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synced 2025-01-10 04:44:21 +01:00
Merge pull request #3 from rnhmjoj/master
Rewrite. Merges pull request #3
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ To use `nix-script`, you need to add a header to your file. Here is an example f
#!/usr/bin/env nix-script
#!> haskell
#! env | EDITOR
#! haskell | text lens optparse-applicative
#! shell | nix nix-prefetch-scripts
@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ The first line just tells the shell to use `nix-script` when executing the scrip
The next lines the specify dependencies of the script. The first entry on each line is the language of the following dependencies. This is required so that language-specific names can be converted to the correct nix attribute names. You should have one line per language. In our case, we say that we want to use the `text`, `lens` and `optparse-applicative` haskell packages. We also want that `nix` and `nix-prefetch-scripts` are available in $PATH (the `shell` language doesn't apply any renaming to their dependencies and just passes them through unmodified).
The lines starting with `env` specify additional environment variables to be kept in the environment where the script will run. In this case the variable`EDITOR` editor.
We can now mark the script executable and run it:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
phases = [ "buildPhase" "installPhase" "fixupPhase" ];
buildPhase = ''mkdir -p $out/bin; ghc -O2 $src -o $out/bin/nix-script -odir $TMP'';
installPhase = ''ln -s $out/bin/nix-script $out/bin/nix-scripti'';
buildInputs = [ (pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (hs: with hs; [lens text])) ];
buildInputs = [ (pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (hs: with hs; [posix-escape])) ];
meta = {
homepage = https://github.com/bennofs/nix-script;
description = "A shebang for running inside nix-shell.";
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#! haskell | text lens optparse-applicative
#! shell | nix nix-prefetch-scripts
import Control.Lens
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "It works!"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nix-script
#! nix | zsh
function a { echo "this is zsh!" }
echo $#
echo "your args: $@"
@ -1,118 +1,151 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nix-script
#!> haskell
#! haskell | text lens
#! shell | nix
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- | A shebang for running scripts inside nix-shell with defined dependencies
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import System.Environment
import Data.List
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Lens (_Text)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Exception.Lens
import System.IO.Error.Lens
import System.Exit
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.IO
import System.IO
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, find, (\\))
import System.Environment (lookupEnv, getProgName, getArgs)
import System.Process (callProcess)
import System.Posix.Escape.Unicode (escapeMany)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- | Enviroment variables
type Env = [String]
-- | Information about a languages
data LangDef = LangDef
{ name :: String -- ^ Name of this language
, deps :: [Text] -> [Text] -- ^ Convert langunage-specific dependencies to nix packages
, run :: FilePath -> (String, [String]) -- ^ Command to run the given file as script
, repl :: FilePath -> (String, [String]) -- ^ Command to load the given file in an interpreter
-- | Program arguments
type Args = [String]
-- | interpreter name and arguments
type Inter = (String, Args)
-- | Information about a language
data Language = Language
{ name :: String
-- ^ Name of the language
, depsTrans :: [String] -> [String]
-- ^ Transform language-specific dependencies to nix packages
, run :: FilePath -> Inter
-- ^ Command to run the given file as script
, repl :: FilePath -> Inter
-- ^ Command to load the given file in an interpreter
languages :: [LangDef]
languages = [haskell, python, javascript, perl, shell]
haskell :: LangDef
haskell = LangDef "haskell" d r i where
d pkgs = return $
"haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (hs: with hs; [" <> Text.unwords pkgs <> "])"
r script = ("runhaskell" , [script])
-- | Basic packages always present
basePackages :: [String]
basePackages = ["coreutils", "utillinux"]
-- | Preserved environment variables
baseEnv :: [String]
-- | List of supported language definitions
languages :: [Language]
languages = [haskell, python, javascript, perl, shell]
haskell = Language "haskell" d r i where
d pkgs = pure ("haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (hs: with hs; [" ++
unwords pkgs ++ "])")
r script = ("runghc" , [script])
i script = ("ghci" , [script])
python :: LangDef
python = LangDef "python" d r i where
d pkgs = "python" : map ("pythonPackages." <>) pkgs
python = Language "python" d r i where
d pkgs = "python" : map ("pythonPackages." ++) pkgs
r script = ("python" , [script])
