webelem: Add more tests.

This commit is contained in:
Florian Bruhin 2015-08-03 23:22:40 +02:00
parent ed4fc4d1ba
commit 43266ac08a
3 changed files with 237 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -184,8 +184,6 @@ class WebElementWrapper(collections.abc.MutableMapping):
def is_content_editable(self):
"""Check if an element has a contenteditable attribute.
FIXME: Add tests.
elem: The QWebElement to check.
@ -250,8 +248,6 @@ class WebElementWrapper(collections.abc.MutableMapping):
def is_editable(self, strict=False):
"""Check whether we should switch to insert mode for this element.
FIXME: add tests
strict: Whether to do stricter checking so only fields where we can
get the value match, for use with the :editor command.

View File

@ -24,7 +24,10 @@
from unittest import mock
import collections.abc
import operator
import itertools
import hypothesis
import hypothesis.strategies
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRect, QPoint
from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebElement
import pytest
@ -89,9 +92,105 @@ def get_webelem(geometry=None, frame=None, null=False, style=None,
return wrapped
class SelectionAndFilterTests:
"""Generator for tests for TestSelectionsAndFilters."""
# A mapping of a HTML element to a list of groups where the selectors
# (after filtering) should match.
# Based on this, test cases are generated to make sure it matches those
# groups and not the others.
('<foo />', []),
('<foo bar="baz"/>', []),
('<foo href="baz"/>', [webelem.Group.url]),
('<foo src="baz"/>', [webelem.Group.url]),
('<a />', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<a href="foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.links,
webelem.Group.prevnext, webelem.Group.url]),
('<a href="javascript://foo" />', [webelem.Group.all,
('<area />', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<area href="foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.links,
webelem.Group.prevnext, webelem.Group.url]),
('<area href="javascript://foo" />', [webelem.Group.all,
('<link />', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<link href="foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.links,
webelem.Group.prevnext, webelem.Group.url]),
('<link href="javascript://foo" />', [webelem.Group.all,
('<textarea />', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<select />', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<input />', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<input type="hidden" />', []),
('<button />', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<button href="foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.prevnext,
('<button href="javascript://foo" />', [webelem.Group.all,
# We can't easily test <frame>/<iframe> as they vanish when setting
# them via QWebFrame::setHtml...
('<p onclick="foo" foo="bar"/>', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<p onmousedown="foo" foo="bar"/>', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<p role="option" foo="bar"/>', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<p role="button" foo="bar"/>', [webelem.Group.all]),
('<p role="button" href="bar"/>', [webelem.Group.all,
GROUPS = [e for e in webelem.Group if e != webelem.Group.focus]
COMBINATIONS = list(itertools.product(TESTS, GROUPS))
def __init__(self):
self.tests = list(self._generate_tests())
def _generate_tests(self):
for (val, matching_groups), group in self.COMBINATIONS:
if group in matching_groups:
yield group, val, True
yield group, val, False
class TestSelectorsAndFilters:
TESTS = SelectionAndFilterTests().tests
def test_test_generator(self):
assert self.TESTS
@pytest.mark.parametrize('group, val, matching', TESTS)
def test_selectors(self, webframe, group, val, matching):
# Make sure setting HTML succeeded and there's a new element
assert len(webframe.findAllElements('*')) == 3
elems = webframe.findAllElements(webelem.SELECTORS[group])
elems = [webelem.WebElementWrapper(e) for e in elems]
filterfunc = webelem.FILTERS.get(group, lambda e: True)
elems = [e for e in elems if filterfunc(e)]
assert bool(elems) == matching
class TestWebElementWrapper:
"""Test WebElementWrapper."""
"""Generic tests for WebElementWrapper.
Note: For some methods, there's a dedicated test class with more involved
def elem(self):
@ -184,23 +283,55 @@ class TestWebElementWrapper:
elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes)
assert len(elem) == length
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, writable', [
([], True),
(['disabled'], False),
(['readonly'], False),
(['disabled', 'readonly'], False),
def test_is_writable(self, attributes, writable):
elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes)
assert elem.is_writable() == writable
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, expected', [
({}, False),
({'contenteditable': 'false'}, False),
({'contenteditable': 'inherit'}, False),
({'contenteditable': 'true'}, True),
def test_is_content_editable(self, attributes, expected):
elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes)
assert elem.is_content_editable() == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tagname, attributes, expected', [
('input', {}, True),
('textarea', {}, True),
('select', {}, False),
('foo', {'role': 'combobox'}, True),
('foo', {'role': 'textbox'}, True),
('foo', {'role': 'bar'}, False),
('input', {'role': 'bar'}, True),
def test_is_text_input(self, tagname, attributes, expected):
