Converted test_utils to pytest
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,15 +21,14 @@
import sys
import enum
import unittest
import datetime
import os.path
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor
import pytest
from qutebrowser.utils import utils, qtutils
from qutebrowser.test import helpers
class Color(QColor):
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ class Color(QColor):
class ElidingTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestEliding:
"""Test elide."""
@ -50,33 +49,34 @@ class ElidingTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_too_small(self):
"""Test eliding to 0 chars which should fail."""
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
utils.elide('foo', 0)
def test_length_one(self):
"""Test eliding to 1 char which should yield ..."""
self.assertEqual(utils.elide('foo', 1), self.ELLIPSIS)
assert utils.elide('foo', 1) == self.ELLIPSIS
def test_fits(self):
"""Test eliding with a string which fits exactly."""
self.assertEqual(utils.elide('foo', 3), 'foo')
assert utils.elide('foo', 3) == 'foo'
def test_elided(self):
"""Test eliding with a string which should get elided."""
self.assertEqual(utils.elide('foobar', 3), 'fo' + self.ELLIPSIS)
assert utils.elide('foobar', 3) == 'fo' + self.ELLIPSIS
class ReadFileTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestReadFile:
"""Test read_file."""
def test_readfile(self):
"""Read a testfile."""
content = utils.read_file(os.path.join('test', 'testfile'))
self.assertEqual(content.splitlines()[0], "Hello World!")
directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
content = utils.read_file(os.path.join(directory, 'testfile'))
assert content.splitlines()[0] == "Hello World!"
class InterpolateColorTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestInterpolateColor:
"""Tests for interpolate_color.
@ -85,30 +85,31 @@ class InterpolateColorTests(unittest.TestCase):
white: The Color black as a valid Color for tests.
def setUp(self):
def setup(self):
self.white = Color('white')
|||| = Color('black')
def test_invalid_start(self):
"""Test an invalid start color."""
with self.assertRaises(qtutils.QtValueError):
with pytest.raises(qtutils.QtValueError):
utils.interpolate_color(Color(), self.white, 0)
def test_invalid_end(self):
"""Test an invalid end color."""
with self.assertRaises(qtutils.QtValueError):
with pytest.raises(qtutils.QtValueError):
utils.interpolate_color(self.white, Color(), 0)
def test_invalid_percentage(self):
"""Test an invalid percentage."""
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.white, -1)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.white, 101)
def test_invalid_colorspace(self):
"""Test an invalid colorspace."""
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
utils.interpolate_color(self.white,, 10, QColor.Cmyk)
def test_valid_percentages_rgb(self):
@ -116,30 +117,30 @@ class InterpolateColorTests(unittest.TestCase):
white = utils.interpolate_color(self.white,, 0, QColor.Rgb)
black = utils.interpolate_color(self.white,, 100,
self.assertEqual(Color(white), self.white)
assert Color(white) == self.white
assert Color(black) ==
def test_valid_percentages_hsv(self):
"""Test 0% and 100% in the HSV colorspace."""
white = utils.interpolate_color(self.white,, 0, QColor.Hsv)
black = utils.interpolate_color(self.white,, 100,
self.assertEqual(Color(white), self.white)
assert Color(white) == self.white
assert Color(black) ==
def test_valid_percentages_hsl(self):
"""Test 0% and 100% in the HSL colorspace."""
white = utils.interpolate_color(self.white,, 0, QColor.Hsl)
black = utils.interpolate_color(self.white,, 100,
self.assertEqual(Color(white), self.white)
assert Color(white) == self.white
assert Color(black) ==
def test_interpolation_rgb(self):
"""Test an interpolation in the RGB colorspace."""
color = utils.interpolate_color(Color(0, 40, 100), Color(0, 20, 200),
50, QColor.Rgb)
self.assertEqual(Color(color), Color(0, 30, 150))
assert Color(color) == Color(0, 30, 150)
def test_interpolation_hsv(self):
"""Test an interpolation in the HSV colorspace."""
