diff --git a/doc/HACKING.asciidoc b/doc/HACKING.asciidoc
index 49dcac845..76e7f0fe7 100644
--- a/doc/HACKING.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/HACKING.asciidoc
@@ -106,8 +106,6 @@ https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/unittest.html[unittest] framework
* http://pylint.org/[pylint]
* A custom checker for the following things:
- untracked git files
- - whitespace/CRLF problems
- - `set_trace` invocations
- VCS conflict markers
If you changed `setup.py` or `MANIFEST.in`, add the `--setup` argument to run
@@ -116,6 +114,9 @@ the following additional checkers:
* https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyroma/0.9.3[pyroma]
* https://github.com/mgedmin/check-manifest[check-manifest]
+It needs all the checkers to be installed and also needs
Please make sure this script runs without any warnings on your new
contributions. There's of course the possibility of false-positives, and the
following techniques are useful to handle these:
diff --git a/qutebrowser/utils/earlyinit.py b/qutebrowser/utils/earlyinit.py
index c81202fe5..89e714f2a 100644
--- a/qutebrowser/utils/earlyinit.py
+++ b/qutebrowser/utils/earlyinit.py
@@ -41,30 +41,29 @@ def _missing_str(name, debian=None, arch=None, windows=None, pip=None):
windows: String to be displayed for Windows.
pip: pypi package name.
- blocks = ["Fatal error: {} is required to run qutebrowser but could "
- "not be imported! Maybe it's not installed?".format(name)]
+ blocks = ["Fatal error: {} is required to run qutebrowser but "
+ "could not be imported! Maybe it's not installed?".format(name)]
if debian is not None:
- lines = ["On Debian/Ubuntu:"]
- for line in debian.splitlines():
- lines.append(' ' + line)
- blocks.append('\n'.join(lines))
+ lines = ["On Debian/Ubuntu:"]
+ lines += debian.splitlines()
+ blocks.append('
if arch is not None:
- lines = ["On Archlinux:"]
- for line in arch.splitlines():
- lines.append(' ' + line)
- blocks.append('\n'.join(lines))
+ lines = ["On Archlinux:"]
+ lines += arch.splitlines()
+ blocks.append('
if windows is not None:
- lines = ["On Windows:"]
- for line in windows.splitlines():
- lines.append(' ' + line)
- blocks.append('\n'.join(lines))
- lines = ["For other distributions:",
- " Check your package manager for similiarly named packages."]
+ lines = ["On Windows:"]
+ lines += windows.splitlines()
+ blocks.append('
+ lines = ["For other distributions:",
+ "Check your package manager for similiarly named packages or "
+ "install via pip."]
+ blocks.append('
if pip is not None:
- lines.append(" Or run pip install {} (using python3/pip3)".format(
- pip))
- blocks.append('\n'.join(lines))
- return '\n\n'.join(blocks)
+ lines = ["Using pip:"]
+ lines.append("pip3 install {}".format(pip))
+ blocks.append('
+ return '
def _die(message, exception=True):
@@ -77,12 +76,14 @@ def _die(message, exception=True):
exception: Whether to print an exception with --debug.
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMessageBox
+ from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
if '--debug' in sys.argv and exception:
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
msgbox = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, "qutebrowser: Fatal error!",
+ msgbox.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText)
@@ -176,12 +177,15 @@ def check_pyqt_core():
text = _missing_str('PyQt5',
debian="apt-get install python3-pyqt5 "
- arch="pacman -S python-pyqt5 qt5-webkit\n"
+ arch="pacman -S python-pyqt5 qt5-webkit
"or install the qutebrowser package from AUR",
windows="Use the installer by Riverbank computing "
- "or the standalone qutebrowser exe.\n"
+ "or the standalone qutebrowser exe.
