Merge branch 'blacklist-history'

This commit is contained in:
Florian Bruhin 2018-09-04 22:19:52 +02:00
commit 2fcdc5a0c9
19 changed files with 872 additions and 529 deletions

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ Added
- When `:spawn --userscript` is called with a count, that count is now
passed to userscripts as `$QUTE_COUNT`.
- New `content.mouse_lock` setting to handle HTML5 pointer locking.
- New `completion.web_history.exclude` setting which hides a list of URL
patterns from the completion.
@ -39,6 +41,8 @@ Changed
on macOS.
- Using `:set option` now shows the value of the setting (like `:set option?`
already did).
- The `completion.web_history_max_items` setting got renamed to

View File

@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ or always navigate through command history with
:bind -m command <Down> command-history-next
- The default for `completion.web_history_max_items` is now set to `-1`, showing
- The default for `completion.web_history.max_items` is now set to `-1`, showing
an unlimited number of items in the completion for `:open` as the new
sqlite-based completion is much faster. If the `:open` completion is too slow
on your machine, set an appropriate limit again.

View File

@ -107,7 +107,8 @@
|<<completion.shrink,completion.shrink>>|Shrink the completion to be smaller than the configured size if there are no scrollbars.
|<<completion.timestamp_format,completion.timestamp_format>>|Format of timestamps (e.g. for the history completion).
|<<completion.use_best_match,completion.use_best_match>>|Execute the best-matching command on a partial match.
|<<completion.web_history_max_items,completion.web_history_max_items>>|Number of URLs to show in the web history.
|<<completion.web_history.exclude,completion.web_history.exclude>>|A list of patterns which should not be shown in the history.
|<<completion.web_history.max_items,completion.web_history.max_items>>|Number of URLs to show in the web history.
|<<confirm_quit,confirm_quit>>|Require a confirmation before quitting the application.
|<<content.autoplay,content.autoplay>>|Automatically start playing `<video>` elements.
|<<content.cache.appcache,content.cache.appcache>>|Enable support for the HTML 5 web application cache feature.
@ -1447,8 +1448,19 @@ Type: <<types,Bool>>
Default: +pass:[false]+
=== completion.web_history_max_items
=== completion.web_history.exclude
A list of patterns which should not be shown in the history.
This only affects the completion. Matching URLs are still saved in the history (and visible on the qute://history page), but hidden in the completion.
Changing this setting will cause the completion history to be regenerated on the next start, which will take a short while.
This setting requires a restart.
Type: <<types,List of UrlPattern>>
Default: empty
=== completion.web_history.max_items
Number of URLs to show in the web history.
0: no history / -1: unlimited
@ -3449,5 +3461,8 @@ See the setting's valid values for more information on allowed values.
See for reference.
|UniqueCharString|A string which may not contain duplicate chars.
|Url|A URL as a string.
|UrlPattern|A match pattern for a URL.
See for the allowed syntax.
|VerticalPosition|The position of the download bar.

View File

@ -449,13 +449,10 @@ def _init_modules(args, crash_handler):
log.init.debug("Initializing web history...")
except sql.SqlError as e:
if e.environmental:
except sql.SqlEnvironmentError as e:
error.handle_fatal_exc(e, args, 'Error initializing SQL',
pre_text='Error initializing SQL')
log.init.debug("Initializing completion...")

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import contextlib
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, QUrl, QTimer, pyqtSignal
from qutebrowser.config import config
from qutebrowser.commands import cmdutils, cmdexc
from qutebrowser.utils import (utils, objreg, log, usertypes, message,
debug, standarddir, qtutils)
@ -35,6 +36,41 @@ from qutebrowser.misc import objects, sql
class CompletionMetaInfo(sql.SqlTable):
"""Table containing meta-information for the completion."""
KEYS = {
'force_rebuild': False,
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super().__init__("CompletionMetaInfo", ['key', 'value'],
constraints={'key': 'PRIMARY KEY'})
for key, default in self.KEYS.items():
if key not in self:
self[key] = default
def _check_key(self, key):
if key not in self.KEYS:
raise KeyError(key)
def __contains__(self, key):
query = self.contains_query('key')
def __getitem__(self, key):
query = sql.Query('SELECT value FROM CompletionMetaInfo '
'WHERE key = :key')
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.insert({'key': key, 'value': value}, replace=True)
class CompletionHistory(sql.SqlTable):
"""History which only has the newest entry for each URL."""
@ -65,11 +101,18 @@ class WebHistory(sql.SqlTable):
'redirect': 'NOT NULL'},
self.completion = CompletionHistory(parent=self)
self.metainfo = CompletionMetaInfo(parent=self)
if sql.Query('pragma user_version').run().value() < _USER_VERSION:
if self.metainfo['force_rebuild']:
self.metainfo['force_rebuild'] = False
if not self.completion:
# either the table is out-of-date or the user wiped it manually
self.create_index('HistoryIndex', 'url')
self.create_index('HistoryAtimeIndex', 'atime')
self._contains_query = self.contains_query('url')
@ -87,21 +130,29 @@ class WebHistory(sql.SqlTable):
'ORDER BY atime desc '
'limit :limit offset :offset')
def __repr__(self):
return utils.get_repr(self, length=len(self))
def __contains__(self, url):
def _on_config_changed(self):
self.metainfo['force_rebuild'] = True
def _handle_sql_errors(self):
except sql.SqlError as e:
if e.environmental:
except sql.SqlEnvironmentError as e:
message.error("Failed to write history: {}".format(e.text()))
def _is_excluded(self, url):
"""Check if the given URL is excluded from the completion."""
return any(pattern.matches(url)
for pattern in config.val.completion.web_history.exclude)
def _rebuild_completion(self):
data = {'url': [], 'title': [], 'last_atime': []}
@ -110,9 +161,13 @@ class WebHistory(sql.SqlTable):
'WHERE NOT redirect and url NOT LIKE "qute://back%" '
'GROUP BY url ORDER BY atime asc')
for entry in
url = QUrl(entry.url)
if self._is_excluded(url):
self.completion.insert_batch(data, replace=True)
sql.Query('pragma user_version = {}'.format(_USER_VERSION)).run()
@ -218,7 +273,10 @@ class WebHistory(sql.SqlTable):
'title': title,
'atime': atime,
'redirect': redirect})
if not redirect:
if redirect or self._is_excluded(url):
'url': self._format_completion_url(url),
'title': title,

