Add a separate qutescheme BDD file
This commit is contained in:
@ -255,104 +255,6 @@ Feature: Various utility commands.
And I run :view-source
Then the error "Already viewing source!" should be shown
# :help
Scenario: :help without topic
When I run :tab-only
And I run :help
And I wait until qute://help/index.html is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://help/index.html (active)
Scenario: :help with invalid topic
When I run :help foo
Then the error "Invalid help topic foo!" should be shown
Scenario: :help with command
When the documentation is up to date
And I run :tab-only
And I run :help :back
And I wait until qute://help/commands.html#back is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://help/commands.html#back (active)
Scenario: :help with invalid command
When I run :help :foo
Then the error "Invalid command foo!" should be shown
Scenario: :help with setting
When the documentation is up to date
And I run :tab-only
And I run :help editor.command
And I wait until qute://help/settings.html#editor.command is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://help/settings.html#editor.command (active)
Scenario: :help with -t
When I open about:blank
And I run :tab-only
And I run :help -t
And I wait until qute://help/index.html is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank
- qute://help/index.html (active)
Scenario: Opening link with qute:help
When the documentation is up to date
And I run :tab-only
And I open qute:help without waiting
And I wait for "Changing title for idx 0 to 'qutebrowser help'" in the log
And I hint with args "links normal" and follow a
Then qute://help/quickstart.html should be loaded
# :history
Scenario: :history without arguments
When I run :tab-only
And I run :history
And I wait until qute://history/ is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://history/ (active)
Scenario: :history with -t
When I open about:blank
And I run :tab-only
And I run :history -t
And I wait until qute://history/ is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank
- qute://history/ (active)
# qute://settings
Scenario: Focusing input fields in qute://settings and entering valid value
When I set ignore_case to never
And I open qute://settings
# scroll to the right - the table does not fit in the default screen
And I run :scroll-perc -x 100
And I run :click-element id input-ignore_case
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert *" in the log
And I press the key "<Ctrl+Backspace>"
And I press the keys "always"
And I press the key "<Escape>"
# an explicit Tab to unfocus the input field seems to stabilize the tests
And I press the key "<Tab>"
Then the option ignore_case should be set to always
Scenario: Focusing input fields in qute://settings and entering invalid value
When I open qute://settings
# scroll to the right - the table does not fit in the default screen
And I run :scroll-perc -x 100
And I run :click-element id input-ignore_case
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert *" in the log
And I press the key "<Ctrl+Backspace>"
And I press the keys "foo"
And I press the key "<Escape>"
# an explicit Tab to unfocus the input field seems to stabilize the tests
And I press the key "<Tab>"
Then "Invalid value 'foo' *" should be logged
# :home
Scenario: :home with single page
@ -365,39 +267,6 @@ Feature: Various utility commands.
And I run :home
Then data/numbers/1.txt should be loaded
# pdfjs support
@qtwebengine_skip: pdfjs is not implemented yet
Scenario: pdfjs is used for pdf files
Given pdfjs is available
When I set content.pdfjs to true
And I open data/misc/test.pdf
Then the javascript message "PDF * [*] (PDF.js: *)" should be logged
@qtwebengine_todo: pdfjs is not implemented yet
Scenario: pdfjs is not used when disabled
When I set content.pdfjs to false
And I set downloads.location.prompt to false
And I open data/misc/test.pdf
Then "Download test.pdf finished" should be logged
@qtwebengine_skip: pdfjs is not implemented yet
Scenario: Downloading a pdf via pdf.js button (issue 1214)
Given pdfjs is available
# WORKAROUND to prevent the "Painter ended with 2 saved states" warning
# Might be related to and
# a weird interaction with the previous test.
And I have a fresh instance
When I set content.pdfjs to true
And I set downloads.location.suggestion to filename
And I set downloads.location.prompt to true
And I open data/misc/test.pdf
And I wait for "[qute://pdfjs/*] PDF * (PDF.js: *)" in the log
And I run :jseval document.getElementById("download").click()
And I wait for "Asking question <qutebrowser.utils.usertypes.Question default='test.pdf' mode=< 5> text=* title='Save file to:'>, *" in the log
And I run :leave-mode
Then no crash should happen
# :print
# Disabled because it causes weird segfaults and QPainter warnings in Qt...
@ -429,21 +298,6 @@ Feature: Various utility commands.
And I wait for "Print to file: *" in the log or skip the test
Then the PDF hello.pdf should exist in the tmpdir
# :pyeval
Scenario: Running :pyeval
When I run :debug-pyeval 1+1
And I wait until qute://pyeval is loaded
Then the page should contain the plaintext "2"
Scenario: Causing exception in :pyeval
When I run :debug-pyeval 1/0
And I wait until qute://pyeval is loaded
Then the page should contain the plaintext "ZeroDivisionError"
Scenario: Running :pyeval with --quiet
When I run :debug-pyeval --quiet 1+1
Then "pyeval output: 2" should be logged
Scenario: Focusing download widget via Tab
@ -500,61 +354,6 @@ Feature: Various utility commands.