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ class InterpolateColorTests(unittest.TestCase):
color = utils.interpolate_color(start, stop, 50, QColor.Hsv)
expected = Color()
expected.setHsv(0, 30, 150)
self.assertEqual(Color(color), expected)
assert Color(color) == expected
def test_interpolation_hsl(self):
"""Test an interpolation in the HSL colorspace."""
@ -161,10 +162,10 @@ class InterpolateColorTests(unittest.TestCase):
color = utils.interpolate_color(start, stop, 50, QColor.Hsl)
expected = Color()
expected.setHsl(0, 30, 150)
self.assertEqual(Color(color), expected)
assert Color(color) == expected
class FormatSecondsTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestFormatSeconds:
"""Tests for format_seconds.
@ -186,14 +187,13 @@ class FormatSecondsTests(unittest.TestCase):
(36000, '10:00:00'),
def test_format_seconds(self):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('seconds, out', TESTS)
def test_format_seconds(self, seconds, out):
"""Test format_seconds with several tests."""
for seconds, out in self.TESTS:
with self.subTest(seconds=seconds):
self.assertEqual(utils.format_seconds(seconds), out)
assert utils.format_seconds(seconds) == out
class FormatTimedeltaTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestFormatTimedelta:
"""Tests for format_timedelta.
@ -217,14 +217,13 @@ class FormatTimedeltaTests(unittest.TestCase):
(datetime.timedelta(seconds=36000), '10h'),
def test_format_seconds(self):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('td, out', TESTS)
def test_format_seconds(self, td, out):
"""Test format_seconds with several tests."""
for td, out in self.TESTS:
with self.subTest(td=td):
self.assertEqual(utils.format_timedelta(td), out)
assert utils.format_timedelta(td) == out
class FormatSizeTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestFormatSize:
"""Tests for format_size.
@ -244,122 +243,117 @@ class FormatSizeTests(unittest.TestCase):
(None, '?.??'),
def test_format_size(self):
KILO_TESTS = [(999, '999.00'), (1000, '1.00k'), (1010, '1.01k')]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('size, out', TESTS)
def test_format_size(self, size, out):
"""Test format_size with several tests."""
for size, out in self.TESTS:
with self.subTest(size=size):
self.assertEqual(utils.format_size(size), out)
assert utils.format_size(size) == out
def test_suffix(self):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('size, out', TESTS)
def test_suffix(self, size, out):
"""Test the suffix option."""
for size, out in self.TESTS:
with self.subTest(size=size):
self.assertEqual(utils.format_size(size, suffix='B'),
out + 'B')
assert utils.format_size(size, suffix='B') == out + 'B'
def test_base(self):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('size, out', KILO_TESTS)
def test_base(self, size, out):
"""Test with an alternative base."""
kilo_tests = [(999, '999.00'), (1000, '1.00k'), (1010, '1.01k')]
for size, out in kilo_tests:
with self.subTest(size=size):
self.assertEqual(utils.format_size(size, base=1000), out)
assert utils.format_size(size, base=1000) == out
class KeyToStringTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestKeyToString:
"""Test key_to_string."""
def test_unicode_garbage_keys(self):
"""Test a special key where QKeyEvent::toString works incorrectly."""
self.assertEqual(utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_Blue), 'Blue')
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_Blue) == 'Blue'
def test_backtab(self):
"""Test if backtab is normalized to tab correctly."""
self.assertEqual(utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_Backtab), 'Tab')
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_Backtab) == 'Tab'
def test_escape(self):
"""Test if escape is normalized to escape correctly."""
self.assertEqual(utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_Escape), 'Escape')
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_Escape) == 'Escape'
def test_letter(self):
"""Test a simple letter key."""
self.assertEqual(utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_A), 'A')
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_A) == 'A'
def test_unicode(self):
"""Test a printable unicode key."""
