mirror of https://github.com/bennofs/nix-script synced 2025-01-09 20:34:20 +01:00

Properly handle arguments

This commit is contained in:
rnhmjoj 2015-09-11 06:19:03 +02:00
parent 332c94e05a
commit 8bab98e655
2 changed files with 36 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -4,4 +4,5 @@
function a { echo "this is zsh!" }
echo $#
echo "your args: $@"

View File

@ -3,11 +3,15 @@ module Main where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf, isPrefixOf, find)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, find)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv, getProgName, getArgs)
import System.Process (callProcess)
import System.Posix.IO (createPipe, fdToHandle)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, hClose, hFlush)
import System.Posix.Escape.Unicode (escapeMany)
type Env = [String]
type Args = [String]
type Inter = (String, Args)
-- | Information about a language
@ -16,9 +20,9 @@ data Language = Language
-- ^ Name of the language
, depsTrans :: [String] -> [String]
-- ^ Transform language-specific dependencies to nix packages
, run :: FilePath -> (String, [String])
, run :: FilePath -> Inter
-- ^ Command to run the given file as script
, repl :: FilePath -> (String, [String])
, repl :: FilePath -> Inter
-- ^ Command to load the given file in an interpreter
@ -76,6 +80,7 @@ lookupLang :: String -> Language
lookupLang n =
fromMaybe (passthrough n) (find ((n ==) . name) languages)
-- | Parse dependencies declaration line
parseHeader :: String -> [String]
parseHeader = uncurry trans . split . words
@ -86,24 +91,23 @@ parseHeader = uncurry trans . split . words
-- | Find command to run/load the script
interpreter :: String -> Bool -> String -> (String, [String])
interpreter lang interactive =
makeInter :: String -> Bool -> String -> Inter
makeInter lang interactive =
(if interactive then repl else run) (lookupLang lang)
-- | Create command to add the shell environment
makeCommand :: String -> [String] -> IO String
makeCommand program args = do
(readFd, writeFd) <- createPipe
writeH <- fdToHandle writeFd
hPutStrLn writeH (unlines args)
hFlush writeH >> hClose writeH
definitions <- mapM format baseEnv
return (env definitions ++ xargs readFd ++ program)
makeCmd :: Inter -> Args -> Env -> String
makeCmd (program, args) args' defs =
env defs ++ interpreter ++ escapeMany args'
interpreter = program ++ " " ++ unwords args ++ " "
env defs = "env " ++ unwords defs ++ " "
xargs fd = "xargs -a /proc/self/fd/" ++ show fd ++ " -d '\\n' "
-- | Create environment variable to run the script with
makeEnv :: IO Env
makeEnv = mapM format baseEnv where
format var = maybe "" (\x -> var ++ "=" ++ x) <$> lookupEnv var
@ -115,20 +119,19 @@ main = do
when (null progArgs) (fail $ "usage: " ++ progName ++ " <file>")
let file = head progArgs
shebang = takeWhile (isPrefixOf "#!") . lines
let shebang = takeWhile (isPrefixOf "#!") . lines
header = drop 1 . map (drop 2) . shebang
(file:args) = progArgs
script <- readFile file
case header script of
(('>' : identifier) : lines) -> do
(('>':identifier) : lines) -> do
let pkgs = concatMap parseHeader lines
language = dropWhile (==' ') identifier
interactive = isSuffixOf "i" progName
(program, args) = interpreter language interactive file
interactive = last progName == 'i'
interpreter = makeInter language interactive file
cmd <- makeCommand program args
putStrLn $ unwords ("--pure" : "--command" : cmd : "-p" : pkgs)
cmd <- makeCmd interpreter args <$> makeEnv
callProcess "nix-shell" ("--pure" : "--command" : cmd : "-p" : pkgs)
_ -> fail "missing or invalid header"