:2], 'false_positive')
files_to_zip = [file1.path(), file2.path(), file3.path()]
zip_path = create_zipfile(files_to_zip, directory, 'block1')[1]
remote_blocklist1 = QUrl(zip_path)
blocklist2 = create_blocklist(directory, [BLOCKED_HOSTS[4]], 'malwarelist', 'etc_hosts')
zip_path = create_zipfile([blocklist2.path()], directory, 'block2')[1]
remote_blocklist2 = QUrl(zip_path)
# A local list with one host per line
local_blocklist3 = create_blocklist(directory, [BLOCKED_HOSTS[3]], 'mycustomblocklist', 'etc_hosts')
# A list that cannot be read due to its formatting
remote_blocklist4 = create_blocklist(directory, [BLOCKED_HOSTS[2]], 'badlist', 'no_hosts')
return [remote_blocklist1, remote_blocklist2, local_blocklist3, remote_blocklist4]
def test_without_datadir(self, config_stub, tmpdir,
monkeypatch, win_registry):
"""No directory for data configured so no hosts file exists.
CommandError is raised by adblock_update
Ensure no url is blocked."""
blocklist = create_blocklist(tmpdir)
|||| = {'content':
{'host-block-lists': [blocklist],
{'host-block-lists': self.generic_blocklists(tmpdir),
'host-blocking-enabled': True}}
lambda: None)
@ -171,9 +201,8 @@ class TestHostBlockerUpdate:
def test_disabled_blocking(self, basedir, config_stub, download_stub,
data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
"""Ensure that no url is blocked when host blocking is disabled."""
blocklist = create_blocklist(tmpdir)
|||| = {'content':
{'host-block-lists': [blocklist],
{'host-block-lists': self.generic_blocklists(tmpdir),
'host-blocking-enabled': False}}
host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
@ -194,118 +223,170 @@ class TestHostBlockerUpdate:
for str_url in URLS_TO_CHECK:
assert not host_blocker.is_blocked(QUrl(str_url))
def test_remote_text(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
"""Update with single fakely remote text blocklist.
Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked."""
blocklist = create_blocklist(tmpdir)
def test_successful_update(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
|||| = {'content':
{'host-block-lists': [blocklist],
{'host-block-lists': self.generic_blocklists(tmpdir),
'host-blocking-enabled': True,
'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
# Simulate download is finished
# XXX Is it ok to use private attribute hostblocker._in_progress ?
while host_blocker._in_progress != []:
assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
assert_urls(host_blocker, BLOCKED_HOSTS[3:], whitelisted_hosts=[])
def test_remote_zip_single(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
"""Update with single fakely remote zip containing one blocklist file.
Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked."""
blocklist = create_blocklist(tmpdir)
zip_url = QUrl(create_zipfile([blocklist.path()], tmpdir)[1])
|||| = {'content':
{'host-block-lists': [zip_url],
'host-blocking-enabled': True,
'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
# def test_remote_text(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
# data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
# """Update with single fakely remote text blocklist.
# Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked."""
# blocklist = create_blocklist(tmpdir)
# = {'content':
# {'host-block-lists': [blocklist],
# 'host-blocking-enabled': True,
# 'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
# host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
# host_blocker.adblock_update(0)
# # Simulate download is finished
# # XXX Is it ok to use private attribute hostblocker._in_progress ?
# host_blocker._in_progress[0].finished.emit()
# host_blocker.read_hosts()
# assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
# FIXME adblock.guess_zip_filename should raise FileNotFound Error
# as no files in the zip are called hosts
def test_remote_zip_multi1(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
"""Update with single fakely remote zip containing two files.
None of them is called hosts, FileNotFoundError should be raised."""
file1 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, name='file1.txt')
file2_hosts = ['', '']
file2 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, file2_hosts, name='file2.txt')
files_to_zip = [file1.path(), file2.path()]
zip_path = create_zipfile(files_to_zip, tmpdir)[1]
zip_url = QUrl(zip_path)
|||| = {'content':
{'host-block-lists': [zip_url],
'host-blocking-enabled': True,
'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
#with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
for str_url in URLS_TO_CHECK:
assert not host_blocker.is_blocked(QUrl(str_url))
# def test_remote_zip_single(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
# data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
# """Update with single fakely remote zip containing one blocklist file.
# Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked."""
# blocklist = create_blocklist(tmpdir)
# zip_url = QUrl(create_zipfile([blocklist.path()], tmpdir)[1])
# = {'content':
# {'host-block-lists': [zip_url],
# 'host-blocking-enabled': True,
# 'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
# host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
# host_blocker.adblock_update(0)
# host_blocker._in_progress[0].finished.emit()
# host_blocker.read_hosts()
# assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
def test_remote_zip_multi2(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
"""Update with single fakely remote zip containing two files.
One of them is called hosts and should be used as blocklist.
Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked
and the hosts from the other file are not."""
file1 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, name='hosts.txt')
file2_hosts = ['', '']
file2 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, file2_hosts, name='file2.txt')
files_to_zip = [file1.path(), file2.path()]
zip_path = create_zipfile(files_to_zip, tmpdir)[1]
zip_url = QUrl(zip_path)
|||| = {'content':
{'host-block-lists': [zip_url],
'host-blocking-enabled': True,
'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
# # FIXME adblock.guess_zip_filename should raise FileNotFound Error
# # as no files in the zip are called hosts
# def test_remote_zip_multi1(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
# data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
# """Update with single fakely remote zip containing two files.
# None of them is called hosts, FileNotFoundError should be raised."""
# file1 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, name='file1.txt')
# file2_hosts = ['', '']
# file2 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, file2_hosts, name='file2.txt')
# files_to_zip = [file1.path(), file2.path()]
# zip_path = create_zipfile(files_to_zip, tmpdir)[1]
# zip_url = QUrl(zip_path)
# = {'content':
# {'host-block-lists': [zip_url],
# 'host-blocking-enabled': True,
# 'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
# host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
# #with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
# host_blocker.adblock_update(0)
# host_blocker._in_progress[0].finished.emit()
# host_blocker.read_hosts()
# for str_url in URLS_TO_CHECK:
# assert not host_blocker.is_blocked(QUrl(str_url))
def test_local_text(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
"""Update with single local text blocklist.
Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked."""
blocklist = create_blocklist(tmpdir)
# def test_remote_zip_multi2(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
# data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
# """Update with single fakely remote zip containing two files.
# One of them is called hosts and should be used as blocklist.
# Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked
# and the hosts from the other file are not."""
# file1 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, name='hosts.txt')
# file2_hosts = ['', '']
# file2 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, file2_hosts, name='file2.txt')
# files_to_zip = [file1.path(), file2.path()]
# zip_path = create_zipfile(files_to_zip, tmpdir)[1]
# zip_url = QUrl(zip_path)
# = {'content':
# {'host-block-lists': [zip_url],
# 'host-blocking-enabled': True,
# 'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
# host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
# host_blocker.adblock_update(0)
# host_blocker._in_progress[0].finished.emit()
# host_blocker.read_hosts()
# assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
# def test_local_text(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
# data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
# """Update with single local text blocklist.
# Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked."""
# blocklist = create_blocklist(tmpdir)
# blocklist.setScheme("file")
# = {'content':
# {'host-block-lists': [blocklist],
# 'host-blocking-enabled': True,
# 'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
# host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
# host_blocker.adblock_update(0)
# host_blocker.read_hosts()
# assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
# def test_local_zip_single(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
# data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
# """Update with single local zip containing one file.
# Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked."""
# blocklist = create_blocklist(tmpdir)
# zip_url = QUrl(create_zipfile([blocklist.path()], tmpdir)[1])
# zip_url.setScheme('file')
# = {'content':
# {'host-block-lists': [zip_url],
# 'host-blocking-enabled': True,
# 'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
# host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
# host_blocker.adblock_update(0)
# host_blocker.read_hosts()
# assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
# def test_local_zip_multi(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
# data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
# """Update with single local zip containing two files.
# One of them is called hosts and should be used as blocklist.
# Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked
# and the hosts from the other file are not."""
# file1 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, name='hosts.txt')
# file2_hosts = ['', '']
# file2 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, file2_hosts, name='file2.txt')
# files_to_zip = [file1.path(), file2.path()]
# zip_path = create_zipfile(files_to_zip, tmpdir)[1]
# zip_url = QUrl(zip_path)
# zip_url.setScheme('file')
# = {'content':
# {'host-block-lists': [zip_url],
# 'host-blocking-enabled': True,
# 'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
# host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
# host_blocker.adblock_update(0)
# host_blocker.read_hosts()
# assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
class TestHostBlockerIsBlocked:
"""Tests for function adblock_update of class HostBlocker."""
def test_with_whitelist(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
# Simulate adblock_update has already been run,
# exclude localhost from blocked-hosts file
filtered_blocked_hosts = BLOCKED_HOSTS[:-1]
blocklist = create_blocklist(tmpdir,
|||| = {'content':
{'host-block-lists': [blocklist],
'host-blocking-enabled': True,
'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
'host-blocking-whitelist': WHITELISTED_HOSTS}}
host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
def test_local_zip_multi(self, config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry):
"""Update with single local zip containing two files.
One of them is called hosts and should be used as blocklist.
Ensure urls from hosts in this blocklist get blocked
and the hosts from the other file are not."""
file1 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, name='hosts.txt')
file2_hosts = ['', '']
file2 = create_blocklist(tmpdir, file2_hosts, name='file2.txt')
files_to_zip = [file1.path(), file2.path()]
zip_path = create_zipfile(files_to_zip, tmpdir)[1]
zip_url = QUrl(zip_path)
|||| = {'content':
{'host-block-lists': [zip_url],
'host-blocking-enabled': True,
'host-blocking-whitelist': None}}
host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted_hosts=[])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user