159 lines
5.8 KiB
159 lines
5.8 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Nheko Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <QHash>
#include <QQuickItem>
#include <QQuickTextDocument>
#include <QWidget>
#include <mtx/common.hpp>
#include <mtx/responses/messages.hpp>
#include "ReadReceiptsModel.h"
#include "timeline/CommunitiesModel.h"
#include "timeline/PresenceEmitter.h"
#include "timeline/RoomlistModel.h"
#include "ui/RoomSettings.h"
#include "ui/UserProfile.h"
class UserSettings;
class ChatPage;
class ImagePackListModel;
class TimelineModel;
class CallManager;
class VerificationManager;
namespace mtx::responses {
struct Sync;
class TimelineViewManager final : public QObject
bool isInitialSync MEMBER isInitialSync_ READ isInitialSync NOTIFY initialSyncChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isConnected READ isConnected NOTIFY isConnectedChanged)
TimelineViewManager(CallManager *callManager, ChatPage *parent = nullptr);
static TimelineViewManager *create(QQmlEngine *qmlEngine, QJSEngine *)
// The instance has to exist before it is used. We cannot replace it.
// The engine has to have the same thread affinity as the singleton.
Q_ASSERT(qmlEngine->thread() == instance_->thread());
// There can only be one engine accessing the singleton.
static QJSEngine *s_engine = nullptr;
if (s_engine)
Q_ASSERT(qmlEngine == s_engine);
s_engine = qmlEngine;
QJSEngine::setObjectOwnership(instance_, QJSEngine::CppOwnership);
return instance_;
void sync(const mtx::responses::Sync &sync_);
VerificationManager *verificationManager() { return verificationManager_; }
void clearAll() { rooms_->clear(); }
Q_INVOKABLE bool isInitialSync() const { return isInitialSync_; }
bool isConnected() const { return isConnected_; }
Q_INVOKABLE void openImageOverlay(TimelineModel *room,
const QString &mxcUrl,
const QString &eventId,
double originalWidth,
double proportionalHeight);
Q_INVOKABLE void openImagePackSettings(QString roomid);
Q_INVOKABLE void saveMedia(QString mxcUrl);
Q_INVOKABLE void copyImage(const QString &mxcUrl) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QColor userColor(QString id, QColor background);
Q_INVOKABLE QString escapeEmoji(QString str) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString htmlEscape(QString str) const { return str.toHtmlEscaped(); }
Q_INVOKABLE void openRoomMembers(TimelineModel *room);
Q_INVOKABLE void openRoomSettings(QString room_id);
Q_INVOKABLE void openInviteUsers(QString roomId);
Q_INVOKABLE void openGlobalUserProfile(QString userId);
Q_INVOKABLE UserProfile *getGlobalUserProfile(QString userId);
Q_INVOKABLE void focusMessageInput();
Q_INVOKABLE void fixImageRendering(QQuickTextDocument *t, QQuickItem *i);
void activeTimelineChanged(TimelineModel *timeline);
void initialSyncChanged(bool isInitialSync);
void isConnectedChanged(bool state);
void replyingEventChanged(QString replyingEvent);
void replyClosed();
void inviteUsers(QString roomId, QStringList users);
void showRoomList();
void narrowViewChanged();
void focusInput();
void openRoomMembersDialog(MemberList *members, TimelineModel *room);
void openRoomSettingsDialog(RoomSettings *settings);
void openInviteUsersDialog(InviteesModel *invitees);
void openProfile(UserProfile *profile);
void showImagePackSettings(TimelineModel *room, ImagePackListModel *packlist);
void openLeaveRoomDialog(QString roomid, QString reason = "");
void showImageOverlay(TimelineModel *room,
QString eventId,
QString url,
double originalWidth,
double proportionalHeight);
public slots:
void updateReadReceipts(const QString &room_id, const std::vector<QString> &event_ids);
void receivedSessionKey(const std::string &room_id, const std::string &session_id);
void initializeRoomlist();
void showEvent(const QString &room_id, const QString &event_id);
void updateColorPalette();
void queueReply(const QString &roomid, const QString &repliedToEvent, const QString &replyBody);
void queueCallMessage(const QString &roomid, const mtx::events::voip::CallInvite &);
void queueCallMessage(const QString &roomid, const mtx::events::voip::CallCandidates &);
void queueCallMessage(const QString &roomid, const mtx::events::voip::CallAnswer &);
void queueCallMessage(const QString &roomid, const mtx::events::voip::CallHangUp &);
void queueCallMessage(const QString &roomid, const mtx::events::voip::CallSelectAnswer &);
void queueCallMessage(const QString &roomid, const mtx::events::voip::CallReject &);
void queueCallMessage(const QString &roomid, const mtx::events::voip::CallNegotiate &);
void setVideoCallItem();
QAbstractItemModel *completerFor(const QString &completerName,
const QString &roomId = QLatin1String(QLatin1String("")));
void forwardMessageToRoom(mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents const *e, QString roomId);
RoomlistModel *rooms() { return rooms_; }
bool isInitialSync_ = true;
bool isConnected_ = true;
RoomlistModel *rooms_ = nullptr;
FilteredRoomlistModel *frooms_ = nullptr;
CommunitiesModel *communities_ = nullptr;
// don't move this above the rooms_
VerificationManager *verificationManager_ = nullptr;
PresenceEmitter *presenceEmitter = nullptr;
QHash<QPair<QString, quint64>, QColor> userColors;
inline static TimelineViewManager *instance_ = nullptr;