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class HistoryCategory(QSqlQueryModel):
def _atime_expr(self):
"""If max_items is set, return an expression to limit the query."""
max_items = config.val.completion.web_history_max_items
max_items = config.val.completion.web_history.max_items
# HistoryCategory should not be added to the completion in that case.
assert max_items != 0
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class HistoryCategory(QSqlQueryModel):
timefmt = ("strftime('{}', last_atime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')"
.format(timestamp_format.replace("'", "`")))
if not self._query or len(words) != len(self._query.boundValues()):
if not self._query or len(words) != len(self._query.bound_values()):
# if the number of words changed, we need to generate a new query
# otherwise, we can reuse the prepared query for performance
self._query = sql.Query(' '.join([
@ -100,14 +100,14 @@ class HistoryCategory(QSqlQueryModel):
with debug.log_time('sql', 'Running completion query'):**{
str(i): w for i, w in enumerate(words)})
def removeRows(self, row, _count, _parent=None):
"""Override QAbstractItemModel::removeRows to re-run sql query."""
# re-run query to reload updated table
with debug.log_time('sql', 'Re-running completion query post-delete'):
while self.rowCount() < row:
return True

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def url(*, info):
'Bookmarks', bookmarks, delete_func=_delete_bookmark, sort=False))
if info.config.get('completion.web_history_max_items') != 0:
if info.config.get('completion.web_history.max_items') != 0:
hist_cat = histcategory.HistoryCategory(delete_func=_delete_history)
return model

View File

@ -812,7 +812,27 @@ completion.timestamp_format:
default: '%Y-%m-%d'
desc: Format of timestamps (e.g. for the history completion).
name: List
valtype: UrlPattern
none_ok: true
default: []
restart: true
desc: >-
A list of patterns which should not be shown in the history.
This only affects the completion. Matching URLs are still saved in the
history (and visible on the qute://history page), but hidden in the
Changing this setting will cause the completion history to be regenerated
on the next start, which will take a short while.
renamed: completion.web_history.max_items
default: -1
name: Int

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTabWidget, QTabBar
from qutebrowser.commands import cmdutils
from qutebrowser.config import configexc
from qutebrowser.utils import standarddir, utils, qtutils, urlutils
from qutebrowser.utils import standarddir, utils, qtutils, urlutils, urlmatch
from qutebrowser.keyinput import keyutils
@ -1661,3 +1661,22 @@ class Key(BaseType):
return keyutils.KeySequence.parse(value)
except keyutils.KeyParseError as e:
raise configexc.ValidationError(value, str(e))
class UrlPattern(BaseType):
"""A match pattern for a URL.
See for the allowed
def to_py(self, value):
self._basic_py_validation(value, str)
if not value:
return None
return urlmatch.UrlPattern(value)
except urlmatch.ParseError as e:
raise configexc.ValidationError(value, str(e))

