bdd: Improve :inspector tests.

This commit is contained in:
Florian Bruhin 2016-01-07 07:12:51 +01:00
parent ab22b7740f
commit 360f0b6180

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@ -117,6 +117,22 @@ Feature: Various utility commands.
And I wait for "Focus object changed: *" in the log
Then no crash should happen
# Different code path as an inspector got created now
Scenario: Inspector without developer extras (after smoke)
When I set general -> developer-extras to false
And I run :inspector
Then the error "Please enable developer-extras before using the webinspector!" should be shown
# Different code path as an inspector got created now
@not_xvfb @posix
Scenario: Inspector smoke test 2
When I set general -> developer-extras to true
And I run :inspector
And I wait for "Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets.QWebView object at *>" in the log
And I run :inspector
And I wait for "Focus object changed: *" in the log
Then no crash should happen
# :stop/:reload