AudioItemSave FileChatPageFailed to upload image. Please try again.Failed to upload file. Please try again.Failed to upload audio. Please try again.Failed to upload video. Please try again.Failed to restore OLM account. Please login again.Failed to restore save data. Please login again.Failed to setup encryption keys. Server response: %1 %2. Please try again later.Please try to login again: %1Room creation failed: %1Failed to leave room: %1CommunitiesListItemAll roomsFavourite roomsLow priority rooms (tag) (community)EditModalApplyCancelNameTopicFileItemSave FileImageItemSave imageInviteeItemRemoveLoginPageMatrix IDe.g @joe:matrix.orgPasswordDevice nameLOGINAutodiscovery failed. Received malformed response.Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error while requesting .well-known.The required endpoints were not found. Possibly not a Matrix server.Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.An unknown error occured. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Empty passwordMemberListRoom membersQuickSwitcherSearch for a room…RegisterPageUsernamePasswordPassword confirmationHome ServerREGISTERInvalid usernamePassword is not long enough (min 8 chars)Passwords don't matchInvalid server nameReplyPopupLogoutRoomInfono version storedRoomInfoListItemLeave roomAcceptDeclineSideBarActionsUser settingsCreate new roomJoin a roomStart a new chatRoom directoryStatusIndicatorEncryptedDeliveredSeenSentTextInputWidgetSend a fileWrite a message…Send a messageEmojiSelect a fileAll Files (*)Connection lost. Nheko is trying to re-connect…TimelineItemMessage redaction failed: %1ReplyOptionsTimelineViewEncryption is enabledPlaceholder, when the message was not decrypted yet or can't be decryptedPlaceholder, when the message can't be decrypted, because the DB access failed when trying to lookup the session.Placeholder, when the message can't be decrypted, because the DB access failed.Placeholder, when the message can't be decrypted. In this case, the Olm decrytion returned an error, which is passed ad %1Placeholder, when the message was decrypted, but we couldn't parse it, because Nheko/mtxclient don't support that event type yetTopRoomBarRoom optionsInvite usersMembersLeave roomSettingsTrayIconShowQuitTypingDisplayMultiple users are typing. First argument is a comma separated list of potentially multiple users. Second argument is the last user of that list. (If only one user is typing, %1 is empty. You should still use it in your string though to silence Qt warnings.)%1%2 is typing%1 and %2 are typingUserInfoWidgetLogoutUserSettingsPageMinimize to trayStart in trayGroup's sidebarTyping notificationsRead receiptsDesktop notificationsScale factorFont sizeFont FamilyThemeDevice IDDevice FingerprintSession KeysIMPORTEXPORTENCRYPTIONGENERALOpen Sessions FileErrorFile PasswordEnter the passphrase to decrypt the file:The password cannot be emptyEnter passphrase to encrypt your session keys:File to save the exported session keysWelcomePageWelcome to nheko! The desktop client for the Matrix protocol.Enjoy your stay!REGISTERLOGINdescriptiveTimedialogs::CreateRoomCreate roomCancelNameTopicAliasRoom VisibilityRoom PresetDirect Chatdialogs::InviteUsersCancelUser ID to invitedialogs::JoinRoomJoinCancelRoom ID or aliasdialogs::LeaveRoomCancelAre you sure you want to leave?dialogs::LogoutCancelLogout. Are you sure?dialogs::PreviewUploadOverlayUploadCancelMedia type: %1
Media size: %2
dialogs::ReCaptchaCancelConfirmSolve the reCAPTCHA and press the confirm buttondialogs::ReadReceiptsRead receiptsClosedialogs::ReceiptItemdialogs::RoomSettingsSettingsInfoInternal IDRoom VersionNotificationsMutedMentions onlyAll messagesRoom accessAnyone and guestsAnyone who knows the room link (no guests)Invited usersEncryptionEnd-to-End EncryptionRespond to key requests%n member%n membersFailed to enable encryption: %1Select an avatarAll Files (*)The selected media is not an imageError while reading media: %1Failed to upload image: %sdialogs::UserProfileBan the user from the roomIgnore messages from this userKick the user from the roomStart a conversationDevicesemoji::PanelSmileys & PeopleAnimals & NatureFood & DrinkActivityTravel & PlacesObjectsSymbolsFlagsutils