69 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File
69 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl -s
# bootstrap -- Simpler version of unmunge for bootstrapping
# Unmunge this file using:
# perl -ne 'if (s/^ *[^-\s]\S{4,6} ?//) { s/[\244\245\267]/ /g; print; }'
# $Id: bootstrap,v 1.15 1997/11/14 03:52:53 mhw Exp $
sub Fatal { print STDERR @_; exit(1); }
sub Max { my ($a, $b) = @_; ($a > $b) ? $a : $b; }
sub TabSkip { $tabWidth - 1 - (length($_[0]) % $tabWidth); }
$editor = $ENV{'VISUAL'} || $ENV{'EDITOR'} || 'vi';
$inFile = $ARGV[0];
doFile: {
open(IN, "<$inFile") || die;
for ($lineNum = 1; ($_ = <IN>); $lineNum++) {
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; # Strip leading and trailing spaces
next if (/^$/); # Ignore blank lines
($prefix, $seenCRCStr, $dummy, $_) = /^(\S{2})(\S{4})( (.*))?/;
# Correct the number of spaces after each tab
while (s/$tab( *)/$tmp1 . ($tmp2 x &Max(length($1), &TabSkip($`)))/e) {}
s/ ( +)/" " . ($cdot x length($1))/eg; # Correct center dots
s/$tmp1/$tab/g; s/$tmp2/ /g; # Restore tabs and spaces from correction
s/\s*$/\n/; # Strip trailing spaces, and add a newline
$crc = $seenCRC = 0; # Calculate CRC
for ($data = $_; $data ne ""; $data = substr($data, 1)) {
$crc ^= ord($data);
for (1..8) {
$crc = ($crc >> 1) ^ (($crc & 1) ? 0x8408 : 0);
if ($crc != hex($seenCRCStr)) { # CRC mismatch
close(IN); close(OUT);
@filesCreated = ();
@oldStat = stat($inFile);
system($editor, "+$lineNum", $inFile);
@newStat = stat($inFile);
redo doFile if ($oldStat[9] != $newStat[9]); # Check mod date
&Fatal("Line $lineNum invalid: $_");
if ($prefix eq '--') { # Process header line
($code, $pageNum, $file) = /^(\S{19}) Page (\d+) of (.*)/;
$tabWidth = hex(substr($code, 11, 1));
if ($file ne $lastFile) {
print "$file\n";
&Fatal("$file: already exists\n") if (!$f && (-e $file));
open(OUT, ">$file") || &Fatal("$file: $!\n");
push(@filesCreated, ($lastFile = $file));
} else { # Unmunge normal line
s/$tab( *)/"\t".(" " x (length($1) - &TabSkip($`)))/eg;
s/$yen\n/\f/; # Handle form feeds
s/$pilc\n//; # Handle continuation lines
s/$cdot/ /g; # Center dots -> spaces
print OUT;
close(IN); close(OUT);