Then the header User-Agent should be set to Mozilla/5.0 *
And the javascript message "Mozilla/5.0 *" should be logged
## :messages
Scenario: :messages without level
When I run :message-error the-error-message
And I run :message-warning the-warning-message
And I run :message-info the-info-message
And I run :messages
Then qute://log?level=info should be loaded
And the error "the-error-message" should be shown
And the warning "the-warning-message" should be shown
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-error-message"
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-warning-message"
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-info-message"
Scenario: Showing messages of type 'warning' or greater
When I run :message-error the-error-message
And I run :message-warning the-warning-message
And I run :message-info the-info-message
And I run :messages warning
Then qute://log?level=warning should be loaded
And the error "the-error-message" should be shown
And the warning "the-warning-message" should be shown
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-error-message"
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-warning-message"
And the page should not contain the plaintext "the-info-message"
Scenario: Showing messages of type 'info' or greater
When I run :message-error the-error-message
And I run :message-warning the-warning-message
And I run :message-info the-info-message
And I run :messages info
Then qute://log?level=info should be loaded
And the error "the-error-message" should be shown
And the warning "the-warning-message" should be shown
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-error-message"
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-warning-message"
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-info-message"
Scenario: Showing messages of an invalid level
When I run :messages cataclysmic
Then the error "Invalid log level cataclysmic!" should be shown
Scenario: Using qute://log directly
When I open qute://log without waiting
# With Qt 5.9, we don't get a loaded message?
And I wait for "Changing title for idx * to 'log'" in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Using qute://plainlog directly
When I open qute://plainlog without waiting
# With Qt 5.9, we don't get a loaded message?
And I wait for "Changing title for idx * to 'log'" in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Completing a single option argument
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
# vim: ft=cucumber fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
Feature: Special qute:// pages
# :help
Scenario: :help without topic
When I run :tab-only
And I run :help
And I wait until qute://help/index.html is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://help/index.html (active)
Scenario: :help with invalid topic
When I run :help foo
Then the error "Invalid help topic foo!" should be shown
Scenario: :help with command
When the documentation is up to date
And I run :tab-only
And I run :help :back
And I wait until qute://help/commands.html#back is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://help/commands.html#back (active)
Scenario: :help with invalid command
When I run :help :foo
Then the error "Invalid command foo!" should be shown
Scenario: :help with setting
When the documentation is up to date
And I run :tab-only
And I run :help editor.command
And I wait until qute://help/settings.html#editor.command is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://help/settings.html#editor.command (active)
Scenario: :help with -t
When I open about:blank
And I run :tab-only
And I run :help -t
And I wait until qute://help/index.html is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank
- qute://help/index.html (active)
Scenario: Opening link with qute:help
When the documentation is up to date
And I run :tab-only
And I open qute:help without waiting
And I wait for "Changing title for idx 0 to 'qutebrowser help'" in the log
And I hint with args "links normal" and follow a
Then qute://help/quickstart.html should be loaded
# :history
Scenario: :history without arguments
When I run :tab-only
And I run :history
And I wait until qute://history/ is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://history/ (active)
Scenario: :history with -t
When I open about:blank
And I run :tab-only
And I run :history -t
And I wait until qute://history/ is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank
- qute://history/ (active)
# qute://settings
Scenario: Focusing input fields in qute://settings and entering valid value
When I set ignore_case to never
And I open qute://settings
# scroll to the right - the table does not fit in the default screen
And I run :scroll-perc -x 100
And I run :click-element id input-ignore_case
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert *" in the log
And I press the key "<Ctrl+Backspace>"
And I press the keys "always"
And I press the key "<Escape>"
# an explicit Tab to unfocus the input field seems to stabilize the tests
And I press the key "<Tab>"
Then the option ignore_case should be set to always
Scenario: Focusing input fields in qute://settings and entering invalid value
When I open qute://settings
# scroll to the right - the table does not fit in the default screen
And I run :scroll-perc -x 100
And I run :click-element id input-ignore_case
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert *" in the log
And I press the key "<Ctrl+Backspace>"
And I press the keys "foo"
And I press the key "<Escape>"
# an explicit Tab to unfocus the input field seems to stabilize the tests
And I press the key "<Tab>"
Then "Invalid value 'foo' *" should be logged
# pdfjs support
@qtwebengine_skip: pdfjs is not implemented yet
Scenario: pdfjs is used for pdf files
Given pdfjs is available
When I set content.pdfjs to true
And I open data/misc/test.pdf
Then the javascript message "PDF * [*] (PDF.js: *)" should be logged
@qtwebengine_todo: pdfjs is not implemented yet
Scenario: pdfjs is not used when disabled
When I set content.pdfjs to false
And I set downloads.location.prompt to false
And I open data/misc/test.pdf
Then "Download test.pdf finished" should be logged
@qtwebengine_skip: pdfjs is not implemented yet
Scenario: Downloading a pdf via pdf.js button (issue 1214)
