/* * nheko Copyright (C) 2017 Konstantinos Sideris * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Cache.h" #include "ChatPage.h" #include "Config.h" #include "TextInputWidget.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "ui/FlatButton.h" #include "ui/LoadingIndicator.h" #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) #include "emoji/MacHelper.h" #endif static constexpr size_t INPUT_HISTORY_SIZE = 127; static constexpr int MAX_TEXTINPUT_HEIGHT = 120; static constexpr int ButtonHeight = 22; FilteredTextEdit::FilteredTextEdit(QWidget *parent) : QTextEdit{parent} , history_index_{0} , popup_{parent} , previewDialog_{parent} { setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); connect(document()->documentLayout(), &QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::documentSizeChanged, this, &FilteredTextEdit::updateGeometry); connect(document()->documentLayout(), &QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::documentSizeChanged, this, [this]() { emit heightChanged(document()->size().toSize().height()); }); working_history_.push_back(""); connect(this, &QTextEdit::textChanged, this, &FilteredTextEdit::textChanged); setAcceptRichText(false); typingTimer_ = new QTimer(this); typingTimer_->setInterval(1000); typingTimer_->setSingleShot(true); connect(typingTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &FilteredTextEdit::stopTyping); connect(&previewDialog_, &dialogs::PreviewUploadOverlay::confirmUpload, this, &FilteredTextEdit::uploadData); connect(this, &FilteredTextEdit::resultsRetrieved, this, &FilteredTextEdit::showResults); connect(&popup_, &SuggestionsPopup::itemSelected, this, [this](const QString &text) { popup_.hide(); auto cursor = textCursor(); const int end = cursor.position(); cursor.setPosition(atTriggerPosition_, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); cursor.setPosition(end, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.insertText(text); }); // For cycling through the suggestions by hitting tab. connect(this, &FilteredTextEdit::selectNextSuggestion, &popup_, &SuggestionsPopup::selectNextSuggestion); connect(this, &FilteredTextEdit::selectPreviousSuggestion, &popup_, &SuggestionsPopup::selectPreviousSuggestion); connect(this, &FilteredTextEdit::selectHoveredSuggestion, this, [this]() { popup_.selectHoveredSuggestion(); }); previewDialog_.hide(); } void FilteredTextEdit::showResults(const QVector &results) { QPoint pos; if (isAnchorValid()) { auto cursor = textCursor(); cursor.setPosition(atTriggerPosition_); pos = viewport()->mapToGlobal(cursorRect(cursor).topLeft()); } else { auto rect = cursorRect(); pos = viewport()->mapToGlobal(rect.topLeft()); } popup_.addUsers(results); popup_.move(pos.x(), pos.y() - popup_.height() - 10); popup_.show(); } void FilteredTextEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { const bool isModifier = (event->modifiers() != Qt::NoModifier); #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) if (event->modifiers() == (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::MetaModifier) && event->key() == Qt::Key_Space) MacHelper::showEmojiWindow(); #endif if (!isModifier) { if (!typingTimer_->isActive()) emit startedTyping(); typingTimer_->start(); } // calculate the new query if (textCursor().position() < atTriggerPosition_ || !isAnchorValid()) { resetAnchor(); closeSuggestions(); } if (popup_.isVisible()) { switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_Tab: emit selectNextSuggestion(); return; case Qt::Key_Enter: case Qt::Key_Return: emit selectHoveredSuggestion(); return; case Qt::Key_Escape: closeSuggestions(); return; case Qt::Key_Up: case Qt::Key_Backtab: { emit selectPreviousSuggestion(); return; } default: break; } } switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_At: atTriggerPosition_ = textCursor().position(); anchorType_ = AnchorType::Sigil; QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event); break; case Qt::Key_Tab: { auto cursor = textCursor(); const int initialPos = cursor.position(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfWord, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); auto word = cursor.selectedText(); const int startOfWord = cursor.position(); // There is a word to complete. if (initialPos != startOfWord) { atTriggerPosition_ = startOfWord; anchorType_ = AnchorType::Tab; emit showSuggestions(word); } else { QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event); } break; } case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: if (!