Add/improve tests for qutebrowser.utils.utils.

This commit is contained in:
Florian Bruhin 2015-05-19 16:24:43 +02:00
parent 4a4856c176
commit 4204579c06
2 changed files with 513 additions and 163 deletions

View File

@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ def elide(text, length):
def compact_text(text, elidelength=None):
"""Remove leading whitespace and newlines from a text and maybe elide it.
FIXME: Add tests.
text: The text to compact.
elidelength: To how many chars to elide.
@ -105,12 +103,12 @@ def actute_warning():
if qtutils.version_check('5.3.0'):
except ValueError:
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
with open('/usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose', 'r',
encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
for line in f: # pragma: no branch
if '<dead_actute>' in line:
if sys.stdout is not None:
@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ def actute_warning():
"that is not a bug in qutebrowser! See "
" "
"for details.")
break # pragma: no branch
except OSError:
log.init.exception("Failed to read Compose file")

View File

@ -23,14 +23,22 @@ import sys
import enum
import datetime
import os.path
import io
import logging
import functools
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor
import pytest
import qutebrowser
import qutebrowser.utils # for test_qualname
from qutebrowser.utils import utils, qtutils
ELLIPSIS = '\u2026'
class Color(QColor):
"""A QColor with a nicer repr()."""
@ -41,39 +49,193 @@ class Color(QColor):
class TestCompactText:
"""Test compact_text."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize('text, expected', [
('foo\nbar', 'foobar'),
(' foo \n bar ', 'foobar'),
('\nfoo\n', 'foo'),
def test_compact_text(self, text, expected):
"""Test folding of newlines."""
assert utils.compact_text(text) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('elidelength, text, expected', [
(None, 'x' * 100, 'x' * 100),
(6, 'foobar', 'foobar'),
(5, 'foobar', 'foob' + ELLIPSIS),
(5, 'foo\nbar', 'foob' + ELLIPSIS),
(7, 'foo\nbar', 'foobar'),
def test_eliding(self, elidelength, text, expected):
"""Test eliding."""
assert utils.compact_text(text, elidelength) == expected
class TestEliding:
"""Test elide."""
ELLIPSIS = '\u2026'
def test_too_small(self):
"""Test eliding to 0 chars which should fail."""
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
utils.elide('foo', 0)
def test_length_one(self):
"""Test eliding to 1 char which should yield ..."""
assert utils.elide('foo', 1) == self.ELLIPSIS
def test_fits(self):
"""Test eliding with a string which fits exactly."""
assert utils.elide('foo', 3) == 'foo'
def test_elided(self):
"""Test eliding with a string which should get elided."""
assert utils.elide('foobar', 3) == 'fo' + self.ELLIPSIS
@pytest.mark.parametrize('text, length, expected', [
('foo', 1, ELLIPSIS),
('foo', 3, 'foo'),
('foobar', 3, 'fo' + ELLIPSIS),
def test_elided(self, text, length, expected):
assert utils.elide(text, length) == expected
class TestReadFile:
"""Test read_file."""
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, params=[True, False])
def freezer(self, request, monkeypatch):
if request.param:
monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'frozen', True, raising=False)
monkeypatch.setattr('sys.executable', qutebrowser.__file__)
def test_readfile(self):
"""Read a test file."""
content = utils.read_file(os.path.join('utils', 'testfile'))
assert content.splitlines()[0] == "Hello World!"
def test_readfile_binary(self):
"""Read a test file in binary mode."""
content = utils.read_file(os.path.join('utils', 'testfile'),
assert content.splitlines()[0] == b"Hello World!"
class Patcher:
"""Helper for TestActuteWarning.
monkeypatch: The pytest monkeypatch fixture.
def __init__(self, monkeypatch):
self.monkeypatch = monkeypatch
def patch_platform(self, platform='linux'):
"""Patch sys.platform."""
self.monkeypatch.setattr('sys.platform', platform)
def patch_exists(self, exists=True):
"""Patch os.path.exists."""
lambda path: exists)
def patch_version(self, version='5.2.0'):
"""Patch Qt version."""
'qutebrowser.utils.utils.qtutils.qVersion', lambda: version)
def patch_file(self, data):
"""Patch open() to return the given data."""
fake_file = io.StringIO(data)
self.monkeypatch.setattr(utils, 'open',
lambda filename, mode, encoding: fake_file,
def patch_all(self, data):
"""Patch everything so the issue would exist."""
class TestActuteWarning:
"""Test actute_warning."""
def patcher(self, monkeypatch):
"""Fixture providing a Patcher helper."""
return Patcher(monkeypatch)
def test_non_linux(self, patcher, capsys):
"""Test with a non-Linux OS."""
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert not err
def test_no_compose(self, patcher, capsys):
"""Test with no compose file."""
