2023-02-02 01:26:42 +01:00

95 lines
4.0 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Nheko Contributors
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nheko Contributors
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Nheko Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QString>
// clazy:excludeall=non-pod-global-static
// Non-theme app configuration. Layouts, fonts spacing etc.
// Font sizes are in pixels.
namespace conf {
namespace modals {
constexpr int WIDGET_MARGIN = 20;
constexpr int WIDGET_SPACING = 15;
constexpr auto LABEL_MEDIUM_SIZE_RATIO = 1.3;
namespace strings {
const QString url_html = QStringLiteral("<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>");
const QRegularExpression url_regex(
// match an unquoted URL
[]() {
const auto general_unicode = QStringLiteral(
const auto protocol = QStringLiteral(R"((?:[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp][Ss]?))");
const auto unreserved_subdelims_colon = QStringLiteral(R"([a-zA-Z0-9\-._~!$&'()*+,;=:])");
const auto pct_enc = QStringLiteral(R"((?:%[[:xdigit:]]{2}))");
const auto userinfo =
"(?:" + unreserved_subdelims_colon + "*(?:" + pct_enc + unreserved_subdelims_colon + "*)*)";
const auto dec_octet =
const auto ipv4_addr = "(?:" + dec_octet + R"((?:\.)" + dec_octet + "){3})";
const auto h16 = QStringLiteral(R"((?:[[:xdigit:]]{1,4}))");
const auto ls32 = "(?:" + h16 + ":" + h16 + "|" + ipv4_addr + ")";
// clang-format off
const auto ipv6_addr = "(?:"
"(?:" + h16 + ":){6}" + ls32
+ "|" "::(?:" + h16 + ":){5}" + ls32
+ "|" + h16 + "?::(?:" + h16 + ":){4}" + ls32
+ "|" "(?:" + h16 + "(?::" + h16 + "){0,1})?::(?:" + h16 + ":){3}" + ls32
+ "|" "(?:" + h16 + "(?::" + h16 + "){0,2})?::(?:" + h16 + ":){2}" + ls32
+ "|" "(?:" + h16 + "(?::" + h16 + "){0,3})?::" + h16 + ":" + ls32
+ "|" "(?:" + h16 + "(?::" + h16 + "){0,4})?::" + ls32
+ "|" "(?:" + h16 + "(?::" + h16 + "){0,5})?::" + h16
+ "|" "(?:" + h16 + "(?::" + h16 + "){0,6})?::"
// clang-format on
const auto ipvfuture = R"((?:v[[:xdigit:]]+\.)" + unreserved_subdelims_colon + "+)";
const auto ip_literal = R"((?:\[(?:)" + ipv6_addr + "|" + ipvfuture + R"()\]))";
const auto host_alnum = "(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|" + general_unicode + ")";
const auto host_label = "(?:" + host_alnum + "+(?:-+" + host_alnum + "+)*)";
const auto hostname = "(?:" + host_label + R"((?:\.)" + host_label + R"()*\.?))";
const auto host = "(?:" + hostname + "|" + ip_literal + ")";
const auto path = R"((?:/((?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-._~!$&'*+,;=:@/]|)" + pct_enc + R"(|\((?-1)\)|)" +
general_unicode + ")*))";
const auto query = R"(((?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-._~!$&'*+,;=:@/?\\{}]|)" + pct_enc +
R"(|\((?-1)\)|\[(?-1)\]|)" + general_unicode + ")*)";
const auto &fragment = query;
return R"((?<!["'\w])(?>()" + protocol + "://" + "(?:" + userinfo + "@)?" + host +
"(?::[0-9]+)?" + path +
R"((?:\?)" +
query +
R"((?:#)" +
fragment +
// A matrix link to be converted back to markdown
static const QRegularExpression
matrixToLink(QStringLiteral(R"(<a href=\"(https://matrix.to/#/.*?)\">(.*?)</a>)"));
// Window geometry.
namespace window {
constexpr int height = 600;
constexpr int width = 1066;
constexpr int minHeight = 340;
constexpr int minWidth = 340;
} // namespace window
} // namespace conf