#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import __builtin__ import webbrowser import urllib import urllib2 import re import os import ConfigParser import string import random from HTMLParser import HTMLParser import argparse from pprint import pprint from StringIO import StringIO import gzip class NoRedirection(urllib2.HTTPErrorProcessor): def http_response(self, request, response): return response https_response = http_response # create a subclass and override the handler methods class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser): title = '' q = '' state = 'looking' results = [] def __init__(self, q): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.q = q.lower() def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'title': self.state = 'title' if tag == 'magnet' and self.state == 'matched': self.state = 'magnet' def handle_data(self, data): if self.state == 'title': if data.lower().find(self.q) != -1: self.title = data self.state = 'matched' else: self.state = 'looking' if self.state == 'magnet': self.results.append(['magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + urllib.quote(data) + '&dn=' + urllib.quote(self.title), '?', '?']) self.state = 'looking' def main(): # new ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() # default options so we dont die later config.add_section('SaveToFile') config.set('SaveToFile', 'enabled', False) config.set('SaveToFile', 'directory', '~/Dropbox/pirate-get/') # load user options, to override default ones config.read([os.path.expanduser('~/.config/pirate-get/pirate.cfg')]) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Finds and downloads torrents from the Pirate Bay') parser.add_argument('search', metavar='search', nargs="*", help="Term to search for") parser.add_argument('-c', dest='category', metavar='category', help="Specify a category to search", default="All") parser.add_argument('-R', dest='recent', action='store_true', help="Torrents uploaded in the last 48hours. *ignored in searches*", default=False) parser.add_argument('-l', dest='list_categories', action='store_true', help="List categories", default=False) parser.add_argument('-t',dest='transmission',action='store_true', help="call transmission-remote to start the download", default=False) parser.add_argument('--custom',dest='command', help="call custom command, %%s will be replaced with the url") parser.add_argument('--local', dest='database', help="An xml file containing the Pirate Bay database") parser.add_argument('-p', dest='pages', help="The number of pages to fetch (doesn't work with --local)", default=1) parser.add_argument('-0', dest='first', action='store_true', help="choose the top result", default=False) parser.add_argument('-a', dest='download_all', action='store_true', help="download all results", default=False) parser.add_argument('--color', dest='color', action='store_true', help="use colored output", default=False) categories = {"All":"0","Audio":"100","Audio/Music":"101","Audio/Audio books":"102","Audio/Sound clips":"103","Audio/FLAC":"104","Audio/Other":"199","Video":"200","Video/Movies":"201","Video/Movies DVDR":"202","Video/Music videos":"203","Video/Movie clips":"204","Video/TV shows":"205","Video/Handheld":"206","Video/HD - Movies":"207","Video/HD - TV shows":"208","Video/3D":"209","Video/Other":"299","Applications":"300","Applications/Windows":"301","Applications/Mac":"302","Applications/UNIX":"303","Applications/Handheld":"304","Applications/IOS (iPad/iPhone)":"305","Applications/Android":"306","Applications/Other OS":"399","Games":"400","Games/PC":"401","Games/Mac":"402","Games/PSx":"403","Games/XBOX360":"404","Games/Wii":"405","Games/Handheld":"406","Games/IOS (iPad/iPhone)":"407","Games/Android":"408","Games/Other":"499","Porn":"500","Porn/Movies":"501","Porn/Movies DVDR":"502","Porn/Pictures":"503","Porn/Games":"504","Porn/HD - Movies":"505","Porn/Movie clips":"506","Porn/Other":"599","Other":"600","Other/E-books":"601","Other/Comics":"602","Other/Pictures":"603","Other/Covers":"604","Other/Physibles":"605","Other/Other":"699"} #todo: redo this with html parser instead of regex def remote(args, mirror): res_l = [] try: pages = int(args.pages) if pages < 1: raise