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert not err
def test_newer_qt(self, patcher, capsys):
"""Test with compose file but newer Qt version."""
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert not err
def test_no_match(self, patcher, capsys):
"""Test with compose file and affected Qt but no match."""
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert not err
def test_empty(self, patcher, capsys):
"""Test with empty compose file."""
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert not err
def test_match(self, patcher, capsys):
"""Test with compose file and affected Qt and a match."""
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert out.startswith('Note: If you got a')
assert not err
def test_match_stdout_none(self, monkeypatch, patcher, capsys):
"""Test with a match and stdout being None."""
monkeypatch.setattr('sys.stdout', None)
def test_unreadable(self, mocker, patcher, capsys, caplog):
"""Test with an unreadable compose file."""
mocker.patch('', side_effect=OSError,
with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'init'):
assert len(caplog.records()) == 1
assert caplog.records()[0].message == 'Failed to read Compose file'
out, _err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
class TestInterpolateColor:
@ -164,62 +326,40 @@ class TestInterpolateColor:
assert Color(color) == expected
class TestFormatSeconds:
"""Tests for format_seconds.
Class attributes:
TESTS: A list of (input, output) tuples.
(-1, '-0:01'),
(0, '0:00'),
(59, '0:59'),
(60, '1:00'),
(60.4, '1:00'),
(61, '1:01'),
(-61, '-1:01'),
(3599, '59:59'),
(3600, '1:00:00'),
(3601, '1:00:01'),
(36000, '10:00:00'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('seconds, out', TESTS)
def test_format_seconds(self, seconds, out):
"""Test format_seconds with several tests."""
assert utils.format_seconds(seconds) == out
@pytest.mark.parametrize('seconds, out', [
(-1, '-0:01'),
(0, '0:00'),
(59, '0:59'),
(60, '1:00'),
(60.4, '1:00'),
(61, '1:01'),
(-61, '-1:01'),
(3599, '59:59'),
(3600, '1:00:00'),
(3601, '1:00:01'),
(36000, '10:00:00'),
def test_format_seconds(seconds, out):
assert utils.format_seconds(seconds) == out
class TestFormatTimedelta:
"""Tests for format_timedelta.
Class attributes:
TESTS: A list of (input, output) tuples.
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=-1), '-1s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=0), '0s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=59), '59s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=120), '2m'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=60.4), '1m'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=63), '1m 3s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=-64), '-1m 4s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3599), '59m 59s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600), '1h'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3605), '1h 5s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3723), '1h 2m 3s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3780), '1h 3m'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=36000), '10h'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('td, out', TESTS)
def test_format_seconds(self, td, out):
"""Test format_seconds with several tests."""
assert utils.format_timedelta(td) == out
@pytest.mark.parametrize('td, out', [
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=-1), '-1s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=0), '0s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=59), '59s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=120), '2m'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=60.4), '1m'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=63), '1m 3s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=-64), '-1m 4s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3599), '59m 59s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600), '1h'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3605), '1h 5s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3723), '1h 2m 3s'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3780), '1h 3m'),
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=36000), '10h'),
def test_format_timedelta(td, out):
assert utils.format_timedelta(td) == out
class TestFormatSize:
@ -264,30 +404,24 @@ class TestKeyToString:
"""Test key_to_string."""
def test_unicode_garbage_keys(self):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, expected', [
(Qt.Key_Blue, 'Blue'),
(Qt.Key_Backtab, 'Tab'),
(Qt.Key_Escape, 'Escape'),
(Qt.Key_A, 'A'),
(Qt.Key_degree, '°'),
def test_normal(self, key, expected):
"""Test a special key where QKeyEvent::toString works incorrectly."""
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_Blue) == 'Blue'
assert utils.key_to_string(key) == expected
def test_backtab(self):
"""Test if backtab is normalized to tab correctly."""
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_Backtab) == 'Tab'
def test_escape(self):
"""Test if escape is normalized to escape correctly."""
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_Escape) == 'Escape'
def test_letter(self):
"""Test a simple letter key."""
def test_missing(self, monkeypatch):
"""Test with a missing key."""
# We don't want to test the key which is actually missing - we only
# want to know if the mapping still behaves properly.
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_A) == 'A'
def test_unicode(self):
"""Test a printable unicode key."""
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_degree) == '°'
def test_special(self):
"""Test a non-printable key handled by QKeyEvent::toString."""
