diff --git a/qutebrowser/browser/downloads.py b/qutebrowser/browser/downloads.py
index 8c977fb34..667e8e7a2 100644
--- a/qutebrowser/browser/downloads.py
+++ b/qutebrowser/browser/downloads.py
@@ -775,7 +775,25 @@ class DownloadManager(QAbstractListModel):
- suggested_fn = urlutils.filename_from_url(request.url())
+ if request.url().scheme().lower() != 'data':
+ suggested_fn = urlutils.filename_from_url(request.url())
+ else:
+ # We might be downloading a binary blob embedded on a page or even
+ # generated dynamically via javascript. We try to figure out a more
+ # sensible name than the base64 content of the data.
+ origin = request.originatingObject()
+ try:
+ origin_url = origin.url()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # Raised either if origin is None or some object that doesn't
+ # have its own url. We're probably fine with a default fallback
+ # then.
+ suggested_fn = 'binary blob'
+ else:
+ # Use the originating URL as a base for the filename (works
+ # e.g. for pdf.js).
+ suggested_fn = urlutils.filename_from_url(origin_url)
if suggested_fn is None:
suggested_fn = 'qutebrowser-download'
diff --git a/tests/integration/data/downloads/issue1214.html b/tests/integration/data/downloads/issue1214.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db56cdc61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/data/downloads/issue1214.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Wrong filename when using data: links
+ download
diff --git a/tests/integration/features/downloads.feature b/tests/integration/features/downloads.feature
index 5881767f6..d2ce1ce3c 100644
--- a/tests/integration/features/downloads.feature
+++ b/tests/integration/features/downloads.feature
@@ -34,6 +34,16 @@ Feature: Downloading things from a website.
And I run :leave-mode
Then no crash should happen
+ Scenario: Downloading a data: link (issue 1214)
+ When I set completion -> download-path-suggestion to filename
+ And I set storage -> prompt-download-directory to true
+ And I open data/downloads/issue1214.html
+ And I run :hint links download
+ And I run :follow-hint a
+ And I wait for "Asking question text='Save file to:'>, *" in the log
+ And I run :leave-mode
+ Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Retrying a failed download
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/does-not-exist
And I wait for the error "Download error: * - server replied: NOT FOUND"
diff --git a/tests/integration/features/misc.feature b/tests/integration/features/misc.feature
index 7a0f9ae2f..bec5a65b9 100644
--- a/tests/integration/features/misc.feature
+++ b/tests/integration/features/misc.feature
@@ -290,6 +290,18 @@ Feature: Various utility commands.
And I open data/misc/test.pdf
Then "Download finished" should be logged
+ Scenario: Downloading a pdf via pdf.js button (issue 1214)
+ Given pdfjs is available
+ When I set content -> enable-pdfjs to true
+ And I set completion -> download-path-suggestion to filename
+ And I set storage -> prompt-download-directory to true
+ And I open data/misc/test.pdf
+ And I wait for "[qute://pdfjs/*] PDF * (PDF.js: *)" in the log
+ And I run :jseval document.getElementById("download").click()
+ And I wait for "Asking question text='Save file to:'>, *" in the log
+ And I run :leave-mode
+ Then no crash should happen
# :print
# Disabled because it causes weird segfaults and QPainter warnings in Qt...