import re import os import argparse import subprocess import configparser import socket import urllib.request as request import urllib.error import sys import builtins from collections import OrderedDict import webbrowser import import pirate.torrent import pirate.local from os.path import expanduser, expandvars from pirate.print import Printer def parse_config_file(text): config = configparser.ConfigParser() # default options config.add_section('Save') config.set('Save', 'magnets', 'false') config.set('Save', 'torrents', 'false') config.set('Save', 'directory', os.getcwd()) config.add_section('LocalDB') config.set('LocalDB', 'enabled', 'false') config.set('LocalDB', 'path', expanduser('~/downloads/pirate-get/db')) config.add_section('Misc') # TODO: try to use for interpolating in the command config.set('Misc', 'openCommand', '') config.set('Misc', 'transmission', 'false') config.set('Misc', 'colors', 'true') config.read_string(text) # expand env variables directory = expanduser(expandvars(config.get('Save', 'Directory'))) path = expanduser(expandvars(config.get('LocalDB', 'path'))) config.set('Save', 'Directory', directory) config.set('LocalDB', 'path', path) return config def load_config(): # user-defined config files main = expandvars('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pirate-get') alt = expanduser('~/.config/pirate-get') # read config file if os.path.isfile(main): with open(main) as f: return parse_config_file( if os.path.isfile(alt): with open(alt) as f: return parse_config_file( return parse_config_file("") def parse_cmd(cmd, url): cmd_args_regex = r'''(('[^']*'|"[^"]*"|(\\\s|[^\s])+)+ *)''' ret = re.findall(cmd_args_regex, cmd) ret = [i[0].strip().replace('%s', url) for i in ret] ret_no_quotes = [] for item in ret: if ((item[0] == "'" and item[-1] == "'") or (item[0] == '"' and item[-1] == '"')): ret_no_quotes.append(item[1:-1]) else: ret_no_quotes.append(item) return ret_no_quotes def parse_torrent_command(l): # Very permissive handling # Check for any occurances or d, f, p, t, m, or q cmd_code_match ='([hdfpmtq])', l, flags=re.IGNORECASE) if cmd_code_match: code = else: code = None # Clean up command codes # Substitute multiple consecutive spaces/commas for single # comma remove anything that isn't an integer or comma. # Turn into list l = re.sub(r'^[hdfp, ]*|[hdfp, ]*$', '', l) l = re.sub('[ ,]+', ',', l) l = re.sub('[^0-9,-]', '', l) parsed_input = l.split(',') # expand ranges choices = [] # loop will generate a list of lists for elem in parsed_input: left, sep, right = elem.partition('-') if right: choices.append(list(range(int(left), int(right) + 1))) elif left != '': choices.append([int(left)]) # flatten list choices = sum(choices, []) # the current code stores the choices as strings # instead of ints. not sure if necessary choices = [elem for elem in choices] return code, choices # XXX: make this a part of a class parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='finds and downloads torrents from the Pirate Bay') # common options parser.add_argument('--disable-colors', dest='color', action='store_false', help='disable colored output') # XXX: this option doesn't always apply parser.add_argument('-c', dest='category', metavar='category', help='specify a category to search', default='All') # XXX: this option doesn't always apply parser.add_argument('-s', dest='sort', metavar='sort', help='specify a sort option', default='SeedersDsc') # XXX: this option doesn't always apply parser.add_argument('-L', '--local', dest='database', help='an xml file containing the Pirate Bay database') # XXX: this option doesn't always apply parser.add_argument('-p', dest='pages', default=1, type=int, help='the number of pages to fetch ' "(doesn't work with --local)") parser.add_argument('-0', dest='first', action='store_true', help='choose the top result') parser.add_argument('-a', '--download-all', action='store_true', help='download all results') # XXX: this option doesn't always apply parser.add_argument('-C', '--command', dest='command', help='open magnets with a custom command' ' (%%s will be replaced with the url)') # XXX: this applies only for transmission parser.add_argument('-P', '--port', dest='port', help='transmission-remote rpc port. default is 9091') # output options parser.add_argument('-S', '--save-directory', help='directory to store output in') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', choices=['transmission', 'command', 'magnet', 'torrent', 'browser'], default='browser', help='what to do with the chosen torrent') # subcommands subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='commands') # search command search_parser = subparsers.add_parser('search', help='search for torrents') search_parser.set_defaults(action='search') search_parser.add_argument('terms', metavar='terms', nargs='*', help='terms to search for') # browse command browse_parser = subparsers.add_parser('browse', help='browse for torrents') browse_parser.set_defaults(action='browse') # recent command recent_parser = subparsers.add_parser('recent', help='view torrents uploaded in the last 48h') recent_parser.set_defaults(action='recent') # categories command categories_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list_categories', help='list valid categories') categories_parser.set_defaults(action='list_categories') # sorts command