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_F1) == 'F1'
class TestKeyEventToString:
@ -323,26 +457,272 @@ class TestKeyEventToString:
Qt.MetaModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier))
assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) == 'Ctrl+Alt+Meta+Shift+A'
def test_mac(self, monkeypatch, fake_keyevent_factory):
"""Test with a simulated mac."""
monkeypatch.setattr('sys.platform', 'darwin')
evt = fake_keyevent_factory(key=Qt.Key_A, modifiers=Qt.ControlModifier)
assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) == 'Meta+A'
class TestNormalize:
"""Test normalize_keystr."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize('orig, repl', [
('Control+x', 'ctrl+x'),
('Windows+x', 'meta+x'),
('Mod1+x', 'alt+x'),
('Mod4+x', 'meta+x'),
('Control--', 'ctrl+-'),
('Windows++', 'meta++'),
('ctrl-x', 'ctrl+x'),
('control+x', 'ctrl+x')
def test_normalize_keystr(orig, repl):
assert utils.normalize_keystr(orig) == repl
('Control+x', 'ctrl+x'),
('Windows+x', 'meta+x'),
('Mod1+x', 'alt+x'),
('Mod4+x', 'meta+x'),
('Control--', 'ctrl+-'),
('Windows++', 'meta++'),
('ctrl-x', 'ctrl+x'),
('control+x', 'ctrl+x')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('orig, repl', STRINGS)
def test_normalize(self, orig, repl):
"""Test normalize with some strings."""
assert utils.normalize_keystr(orig) == repl
class TestFakeIOStream:
"""Test FakeIOStream."""
def _write_func(self, text):
return text
def test_flush(self):
"""Smoke-test to see if flushing works."""
s = utils.FakeIOStream(self._write_func)
def test_isatty(self):
"""Make sure isatty() is always false."""
s = utils.FakeIOStream(self._write_func)
assert not s.isatty()
def test_write(self):
"""Make sure writing works."""
s = utils.FakeIOStream(self._write_func)
assert s.write('echo') == 'echo'
class TestFakeIO:
"""Test FakeIO."""
def restore_streams(self):
"""Restore sys.stderr/sys.stdout after tests."""
old_stdout = sys.stdout
old_stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stdout = old_stdout
sys.stderr = old_stderr
def test_normal(self, capsys):
"""Test without changing sys.stderr/sys.stdout."""
data = io.StringIO()
with utils.fake_io(data.write):
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert not err
assert data.getvalue() == 'hello\nworld\n'
sys.stdout.write('back to\n')
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert out == 'back to\n'
assert err == 'normal\n'
def test_stdout_replaced(self, capsys):
"""Test with replaced stdout."""
data = io.StringIO()
new_stdout = io.StringIO()
with utils.fake_io(data.write):
sys.stdout = new_stdout
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert not err
assert data.getvalue() == 'hello\nworld\n'
sys.stdout.write('still new\n')
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert err == 'normal\n'
assert new_stdout.getvalue() == 'still new\n'
def test_stderr_replaced(self, capsys):
"""Test with replaced stderr."""
data = io.StringIO()
new_stderr = io.StringIO()
with utils.fake_io(data.write):
sys.stderr = new_stderr
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert not err
assert data.getvalue() == 'hello\nworld\n'
sys.stderr.write('still new\n')
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert out == 'normal\n'
assert not err
assert new_stderr.getvalue() == 'still new\n'
class GotException(Exception):
"""Exception used for TestDisabledExcepthook."""
def excepthook(_exc, _val, _tb):
def excepthook_2(_exc, _val, _tb):
class TestDisabledExcepthook:
"""Test disabled_excepthook.
This doesn't test much as some things are untestable without triggering
the excepthook (which is hard to test).
def restore_excepthook(self):
"""Restore sys.excepthook and sys.__excepthook__ after tests."""
old_excepthook = sys.excepthook
old_dunder_excepthook = sys.__excepthook__
sys.excepthook = old_excepthook
sys.__excepthook__ = old_dunder_excepthook
def test_normal(self):
"""Test without changing sys.excepthook."""
sys.excepthook = excepthook
assert sys.excepthook is excepthook
with utils.disabled_excepthook():
assert sys.excepthook is not excepthook
assert sys.excepthook is excepthook
def test_changed(self):
"""Test with changed sys.excepthook."""
sys.excepthook = excepthook
with utils.disabled_excepthook():
assert sys.excepthook is not excepthook
sys.excepthook = excepthook_2
assert sys.excepthook is excepthook_2
class TestPreventExceptions:
"""Test prevent_exceptions."""
def func_raising(self):
raise Exception
def test_raising(self, caplog):
"""Test with a raising function."""
with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'misc'):
ret = self.func_raising()
assert ret == 42
assert len(caplog.records()) == 1
expected = 'Error in test_utils.TestPreventExceptions.func_raising'
actual = caplog.records()[0].message
assert actual == expected
def func_not_raising(self):
return 23
def test_not_raising(self, caplog):
"""Test with a non-raising function."""
with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'misc'):
ret = self.func_not_raising()
assert ret == 23
assert not caplog.records()
@utils.prevent_exceptions(42, True)
def func_predicate_true(self):
raise Exception
def test_predicate_true(self, caplog):
"""Test with a True predicate."""