View File

@ -27,51 +27,78 @@ from PyQt5.QtSql import QSqlDatabase, QSqlQuery, QSqlError
from qutebrowser.utils import log, debug
class SqliteErrorCode:
"""Error codes as used by sqlite.
See - note we only define the codes we use
in qutebrowser here.
BUSY = '5' # database is locked
READONLY = '8' # attempt to write a readonly database
IOERR = '10' # disk I/O error
CORRUPT = '11' # database disk image is malformed
FULL = '13' # database or disk is full
CANTOPEN = '14' # unable to open database file
CONSTRAINT = '19' # UNIQUE constraint failed
class SqlError(Exception):
"""Raised on an error interacting with the SQL database.
"""Base class for all SQL related errors."""
environmental: Whether the error is likely caused by the environment
and not a qutebrowser bug.
def __init__(self, msg, environmental=False):
self.environmental = environmental
def text(self):
"""Get a short text to display."""
return str(self)
class SqliteError(SqlError):
"""A SQL error with a QSqlError available.
error: The QSqlError object.
def __init__(self, msg, error):
def __init__(self, msg, error=None):
self.error = error
def text(self):
"""Get a short text description of the error.
This is a string suitable to show to the user as error message.
if self.error is None:
return str(self)
return self.error.databaseText()
class SqlEnvironmentError(SqlError):
"""Raised on an error interacting with the SQL database.
This is raised in conditions resulting from the environment (like a full
disk or I/O errors), where qutebrowser isn't to blame.
class SqlBugError(SqlError):
"""Raised on an error interacting with the SQL database.
This is raised for errors resulting from a qutebrowser bug.
def raise_sqlite_error(msg, error):
"""Raise either a SqlBugError or SqlEnvironmentError."""
log.sql.debug("SQL error:")
log.sql.debug("type: {}".format(
debug.qenum_key(QSqlError, error.type())))
log.sql.debug("database text: {}".format(error.databaseText()))
log.sql.debug("driver text: {}".format(error.driverText()))
log.sql.debug("error code: {}".format(error.nativeErrorCode()))
environmental_errors = [
'5', # SQLITE_BUSY ("database is locked")
# At least in init(), we can get errors like this:
# > type: ConnectionError
@ -82,38 +109,25 @@ class SqliteError(SqlError):
"out of memory",
errcode = error.nativeErrorCode()
self.environmental = (
errcode in environmental_errors or
(errcode == -1 and error.databaseText() in environmental_strings))
def text(self):
return self.error.databaseText()
def from_query(cls, what, query, error):
"""Construct an error from a failed query.
what: What we were doing when the error happened.
query: The query which was executed.
error: The QSqlError object.
msg = 'Failed to {} query "{}": "{}"'.format(what, query, error.text())
return cls(msg, error)
if (errcode in environmental_errors or
(errcode == -1 and error.databaseText() in environmental_strings)):
raise SqlEnvironmentError(msg, error)
raise SqlBugError(msg, error)
def init(db_path):
"""Initialize the SQL database connection."""
database = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE')
if not database.isValid():
raise SqlError('Failed to add database. '
'Are sqlite and Qt sqlite support installed?',
raise SqlEnvironmentError('Failed to add database. Are sqlite and Qt '
'sqlite support installed?')
if not
error = database.lastError()
raise SqliteError("Failed to open sqlite database at {}: {}"
.format(db_path, error.text()), error)
msg = "Failed to open sqlite database at {}: {}".format(db_path,
raise_sqlite_error(msg, error)
# Enable write-ahead-logging and reduce disk write frequency
# see and issues #2930 and #3507
@ -135,11 +149,11 @@ def version():
return ver
return Query("select sqlite_version()").run().value()
except SqlError as e:
except SqlEnvironmentError as e:
return 'UNAVAILABLE ({})'.format(e)
class Query(QSqlQuery):
class Query:
"""A prepared SQL Query."""
@ -151,39 +165,84 @@ class Query(QSqlQuery):
forward_only: Optimization for queries that will only step forward.
Must be false for completion queries.
self.query = QSqlQuery(QSqlDatabase.database())
log.sql.debug('Preparing SQL query: "{}"'.format(querystr))
if not self.prepare(querystr):
raise SqliteError.from_query('prepare', querystr, self.lastError())
ok = self.query.prepare(querystr)
self._check_ok('prepare', ok)
def __iter__(self):
if not self.isActive():
raise SqlError("Cannot iterate inactive query")
rec = self.record()
if not self.query.isActive():
raise SqlBugError("Cannot iterate inactive query")
rec = self.query.record()
fields = [rec.fieldName(i) for i in range(rec.count())]
rowtype = collections.namedtuple('ResultRow', fields)
rec = self.record()
rec = self.query.record()
yield rowtype(*[rec.value(i) for i in range(rec.count())])
def _check_ok(self, step, ok):
if not ok:
query = self.query.lastQuery()
error = self.query.lastError()
msg = 'Failed to {} query "{}": "{}"'.format(step, query,
raise_sqlite_error(msg, error)
def _bind_values(self, values):
for key, val in values.items():
self.query.bindValue(':{}'.format(key), val)
if any(val is None for val in self.bound_values().values()):
raise SqlBugError("Missing bound values!")
def run(self, **values):
"""Execute the prepared query."""
log.sql.debug('Running SQL query: "{}"'.format(self.lastQuery()))
for key, val in values.items():
self.bindValue(':{}'.format(key), val)
log.sql.debug('query bindings: {}'.format(self.boundValues()))
if not self.exec_():
raise SqliteError.from_query('exec', self.lastQuery(),
log.sql.debug('Running SQL query: "{}"'.format(
log.sql.debug('query bindings: {}'.format(self.bound_values()))
ok = self.query.exec_()
self._check_ok('exec', ok)
return self
def run_batch(self, values):
"""Execute the query in batch mode."""
log.sql.debug('Running SQL query (batch): "{}"'.format(
db = QSqlDatabase.database()
ok = db.transaction()
self._check_ok('transaction', ok)
ok = self.query.execBatch()
self._check_ok('execBatch', ok)
except SqlError:
# Not checking the return value here, as we're failing anyways...
ok = db.commit()
self._check_ok('commit', ok)
def value(self):
"""Return the result of a single-value query (e.g. an EXISTS)."""
if not
raise SqlError("No result for single-result query")
return self.record().value(0)
if not
raise SqlBugError("No result for single-result query")
return self.query.record().value(0)
def rows_affected(self):
return self.query.numRowsAffected()
def bound_values(self):
return self.query.boundValues()
class SqlTable(QObject):
@ -266,7 +325,7 @@ class SqlTable(QObject):
q = Query("DELETE FROM {table} where {field} = :val"
.format(table=self._name, field=field))
if not q.numRowsAffected():
if not q.rows_affected():
raise KeyError('No row with {} = "{}"'.format(field, value))
@ -296,14 +355,7 @@ class SqlTable(QObject):
replace: If true, overwrite rows with a primary key match.
q = self._insert_query(values, replace)
for key, val in values.items():
q.bindValue(':{}'.format(key), val)
db = QSqlDatabase.database()
if not q.execBatch():
raise SqliteError.from_query('exec', q.lastQuery(), q.lastError())
def delete_all(self):

