Add more tests for :bookmark-add

This commit is contained in:
Ismail S 2016-07-08 15:54:39 +01:00
parent 5ad66c29e1
commit 394d9d1404

View File

@ -8,6 +8,20 @@ Feature: quickmarks and bookmarks
Then the message "Bookmarked http://localhost:*/data/title.html!" should be shown
And the bookmark file should contain "http://localhost:*/data/title.html Test title"
Scenario: Saving a bookmark with a provided url and title
When I run :bookmark-add "some example title"
Then the message "Bookmarked!" should be shown
And the bookmark file should contain " some example title"
Scenario: Saving a bookmark with a url but no title
When I run :bookmark-add
Then the error "Title must be provided if url has been provided" should be shown
Scenario: Saving a bookmark with an invalid url
When I set general -> auto-search to false
And I run :bookmark-add foo! "some example title"
Then the error "Invalid URL" should be shown
Scenario: Saving a duplicate bookmark
Given I have a fresh instance
When I open data/title.html