with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'misc'):
ret = self.func_predicate_true()
assert ret == 42
assert len(caplog.records()) == 1
@utils.prevent_exceptions(42, False)
def func_predicate_false(self):
raise Exception
def test_predicate_false(self, caplog):
"""Test with a False predicate."""
with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'misc'):
with pytest.raises(Exception):
assert not caplog.records()
class Obj:
"""Test object for test_get_repr()."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize('constructor, attrs, expected', [
(False, {}, '<test_utils.Obj>'),
(False, {'foo': None}, '<test_utils.Obj foo=None>'),
(False, {'foo': "b'ar", 'baz': 2}, '<test_utils.Obj baz=2 foo="b\'ar">'),
(True, {}, 'test_utils.Obj()'),
(True, {'foo': None}, 'test_utils.Obj(foo=None)'),
(True, {'foo': "te'st", 'bar': 2}, 'test_utils.Obj(bar=2, foo="te\'st")'),
def test_get_repr(constructor, attrs, expected):
"""Test get_repr()."""
assert utils.get_repr(Obj(), constructor, **attrs) == expected
class QualnameObj():
"""Test object for test_qualname."""
def func(self):
"""Test method for test_qualname."""
def qualname_func(_blah):
"""Test function for test_qualname."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize('obj, expected', [
(QualnameObj(), '<unknown>'), # instance - unknown
(QualnameObj, 'test_utils.QualnameObj'), # class
(QualnameObj.func, 'test_utils.QualnameObj.func'), # unbound method
(QualnameObj().func, 'test_utils.QualnameObj.func'), # bound method
(qualname_func, 'test_utils.qualname_func'), # function
(functools.partial(qualname_func, True), 'test_utils.qualname_func'),
(qutebrowser, 'qutebrowser'), # module
(qutebrowser.utils, 'qutebrowser.utils'), # submodule
(utils, 'qutebrowser.utils.utils'), # submodule (from-import)
def test_qualname(obj, expected):
assert utils.qualname(obj) == expected
class TestIsEnum:
@ -412,20 +792,13 @@ class TestRaises:
utils.raises(ValueError, self.do_raise)
class TestForceEncoding:
"""Test force_encoding."""
('hello world', 'ascii', 'hello world'),
('hellö wörld', 'utf-8', 'hellö wörld'),
('hellö wörld', 'ascii', 'hell? w?rld'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, enc, expected', TESTS)
def test_fitting_ascii(self, inp, enc, expected):
"""Test force_encoding will yield expected text."""
assert utils.force_encoding(inp, enc) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, enc, expected', [
('hello world', 'ascii', 'hello world'),
('hellö wörld', 'utf-8', 'hellö wörld'),
('hellö wörld', 'ascii', 'hell? w?rld'),
def test_force_encoding(inp, enc, expected):
assert utils.force_encoding(inp, enc) == expected
class TestNewestSlice:
@ -437,44 +810,23 @@ class TestNewestSlice:
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
utils.newest_slice([], -2)
def test_count_minus_one(self):
"""Test with a count of -1 (all elements)."""
items = range(20)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, -1)
assert list(sliced) == list(items)
def test_count_zero(self):
"""Test with a count of 0 (no elements)."""
items = range(20)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 0)
assert list(sliced) == []
def test_count_much_smaller(self):
"""Test with a count which is much smaller than the iterable."""
items = range(20)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 5)
assert list(sliced) == [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
def test_count_smaller(self):
"""Test with a count which is exactly one smaller."""
items = range(5)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 4)
assert list(sliced) == [1, 2, 3, 4]
def test_count_equal(self):
"""Test with a count which is just as large as the iterable."""
items = range(5)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 5)
assert list(sliced) == list(items)
def test_count_bigger(self):
"""Test with a count which is one bigger than the iterable."""
items = range(5)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 6)
assert list(sliced) == list(items)
def test_count_much_bigger(self):
"""Test with a count which is much bigger than the iterable."""
items = range(5)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 50)
assert list(sliced) == list(items)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('items, count, expected', [
# Count of -1 (all elements).
(range(20), -1, range(20)),
# Count of 0 (no elements).
(range(20), 0, []),
# Count which is much smaller than the iterable.
(range(20), 5, [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]),
# Count which is exactly one smaller."""
(range(5), 4, [1, 2, 3, 4]),
# Count which is just as large as the iterable."""
(range(5), 5, range(5)),
# Count which is one bigger than the iterable.
(range(5), 6, range(5)),
# Count which is much bigger than the iterable.
(range(5), 50, range(5)),
def test_good(self, items, count, expected):
"""Test slices which shouldn't raise an exception."""
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, count)
assert list(sliced) == list(expected)