Merge branch 'pretty_url_2' of into forkbong-pretty_url_2

This commit is contained in:
Florian Bruhin 2016-04-20 20:56:24 +02:00
commit 6a6285495a
5 changed files with 47 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -974,8 +974,10 @@ class CommandDispatcher:
def spawn(self, cmdline, userscript=False, verbose=False, detach=False):
"""Spawn a command in a shell.
Note the {url} variable which gets replaced by the current URL might be
useful here.
Note the `{url}` and `{url:pretty}` variables might be useful here.
`{url}` gets replaced by the URL in fully encoded format and
`{url:pretty}` uses a "pretty form" with most percent-encoded
characters decoded.
userscript: Run the command as a userscript. You can use an

View File

@ -33,24 +33,33 @@ ParseResult = collections.namedtuple('ParseResult', ['cmd', 'args', 'cmdline',
def _current_url(tabbed_browser):
"""Convenience method to get the current url."""
return tabbed_browser.current_url()
except qtutils.QtValueError as e:
msg = "Current URL is invalid"
if e.reason:
msg += " ({})".format(e.reason)
msg += "!"
raise cmdexc.CommandError(msg)
def replace_variables(win_id, arglist):
"""Utility function to replace variables like {url} in a list of args."""
args = []
tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window',
if '{url}' in arglist:
url = tabbed_browser.current_url().toString(QUrl.FullyEncoded |
except qtutils.QtValueError as e:
msg = "Current URL is invalid"
if e.reason:
msg += " ({})".format(e.reason)
msg += "!"
raise cmdexc.CommandError(msg)
url = _current_url(tabbed_browser).toString(QUrl.FullyEncoded |
if '{url:pretty}' in arglist:
pretty_url = _current_url(tabbed_browser).toString(QUrl.RemovePassword)
for arg in arglist:
if arg == '{url}':
elif arg == '{url:pretty}':
return args

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Test title</title>

View File

@ -276,10 +276,12 @@ def expect_message(quteproc, httpbin, category, message):
@bdd.then('(?P<is_regex>regex )?"(?P<pattern>[^"]+)" should '
r'be logged'))
def should_be_logged(quteproc, is_regex, pattern):
def should_be_logged(quteproc, httpbin, is_regex, pattern):
"""Expect the given pattern on regex in the log."""
if is_regex:
pattern = re.compile(pattern)
pattern = pattern.replace('(port)', str(httpbin.port))
line = quteproc.wait_for(message=pattern)
line.expected = True

View File

@ -16,9 +16,20 @@ Feature: :spawn
When I run :spawn echo {url}
Then "Executing echo with args ['about:blank'], userscript=False" should be logged
Scenario: Running :spawn with url variable in fully encoded format
When I open data/title with spaces.html
And I run :spawn echo {url}
Then "Executing echo with args ['http://localhost:(port)/data/title%20with%20spaces.html'], userscript=False" should be logged
Scenario: Running :spawn with url variable in pretty decoded format
When I open data/title with spaces.html
And I run :spawn echo {url:pretty}
Then "Executing echo with args ['http://localhost:(port)/data/title with spaces.html'], userscript=False" should be logged
Scenario: Running :spawn with userscript
When I execute the userscript open_current_url
When I open about:blank
And I execute the userscript open_current_url
And I wait until about:blank is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank