diff --git a/doc/INSTALL.asciidoc b/doc/INSTALL.asciidoc index e0a96f685..938345a4e 100644 --- a/doc/INSTALL.asciidoc +++ b/doc/INSTALL.asciidoc @@ -49,67 +49,24 @@ or you could use an AUR helper, e.g. `yaourt -S qutebrowser-git`. On Gentoo --------- -Running qutebrowser on Gentoo is unfortunately rather hard because Qt5 and -PyQt5 are not packaged officially. https://github.com/posativ[@posativ] has -written a howto with steps to get it running. - -* Add qt-overlay (`git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/qt.git`) and emerge: - - * `dev-qt/qtwebkit:5` - * `dev-qt/qtwidgets:5` - - * `dev-lang/python:3.4` - - * `dev-python/virtualenv` (`~1.11.6`) - * `dev-python/sip` (`**4.9999`) - -My USEs for `qtcore/qtwebkit 5`: +A dedicated overlay is available on +https://github.com/posativ/qutebrowser-overlay[GitHub]. To install it, add the +overlay with http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Layman[layman]: ---- -dev-qt/qtcore:5 icu -dev-qt/qtwebkit:5 widgets printsupport multimedia gstreamer +# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/posativ/qutebrowser-overlay/master/overlays.xml -O /etc/layman/overlays/qutebrowser.xml +# layman -a qutebrowser ---- -Also make sure you have `python3_4` in your `PYTHON_TARGETS` -(`/etc/portage/make.conf`) and rebuild your system (`emerge -uDNav @world`). - -I prefer the installation in a dedicated virtual environment: +Note, that Qt5 is available in the portage tree, but masked. You may need to do +a lot of keywording to install qutebrowser. Also make sure you have `python3_4` +in your `PYTHON_TARGETS` (`/etc/portage/make.conf`) and rebuild your system +(`emerge -uDNav @world`). Afterwards, you can install qutebrowser: ---- -$ virtualenv --python=python3.4 --system-site-packages ~/.pyenv/qutebrowser -$ cd ~/.pyenv/qutebrowser -$ source bin/activate +# emerge -av qutebrowser ---- -There's still no PyQt5 packaged for Gentoo so we manually install it into the -virtual environment: - ----- -$ wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyqt/files/PyQt5/PyQt-5.3.2/PyQt-gpl-5.3.2.tar.gz -$ tar xfz PyQt-gpl-5.3.2.tar.gz -$ cd PyQt-gpl-5.3.2/ -$ python configure.py --qmake=/usr/lib64/qt5/bin/qmake --confirm-license -$ make -$ make install ----- - -Lastly we install qutebrowser: - ----- -$ git clone git://the-compiler.org/qutebrowser/ -$ cd qutebrowser/ -$ python setup.py develop ----- - -To run qutebrowser, you can run `qutebrowser` inside the virtualenv. Or symlink -it to a directory in your `$PATH`, e.g.: - ----- -$ ln -s ~/.pyenv/qutebrowser/bin/qutebrowser /usr/local/bin/ ----- - -Your mileage may vary. - On Windows ----------