View File

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ def whitelist_generator(): # noqa
yield 'qutebrowser.utils.debug.qflags_key'
yield 'qutebrowser.utils.qtutils.QtOSError.qt_errno'
yield 'scripts.utils.bg_colors'
yield 'qutebrowser.misc.sql.SqliteErrorCode.CONSTRAINT'
# Qt attributes
yield 'PyQt5.QtWebKit.QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionReturn().baseUrl'

View File

@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ def test_config_change(config_stub, basedir, download_stub,
host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker()
config_stub.set_obj('content.host_blocking.lists', None)
config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.lists = None
for str_url in URLS_TO_CHECK:
assert not host_blocker.is_blocked(QUrl(str_url))

View File

@ -42,22 +42,16 @@ def hist(tmpdir):
return history.WebHistory()
def mock_time(mocker):
m = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.browser.history.time')
m.time.return_value = 12345
return 12345
class TestSpecialMethods:
def test_iter(hist):
def test_iter(self, hist):
urlstr = ''
url = QUrl(urlstr)
hist.add_url(url, atime=12345)
assert list(hist) == [(urlstr, '', 12345, False)]
def test_len(hist):
def test_len(self, hist):
assert len(hist) == 0
url = QUrl('')
@ -65,16 +59,18 @@ def test_len(hist):
assert len(hist) == 1
def test_contains(hist):
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), title='Title', atime=12345)
def test_contains(self, hist):
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), title='Title',
assert '' in hist
assert '' not in hist
assert 'Title' not in hist
assert 12345 not in hist
def test_get_recent(hist):
class TestGetting:
def test_get_recent(self, hist):
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=67890)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=12345)
assert list(hist.get_recent()) == [
@ -82,8 +78,7 @@ def test_get_recent(hist):
('', '', 12345, False),
def test_entries_between(hist):
def test_entries_between(self, hist):
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=12345)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=12346)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=12347)
@ -95,8 +90,7 @@ def test_entries_between(hist):
times = [x.atime for x in hist.entries_between(12346, 12349)]
assert times == [12349, 12348, 12348, 12347]
def test_entries_before(hist):
def test_entries_before(self, hist):
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=12346)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=12346)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=12347)
@ -106,11 +100,14 @@ def test_entries_before(hist):
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=12349)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=12349)
times = [x.atime for x in hist.entries_before(12348, limit=3, offset=2)]
times = [x.atime for x in
hist.entries_before(12348, limit=3, offset=2)]
assert times == [12348, 12347, 12346]
def test_clear(qtbot, tmpdir, hist, mocker):
class TestDelete:
def test_clear(self, qtbot, tmpdir, hist, mocker):
@ -119,20 +116,18 @@ def test_clear(qtbot, tmpdir, hist, mocker):
assert m.called
def test_clear_force(qtbot, tmpdir, hist):
def test_clear_force(self, qtbot, tmpdir, hist):
assert not len(hist)
assert not len(hist.completion)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('raw, escaped', [
('', ''),
(' 2', ''),
def test_delete_url(hist, raw, escaped):
def test_delete_url(self, hist, raw, escaped):
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=0)
hist.add_url(QUrl(escaped), atime=0)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=0)
@ -149,9 +144,16 @@ def test_delete_url(hist, raw, escaped):
assert completion_diff == {(raw, '', 0)}
class TestAdd:
def mock_time(self, mocker):
m = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.browser.history.time')
m.time.return_value = 12345
return 12345
'url, atime, title, redirect, history_url, completion_url', [
('', 12346, 'the title', False,
'', ''),
('', 12346, 'the title', True,
@ -162,8 +164,8 @@ def test_delete_url(hist, raw, escaped):
'', ''),
def test_add_url(qtbot, hist, url, atime, title, redirect, history_url,
def test_add_url(self, qtbot, hist,
url, atime, title, redirect, history_url, completion_url):
hist.add_url(QUrl(url), atime=atime, title=title, redirect=redirect)
assert list(hist) == [(history_url, title, atime, redirect)]
if completion_url is None:
@ -171,20 +173,27 @@ def test_add_url(qtbot, hist, url, atime, title, redirect, history_url,
assert list(hist.completion) == [(completion_url, title, atime)]
def test_no_sql_history(self, hist, fake_args):
fake_args.debug_flags = 'no-sql-history'
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), atime=12346,
title='Hello World', redirect=False)
assert not list(hist)
def test_add_url_invalid(qtbot, hist, caplog):
def test_invalid(self, qtbot, hist, caplog):
with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING):
assert not list(hist)
