Loren Burkholder 58b2ae1f06 Don't apply gravity to rain
It makes the rain look wacky.
2023-04-08 18:59:17 -04:00

113 lines
2.6 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Nheko Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Particles 2.15
Item {
readonly property int maxLifespan: Math.max(confettiEmitter.lifeSpan, rainfallEmitter.lifeSpan)
function pulseConfetti()
confettiEmitter.pulse(parent.height * 2)
function pulseRainfall()
rainfallEmitter.pulse(parent.height * 7.5)
ParticleSystem {
id: particleSystem
Component.onCompleted: pause();
paused: !shouldEffectsRun
Emitter {
id: confettiEmitter
group: "confetti"
width: parent.width * 3/4
enabled: false
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
y: parent.height
emitRate: Math.min(400 * Math.sqrt(parent.width * parent.height) / 870, 1000)
lifeSpan: 15000
system: particleSystem
maximumEmitted: 500
velocityFromMovement: 8
size: 16
sizeVariation: 4
velocity: PointDirection {
x: 0
y: -Math.min(450 * parent.height / 700, 1000)
xVariation: Math.min(4 * parent.width / 7, 450)
yVariation: 250
ImageParticle {
system: particleSystem
groups: ["confetti"]
source: "qrc:/confettiparticle.svg"
rotationVelocity: 0
rotationVelocityVariation: 360
colorVariation: 1
color: "white"
entryEffect: ImageParticle.None
xVector: PointDirection {
x: 1
y: 0
xVariation: 0.2
yVariation: 0.2
yVector: PointDirection {
x: 0
y: 0.5
xVariation: 0.2
yVariation: 0.2
Gravity {
system: particleSystem
groups: ["confetti"]
anchors.fill: parent
magnitude: 350
angle: 90
Emitter {
id: rainfallEmitter
group: "rain"
width: parent.width
enabled: false
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
y: -60
emitRate: parent.width / 50
lifeSpan: 10000
system: particleSystem
velocity: PointDirection {
x: 0
y: 300
xVariation: 0
yVariation: 75
ItemParticle {
system: particleSystem
groups: ["rain"]
fade: false
delegate: Rectangle {
width: 2
height: 30 + 30 * Math.random()
radius: 2
color: "#0099ff"