325 lines
6.6 KiB
325 lines
6.6 KiB
# psgen -- Postscript generator for code portion of source books
# Reads in a list of files/dirs from <filelist>, runs munge on each of
# them, and generates a single postscript file to stdout. The page numbers
# for each file/dir are put into the file <pagenums>.
# usage: psgen [ options... ] <filelist> <pagenums> <volume #> > foo.ps
# -l<firstLogicalPage>
# -p<firstPhysicalPage>
# -f<font>
# -D<defs> (passed to yapp)
# -P<productNumber>
# -o<mungedOutFile>
# -e (auto edit errors)
# $Id: psgen,v 1.18 1997/11/13 21:44:16 colin Exp $
$bookRoot = $ENV{"BOOKROOT"} || ".";
$toolsDir = "$bookRoot/tools";
$psDir = "$bookRoot/ps";
$editor = $ENV{"EDITOR"} || "vi";
# Configuration settings - external file names
$mungeProg = "$toolsDir/munge";
$yappProg = "$toolsDir/yapp";
$preambleFile = "$psDir/prolog.ps";
$tempFile = "/tmp/psgen-$$";
# Parse arguments
$firstLogPage = $firstPhysPage = 0;
$productNumber = 1;
$font = "OCRB";
$autoEdit = 0;
while ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/)
$_ = shift @ARGV;
if (/^--$/)
elsif (/^-l(\d+)$/)
$firstLogPage = $1;
elsif (/^-p(\d+)$/)
$firstPhysPage = $1;
elsif (/^-f(.+)$/)
$font = $1;
elsif (/^-D(.+)$/)
$yappDefs .= " " . $_;
elsif (/^-P(\d+)$/)
$productNumber = $1;
elsif (/^-o(.+)$/)
$mungedOutFile = $1;
elsif (/^-e$/)
$autoEdit = 1;
&Error("Unrecognized option: '$_'");
$fileListFile = shift @ARGV || die "Missing file list argument (arg 1)";
$pageNumFile = shift @ARGV || die "Missing page number file argument (arg 2)";
$volume = shift @ARGV || die "Missing volume number argument (arg 3)";
# Determine initial page numbers
my $nextLogPage = 1;
my $nextPhysPage = 3;
my $volNum = 0; # Which volume's page numbers we're reading
if ($volume > 1)
open(OLDPAGENUMS, "<$pageNumFile") || die;
if (/^Volume\s+(\d+)$/)
$volNum = $1;
elsif (/^Next:\s+(\d+)\s*$/ && $volNum == $volume - 1)
$nextLogPage = $1;
$firstLogPage = $nextLogPage if ($firstLogPage == 0);
$firstPhysPage = $nextPhysPage if ($firstPhysPage == 0);
# Names of PostScript operators invoked. These are the interface
# between this file and the $preambleFile.
$oddPageStartPS = "OddPageStart";
$evenPageStartPS = "EvenPageStart";
$oddPageEndPS = "OddPageEnd";
$evenPageEndPS = "EvenPageEnd";
$dirPagePS = "DirPage";
# This is short because it's emitted every line
$linePS = "L";
# Handle an error from munge.
# A result of 0 means to retry, 1 means to exit
sub MungeError
my $result = 1;
open(FILEH, "<$tempFile") || die;
while (<FILEH>)
print STDERR;
if (/ in (.*) line (\d+)$/)
my ($fileName, $lineNumber) = ($1, $2);
if ($autoEdit)
my @statResult = stat($fileName);
my $oldMTime = $statResult[9];
system("'$editor' '+$lineNumber' '$fileName' 1>&2");
@statResult = stat($fileName);
$result = ($statResult[9] == $oldMTime);
unlink($tempFile) || die "Couldn't unlink $tempFile";
return $result;
sub CopyFileToPS
local $fileName = $_[0];
local $args = "'-I$psDir' '-Dfont=$font'";
local $_;
$args .= $yappDefs;
open(FILEH, "$yappProg $args '$fileName' |") || die;
while (<FILEH>)
print PSOUT $_;
close(FILEH) || exit(1);
