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+Frequently asked questions
+:title: Frequently asked questions
+The Compiler <mail@qutebrowser.org>
+What is qutebrowser based on?::
+    qutebrowser uses https://www.python.org/[Python], https://www.qt.io/[Qt] and
+    https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/intro[PyQt].
+The concept of it is largely inspired by https://bitbucket.org/portix/dwb/[dwb]
+and http://www.vimperator.org/vimperator[Vimperator]. Many actions and
+key bindings are similar to dwb.
+Why another browser?::
+    It might be hard to believe, but I didn't find any browser which I was
+    happy with, so I started to write my own. Also, I needed a project to get
+    into writing GUI applications with Python and
+    link:https://www.qt.io/[Qt]/link:https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/intro[PyQt].
+Read the next few questions to find out why I was unhappy with existing
+What's wrong with link:https://bitbucket.org/portix/dwb/[dwb]/link:https://sourceforge.net/projects/vimprobable/[vimprobable]/link:https://mason-larobina.github.io/luakit/[luakit]/jumanji/... (projects based on WebKitGTK)?::
+    Most of them are based on the https://webkitgtk.org/[WebKitGTK+]
+    https://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk/stable/index.html[WebKit1] API,
+    which causes a lot of crashes. As the GTK API using WebKit1 is
+    https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-gtk/2014-March/001821.html[deprecated],
+    these bugs are never going to be fixed.
+When qutebrowser was created, the newer
+https://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkit2gtk/stable/index.html[WebKit2 API] lacked
+basic features like proxy support, and almost no projects have started porting
+to WebKit2. In the meantime, this situation has improved a bit, but there are
+still only a few projects which have some kind of WebKit2 support (see the
+https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser#similar-projects[list of
+qutebrowser uses https://www.qt.io/[Qt] and
+https://wiki.qt.io/QtWebEngine[QtWebEngine] by default (and supports
+https://wiki.qt.io/QtWebKit[QtWebKit] optionally). QtWebEngine is based on
+Google's https://www.chromium.org/Home[Chromium]. With an up-to-date Qt, it has
+much more man-power behind it than WebKitGTK+ has, and thus supports more modern
+web features - it's also arguably more secure.
+What's wrong with https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/[Firefox] and link:http://bug.5digits.org/pentadactyl/[Pentadactyl]/link:http://www.vimperator.org/vimperator[Vimperator]?::
+    Firefox likes to break compatibility with addons on each upgrade, gets
+    slower and more bloated with every upgrade, and has some
+    https://blog.mozilla.org/advancingcontent/2014/02/11/publisher-transformation-with-users-at-the-center/[horrible
+    ideas] lately.
+Also, developing addons for it is a nightmare.
+What's wrong with https://www.chromium.org/Home[Chromium] and https://vimium.github.io/[Vimium]?::
+    The Chrome plugin API doesn't seem to allow much freedom for plugin
+    writers, which results in Vimium not really having all the features you'd
+    expect from a proper minimal, vim-like browser.
+Why Python?::
+    I enjoy writing Python since 2011, which made it one of the possible
+    choices. I wanted to use https://www.qt.io/[Qt] because of
+    https://wiki.qt.io/QtWebKit[QtWebKit] so I didn't have
+    https://wiki.qt.io/Category:LanguageBindings[many other choices]. I don't
+    like C++ and can't write it very well, so that wasn't an alternative.
+But isn't Python too slow for a browser?::
+    https://www.infoworld.com/d/application-development/van-rossum-python-not-too-slow-188715[No.]
+    I believe efficiency while coding is a lot more important than efficiency
+    while running. Also, most of the heavy lifting of qutebrowser is done by Qt
+    and WebKit in C++, with the
+    https://wiki.python.org/moin/GlobalInterpreterLock[GIL] released.
+Is qutebrowser secure?::
+    Most security issues are in the backend (which handles networking,
+    rendering, JavaScript, etc.) and not qutebrowser itself.
+qutebrowser uses https://wiki.qt.io/QtWebEngine[QtWebEngine] by default.
+QtWebEngine is based on Google's https://www.chromium.org/Home[Chromium]. While
+Qt only updates to a new Chromium release on every minor Qt release (all ~6
+months), every patch release backports security fixes from newer Chromium
+versions. In other words: As long as you're using an up-to-date Qt, you should
+be recieving security updates on a regular basis, without qutebrowser having to
+do anything. Chromium's process isolation and
+features are also enabled as a second line of defense.
+https://wiki.qt.io/QtWebKit[QtWebKit] is also supported as an alternative
+backend, but hasn't seen new releases
+https://github.com/annulen/webkit/releases[in a while]. It also doesn't have any
+process isolation or sandboxing. See
+https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/4039[#4039] for more details.
+Security issues in qutebrowser's code happen very rarely (as per July 2018,
+there have been three security issues caused by qutebrowser in over 4.5 years).