assert not list(hist.completion)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('environmental', [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('completion', [True, False])
def test_add_url_error(monkeypatch, hist, message_mock, caplog,
def test_error(self, monkeypatch, hist, message_mock, caplog,
environmental, completion):
def raise_error(url, replace=False):
raise sql.SqlError("Error message", environmental=environmental)
if environmental:
raise sql.SqlEnvironmentError("Error message")
raise sql.SqlBugError("Error message")
if completion:
monkeypatch.setattr(hist.completion, 'insert', raise_error)
@ -197,10 +206,9 @@ def test_add_url_error(monkeypatch, hist, message_mock, caplog,
msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.error)
assert msg.text == "Failed to write history: Error message"
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlError):
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlBugError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('level, url, req_url, expected', [
(logging.DEBUG, '', '', [('', 'title', 12345, False)]),
(logging.DEBUG, '', '', [('', 'title', 12345, False),
@ -210,14 +218,25 @@ def test_add_url_error(monkeypatch, hist, message_mock, caplog,
(logging.WARNING, 'data:foo', '', []),
(logging.WARNING, '', 'data:foo', []),
def test_add_from_tab(hist, level, url, req_url, expected, mock_time, caplog):
def test_from_tab(self, hist, caplog, mock_time,
level, url, req_url, expected):
with caplog.at_level(level):
hist.add_from_tab(QUrl(url), QUrl(req_url), 'title')
assert set(hist) == set(expected)
def test_exclude(self, hist, config_stub):
"""Excluded URLs should be in the history but not completion."""
config_stub.val.completion.web_history.exclude = ['*']
url = QUrl('')
hist.add_from_tab(url, url, 'title')
assert list(hist)
assert not list(hist.completion)
class TestHistoryInterface:
def hist_interface(hist):
def hist_interface(self, hist):
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
QtWebKit = pytest.importorskip('PyQt5.QtWebKit')
from qutebrowser.browser.webkit import webkithistory
@ -229,16 +248,17 @@ def hist_interface(hist):
def test_history_interface(qtbot, webview, hist_interface):
def test_history_interface(self, qtbot, webview, hist_interface):
html = b"<a href='about:blank'>foo</a>"
url = urlutils.data_url('text/html', html)
with qtbot.waitSignal(webview.loadFinished):
class TestInit:
def cleanup_init():
def cleanup_init(self):
# prevent test_init from leaking state
hist = objreg.get('web-history', None)
@ -251,10 +271,9 @@ def cleanup_init():
except ImportError:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', [usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine,
def test_init(backend, qapp, tmpdir, monkeypatch, cleanup_init):
def test_init(self, backend, qapp, tmpdir, monkeypatch, cleanup_init):
if backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebKit:
@ -279,12 +298,15 @@ def test_init(backend, qapp, tmpdir, monkeypatch, cleanup_init):
default_interface = None
default_interface = QWebHistoryInterface.defaultInterface()
# For this to work, nothing can ever have called setDefaultInterface
# before (so we need to test webengine before webkit)
# For this to work, nothing can ever have called
# setDefaultInterface before (so we need to test webengine before
# webkit)
assert default_interface is None
def test_import_txt(hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs):
class TestImport:
def test_import_txt(self, hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs):
monkeypatch.setattr(history, 'QTimer', stubs.InstaTimer)
histfile = data_tmpdir / 'history'
# empty line is deliberate, to test skipping empty lines
@ -306,8 +328,7 @@ def test_import_txt(hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs):
assert not histfile.exists()
assert (data_tmpdir / 'history.bak').exists()
def test_import_txt_existing_backup(hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs):
def test_existing_backup(self, hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs):
monkeypatch.setattr(history, 'QTimer', stubs.InstaTimer)
histfile = data_tmpdir / 'history'
bakfile = data_tmpdir / 'history.bak'
@ -322,7 +343,6 @@ def test_import_txt_existing_backup(hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs):
assert'\n') == ['12346',
'12345 title']
@pytest.mark.parametrize('line', [
@ -334,9 +354,10 @@ def test_import_txt_existing_backup(hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs):
# issue #2646
'12345 data:text/html;charset=UTF-8,%3C%21DOCTYPE%20html%20PUBLIC%20%22-',
('12345 data:text/html;'
def test_import_txt_skip(hist, data_tmpdir, line, monkeypatch, stubs):
def test_skip(self, hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs, line):
"""import_txt should skip certain lines silently."""
monkeypatch.setattr(history, 'QTimer', stubs.InstaTimer)
histfile = data_tmpdir / 'history'
@ -347,7 +368,6 @@ def test_import_txt_skip(hist, data_tmpdir, line, monkeypatch, stubs):
assert not histfile.exists()
assert not len(hist)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('line', [
