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2022-09-06 17:09:28 +02:00
# Frameline
### Very minimal framework to write a status/tabline
Frameline is a Lua library for writing your own statusline (and also a tabline)
for Neovim. This is not a ready-made statusline plugin, it's essential just the
*frame*, you have to built the rest by yourself.
Frameline is around 200 lines of Lua with no external dependencies.
## Examples
1. A statusline with the usual components: mode, git branch, filename,
encoding, etc.
local frameline = require 'frameline'
local utils = frameline.utils
-- Some components
function mode(win, buf)
if not win.is_active then return end
local k = vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode
local modes = {
n={'Normal', 'Normal'},
i={'Insert', 'Insert'},
R={'Replas', 'Insert'},
v={'Visual', 'Visual'},
V={'V⋅Line', 'VLine'},
t={'Termin', 'Term'},
['']={'V⋅Bloc', 'VBloc'}
return utils.highlight('Mode'..modes[k][2], ' '..modes[k][1]..' ')
function branch(_, buf)
local head = vim.fn.FugitiveHead()
if buf.modifiable and head ~= "" then return '⚑ '..head end
function filename(_, buf)
local delta = ""
if buf.modified then delta = 'Δ' end
if not buf.modifiable then delta = '∇' end
local fname = buf.name ~= "" and utils.filename or 'new-file'
return delta..fname
function readonly(_, buf)
if buf.modifiable and buf.readonly then return '∅' end
function encoding(_, buf)
return buf.fileencoding ~= "" and buf.fileencoding or nil
function filetype(_, buf)
return buf.filetype ~= "" and buf.filetype or 'no ft'
-- Statusline
local segments = {}
-- Left section
table.insert(segments, utils.subsection{items={mode}})
table.insert(segments, utils.subsection{
separator=' → ',
items={branch, filename, readonly},
table.insert(segments, utils.split)
-- Right section
table.insert(segments, utils.subsection{
separator=':', stop=' ',
items={utils.line_number, utils.column_number},
table.insert(segments, utils.subsection{
separator=' ∘ ',
items={utils.percent, encoding, filetype}
return segments
2. A tabline that shows the current tab, open tabs and date.
-- Tabline
local segments = {}
local api = vim.api
local color = '%#StatusLine#'
-- Tabs
local current = api.nvim_get_current_tabpage()
local label = ' %d %s '
for i, tab in pairs(api.nvim_list_tabpages()) do
-- tab -> active win -> active buf -> name
local active_buf = api.nvim_win_get_buf(api.nvim_tabpage_get_win(tab))
local name = api.nvim_buf_get_name(active_buf)
name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(name, ':t') -- filename only
local group = tab == current and 'TablineTabCur' or 'TablineTab'
table.insert(segments, utils.highlight(group, label:format(i, name)))
table.insert(segments, color)
table.insert(segments, utils.split)
-- Current date
table.insert(segments, vim.fn.strftime("%a %H:%M"))
return table.concat(segments)
## License
Frameline is licensed under the MIT license.
See the accompanying file LICENSE or https://mit-license.org/.