+Those were handled appropriately
+(http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2018/q3/29[example]) and fixed timely. To report
+security bugs, please contact me directly at mail@qutebrowser.org, GPG ID
+Is there an adblocker?::
+    There is a host-based adblocker which takes /etc/hosts-like lists. A "real"
+    adblocker has a
+    https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/25j41u/adblock_pluss_effect_on_firefoxs_memory_usage/chhpomw[big
+    impact] on browsing speed and
+    https://blog.mozilla.org/nnethercote/2014/05/14/adblock-pluss-effect-on-firefoxs-memory-usage/[RAM
+    usage], so implementing support for AdBlockPlus-like lists is currently not
+    a priority.
+How can I get No-Script-like behavior?::
+    To disable JavaScript by default:
+:set content.javascript.enabled false
+The basic command for enabling JavaScript for the current host is `tsh`.
+This will allow JavaScript execution for the current session.
+Use `S` instead of `s` to make the exception permanent.
+With `H` instead of `h`, subdomains are included.
+With `u` instead of `h`, only the current URL is whitelisted (not the whole host).
+How do I play Youtube videos with mpv?::
+    You can easily add a key binding to play youtube videos inside a real video
+    player - optionally even with hinting for links:
+:bind m spawn mpv {url}
+:bind M hint links spawn mpv {hint-url}
+Note that you might need an additional package (e.g.
+https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/any/youtube-dl/[youtube-dl] on
+Archlinux) to play web videos with mpv.
+There is a very useful script for mpv, which emulates "unique application"
+functionality. This way you can add links to the mpv playlist instead of
+playing them all at once.
+You can find the script here: https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/TOOLS/umpv
+It also works nicely with rapid hints:
+:bind m spawn umpv {url}
+:bind M hint links spawn umpv {hint-url}
+:bind ;M hint --rapid links spawn umpv {hint-url}
+How do I use qutebrowser with mutt?::
+    For security reasons, local files without `.html` extensions aren't
+    rendered as HTML, see
+    https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=777737[this Chromium issue]
+    for details. You can do this in your `mailcap` file to get a proper
+    extension:
+    text/html; qutebrowser %s; nametemplate=%s.html
+What is the difference between bookmarks and quickmarks?::
+    Bookmarks will always use the title of the website as their name, but with quickmarks
+    you can set your own title.
+For example, if you bookmark multiple food recipe websites and use `:open`,
+you have to type the title or address of the website.
+When using quickmark, you can give them all names, like
+`foodrecipes1`, `foodrecipes2` and so on. When you type
+`:open foodrecipes`, you will see a list of all the food recipe sites,
+without having to remember the exact website title or address.
+How do I use spell checking?::
+	Configuring spell checking in qutebrowser depends on the backend in use
+    (see https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/700[#700] for
+	a more detailed discussion).
+For QtWebKit:
+. Install https://github.com/QupZilla/qtwebkit-plugins[qtwebkit-plugins].
+  . Note: with QtWebKit reloaded you may experience some issues. See
+    https://github.com/QupZilla/qtwebkit-plugins/issues/10[#10].
+. The dictionary to use is taken from the `DICTIONARY` environment variable.
+  The default is `en_US`. For example to use Dutch spell check set `DICTIONARY`
+  to `nl_NL`; you can't use multiple dictionaries or change them at runtime at
+  the moment.
+  (also see the README file for `qtwebkit-plugins`).
+. Remember to install the hunspell dictionaries if you don't have them already
+  (most distros should have packages for this).
+For QtWebEngine:
+. Make sure your versions of PyQt and Qt are 5.8 or higher.
+. Use `dictcli.py` script to install dictionaries.
+  Run the script with `-h` for the parameter description.
+. Set `spellcheck.languages` to the desired list of languages, e.g.:
+  `:set spellcheck.languages "['en-US', 'pl-PL']"`
+How do I use Tor with qutebrowser?::
+    Start tor on your machine, and do `:set content.proxy socks://localhost:9050/`
+    in qutebrowser. Note this won't give you the same amount of fingerprinting
+    protection that the Tor Browser does, but it's useful to be able to access
+    `.onion` sites.
+Why does J move to the next (right) tab, and K to the previous (left) one?::
+    One reason is because https://bitbucket.org/portix/dwb[dwb] did it that way,
+    and qutebrowser's keybindings are designed to be compatible with dwb's.
+    The rationale behind it is that J is "down" in vim, and K is "up", which
+    corresponds nicely to "next"/"previous". It also makes much more sense with
+    vertical tabs (e.g. `:set tabs.position left`).
+What's the difference between insert and passthrough mode?::
+    They are quite similar, but insert mode has some bindings (like `Ctrl-e` to
+    open an editor) while passthrough mode only has escape bound. It might also
+    be useful to rebind escape to something else in passthrough mode only, to be
+    able to send an escape keypress to the website.
+Why does it take longer to open a URL in qutebrowser than in chromium?::
+    When opening a URL in an existing instance, the normal qutebrowser
+    Python script is started and a few PyQt libraries need to be
+    loaded until it is detected that there is an instance running
+    to which the URL is then passed. This takes some time.