@ -356,8 +376,8 @@ def test_import_txt_skip(hist, data_tmpdir, line, monkeypatch, stubs):
'68891 http://.com',
def test_import_txt_invalid(hist, data_tmpdir, line, monkeypatch, stubs,
def test_invalid(self, hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs, caplog,
"""import_txt should fail on certain lines."""
monkeypatch.setattr(history, 'QTimer', stubs.InstaTimer)
histfile = data_tmpdir / 'history'
@ -371,14 +391,15 @@ def test_import_txt_invalid(hist, data_tmpdir, line, monkeypatch, stubs,
assert histfile.exists()
def test_import_txt_nonexistent(hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs):
def test_nonexistent(self, hist, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, stubs):
"""import_txt should do nothing if the history file doesn't exist."""
monkeypatch.setattr(history, 'QTimer', stubs.InstaTimer)
def test_debug_dump_history(hist, tmpdir):
class TestDump:
def test_debug_dump_history(self, hist, tmpdir):
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), title="Title1", atime=12345)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), title="Title2", atime=12346)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), title="Title3", atime=12347)
@ -392,14 +413,15 @@ def test_debug_dump_history(hist, tmpdir):
'12348-r Title4']
assert == '\n'.join(expected)
def test_debug_dump_history_nonexistent(hist, tmpdir):
def test_nonexistent(self, hist, tmpdir):
histfile = tmpdir / 'nonexistent' / 'history'
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError):
def test_rebuild_completion(hist):
class TestRebuild:
def test_delete(self, hist):
hist.insert({'url': '', 'title': 'example1',
'redirect': False, 'atime': 1})
hist.insert({'url': '', 'title': 'example1',
@ -418,9 +440,8 @@ def test_rebuild_completion(hist):
(' 3', 'example2', 5),
def test_no_rebuild_completion(hist):
"""Ensure that completion is not regenerated unless completely empty."""
def test_no_rebuild(self, hist):
"""Ensure that completion is not regenerated unless empty."""
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), redirect=False, atime=1)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), redirect=False, atime=2)
hist.completion.delete('url', '')
@ -428,9 +449,8 @@ def test_no_rebuild_completion(hist):
hist2 = history.WebHistory()
assert list(hist2.completion) == [('', '', 1)]
def test_user_version(hist, monkeypatch):
"""Ensure that completion is regenerated if user_version is incremented."""
def test_user_version(self, hist, monkeypatch):
"""Ensure that completion is regenerated if user_version changes."""
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), redirect=False, atime=1)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), redirect=False, atime=2)
hist.completion.delete('url', '')
@ -438,9 +458,72 @@ def test_user_version(hist, monkeypatch):
hist2 = history.WebHistory()
assert list(hist2.completion) == [('', '', 1)]
monkeypatch.setattr(history, '_USER_VERSION', history._USER_VERSION + 1)
monkeypatch.setattr(history, '_USER_VERSION',
history._USER_VERSION + 1)
hist3 = history.WebHistory()
assert list(hist3.completion) == [
('', '', 1),
('', '', 2),
def test_force_rebuild(self, hist):
"""Ensure that completion is regenerated if we force a rebuild."""
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), redirect=False, atime=1)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), redirect=False, atime=2)
hist.completion.delete('url', '')
hist2 = history.WebHistory()
assert list(hist2.completion) == [('', '', 1)]
hist2.metainfo['force_rebuild'] = True
hist3 = history.WebHistory()
assert list(hist3.completion) == [
('', '', 1),
('', '', 2),
assert not hist3.metainfo['force_rebuild']
def test_exclude(self, config_stub, hist):
"""Ensure that patterns in completion.web_history.exclude are ignored.
This setting should only be used for the completion.
config_stub.val.completion.web_history.exclude = ['*']
assert hist.metainfo['force_rebuild']
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), redirect=False, atime=1)
hist.add_url(QUrl(''), redirect=False, atime=2)
hist2 = history.WebHistory()
assert list(hist2.completion) == [('', '', 1)]
def test_unrelated_config_change(self, config_stub, hist):
config_stub.val.history_gap_interval = 1234
assert not hist.metainfo['force_rebuild']
class TestCompletionMetaInfo:
def metainfo(self):
return history.CompletionMetaInfo()
def test_contains_keyerror(self, metainfo):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
'does_not_exist' in metainfo # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
def test_getitem_keyerror(self, metainfo):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
metainfo['does_not_exist'] # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
def test_setitem_keyerror(self, metainfo):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
metainfo['does_not_exist'] = 42
def test_contains(self, metainfo):
assert 'force_rebuild' in metainfo
def test_modify(self, metainfo):
assert not metainfo['force_rebuild']
metainfo['force_rebuild'] = True
assert metainfo['force_rebuild']

View File

@ -90,14 +90,15 @@ class TestHistoryHandler:
for i in range(entry_count):
entry_atime = now - i * interval
entry = {"atime": str(entry_atime),
"url": QUrl("" + str(i)),
"url": QUrl("" + str(i)),
"title": "Page " + str(i)}
items.insert(0, entry)
return items
def fake_web_history(self, fake_save_manager, tmpdir, init_sql):
def fake_web_history(self, fake_save_manager, tmpdir, init_sql,
"""Create a fake web-history and register it into objreg."""
web_history = history.WebHistory()
objreg.register('web-history', web_history)
@ -133,6 +134,15 @@ class TestHistoryHandler:
assert item['time'] <= start_time
assert item['time'] > end_time
def test_exclude(self, fake_web_history, now, config_stub):
"""Make sure the completion.web_history.exclude setting is not used."""
config_stub.val.completion.web_history.exclude = ['']
url = QUrl("qute://history/data?start_time={}".format(now))
_mimetype, data = qutescheme.qute_history(url)
items = json.loads(data)
assert items
def test_qute_history_benchmark(self, fake_web_history, benchmark, now):
r = range(100000)
entries = {

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from qutebrowser.completion.models import histcategory
def hist(init_sql, config_stub):
config_stub.val.completion.timestamp_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
config_stub.val.completion.web_history_max_items = -1
config_stub.val.completion.web_history.max_items = -1
return sql.SqlTable('CompletionHistory', ['url', 'title', 'last_atime'])
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def test_set_pattern_repeated(model_validator, hist):
def test_sorting(max_items, before, after, model_validator, hist, config_stub):
"""Validate the filtering and sorting results of set_pattern."""
config_stub.val.completion.web_history_max_items = max_items
config_stub.val.completion.web_history.max_items = max_items
for url, title, atime in before:
timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(atime, '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp()
hist.insert({'url': url, 'title': title, 'last_atime': timestamp})

View File

@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ def bookmarks(bookmark_manager_stub):
def web_history(init_sql, stubs, config_stub):
"""Fixture which provides a web-history object."""
config_stub.val.completion.timestamp_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
config_stub.val.completion.web_history_max_items = -1
config_stub.val.completion.web_history.max_items = -1
stub = history.WebHistory()
objreg.register('web-history', stub)
yield stub
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ def test_url_completion_delete_history(qtmodeltester, info,
def test_url_completion_zero_limit(config_stub, web_history, quickmarks, info,
"""Make sure there's no history if the limit was set to zero."""
config_stub.val.completion.web_history_max_items = 0
config_stub.val.completion.web_history.max_items = 0
model = urlmodel.url(info=info)
category = model.index(2, 0) # "History" normally

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor, QFont
from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkProxy
from qutebrowser.config import configtypes, configexc
from qutebrowser.utils import debug, utils, qtutils
from qutebrowser.utils import debug, utils, qtutils, urlmatch
from import pac
from qutebrowser.keyinput import keyutils
from tests.helpers import utils as testutils
@ -2099,6 +2099,21 @@ class TestKey:
class TestUrlPattern:
def klass(self):
return configtypes.UrlPattern
def test_to_py_valid(self, klass):
pattern = 'http://*'
assert klass().to_py(pattern) == urlmatch.UrlPattern(pattern)
def test_to_py_invalid(self, klass):
with pytest.raises(configexc.ValidationError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('first, second, equal', [
(re.compile('foo'), RegexEq('foo'), True),
(RegexEq('bar'), re.compile('bar'), True),

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def test_changing_timer_with_messages_shown(qtbot, view, config_stub):
config_stub.val.messages.timeout = 900000 # 15s
view.show_message(, 'test')
with qtbot.waitSignal(view._clear_timer.timeout):
config_stub.set_obj('messages.timeout', 100)
config_stub.val.messages.timeout = 100
@pytest.mark.parametrize('count, expected', [(1, 100), (3, 300),