self.assertEqual(utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_degree), '°')
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_degree) == '°'
def test_special(self):
"""Test a non-printable key handled by QKeyEvent::toString."""
self.assertEqual(utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_F1), 'F1')
assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_F1) == 'F1'
class KeyEventToStringTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestKeyEventToString:
"""Test keyevent_to_string."""
def test_only_control(self):
def test_only_control(self, fake_keyevent_factory):
"""Test keyeevent when only control is pressed."""
evt = helpers.fake_keyevent(key=Qt.Key_Control,
evt = fake_keyevent_factory(key=Qt.Key_Control,
assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) is None
def test_only_hyper_l(self):
def test_only_hyper_l(self, fake_keyevent_factory):
"""Test keyeevent when only Hyper_L is pressed."""
evt = helpers.fake_keyevent(key=Qt.Key_Hyper_L,
evt = fake_keyevent_factory(key=Qt.Key_Hyper_L,
assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) is None
def test_only_key(self):
def test_only_key(self, fake_keyevent_factory):
"""Test with a simple key pressed."""
evt = helpers.fake_keyevent(key=Qt.Key_A)
self.assertEqual(utils.keyevent_to_string(evt), 'A')
evt = fake_keyevent_factory(key=Qt.Key_A)
assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) == 'A'
def test_key_and_modifier(self):
def test_key_and_modifier(self, fake_keyevent_factory):
"""Test with key and modifier pressed."""
evt = helpers.fake_keyevent(key=Qt.Key_A, modifiers=Qt.ControlModifier)
self.assertEqual(utils.keyevent_to_string(evt), 'Ctrl+A')
evt = fake_keyevent_factory(key=Qt.Key_A, modifiers=Qt.ControlModifier)
assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) == 'Ctrl+A'
def test_key_and_modifiers(self):
def test_key_and_modifiers(self, fake_keyevent_factory):
"""Test with key and multiple modifier pressed."""
evt = helpers.fake_keyevent(
evt = fake_keyevent_factory(
key=Qt.Key_A, modifiers=(Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.AltModifier |
Qt.MetaModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier))
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) == 'Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A'
assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) == 'Ctrl+Alt+Meta+Shift+A'
class NormalizeTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestNormalize:
"""Test normalize_keystr."""
def test_normalize(self):
('Control+x', 'ctrl+x'),
('Windows+x', 'meta+x'),
('Mod1+x', 'alt+x'),
('Mod4+x', 'meta+x'),
('Control--', 'ctrl+-'),
('Windows++', 'meta++'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('orig, repl', STRINGS)
def test_normalize(self, orig, repl):
"""Test normalize with some strings."""
strings = (
('Control+x', 'ctrl+x'),
('Windows+x', 'meta+x'),
('Mod1+x', 'alt+x'),
('Mod4+x', 'meta+x'),
('Control--', 'ctrl+-'),
('Windows++', 'meta++'),
for orig, repl in strings:
with self.subTest(orig=orig):
self.assertEqual(utils.normalize_keystr(orig), repl)
assert utils.normalize_keystr(orig) == repl
class IsEnumTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestIsEnum:
"""Test is_enum."""
def test_enum(self):
"""Test is_enum with an enum."""
e = enum.Enum('Foo', 'bar, baz')
assert utils.is_enum(e)
def test_class(self):
"""Test is_enum with a non-enum class."""
@ -368,14 +362,15 @@ class IsEnumTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test class for is_enum."""
assert not utils.is_enum(Test)
def test_object(self):
"""Test is_enum with a non-enum object."""
assert not utils.is_enum(23)
class RaisesTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestRaises:
"""Test raises."""