(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) { stopTyping(); submit(); } else { QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event); } break; case Qt::Key_Up: { auto initial_cursor = textCursor(); QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event); if (textCursor() == initial_cursor && textCursor().atStart() && history_index_ + 1 < working_history_.size()) { ++history_index_; setPlainText(working_history_[history_index_]); moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); } else if (textCursor() == initial_cursor) { // Move to the start of the text if there aren't any lines to move up to. initial_cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1); setTextCursor(initial_cursor); } break; } case Qt::Key_Down: { auto initial_cursor = textCursor(); QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event); if (textCursor() == initial_cursor && textCursor().atEnd() && history_index_ > 0) { --history_index_; setPlainText(working_history_[history_index_]); moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); } else if (textCursor() == initial_cursor) { // Move to the end of the text if there aren't any lines to move down to. initial_cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1); setTextCursor(initial_cursor); } break; } default: QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event); if (isModifier) return; if (textCursor().position() == 0) { resetAnchor(); closeSuggestions(); return; } // Check if the current word should be autocompleted. auto cursor = textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfWord, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); auto word = cursor.selectedText(); if (hasAnchor(cursor.position(), anchorType_) && isAnchorValid()) { if (word.isEmpty()) { closeSuggestions(); return; } emit showSuggestions(word); } else { resetAnchor(); closeSuggestions(); } break; } } bool FilteredTextEdit::canInsertFromMimeData(const QMimeData *source) const { return (source->hasImage() || QTextEdit::canInsertFromMimeData(source)); } void FilteredTextEdit::insertFromMimeData(const QMimeData *source) { const auto formats = source->formats().filter("/"); const auto image = formats.filter("image/", Qt::CaseInsensitive); const auto audio = formats.filter("audio/", Qt::CaseInsensitive); const auto video = formats.filter("video/", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (!image.empty()) { showPreview(source, image); } else if (!audio.empty()) { showPreview(source, audio); } else if (!video.empty()) { showPreview(source, video); } else if (source->hasUrls()) { // Generic file path for any platform. QString path; for (auto &&u : source->urls()) { if (u.isLocalFile()) { path = u.toLocalFile(); break; } } if (!path.isEmpty() && QFileInfo{path}.exists()) { previewDialog_.setPreview(path); } else { qWarning() << "Clipboard does not contain any valid file paths:" << source->urls(); } } else if (source->hasFormat("x-special/gnome-copied-files")) { // Special case for X11 users. See "Notes for X11 Users" in source. // Source: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qclipboard.html // This MIME type returns a string with multiple lines separated by '\n'. The first // line is the command to perform with the clipboard (not useful to us). The // following lines are the file URIs. // // Source: the nautilus source code in file 'src/nautilus-clipboard.c' in function // nautilus_clipboard_get_uri_list_from_selection_data() // https://github.com/GNOME/nautilus/blob/master/src/nautilus-clipboard.c auto data = source->data("x-special/gnome-copied-files").split('\n'); if (data.size() < 2) { qWarning() << "MIME format is malformed, cannot perform paste."; return; } QString path; for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); ++i) { QUrl url{data[i]}; if (url.isLocalFile()) { path = url.toLocalFile(); break; } } if (!path.isEmpty()) { previewDialog_.setPreview(path); } else { qWarning() << "Clipboard does not contain any valid file paths:" << data; } } else { QTextEdit::insertFromMimeData(source); } } void FilteredTextEdit::stopTyping() { typingTimer_->stop(); emit stoppedTyping(); } QSize FilteredTextEdit::sizeHint() const { ensurePolished(); auto margins = viewportMargins(); margins += document()->documentMargin(); QSize size = document()->size().toSize(); size.rwidth() += margins.left() + margins.right(); size.rheight() += margins.top() + margins.bottom(); return size; } QSize FilteredTextEdit::minimumSizeHint() const { ensurePolished(); auto margins = viewportMargins(); margins += document()->documentMargin(); margins += contentsMargins(); QSize size(fontMetrics().averageCharWidth() * 10, fontMetrics().lineSpacing() + margins.top() + margins.bottom()); return size; } void FilteredTextEdit::submit() { if (toPlainText().trimmed().isEmpty()) return; if (true_history_.size() == INPUT_HISTORY_SIZE) true_history_.pop_back(); true_history_.push_front(toPlainText()); working_history_ = true_history_; working_history_.push_front(""); history_index_ = 0; QString text = toPlainText(); if (text.startsWith('/')) { int command_end = text.indexOf(' '); if (command_end == -1) command_end = text.size(); auto name = text.mid(1, command_end - 1); auto args = text.mid(command_end + 1); if (name.isEmpty() || name == "/") { message(args); } else { command(name, args); } } else { message(std::move(text)); } clear(); } void FilteredTextEdit::textChanged() { working_history_[history_index_] = toPlainText(); } void FilteredTextEdit::uploadData(const QByteArray data, const QString &media, const QString &filename) { QSharedPointer buffer{new QBuffer{this}}; buffer->setData(data); emit startedUpload(); if (media == "image") emit image(buffer, filename); else if (media == "audio") emit audio(buffer, filename); else if (media == "video") emit video(buffer, filename); else emit file(buffer, filename); } void FilteredTextEdit::showPreview(const QMimeData *source, const QStringList &formats) { // Retrieve data as MIME type. auto const &mime = formats.first(); QByteArray data = source->data(mime); previewDialog_.setPreview(data, mime); } TextInputWidget::TextInputWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QFont f; f.setPointSizeF(f.pointSizeF()); const int fontHeight = QFontMetrics(f).height(); const int contentHeight = fontHeight * 2.5; const int InputHeight = fontHeight * 1.5; setFixedHeight(contentHeight); setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); topLayout_ = new QHBoxLayout(); topLayout_->setSpacing(0); topLayout_->setContentsMargins(13, 0, 13, 0); QIcon send_file_icon; send_file_icon.addFile(":/icons/icons/ui/paper-clip-outline.png"); sendFileBtn_ = new FlatButton(this); sendFileBtn_->setToolTip(tr("Send a file")); sendFileBtn_->setIcon(send_file_icon); sendFileBtn_->setIconSize(QSize(ButtonHeight, ButtonHeight)); spinner_ = new LoadingIndicator(this); spinner_->setFixedHeight(InputHeight); spinner_->setFixedWidth(InputHeight); spinner_->setObjectName("FileUploadSpinner"); spinner_->hide(); input_ = new FilteredTextEdit(this); input_->setFixedHeight(InputHeight); input_->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); input_->setPlaceholderText(tr("Write a message...")); connect(input_, &FilteredTextEdit::heightChanged, this, [this, InputHeight, contentHeight](int height) { int textInputHeight = std::min(MAX_TEXTINPUT_HEIGHT, std::max(height, InputHeight)); int widgetHeight = std::min(MAX_TEXTINPUT_HEIGHT, std::max(height, contentHeight)); setFixedHeight(widgetHeight); input_->setFixedHeight(textInputHeight); emit heightChanged(widgetHeight); }); connect(input_, &FilteredTextEdit::showSuggestions, this, [this](const QString &q) { if (q.isEmpty() || !cache::client()) return; QtConcurrent::run([this, q = q.toLower().toStdString()]() { try { emit input_->resultsRetrieved(cache::client()->searchUsers( ChatPage::instance()->currentRoom().toStdString(), q)); } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { std::cout << e.what() << '\n'; } }); }); sendMessageBtn_ = new FlatButton(this); sendMessageBtn_->setToolTip(tr("Send a message")); QIcon send_message_icon; send_message_icon.addFile(":/icons/icons/ui/cursor.png"); sendMessageBtn_->setIcon(send_message_icon); sendMessageBtn_->setIconSize(QSize(ButtonHeight, ButtonHeight)); topLayout_->addWidget(sendFileBtn_); topLayout_->addWidget(input_); topLayout_->addWidget(sendMessageBtn_); setLayout(topLayout_); connect(sendMessageBtn_, &FlatButton::clicked, input_, &FilteredTextEdit::submit); connect(sendFileBtn_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openFileSelection())); connect(input_, &FilteredTextEdit::message, this, &TextInputWidget::sendTextMessage); connect(input_, &FilteredTextEdit::command, this, &TextInputWidget::command); connect(input_, &FilteredTextEdit::image, this, &TextInputWidget::uploadImage); connect(input_, &FilteredTextEdit::audio, this, &TextInputWidget::uploadAudio); connect(input_, &FilteredTextEdit::video, this, &TextInputWidget::uploadVideo); connect(input_, &FilteredTextEdit::file, this, &TextInputWidget::uploadFile); connect(input_, &FilteredTextEdit::startedTyping, this, &TextInputWidget::startedTyping); connect(input_, &FilteredTextEdit::stoppedTyping, this, &TextInputWidget::stoppedTyping); connect( input_, &FilteredTextEdit::startedUpload, this, &TextInputWidget::showUploadSpinner); } void TextInputWidget::command(QString command, QString args) { if (command == "me") { sendEmoteMessage(args); } else if (command == "join") { sendJoinRoomRequest(args); } else if (command == "shrug") { sendTextMessage("¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"); } else if (command == "fliptable") { sendTextMessage("(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"); } } void TextInputWidget::openFileSelection() { const auto fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select a file"), "", tr("All Files (*)")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForFile(fileName, QMimeDatabase::MatchContent); const auto format = mime.name().split("/")[0]; QSharedPointer file{new QFile{fileName, this}}; if (format == "image") emit uploadImage(file, fileName); else if (format == "audio") emit uploadAudio(file, fileName); else if (format == "video") emit uploadVideo(file, fileName); else emit uploadFile(file, fileName); showUploadSpinner(); } void TextInputWidget::showUploadSpinner() { topLayout_->removeWidget(sendFileBtn_); sendFileBtn_->hide(); topLayout_->insertWidget(0, spinner_); spinner_->start(); } void TextInputWidget::hideUploadSpinner() { topLayout_->removeWidget(spinner_); topLayout_->insertWidget(0, sendFileBtn_); sendFileBtn_->show(); spinner_->stop(); } void TextInputWidget::stopTyping() { input_->stopTyping(); } void TextInputWidget::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) { input_->setFocus(event->reason()); } void TextInputWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QStyleOption opt; opt.init(this); QPainter p(this); style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this); } void TextInputWidget::addReply(const QString &username, const QString &msg) { input_->setText(QString("> %1: %2\n\n").arg(username).arg(msg)); input_->setFocus(); auto cursor = input_->textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); input_->setTextCursor(cursor); }