Given pdfjs is available
# WORKAROUND to prevent the "Painter ended with 2 saved states" warning
# Might be related to and
# a weird interaction with the previous test.
And I have a fresh instance
When I set content.pdfjs to true
And I set downloads.location.suggestion to filename
And I set downloads.location.prompt to true
And I open data/misc/test.pdf
And I wait for "[qute://pdfjs/*] PDF * (PDF.js: *)" in the log
And I run :jseval document.getElementById("download").click()
And I wait for "Asking question <qutebrowser.utils.usertypes.Question default='test.pdf' mode=< 5> text=* title='Save file to:'>, *" in the log
And I run :leave-mode
Then no crash should happen
# :pyeval
Scenario: Running :pyeval
When I run :debug-pyeval 1+1
And I wait until qute://pyeval is loaded
Then the page should contain the plaintext "2"
Scenario: Causing exception in :pyeval
When I run :debug-pyeval 1/0
And I wait until qute://pyeval is loaded
Then the page should contain the plaintext "ZeroDivisionError"
Scenario: Running :pyeval with --quiet
When I run :debug-pyeval --quiet 1+1
Then "pyeval output: 2" should be logged
## :messages
Scenario: :messages without level
When I run :message-error the-error-message
And I run :message-warning the-warning-message
And I run :message-info the-info-message
And I run :messages
Then qute://log?level=info should be loaded
And the error "the-error-message" should be shown
And the warning "the-warning-message" should be shown
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-error-message"
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-warning-message"
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-info-message"
Scenario: Showing messages of type 'warning' or greater
When I run :message-error the-error-message
And I run :message-warning the-warning-message
And I run :message-info the-info-message
And I run :messages warning
Then qute://log?level=warning should be loaded
And the error "the-error-message" should be shown
And the warning "the-warning-message" should be shown
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-error-message"
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-warning-message"
And the page should not contain the plaintext "the-info-message"
Scenario: Showing messages of type 'info' or greater
When I run :message-error the-error-message
And I run :message-warning the-warning-message
And I run :message-info the-info-message
And I run :messages info
Then qute://log?level=info should be loaded
And the error "the-error-message" should be shown
And the warning "the-warning-message" should be shown
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-error-message"
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-warning-message"
And the page should contain the plaintext "the-info-message"
Scenario: Showing messages of an invalid level
When I run :messages cataclysmic
Then the error "Invalid log level cataclysmic!" should be shown
Scenario: Using qute://log directly
When I open qute://log without waiting
# With Qt 5.9, we don't get a loaded message?
And I wait for "Changing title for idx * to 'log'" in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Using qute://plainlog directly
When I open qute://plainlog without waiting
# With Qt 5.9, we don't get a loaded message?
And I wait for "Changing title for idx * to 'log'" in the log
Then no crash should happen
@ -17,45 +17,10 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <>.
import sys
import os.path
import subprocess
import pytest
import pytest_bdd as bdd
import qutebrowser
from qutebrowser.utils import docutils
@bdd.when("the documentation is up to date")
def update_documentation():
"""Update the docs before testing :help."""
base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(qutebrowser.__file__))
doc_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'html', 'doc')
script_path = os.path.join(base_path, '..', 'scripts')
except FileExistsError:
files = os.listdir(doc_path)
if files and all(docutils.docs_up_to_date(p) for p in files):
||||['asciidoc'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
except OSError:
pytest.skip("Docs outdated and asciidoc unavailable!")
update_script = os.path.join(script_path, '')
||||[sys.executable, update_script])
@bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse('the PDF {filename} should exist in the tmpdir'))
def pdf_exists(quteproc, tmpdir, filename):
path = tmpdir / filename
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2015-2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <>.
import sys
import os.path
import subprocess
import pytest
import pytest_bdd as bdd
import qutebrowser
from qutebrowser.utils import docutils
@bdd.when("the documentation is up to date")
def update_documentation():
"""Update the docs before testing :help."""
base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(qutebrowser.__file__))
doc_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'html', 'doc')
script_path = os.path.join(base_path, '..', 'scripts')
except FileExistsError:
files = os.listdir(doc_path)
if files and all(docutils.docs_up_to_date(p) for p in files):
||||['asciidoc'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
except OSError:
pytest.skip("Docs outdated and asciidoc unavailable!")
update_script = os.path.join(script_path, '')
||||[sys.executable, update_script])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user