Exception('') except Exception: raise Exception("Please provide an integer greater than 0 for the number of pages to fetch.") if str(args.category) in categories.values(): category = args.category; elif args.category in categories.keys(): category = categories[args.category] else: category = "0"; print ("Invalid category ignored", color="WARN") # Catch the Ctrl-C exception and exit cleanly try: sizes = [] uploaded = [] identifiers = [] for page in xrange(pages): # if len(args.search) == 0: path = "/top/48h" if args.recent else "/top/" if(category == "0"): path += 'all' else: path += category else: path = '/search/' + "+".join(args.search) + '/' + str(page) + '/7/' + category request = urllib2.Request(mirror + path) request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip') f = urllib2.urlopen(request) if f.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO(f.read()) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) res = f.read() found = re.findall(""""(magnet\:\?xt=[^"]*)|([^<]+)""", res) # check for a blocked mirror no_results = re.search(""""No hits\.""", res) if found == [] and not no_results is None: # Contradiction - we found no results, but the page didn't say there were no results # the page is probably not actually the pirate bay, so let's try another mirror raise Exception("Blocked mirror detected.") # get sizes as well and substitute the   character # print res sizes.extend([match.replace(" ", " ") for match in re.findall("(?<=Size )[0-9.]+\ \;[KMGT]*[i ]*B",res)]) uploaded.extend([match.replace(" ", " ") for match in re.findall("(?<=Uploaded ).+(?=\, Size)",res)]) identifiers.extend([match.replace(" ", " ") for match in re.findall("(?<=/torrent/)[0-9]+(?=/)",res)]) # pprint(sizes); print len(sizes) # pprint(uploaded); print len(uploaded) state = "seeds" curr = ['',0,0] #magnet, seeds, leeches for f in found: if f[1] == '': curr[0] = f[0] else: if state == 'seeds': curr[1] = f[1] state = 'leeches' else: curr[2] = f[1] state = 'seeds' res_l.append(curr) curr = ['', 0, 0] except KeyboardInterrupt : print("\nCancelled.") exit() # return the sizes in a spearate list return res_l, sizes, uploaded, identifiers args = parser.parse_args() def make_print(): if(args.color): import colorama colorama.init() color_dict = {"default": "", "header": colorama.Back.WHITE + colorama.Fore.BLACK, "zebra_0": "", "zebra_1": colorama.Style.BRIGHT, "WARN": colorama.Fore.YELLOW, "ERROR": colorama.Fore.RED} def n_print(*args, **kwargs): """Print with colors""" try: c = color_dict[kwargs.pop("color")] args = (c + str(args[0]),) + args[1:] + (colorama.Style.RESET_ALL,) except KeyError as e: pass except IndexError as e: pass return __builtin__.print(*args, **kwargs) else: def n_print(*args, **kwargs): if("color" in kwargs): kwargs.pop('color') return __builtin__.print(*args, **kwargs) return n_print print=make_print() def local(args): xml_str = '' with open(args.database, 'r') as f: xml_str += f.read() htmlparser = MyHTMLParser(args.q) htmlparser.feed(xml_str) return htmlparser.results if args.list_categories: cur_color = "zebra_0" for key, value in sorted(categories.iteritems()) : cur_color = "zebra_0" if (cur_color == "zebra_1") else "zebra_1" print(str(value) +"\t" + key, color=cur_color) return if args.database: mags = local(args) else: mirrors = ["http://thepiratebay.se"] try: opener = urllib2.build_opener(NoRedirection) f = opener.open("http://proxybay.info/list.txt") if f.getcode() != 200: raise Exception("The pirate bay responded with an error.") res = f.read() mirrors += res.split("\n")[3:] except: print("Could not fetch additional mirrors", color="WARN") for mirror in mirrors: try: print("Trying " + mirror) mags, sizes, uploaded, identifiers = remote(args, mirror) break except Exception, e: print(format(e)) print("Could not contact " + mirror, color="WARN") if not mags or len(mags) == 0: print("no results") return # enhanced print output with column titles def print_search_results(): print("%5s %6s %6s %-5s %-11s %-11s %s" \ % ( "LINK", "SEED", "LEECH", "RATIO", "SIZE", "UPLOAD", "NAME"), color="header") cur_color = "zebra_0" for m in range(len(mags)): magnet = mags[m] no_seeders = int(magnet[1]) no_leechers = int(magnet[2]) name = re.search("dn=([^\&]*)", magnet[0]) # compute the S/L ratio (Higher is better) try: ratio = no_seeders/no_leechers except ZeroDivisionError: ratio = -1 # Alternate between colors cur_color = "zebra_0" if (cur_color == "zebra_1") else "zebra_1" torrent_name = urllib.unquote(name.group(1).encode('ascii')) \ .decode('utf-8').replace("+", " ") # enhanced print output with justified columns print ("%5d %6d %6d %5.1f %-11s %-11s %s" % ( m, no_seeders, no_leechers, ratio ,sizes[m], uploaded[m], torrent_name), color=cur_color) def print_descriptions(chosen_links): for link in chosen_links: path = '/torrent/' + identifiers[int(link)] + '/' request = urllib2.Request(mirror + path) request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip') f = urllib2.urlopen(request) if f.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO(f.read()) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) res = f.read() name = re.search("dn=([^\&]*)", mags[int(link)][0]) torrent_name = urllib.unquote(name.group(1).encode('ascii')) \ .decode('utf-8').replace("+", " ") desc = re.search(r"
)", res, re.DOTALL).group(1) # Replace HTML links with markdown style versions desc = re.sub(r"]*>(\s*)([^<]+?)(\s*)", r"\2[\3](\1)\4", desc) print ('Description for "' + torrent_name + '":', color="zebra_1") print (desc, color="zebra_0") def print_fileLists(chosen_links): for link in chosen_links: path = '/ajax_details_filelist.php' query = '?id=' + identifiers[int(link)] request = urllib2.Request(mirror + path + query) request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip') f = urllib2.urlopen(request) if f.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO(f.read()) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) res = f.read().replace(" ", " ") files = re.findall(r"\s*([^<]+?)\s*\s*([^<]+?)\s*", res) name = re.search("dn=([^\&]*)", mags[int(link)][0]) torrent_name = urllib.unquote(name.group(1).encode('ascii')) \ .decode('utf-8').replace("+", " ") print ('Files in "' + torrent_name + '":', color="zebra_1") cur_color = "zebra_0" for f in files: print ("%-11s %s" % (f[1], f[0]), color=cur_color) cur_color = "zebra_0" if (cur_color == "zebra_1") else "zebra_1" print_search_results() if args.first: print("Choosing first result"); choices = [0] elif args.download_all: print("Downloading all results"); choices = range(0, len(mags)) else: # New input loop to support different link options while True: try: l = raw_input("Select link(s) (Type 'h' for more options): ") except KeyboardInterrupt : print("\nCancelled.") exit() try: # Very permissive handling # Check for any occurances or d, f, or p cmd_code_match = re.search(r'([hdfp])', l, flags=re.IGNORECASE) if cmd_code_match: code = cmd_code_match.group(0).lower() else: code = None # Clean up command codes l = re.sub(r"^[hdfp, ]*|[hdfp, ]*$", "", l) # Substitute multiple consecutive spaces or commas for single comma l = re.sub("[ ,]+", ",", l) # Remove anything that isn't an integer or comma. l = re.sub("[^0-9,]", "", l) # Turn into list choices = l.split(",") # Act on option, if supplied if code == 'h': print("Options:") print(": Download selected torrents") print("[d]: Get descriptions") print("[f]: Get files") print("[p] Print search results") continue elif code == 'd': print_descriptions(choices) continue elif code == 'f': print_fileLists(choices) continue elif code == 'p': print_search_results() continue elif not l: print('No links entered!') continue else: break except Exception, e: print('Exception:') print(str(e)) choices = () break; if config.get('SaveToFile', 'enabled'): # Save to file is enabled fileName = os.path.expanduser(config.get('SaveToFile', 'directory')) + id_generator() + '.magnet' print ("Saving to File: " + fileName) f = open(fileName, 'w') for choice in choices: choice = int(choice) url = mags[choice][0] f.write(url + '\n') f.close() else: # use transmission as default for choice in choices: choice = int(choice) url = mags[choice][0] print(url) if args.transmission: os.system("""transmission-remote --add "%s" """ % (url)) os.system("transmission-remote -l") elif args.command: os.system(args.command % (url)) else: webbrowser.open(url) def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()