@ -389,106 +384,99 @@ class RaisesTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_raises_single_exc_true(self):
"""Test raises with a single exception which gets raised."""
self.assertTrue(utils.raises(ValueError, int, 'a'))
assert utils.raises(ValueError, int, 'a')
def test_raises_single_exc_false(self):
"""Test raises with a single exception which does not get raised."""
self.assertFalse(utils.raises(ValueError, int, '1'))
assert not utils.raises(ValueError, int, '1')
def test_raises_multiple_exc_true(self):
"""Test raises with multiple exceptions which get raised."""
self.assertTrue(utils.raises((ValueError, TypeError), int, 'a'))
self.assertTrue(utils.raises((ValueError, TypeError), int, None))
assert utils.raises((ValueError, TypeError), int, 'a')
assert utils.raises((ValueError, TypeError), int, None)
def test_raises_multiple_exc_false(self):
"""Test raises with multiple exceptions which do not get raised."""
self.assertFalse(utils.raises((ValueError, TypeError), int, '1'))
assert not utils.raises((ValueError, TypeError), int, '1')
def test_no_args_true(self):
"""Test with no args and an exception which gets raised."""
self.assertTrue(utils.raises(Exception, self.do_raise))
assert utils.raises(Exception, self.do_raise)
def test_no_args_false(self):
"""Test with no args and an exception which does not get raised."""
self.assertFalse(utils.raises(Exception, self.do_nothing))
assert not utils.raises(Exception, self.do_nothing)
def test_unrelated_exception(self):
"""Test with an unrelated exception."""
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
with pytest.raises(Exception):
utils.raises(ValueError, self.do_raise)
class ForceEncodingTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestForceEncoding:
"""Test force_encoding."""
def test_fitting_ascii(self):
"""Test with a text fitting into ascii."""
text = 'hello world'
self.assertEqual(utils.force_encoding(text, 'ascii'), text)
('hello world', 'ascii', 'hello world'),
('hellö wörld', 'utf-8', 'hellö wörld'),
('hellö wörld', 'ascii', 'hell? w?rld'),
def test_fitting_utf8(self):
"""Test with a text fitting into utf-8."""
text = 'hellö wörld'
self.assertEqual(utils.force_encoding(text, 'utf-8'), text)
def test_not_fitting_ascii(self):
"""Test with a text not fitting into ascii."""
text = 'hellö wörld'
self.assertEqual(utils.force_encoding(text, 'ascii'), 'hell? w?rld')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, enc, expected', TESTS)
def test_fitting_ascii(self, inp, enc, expected):
"""Test force_encoding will yield expected text."""
assert utils.force_encoding(inp, enc) == expected
class NewestSliceTests(unittest.TestCase):
class TestNewestSlice:
"""Test newest_slice."""
def test_count_minus_two(self):
"""Test with a count of -2."""
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
utils.newest_slice([], -2)
def test_count_minus_one(self):
"""Test with a count of -1 (all elements)."""
items = range(20)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, -1)
self.assertEqual(list(sliced), list(items))
assert list(sliced) == list(items)
def test_count_zero(self):
"""Test with a count of 0 (no elements)."""
items = range(20)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 0)
self.assertEqual(list(sliced), [])
assert list(sliced) == []
def test_count_much_smaller(self):
"""Test with a count which is much smaller than the iterable."""
items = range(20)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 5)
self.assertEqual(list(sliced), [15, 16, 17, 18, 19])
assert list(sliced) == [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
def test_count_smaller(self):
"""Test with a count which is exactly one smaller."""
items = range(5)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 4)
self.assertEqual(list(sliced), [1, 2, 3, 4])
assert list(sliced) == [1, 2, 3, 4]
def test_count_equal(self):
"""Test with a count which is just as large as the iterable."""
items = range(5)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 5)
self.assertEqual(list(sliced), list(items))
assert list(sliced) == list(items)
def test_count_bigger(self):
"""Test with a count which is one bigger than the iterable."""
items = range(5)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 6)
self.assertEqual(list(sliced), list(items))
assert list(sliced) == list(items)
def test_count_much_bigger(self):
"""Test with a count which is much bigger than the iterable."""
items = range(5)
sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, 50)
self.assertEqual(list(sliced), list(items))
assert list(sliced) == list(items)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
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