View File

@ -29,30 +29,32 @@ from qutebrowser.misc import sql
pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('init_sql')
def test_sqlerror():
@pytest.mark.parametrize('klass', [sql.SqlEnvironmentError, sql.SqlBugError])
def test_sqlerror(klass):
text = "Hello World"
err = sql.SqlError(text, environmental=True)
err = klass(text)
assert str(err) == text
assert err.text() == text
assert err.environmental
class TestSqliteError:
class TestSqlError:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('error_code, environmental', [
('5', True), # SQLITE_BUSY
('19', False), # SQLITE_CONSTRAINT
@pytest.mark.parametrize('error_code, exception', [
(sql.SqliteErrorCode.BUSY, sql.SqlEnvironmentError),
(sql.SqliteErrorCode.CONSTRAINT, sql.SqlBugError),
def test_environmental(self, error_code, environmental):
def test_environmental(self, error_code, exception):
sql_err = QSqlError("driver text", "db text", QSqlError.UnknownError,
err = sql.SqliteError("Message", sql_err)
assert err.environmental == environmental
with pytest.raises(exception):
sql.raise_sqlite_error("Message", sql_err)
def test_logging(self, caplog):
sql_err = QSqlError("driver text", "db text", QSqlError.UnknownError,
sql.SqliteError("Message", sql_err)
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlBugError):
sql.raise_sqlite_error("Message", sql_err)
lines = [r.message for r in caplog.records]
expected = ['SQL error:',
'type: UnknownError',
@ -62,21 +64,11 @@ class TestSqliteError:
assert lines == expected
def test_from_query(self):
[sql.SqlEnvironmentError, sql.SqlBugError])
def test_text(self, klass):
sql_err = QSqlError("driver text", "db text")
err = sql.SqliteError.from_query(
what='test', query='SELECT * from foo;', error=sql_err)
expected = ('Failed to test query "SELECT * from foo;": '
'"db text driver text"')
assert str(err) == expected
def test_subclass(self):
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlError):
raise sql.SqliteError("text", QSqlError())
def test_text(self):
sql_err = QSqlError("driver text", "db text")
err = sql.SqliteError("Message", sql_err)
err = klass("Message", sql_err)
assert err.text() == "db text"
@ -103,7 +95,7 @@ def test_insert_replace(qtbot):
table.insert({'name': 'one', 'val': 11, 'lucky': True}, replace=True)
assert list(table) == [('one', 11, True)]
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlError):
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlBugError):
table.insert({'name': 'one', 'val': 11, 'lucky': True}, replace=False)
@ -139,7 +131,7 @@ def test_insert_batch_replace(qtbot):
('one', 11, True),
('nine', 19, True)]
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlError):
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlBugError):
table.insert_batch({'name': ['one', 'nine'],
'val': [11, 19],
'lucky': [True, True]})
@ -231,3 +223,80 @@ def test_delete_all(qtbot):
def test_version():
assert isinstance(sql.version(), str)
class TestSqlQuery:
def test_prepare_error(self):
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlBugError) as excinfo:
expected = ('Failed to prepare query "invalid": "near "invalid": '
'syntax error Unable to execute statement"')
assert str(excinfo.value) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('forward_only', [True, False])
def test_forward_only(self, forward_only):
q = sql.Query('SELECT 0 WHERE 0', forward_only=forward_only)
assert q.query.isForwardOnly() == forward_only
def test_iter_inactive(self):
q = sql.Query('SELECT 0')
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlBugError,
match='Cannot iterate inactive query'):
def test_iter_empty(self):
q = sql.Query('SELECT 0 AS col WHERE 0')
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
def test_iter(self):
q = sql.Query('SELECT 0 AS col')
result = next(iter(q))
assert result.col == 0
def test_iter_multiple(self):
q = sql.Query('VALUES (1), (2), (3);')
res = list(
assert len(res) == 3
assert res[0].column1 == 1
def test_run_binding(self):
q = sql.Query('SELECT :answer')
assert q.value() == 42
def test_run_missing_binding(self):
q = sql.Query('SELECT :answer')
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlBugError, match='Missing bound values!'):
def test_run_batch(self):
q = sql.Query('SELECT :answer')
q.run_batch(values={'answer': [42]})
assert q.value() == 42
def test_run_batch_missing_binding(self):
q = sql.Query('SELECT :answer')
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlBugError, match='Missing bound values!'):
def test_value_missing(self):
q = sql.Query('SELECT 0 WHERE 0')
with pytest.raises(sql.SqlBugError,
match='No result for single-result query'):
def test_num_rows_affected(self):
q = sql.Query('SELECT 0')
assert q.rows_affected() == 0
def test_bound_values(self):
q = sql.Query('SELECT :answer')
assert q.bound_values() == {':answer': 42}