i script = ("python" , ["-i", script])
javascript :: LangDef
javascript = LangDef "javascript" d r i where
d pkgs = "node" : map ("nodePackages." <>) pkgs
javascript = Language "javascript" d r i where
d pkgs = "node" : map ("nodePackages." ++) pkgs
r script = ("node" , [script])
i script = ("node" , [])
perl :: LangDef
perl = LangDef "perl" d r i where
d pkgs = "perl" : map ("perlPackages." <>) pkgs
perl = Language "perl" d r i where
d pkgs = "perl" : map ("perlPackages." ++) pkgs
r script = ("perl" , [script])
i script = ("perl" , ["-d", script])
shell :: LangDef
shell = LangDef "shell" (extraPackages ++) r i where
shell = Language "shell" d r i where
d = mappend ("bash" : basePackages)
r script = ("bash", [script])
i _ = ("bash", [])
extraPackages = ["bash", "coreutils", "utillinux", "gitAndTools.hub", "git"]
lookupLangDef :: String -> IO LangDef
lookupLangDef n
| Just def <- find ((n ==) . name) languages = return def
| otherwise = fail $ "Unknown language: " ++ n
makeDeps :: String -> [String] -> IO [String]
makeDeps lang ds = lookupLangDef lang <&> \def ->
map (view _Text) $ deps def (map (review _Text) ds)
-- | Create ad-hoc definitions for unknown languages
passthrough :: String -> Language
passthrough name = Language name d r i where
d = mappend basePackages
r script = (name, [script])
i _ = (name, [])
parseDepLine :: [String] -> IO (String, [String])
parseDepLine (lang:"|":deps) = return (lang, deps)
parseDepLine x = fail $ "Invalid dependency specification: " ++ unwords x
makeCommand :: String -> Bool -> String -> IO (String, [String])
makeCommand lang interactive file = lookupLangDef lang <&> \def ->
(if interactive then repl else run) def file
-- | Find the appropriate language definition
lookupLang :: String -> Language
lookupLang n =
fromMaybe (passthrough n) (find ((n ==) . name) languages)
makeEnvArg :: String -> IO String
makeEnvArg env = f $ getEnv env <&> \val -> env ++ "=" ++ val where
f = handling_ (_IOException.errorType._NoSuchThing) $ return ""
makeXargsCommand :: String -> Int -> IO String
makeXargsCommand cmd fd = do
let xargsFile = "/proc/self/fd/" ++ show fd
envStr <- unwords <$> traverse makeEnvArg
return $ "env " ++ envStr ++ " xargs -a " ++ xargsFile ++ " -d '\\n' " ++ cmd ++ ""
-- | Extract environment declaration from the header
filterEnv :: [String] -> (Env, [String])
filterEnv header = (vars env, header \\ env)
vars = concatMap (drop 2 . words)
env = filter (isPrefixOf "env" . dropWhile isSpace) header
-- | Parse dependencies declaration line
parseHeader :: String -> [String]
parseHeader = uncurry trans . split . words
trans lang = depsTrans (lookupLang lang)
split (lang : "|" : deps) = (lang, deps)
split line = error ("Invalid dependency declaration: " ++ unwords line)
-- | Find command to run/load the script
makeInter :: String -> Bool -> String -> Inter
makeInter lang interactive =
(if interactive then repl else run) (lookupLang lang)
-- | Create command to add the shell environment
makeCmd :: Inter -> Args -> Env -> String
makeCmd (program, args) args' defs =
env defs ++ interpreter ++ escapeMany args'
interpreter = program ++ " " ++ unwords args ++ " "
env defs = "env " ++ unwords defs ++ " "
-- | Create environment variable to run the script with
makeEnv :: Env -> IO Env
makeEnv extra = mapM format (baseEnv ++ extra) where
format var = maybe "" (\x -> var ++ "=" ++ x) <$> lookupEnv var
-- | run a script or load it in an interactive interpreter
main :: IO ()
main = do
progName <- getProgName
args <- getArgs
let interactive = "i" `isSuffixOf` progName
case args ^? _Cons of
Nothing -> fail $ "usage: " ++ progName ++ " <file>" ++ " [missing file name]"
Just (file, args') -> do
header <- drop 1 . map (drop 2) . takeWhile ("#!" `isPrefixOf`) . lines <$> readFile file
case header ^? _Cons of
Just ('>':lang, depHeader) -> do
deps <- concat <$> traverse (uncurry makeDeps <=< parseDepLine . words) depHeader
let deps' = "findutils" : deps
let depArgs = concatMap (\x -> ["-p", x]) deps'
(cmd,cmdArgs) <- makeCommand (under _Text Text.strip lang) interactive file
(readFd, writeFd) <- createPipe
writeH <- fdToHandle writeFd
hPutStrLn writeH (unlines cmdArgs) >> hFlush writeH
hClose writeH
xargsCmd <- makeXargsCommand cmd (fromIntegral readFd)
let finalArgs = "--pure" : "--command" : xargsCmd : depArgs
executeFile "nix-shell" True finalArgs Nothing
_ -> fail "missing language to run as"
progArgs <- getArgs
when (null progArgs) (fail $ "usage: " ++ progName ++ " <file>")
let shebang = takeWhile (isPrefixOf "#!") . lines
header = drop 1 . map (drop 2) . shebang
(file:args) = progArgs
script <- readFile file
case header script of
(('>':identifier) : lines) -> do
let (env, deps) = filterEnv lines
pkgs = concatMap parseHeader deps
language = dropWhile isSpace identifier
interactive = last progName == 'i'
interpreter = makeInter language interactive file
cmd <- makeCmd interpreter args <$> makeEnv env
callProcess "nix-shell" ("--pure" : "--command" : cmd : "-p" : pkgs)
_ -> fail "missing or invalid header"
Reference in New Issue
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