* Refactor widget items to use same interface * Support audio, video, generic file for pasting * Add utils function for human readable file sizes * Set correct MIME type for media messages This change also determines the size of the upload once from the ContentLengthHeader, rather than seeking the QIODevice and asking for its size. This prevents any future trouble in case the QIODevice is sequential (cannot be seeked). The MIME type is also determined at upload once, rather than using the QIODevice and the underlying data inside. * Allow for file urls to be used as fall-back This fixes an issue on macOS which uses `text/uri-list` for copying files to the clipboard. fixes #228
337 lines
11 KiB
337 lines
11 KiB
* nheko Copyright (C) 2017 Konstantinos Sideris <siderisk@auth.gr>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QList>
#include <QQueue>
#include <QScrollArea>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QStyleOption>
#include <mtx/events.hpp>
#include <mtx/responses/messages.hpp>
#include "MatrixClient.h"
#include "ScrollBar.h"
#include "TimelineItem.h"
class FloatingButton;
struct DescInfo;
// Contains info about a message shown in the history view
// but not yet confirmed by the homeserver through sync.
struct PendingMessage
mtx::events::MessageType ty;
int txn_id;
QString body;
QString filename;
QString mime;
int64_t media_size;
QString event_id;
TimelineItem *widget;
PendingMessage(mtx::events::MessageType ty,
int txn_id,
QString body,
QString filename,
QString mime,
int64_t media_size,
QString event_id,
TimelineItem *widget)
: ty(ty)
, txn_id(txn_id)
, body(body)
, filename(filename)
, mime(mime)
, media_size(media_size)
, event_id(event_id)
, widget(widget)
// In which place new TimelineItems should be inserted.
enum class TimelineDirection
class TimelineView : public QWidget
TimelineView(const mtx::responses::Timeline &timeline,
QSharedPointer<MatrixClient> client,
const QString &room_id,
QWidget *parent = 0);
TimelineView(QSharedPointer<MatrixClient> client,
const QString &room_id,
QWidget *parent = 0);
// Add new events at the end of the timeline.
void addEvents(const mtx::responses::Timeline &timeline);
void addUserMessage(mtx::events::MessageType ty, const QString &msg);
template<class Widget, mtx::events::MessageType MsgType>
void addUserMessage(const QString &url,
const QString &filename,
const QString &mime,
const int64_t size);
void updatePendingMessage(int txn_id, QString event_id);
void scrollDown();
QLabel *createDateSeparator(QDateTime datetime);
public slots:
void sliderRangeChanged(int min, int max);
void sliderMoved(int position);
void fetchHistory();
// Add old events at the top of the timeline.
void addBackwardsEvents(const QString &room_id, const mtx::responses::Messages &msgs);
// Whether or not the initial batch has been loaded.
bool hasLoaded() { return scroll_layout_->count() > 1 || isTimelineFinished; }
void handleFailedMessage(int txnid);
private slots:
void sendNextPendingMessage();
void updateLastTimelineMessage(const QString &user, const DescInfo &info);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override;
void showEvent(QShowEvent *event) override;
bool event(QEvent *event) override;
using TimelineEvent = mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents;
//! HACK: Fixing layout flickering when adding to the bottom
//! of the timeline.
void pushTimelineItem(TimelineItem *item)
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [=]() { item->show(); });
//! Decides whether or not to show or hide the scroll down button.
void toggleScrollDownButton();
void init();
void addTimelineItem(TimelineItem *item,
TimelineDirection direction = TimelineDirection::Bottom);
void updateLastSender(const QString &user_id, TimelineDirection direction);
void notifyForLastEvent();
void notifyForLastEvent(const TimelineEvent &event);
void readLastEvent() const;
bool isScrollbarActivated() { return scroll_area_->verticalScrollBar()->value() != 0; }
QString getLastEventId() const;
QString getEventSender(const mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents &event) const;
template<class Event, class Widget>
TimelineItem *processMessageEvent(const Event &event, TimelineDirection direction);
// TODO: Remove this eventually.
template<class Event>
TimelineItem *processMessageEvent(const Event &event, TimelineDirection direction);
// For events with custom display widgets.
template<class Event, class Widget>
TimelineItem *createTimelineItem(const Event &event, bool withSender);
// For events without custom display widgets.
