173 lines
5.2 KiB
173 lines
5.2 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Nheko Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import ".."
import "../components"
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
import im.nheko
ApplicationWindow {
id: aliasEditorW
property var roomSettings
property var editingModel: Nheko.editAliases(roomSettings.roomId)
modality: Qt.NonModal
flags: Qt.Dialog | Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint
minimumWidth: 300
minimumHeight: 400
height: 600
width: 500
title: qsTr("Aliases to %1").arg(roomSettings.roomName);
// Shortcut {
// sequence: StandardKey.Cancel
// onActivated: dbb.rejected()
// }
ColumnLayout {
anchors.margins: Nheko.paddingMedium
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 0
MatrixText {
text: qsTr("List of aliases to this room. Usually you can only add aliases on your server. You can have one canonical alias and many alternate aliases.")
font.pixelSize: Math.floor(fontMetrics.font.pixelSize * 1.1)
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: false
color: palette.text
Layout.bottomMargin: Nheko.paddingMedium
ListView {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
id: view
clip: true
model: editingModel
spacing: 4
cacheBuffer: 50
delegate: RowLayout {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
Text {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: model.name
color: model.isPublished ? palette.text : Nheko.theme.error
textFormat: Text.PlainText
ImageButton {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Layout.margins: 2
image: ":/icons/icons/ui/star.svg"
hoverEnabled: true
buttonTextColor: model.isCanonical ? palette.highlight : palette.text
highlightColor: editingModel.canAdvertize ? palette.highlight : buttonTextColor
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: model.isCanonical ? qsTr("Primary alias") : qsTr("Make primary alias")
onClicked: editingModel.makeCanonical(model.index)
ImageButton {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Layout.margins: 2
image: ":/icons/icons/ui/building-shop.svg"
hoverEnabled: true
buttonTextColor: model.isAdvertized ? palette.highlight : palette.text
highlightColor: editingModel.canAdvertize ? palette.highlight : buttonTextColor
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Advertise as an alias in this room")
onClicked: editingModel.toggleAdvertize(model.index)
ImageButton {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Layout.margins: 2
image: ":/icons/icons/ui/room-directory.svg"
hoverEnabled: true
buttonTextColor: model.isPublished ? palette.highlight : palette.text
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Publish in room directory")
onClicked: editingModel.togglePublish(model.index)
ImageButton {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Layout.margins: 2
image: ":/icons/icons/ui/dismiss.svg"
hoverEnabled: true
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Remove this alias")
onClicked: editingModel.deleteAlias(model.index)
RowLayout {
spacing: Nheko.paddingMedium
Layout.fillWidth: true
MatrixTextField {
id: newAliasVal
focus: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
selectByMouse: true
font.pixelSize: fontMetrics.font.pixelSize
color: palette.text
placeholderText: qsTr("#new-alias:server.tld")
Component.onCompleted: forceActiveFocus()
Keys.onPressed: {
if (event.matches(StandardKey.InsertParagraphSeparator)) {
Button {
text: qsTr("Add")
Layout.preferredWidth: 100
onClicked: {
footer: DialogButtonBox {
id: dbb
standardButtons: DialogButtonBox.Ok | DialogButtonBox.Cancel
onAccepted: {
onRejected: aliasEditorW.close();