elem = get_webelem(tagname=tagname, attributes=attributes)
assert elem.is_text_input() == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('xml, expected', [
('<fakeelem/>', '<fakeelem/>'),
('<foo>\n<bar/>\n</foo>', '<foo><bar/></foo>'),
('<foo>{}</foo>'.format('x' * 500), '<foo>{}'.format('x' * 494)),
def test_debug_text(self, elem, xml, expected):
elem._elem.toOuterXml.return_value = xml
assert elem.debug_text() == expected
class TestIsVisible:
def frame(self, stubs):
return stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100))
def test_nullelem(self, frame):
"""Passing an element with isNull() == True.
geometry() and webFrame() should not be called, and ValueError should
be raised.
elem = get_webelem()
elem._elem.isNull.return_value = True
with pytest.raises(webelem.IsNullError):
def test_invalid_invisible(self, frame):
"""Test elements with an invalid geometry which are invisible."""
elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 0, 0), frame)
@ -328,26 +459,82 @@ class TestIsVisibleIframe:
assert objects.elems[3].is_visible(objects.frame)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, writable', [
([], True),
(['disabled'], False),
(['readonly'], False),
(['disabled', 'readonly'], False),
def test_is_writable(attributes, writable):
elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes)
assert elem.is_writable() == writable
class TestRectOnView:
def test_simple(self, stubs):
geometry = QRect(5, 5, 4, 4)
frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100))
elem = get_webelem(geometry, frame)
assert elem.rect_on_view() == QRect(5, 5, 4, 4)
def test_scrolled(self, stubs):
geometry = QRect(20, 20, 4, 4)
frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100),
scroll=QPoint(10, 10))
elem = get_webelem(geometry, frame)
assert elem.rect_on_view() == QRect(20 - 10, 20 - 10, 4, 4)
def test_iframe(self, stubs):
"""Test an element in an iframe.
0, 0 200, 0
# #
0,10 # iframe 100,10 #
#********** #
#* * #
#* * #
#* e * elem: 20,90 in iframe
#********** #
0,100 # #
200, 0 200, 200
frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 200, 200))
iframe = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 10, 100, 100), parent=frame)
assert frame.geometry().contains(iframe.geometry())
elem = get_webelem(QRect(20, 90, 10, 10), iframe)
assert elem.rect_on_view() == QRect(20, 10 + 90, 10, 10)
def test_passed_geometry(self, stubs):
"""Make sure geometry isn't called when a geometry is passed."""
raw_elem = get_webelem()._elem
rect = QRect(10, 20, 30, 40)
assert webelem.rect_on_view(raw_elem, rect) == rect
assert not raw_elem.geometry.called
@pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', [
('foo\\bar', r'foo\\bar'),
('foo\nbar', r'foo\nbar'),
("foo'bar", r"foo\'bar"),
('foo"bar', r'foo\"bar'),
def test_fake_escape(before, after):
"""Test javascript escaping."""
assert webelem.javascript_escape(before) == after
class TestJavascriptEscape:
'foo\\bar': r'foo\\bar',
'foo\nbar': r'foo\nbar',
'foo\rbar': r'foo\rbar',
"foo'bar": r"foo\'bar",
'foo"bar': r'foo\"bar',
'one\\two\rthree\nfour\'five"six': r'one\\two\rthree\nfour\'five\"six',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', TESTS.items())
def test_fake_escape(self, before, after):
"""Test javascript escaping with some expected outcomes."""
assert webelem.javascript_escape(before) == after
def _test_escape(self, text, webframe):
"""Helper function for test_real_escape*."""
escaped = webelem.javascript_escape(text)
webframe.evaluateJavaScript('window.foo = "{}";'.format(escaped))
assert webframe.evaluateJavaScript('window.foo') == text
@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', TESTS)
def test_real_escape(self, webframe, text):
"""Test javascript escaping with a real QWebPage."""
self._test_escape(text, webframe)
def test_real_escape_hypothesis(self, webframe, text):
"""Test javascript escaping with a real QWebPage and hypothesis."""
self._test_escape(text, webframe)
class TestGetChildFrames:
@ -432,8 +619,18 @@ class TestIsEditable:
('input', {'readonly': None}, False),
('textarea', {'disabled': None}, False),
('textarea', {'readonly': None}, False),
('object', {}, False),
('object', {'type': 'image/gif'}, False),
('foobar', {}, False),
('foobar', {'contenteditable': 'true'}, True),
('foobar', {'contenteditable': 'false'}, False),
('foobar', {'contenteditable': 'true', 'disabled': None}, False),
('foobar', {'contenteditable': 'true', 'readonly': None}, False),
('foobar', {'role': 'foobar'}, False),
('foobar', {'role': 'combobox'}, True),
('foobar', {'role': 'textbox'}, True),
('foobar', {'role': 'combobox', 'disabled': None}, False),
('foobar', {'role': 'combobox', 'readonly': None}, False),
def test_is_editable(self, tagname, attributes, editable):
elem = get_webelem(tagname=tagname, attributes=attributes)
@ -459,6 +656,8 @@ class TestIsEditable:
(False, 'object', {'type': 'application/foo'}, False),
(True, 'object', {'type': 'foo', 'classid': 'foo'}, True),
(False, 'object', {'type': 'foo', 'classid': 'foo'}, False),
(True, 'object', {}, False),
(True, 'object', {'type': 'image/gif'}, False),
def test_is_editable_plugin(self, stubbed_config, setting, tagname,
attributes, editable):

View File

@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ def webpage(qnam):
return page
def webframe(webpage):
"""Convenience fixture to get a mainFrame of a QWebPage."""
return webpage.mainFrame()
def fake_keyevent_factory():
"""Fixture that when called will return a mock instance of a QKeyEvent."""