diff --git a/qutebrowser/config/configdata.py b/qutebrowser/config/configdata.py
index a5b21e8e2..cefda8857 100644
--- a/qutebrowser/config/configdata.py
+++ b/qutebrowser/config/configdata.py
@@ -654,6 +654,11 @@ def data(readonly=False):
              "The width of the tab bar if it's vertical, in px or as "
              "percentage of the window."),
+            ('pinned-width',
+             SettingValue(typ.Int(minval=10),
+                          '43'),
+             "The width of the pinned tab if it's horizontal, in px."),
              SettingValue(typ.Int(minval=0), '3'),
              "Width of the progress indicator (0 to disable)."),
diff --git a/qutebrowser/mainwindow/tabwidget.py b/qutebrowser/mainwindow/tabwidget.py
index 50ab0af92..484cd8b5d 100644
--- a/qutebrowser/mainwindow/tabwidget.py
+++ b/qutebrowser/mainwindow/tabwidget.py
@@ -185,6 +185,11 @@ class TabWidget(QTabWidget):
         for idx in range(self.count()):
+    @config.change_filter('tabs', 'pinned-width')
+    def update_tab_pinned_width(self):
+        """Refresh bar"""
+        self.tabBar().refresh()
     def tabInserted(self, idx):
         """Update titles when a tab was inserted."""
@@ -482,25 +487,27 @@ class TabBar(QTabBar):
             # get scroll buttons as soon as needed.
             size = minimum_size
-            #TODO: relative size and/or configured one
+            tab_width_pinned_conf = config.get('tabs', 'pinned-width')
                 pinned = self.tab_data(index, 'pinned')
             except KeyError:
                 if pinned:
-                    size = QSize(40, height)
+                    size = QSize(tab_width_pinned_conf, height)
                     return size
             # If we *do* have enough space, tabs should occupy the whole window
             # width. Also taken in consideration the reduced space necessary for
             # the pinned tabs.
-            #TODO: During shutdown the self.count goes down, but the self.pinned not
+            #WORKAROUND: During shutdown the self.count goes down, but the self.pinned not
             #this generates some odd bahavior.
             #To avoid this we compare self.count against self.pinned.
             if self.pinned > 0 and self.count() > self.pinned:
-                width = (self.width() - 40*self.pinned) / (self.count() - self.pinned)
+                pinned_width = tab_width_pinned_conf * self.pinned
+                width = (self.width() - pinned_width) / (self.count() - self.pinned)
                 width = self.width() / self.count()