# Wrap a string in parens as required by PostScript, with proper quoting.
sub StringPS
local $str = $_[0];
$str =~ s/([\\()])/\\$1/g;
"(" . $str . ")";
# Emit a start of page. The Postscript DSC %%Page: header
# (followed by logical page number, then physical) and
# the top-of-page function (which is passed the page number as a string)
sub PageStartPS
local $pageNum = $_[0];
"%%Page: " . ($pageNum + $firstLogPage) . " " .
($pageNum + $firstPhysPage) . "\n" .
&StringPS($pageNum + $firstLogPage) .
((($pageNum + $firstLogPage) % 2) ? $oddPageStartPS
: $evenPageStartPS) . "\n";
sub PageEndPS
local $pageNum = $_[0];
((($pageNum + $firstLogPage) % 2) ? $oddPageEndPS : $evenPageEndPS) . "\n";
# Save the page number to a table-of-contents file
sub SavePageNum
local ($fileName, $pageNum) = @_;
print PAGENUMS ($pageNum + $firstLogPage), ": $fileName\n";
# The main code.
open(PSOUT, ">-") || die;
open(FILELIST, "<$fileListFile") || die;
open(PAGENUMS, ">>$pageNumFile") || die;
if ($mungedOutFile ne "")
open(MUNGEDOUT, ">$mungedOutFile") || die;
print PAGENUMS "Volume $volume\n";
$fileNumber = 0;
$pageNum = 0; # This is 0-based, since it is added to $first{Log,Phys}Page
$enable = 0;
while (<FILELIST>)
/^([VDTB])(\S*)\s+(.*)/ || die "Illegal file list line $.";
local ($fileType, $options, $arg) = ($1, $2, $3);
if ($fileType eq "V")
@args = split(/\s+/, $arg);
if ($enable = ($args[0] == $volume))
$defaultTabWidth = int($args[1]);
elsif ($fileType eq "D")
next unless $enable; # Do nothing if we're in the wrong volume
$dirName = $arg;
&SavePageNum($dirName, $pageNum);
print PSOUT &PageStartPS($pageNum);
print PSOUT &StringPS($dirName), $dirPagePS, "\n";
print PSOUT &PageEndPS($pageNum);
my $done = 0;
$fileName = $arg;
next unless $enable; # Do nothing if we're in the wrong volume
&SavePageNum($fileName, $pageNum);
$quotedFileName = $fileName;
$quotedFileName =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$tabWidth = ($options =~ /(\d)/) ? $1 : $defaultTabWidth;
$args = ($fileType eq "B") ? "-b" : "";
$args .= " -$tabWidth -p$productNumber -f$fileNumber";
while (!$done)
if (open(FILE, "$mungeProg $args '$quotedFileName' 2>$tempFile |"))
$line = <FILE>;
print MUNGEDOUT $line;
while ($line ne "")
print PSOUT &PageStartPS($pageNum);
while ($line ne "" and $line !~ /^\f/)
chop $line;
print PSOUT &StringPS($line), $linePS, "\n";
$line = <FILE>;
print MUNGEDOUT $line;
$line =~ s/^\f//;
print PSOUT &PageEndPS($pageNum);
if (close(FILE))
$done = 2;
$done = &MungeError();
$done = &MungeError();
if ($done == 1)
# Print PostScript DSC trailer with the correct number of pages
print PSOUT "%%Trailer\n%%Pages: ", $pageNum, "\n%%EOF\n";
print PAGENUMS "Pages: ", $pageNum, "\n";
print PAGENUMS "Next: ", ((($pageNum+1) & ~1) + $firstLogPage), "\n";
close(PAGENUMS) || die;
close(FILELIST) || die;
close(PSOUT) || die;
if ($mungedOutFile ne "")
close(MUNGEDOUT) || die;
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