+    One workaround is to use this
+    https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/blob/master/scripts/open_url_in_instance.sh[script]
+    and place it in your $PATH with the name "qutebrowser". This
+    script passes the URL via an unix socket to qutebrowser (if its
+    running already) using socat which is much faster and starts a new
+    qutebrowser if it is not running already. Also check if you want
+    to use webengine as backend in line 17 and change it to your
+    needs.
+How do I make qutebrowser use greasemonkey scripts?::
+    There is currently no UI elements to handle managing greasemonkey scripts.
+    All management of what scripts are installed or disabled is done in the
+    filesystem by you. qutebrowser reads all files that have an extension of
+    `.js` from the `<data>/greasemonkey/` folder and attempts to load them.
+    Where `<data>` is the qutebrowser data directory shown in the `Paths`
+    section of the page displayed by `:version`. If you want to disable a
+    script just rename it, for example, to have `.disabled` on the end, after
+    the `.js` extension. To reload scripts from that directory run the command
+    `:greasemonkey-reload`.
+Troubleshooting: to check that your script is being loaded when
+`:greasemonkey-reload` runs you can start qutebrowser with the arguments
+`--debug --logfilter greasemonkey,js` and check the messages on the
+program's standard output for errors parsing or loading your script.
+You may also see javascript errors if your script is expecting an environment
+that we fail to provide.
+Note that there are some missing features which you may run into:
+. Some scripts expect `GM_xmlhttpRequest` to ignore Cross Origin Resource
+  Sharing restrictions, this is currently not supported, so scripts making
+  requests to third party sites will often fail to function correctly.
+. If your backend is a QtWebEngine version 5.8, 5.9 or 5.10 then regular
+  expressions are not supported in `@include` or `@exclude` rules. If your
+  script uses them you can re-write them to use glob expressions or convert
+  them to `@match` rules.
+  See https://wiki.greasespot.net/Metadata_Block[the wiki] for more info.
+. Any greasemonkey API function to do with adding UI elements is not currently
+  supported. That means context menu extentensions and background pages.
+How do I change the `WM_CLASS` used by qutebrowser windows?::
+    Qt only supports setting `WM_CLASS` globally, which you can do by starting
+    with `--qt-arg name foo`. Note that all windows are part of the same
+    qutebrowser instance (unless you use `--temp-basedir` or `--basedir`), so
+    they all will share the same `WM_CLASS`.
+== Troubleshooting
+Unable to view flash content.::
+    If you have flash installed for on your system, it's necessary to enable plugins
+    to use the flash plugin. Using the command `:set content.plugins true`
+    in qutebrowser will enable plugins. Packages for flash should
+    be provided for your platform or it can be obtained from
+    https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/[Adobe].
+Experiencing freezing on sites like duckduckgo and youtube.::
+    This issue could be caused by stale plugin files installed by `mozplugger`
+    if mozplugger was subsequently removed.
+    Try exiting qutebrowser and removing `~/.mozilla/plugins/mozplugger*.so`.
+    See https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/357[Issue #357]
+    for more details.
+When using QtWebEngine, qutebrowser reports "Render Process Crashed" and the console prints a traceback on Gentoo Linux or another Source-Based Distro::
+    As stated in https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-6/changes.html[GCC's Website] GCC 6 has introduced some optimizations that could break non-conforming codebases, like QtWebEngine. +
+    As a workaround, you can disable the nullpointer check optimization by adding the -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks flag while compiling. +
+    On gentoo, you just need to add it into your make.conf, like this: +
+    CFLAGS="... -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks"
+    CXXFLAGS="... -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks"
+And then re-emerging qtwebengine with: +
+    emerge -1 qtwebengine
+Unable to view DRM content (Netflix, Spotify, etc.).::
+    You will need to install `widevine` and set `qt.args` to point to it.
+    Qt 5.9 currently only supports widevine up to Chrome version 61.
+On Arch, simply install `qt5-webengine-widevine` from the AUR and run:
+:set qt.args '["ppapi-widevine-path=/usr/lib/qt/plugins/ppapi/libwidevinecdmadapter.so"]'
+For other distributions, download the chromium tarball and widevine-cdm zip from
+https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/qt5-webengine-widevine/[the AUR page],
+extract `libwidevinecdmadapter.so` and `libwidevinecdm.so` files, respectively,
+and move them to the `ppapi` plugin directory in your Qt library directory (create it if it does not exist).
+Lastly, set your `qt.args` to point to that directory and restart qutebrowser:
+:set qt.args '["ppapi-widevine-path=/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/ppapi/libwidevinecdmadapter.so"]'
+Unable to use `spawn` on MacOS.::
+When running qutebrowser from the prebuilt binary (`qutebrowser.app`) it *will
+not* read any files that would alter your `$PATH` (e.g. `.profile`, `.bashrc`,
+etc). This is not a bug, just that `.profile` is not propogated to GUI
+applications in MacOS.
+See https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/4273[Issue #4273] for
+details and potential workarounds.
+My issue is not listed.::
+    If you experience any segfaults or crashes, you can report the issue in
+    https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues[the issue tracker] or
+    using the `:report` command.
+    If you are reporting a segfault, make sure you read the
+    link:stacktrace{outfilesuffix}[guide] on how to report them with all needed
+    information.