sorts_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list_sorts', help='list valid sorts') sorts_parser.set_defaults(action='list_sorts') # top command sorts_parser = subparsers.add_parser('top', help='top recent torrents') sorts_parser.set_defaults(action='top') def parse_args(args_in): args = parser.parse_args(args_in) return args def combine_configs(config, args): if args.command: args.action = 'command' if getattr(args, 'action', None) is None: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if args.action == 'search' and len(args.terms) == 0: args.action = 'top' args.source = 'tpb' if args.database or config.getboolean('LocalDB', 'enabled'): args.source = 'local_tpb' if not args.database: args.database = config.get('LocalDB', 'path') if args.color: args.color = config.getboolean('Misc', 'colors') if not args.save_directory: args.save_directory = config.get('Save', 'directory') args.transmission_command = ['transmission-remote'] if args.port: args.transmission_command.append(args.port) args.open_command = args.command if not args.open_command: args.open_command = config.get('Misc', 'openCommand') return args def search_mirrors(printer, pages, category, sort, action, terms): mirror_sources = [None, ''] for mirror_source in mirror_sources: mirrors = OrderedDict() if mirror_source is None: mirrors[''] = None else: try: req = request.Request(mirror_source, f = request.urlopen(req, except IOError: printer.print('Could not fetch additional mirrors', color='WARN') else: if f.getcode() != 200: raise IOError('The proxy bay responded with an error.') for mirror in [i.decode('utf-8').strip() for i in f.readlines()][3:]: mirrors[mirror] = None for mirror in if mirror in mirrors: del mirrors[mirror] for mirror in mirrors.keys(): try: printer.print('Trying', mirror, end='... \n') results = pirate.torrent.remote( printer=printer, pages=pages, category=pirate.torrent.parse_category(printer, category), sort=pirate.torrent.parse_sort(printer, sort), mode=action, terms=terms, mirror=mirror ) except (urllib.error.URLError, socket.timeout, IOError, ValueError): printer.print('Failed', color='WARN') else: printer.print('Ok', color='alt') return results, mirror else: printer.print('No available mirrors :(', color='WARN') return [], None def pirate_main(args): printer = Printer(args.color) # check it transmission is running if args.output == 'transmission': ret = + ['-l'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) if ret != 0: printer.print('Transmission is not running.') sys.exit(1) # non-torrent fetching actions if args.action == 'list_categories': cur_color = 'zebra_0' for key, value in sorted( cur_color = 'zebra_0' if cur_color == 'zebra_1' else 'zebra_1' printer.print(str(value), '\t', key, sep='', color=cur_color) return if args.action == 'list_sorts': cur_color = 'zebra_0' for key, value in sorted( cur_color = 'zebra_0' if cur_color == 'zebra_1' else 'zebra_1' printer.print(str(value), '\t', key, sep='', color=cur_color) return # fetch torrents if args.source == 'local_tpb': results =, args.terms) elif args.source == 'tpb': results, site = search_mirrors(printer, args.pages, args.category, args.sort, args.action, args.terms) if len(results) == 0: printer.print('No results') return printer.search_results(results, local=args.source == 'local_tpb') # number of results to pick if args.first: printer.print('Choosing first result') choices = [0] elif args.download_all: printer.print('Downloading all results') choices = range(len(results)) else: # interactive loop for per-torrent actions while True: printer.print("\nSelect links (Type 'h' for more options" ", 'q' to quit)", end='\b', color='alt') try: l = builtins.input(': ') except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): printer.print('\nCancelled.') return try: code, choices = parse_torrent_command(l) # Act on option, if supplied printer.print('') if code == 'h': printer.print('Options:', ': Download selected torrents', '[m]: Save magnets as files', '[t]: Save .torrent files', '[d]: Get descriptions', '[f]: Get files', '[p] Print search results', '[q] Quit', sep='\n') elif code == 'q': printer.print('Bye.', color='alt') return elif code == 'd': printer.descriptions(choices, results, site) elif code == 'f': printer.file_lists(choices, results, site) elif code == 'p': printer.search_results(results) elif code == 'm': pirate.torrent.save_magnets(printer, choices, results, args.save_directory) elif code == 't': pirate.torrent.save_torrents(printer, choices, results, args.save_directory) elif not l: printer.print('No links entered!', color='WARN') else: break except Exception as e: printer.print('Exception:', e, color='ERROR') return # output if args.output == 'magnet': printer.print('Saving selected magnets...') pirate.torrent.save_magnets(choices, results, args.save_directory) return if args.output == 'torrent': printer.print('Saving selected torrents...') pirate.torrent.save_torrents(choices, results, args.save_directory) return for choice in choices: url = results[choice]['magnet'] if args.output == 'transmission': + ['--add', url]) elif args.output == 'command':, url)) elif args.output == 'browser': if args.output == 'transmission': + ['-l']) def main(): args = combine_configs(load_config(), parse_args(sys.argv[1:])) pirate_main(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()