// TODO: All events should have custom widgets.
template<class Event>
TimelineItem *createTimelineItem(const Event &event, bool withSender);
// Used to determine whether or not we should prefix a message with the
// sender's name.
bool isSenderRendered(const QString &user_id, TimelineDirection direction);
bool isPendingMessage(const QString &txnid, const QString &sender, const QString &userid);
void removePendingMessage(const QString &txnid);
bool isDuplicate(const QString &event_id) { return eventIds_.contains(event_id); }
void handleNewUserMessage(PendingMessage msg);
// Return nullptr if the event couldn't be parsed.
TimelineItem *parseMessageEvent(const mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents &event,
TimelineDirection direction);
QVBoxLayout *top_layout_;
QVBoxLayout *scroll_layout_;
QScrollArea *scroll_area_;
ScrollBar *scrollbar_;
QWidget *scroll_widget_;
QString lastSender_;
QString firstSender_;
QString room_id_;
QString prev_batch_token_;
QString local_user_;
bool isPaginationInProgress_ = false;
// Keeps track whether or not the user has visited the view.
bool isInitialized = false;
bool isTimelineFinished = false;
bool isInitialSync = true;
const int SCROLL_BAR_GAP = 200;
QTimer *paginationTimer_;
int scroll_height_ = 0;
int previous_max_height_ = 0;
int oldPosition_;
int oldHeight_;
FloatingButton *scrollDownBtn_;
TimelineDirection lastMessageDirection_;
//! Messages received by sync not added to the timeline.
std::vector<TimelineEvent> bottomMessages_;
//! Messages received by /messages not added to the timeline.
std::vector<TimelineEvent> topMessages_;
//! Render the given timeline events to the bottom of the timeline.
void renderBottomEvents(const std::vector<TimelineEvent> &events);
//! Render the given timeline events to the top of the timeline.
void renderTopEvents(const std::vector<TimelineEvent> &events);
//! Decide if the given timeline event can be rendered.
inline bool isViewable(const TimelineEvent &event) const;
//! Decide if the given event should trigger a notification.
inline bool isNotifiable(const TimelineEvent &event) const;
// The events currently rendered. Used for duplicate detection.
QMap<QString, bool> eventIds_;
QQueue<PendingMessage> pending_msgs_;
QList<PendingMessage> pending_sent_msgs_;
QSharedPointer<MatrixClient> client_;
template<class Widget, mtx::events::MessageType MsgType>
TimelineView::addUserMessage(const QString &url,
const QString &filename,
const QString &mime,
const int64_t size)
auto with_sender = lastSender_ != local_user_;
auto trimmed = QFileInfo{filename}.fileName(); // Trim file path.
auto widget = new Widget(client_, url, trimmed, size, this);
TimelineItem *view_item =
new TimelineItem(widget, local_user_, with_sender, scroll_widget_);
lastMessageDirection_ = TimelineDirection::Bottom;
lastSender_ = local_user_;
int txn_id = client_->incrementTransactionId();
PendingMessage message(MsgType, txn_id, url, trimmed, mime, size, "", view_item);
template<class Event>
TimelineItem *
TimelineView::createTimelineItem(const Event &event, bool withSender)
TimelineItem *item = new TimelineItem(event, withSender, scroll_widget_);
return item;
template<class Event, class Widget>
TimelineItem *
TimelineView::createTimelineItem(const Event &event, bool withSender)
auto eventWidget = new Widget(client_, event);
auto item = new TimelineItem(eventWidget, event, withSender, scroll_widget_);
return item;
template<class Event>
TimelineItem *
TimelineView::processMessageEvent(const Event &event, TimelineDirection direction)
const auto event_id = QString::fromStdString(event.event_id);
const auto sender = QString::fromStdString(event.sender);
if (isDuplicate(event_id))
return nullptr;
eventIds_[event_id] = true;
const QString txnid = QString::fromStdString(event.unsigned_data.transaction_id);
if (!txnid.isEmpty() && isPendingMessage(txnid, sender, local_user_)) {
return nullptr;
auto with_sender = isSenderRendered(sender, direction);
updateLastSender(sender, direction);
return createTimelineItem<Event>(event, with_sender);
template<class Event, class Widget>
TimelineItem *
TimelineView::processMessageEvent(const Event &event, TimelineDirection direction)
const auto event_id = QString::fromStdString(event.event_id);
const auto sender = QString::fromStdString(event.sender);
if (isDuplicate(event_id))
return nullptr;
eventIds_[event_id] = true;
const QString txnid = QString::fromStdString(event.unsigned_data.transaction_id);
if (!txnid.isEmpty() && isPendingMessage(txnid, sender, local_user_)) {
return nullptr;
auto with_sender = isSenderRendered(sender, direction);
updateLastSender(sender, direction);
return createTimelineItem<Event, Widget>(event, with_sender);