#!/usr/bin/env python import webbrowser import urllib import urllib2 import re from HTMLParser import HTMLParser import argparse # create a subclass and override the handler methods class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser): title = '' q = '' state = 'looking' results = [] def __init__(self, q): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.q = q.lower() def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'title': self.state = 'title' if tag == 'magnet' and self.state == 'matched': self.state = 'magnet' def handle_data(self, data): if self.state == 'title': if data.lower().find(self.q) != -1: self.title = data self.state = 'matched' else: self.state = 'looking' if self.state == 'magnet': self.results.append(['magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + urllib.quote(data) + '&dn=' + urllib.quote(self.title), '?', '?']) self.state = 'looking' def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Finds and downloads torrents from the Pirate Bay') parser.add_argument('q', metavar='search_term', help="The term to search for") parser.add_argument('--local', dest='database', help="An xml file containing the Pirate Bay database") def local(args): xml_str = '' with open(args.database, 'r') as f: xml_str += f.read() htmlparser = MyHTMLParser(args.q) htmlparser.feed(xml_str) return htmlparser.results #todo: redo this with html parser instead of regex def remote(args): f = urllib2.urlopen('http://thepiratebay.se/search/' + args.q.replace(" ", "+") + '/0/7/0') res = f.read() found = re.findall(""""(magnet\:\?xt=[^"]*)|([^<]+)""", res) state = "seeds" curr = ['',0,0] #magnet, seeds, leeches res_l = [] for f in found: if f[1] == '': curr[0] = f[0] else: if state == 'seeds': curr[1] = f[1] state = 'leeches' else: curr[2] = f[1] state = 'seeds' res_l.append(curr) curr = ['', 0, 0] return res_l args = parser.parse_args() if args.database: mags = local(args) else: mags = remote(args) print "S=seeders" print "L=leechers" if mags: for m in range(len(mags)): magnet = mags[m] name = re.search("dn=([^\&]*)", magnet[0]) print str(m) + '. S:' + str(magnet[1]) + ' L:' + str(magnet[2]) + ' ', urllib.unquote(name.group(1).encode('ascii')).decode('utf-8').replace("+", " ") l = raw_input("Select a link: ") try: choice = int(l) except Exception: choice = None if not choice == None: webbrowser.open(mags[choice]) else: print "Cancelled." else: print "no results" if __name__ == "__main__": main()