+ text = text.replace('', '')
+ text = text.replace('', '')
+ text = text.replace('
', '\n')
if Tk:
root = Tk()
@@ -237,15 +241,9 @@ def check_pypeg2():
import pypeg2 # pylint: disable=unused-variable
except ImportError:
text = _missing_str("pypeg2",
- debian="No package available, try:\n"
- "pip3 install pypeg2 "
- "--allow-external pypeg2 "
- "--allow-unverified pypeg2",
- arch="pacman -S python-pypeg2",
- windows="pip install pypeg2 "
- "--allow-external pypeg2 "
- "--allow-unverified pypeg2 "
- "(using python3)",
+ debian="No package available, install via pip.",
+ arch="Install python-pypeg2 from the AUR",
+ windows="Install via pip.",
pip="pypeg2 --allow-external pypeg2 "
"--allow-unverified pypeg2")
diff --git a/scripts/ez_setup.py b/scripts/ez_setup.py
index 6de57c040..4b9eee61b 100644
--- a/scripts/ez_setup.py
+++ b/scripts/ez_setup.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ try:
except ImportError:
DEFAULT_URL = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/setuptools/"
def _python_cmd(*args):
diff --git a/scripts/run_checks.py b/scripts/run_checks.py
index bacb17a6e..264d43d1a 100755
--- a/scripts/run_checks.py
+++ b/scripts/run_checks.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see .
-# pylint: disable=broad-except
+# pylint: disable=broad-except, no-member
""" Run different codecheckers over a codebase.
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
from contextlib import contextmanager
+import colorama as col
import pep257
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point, DistributionNotFound
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ def check_git():
if untracked:
status = False
- print("Untracked files:")
+ print("{}Untracked files:{}".format(col.Fore.RED, col.Fore.RESET))
status = True
@@ -260,9 +261,22 @@ def _get_checkers():
return checkers
+def _checker_enabled(args, group, name):
+ """Check if a named checker is enabled."""
+ if args.checkers == 'all':
+ if not args.setup and group == 'setup':
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return name in args.checkers.split(',')
def main():
"""Main entry point."""
+ col.init()
exit_status = OrderedDict()
+ exit_status_bool = {}
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run various checkers.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--setup', help="Run additional setup checks",
@@ -274,27 +288,40 @@ def main():
groups = ['global']
groups += config.get('DEFAULT', 'targets').split(',')
- if args.setup:
- groups.append('setup')
+ groups.append('setup')
for group in groups:
- print("==================== {} ====================".format(group))
- if args.checkers == 'all':
- configured_checkers = None
- else:
- configured_checkers = args.checkers.split(',')
+ print("{}==================== {} ===================={}".format(
+ col.Fore.YELLOW, group, col.Fore.RESET))
for name, func in checkers[group].items():
- if configured_checkers is None or name in configured_checkers:
- print("------ {} ------".format(name))
+ print("{}------ {} ------{}".format(col.Fore.CYAN, name,
+ col.Fore.RESET))
+ if _checker_enabled(args, group, name):
status = func()
- exit_status['{}_{}'.format(group, name)] = status
- print("Exit status values:")
+ key = '{}_{}'.format(group, name)
+ exit_status[key] = status
+ if name == 'flake8':
+ # pyflakes uses True for errors and False for ok.
+ exit_status_bool[key] = not status
+ elif isinstance(status, bool):
+ exit_status_bool[key] = status
+ else:
+ # sys.exit(0) means no problems -> True, anything != 0
+ # means problems.
+ exit_status_bool[key] = (status == 0)
+ else:
+ print("{}Checker disabled.{}".format(
+ col.Fore.BLUE, col.Fore.RESET))
+ print()
+ print("{}Exit status values:{}".format(col.Fore.YELLOW, col.Fore.RESET))
for (k, v) in exit_status.items():
- print(' {} - {}'.format(k, v))
+ ok = exit_status_bool[k]
+ color = col.Fore.GREEN if ok else col.Fore.RED
+ print('{} {} - {} ({}){}'.format(color, k, 'ok' if ok else 'FAIL',
+ v, col.Fore.RESET))
- if all(val in (True, 0) for val in exit_status):
+ if all(exit_status_bool):
return 0
return 1