// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Nheko Contributors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "RoomlistModel.h" #include "Cache_p.h" #include "ChatPage.h" #include "MatrixClient.h" #include "MxcImageProvider.h" #include "TimelineModel.h" #include "TimelineViewManager.h" #include "UserSettingsPage.h" RoomlistModel::RoomlistModel(TimelineViewManager *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) , manager(parent) { [[maybe_unused]] static auto id = qRegisterMetaType<RoomPreview>(); connect(ChatPage::instance(), &ChatPage::decryptSidebarChanged, this, [this]() { auto decrypt = ChatPage::instance()->userSettings()->decryptSidebar(); QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<TimelineModel>>::iterator i; for (i = models.begin(); i != models.end(); ++i) { auto ptr = i.value(); if (!ptr.isNull()) { ptr->setDecryptDescription(decrypt); ptr->updateLastMessage(); } } }); connect(this, &RoomlistModel::totalUnreadMessageCountUpdated, ChatPage::instance(), &ChatPage::unreadMessages); connect( this, &RoomlistModel::fetchedPreview, this, [this](QString roomid, RoomInfo info) { if (this->previewedRooms.contains(roomid)) { this->previewedRooms.insert(roomid, std::move(info)); auto idx = this->roomidToIndex(roomid); emit dataChanged(index(idx), index(idx), { Roles::RoomName, Roles::AvatarUrl, Roles::IsSpace, Roles::IsPreviewFetched, Qt::DisplayRole, }); } }, Qt::QueuedConnection); } QHash<int, QByteArray> RoomlistModel::roleNames() const { return { {AvatarUrl, "avatarUrl"}, {RoomName, "roomName"}, {RoomId, "roomId"}, {LastMessage, "lastMessage"}, {Time, "time"}, {Timestamp, "timestamp"}, {HasUnreadMessages, "hasUnreadMessages"}, {HasLoudNotification, "hasLoudNotification"}, {NotificationCount, "notificationCount"}, {IsInvite, "isInvite"}, {IsSpace, "isSpace"}, {Tags, "tags"}, {ParentSpaces, "parentSpaces"}, }; } QVariant RoomlistModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (index.row() >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(index.row()) < roomids.size()) { auto roomid = roomids.at(index.row()); if (role == Roles::ParentSpaces) { auto parents = cache::client()->getParentRoomIds(roomid.toStdString()); QStringList list; for (const auto &t : parents) list.push_back(QString::fromStdString(t)); return list; } else if (role == Roles::RoomId) { return roomid; } if (models.contains(roomid)) { auto room = models.value(roomid); switch (role) { case Roles::AvatarUrl: return room->roomAvatarUrl(); case Roles::RoomName: return room->plainRoomName(); case Roles::LastMessage: return room->lastMessage().body; case Roles::Time: return room->lastMessage().descriptiveTime; case Roles::Timestamp: return QVariant( static_cast<quint64>(room->lastMessage().timestamp)); case Roles::HasUnreadMessages: return this->roomReadStatus.count(roomid) && this->roomReadStatus.at(roomid); case Roles::HasLoudNotification: return room->hasMentions(); case Roles::NotificationCount: return room->notificationCount(); case Roles::IsInvite: return false; case Roles::IsSpace: return room->isSpace(); case Roles::IsPreview: return false; case Roles::Tags: { auto info = cache::singleRoomInfo(roomid.toStdString()); QStringList list; for (const auto &t : info.tags) list.push_back(QString::fromStdString(t)); return list; } default: return {}; } } else if (invites.contains(roomid)) { auto room = invites.value(roomid); switch (role) { case Roles::AvatarUrl: return QString::fromStdString(room.avatar_url); case Roles::RoomName: return QString::fromStdString(room.name); case Roles::LastMessage: return tr("Pending invite."); case Roles::Time: return QString(); case Roles::Timestamp: return QVariant(static_cast<quint64>(0)); case Roles::HasUnreadMessages: case Roles::HasLoudNotification: return false; case Roles::NotificationCount: return 0; case Roles::IsInvite: return true; case Roles::IsSpace: return false; case Roles::IsPreview: return false; case Roles::Tags: return QStringList(); default: return {}; } } else if (previewedRooms.contains(roomid) && previewedRooms.value(roomid).has_value()) { auto room = previewedRooms.value(roomid).value(); switch (role) { case Roles::AvatarUrl: return QString::fromStdString(room.avatar_url); case Roles::RoomName: return QString::fromStdString(room.name); case Roles::LastMessage: return tr("Previewing this room"); case Roles::Time: return QString(); case Roles::Timestamp: return QVariant(static_cast<quint64>(0)); case Roles::HasUnreadMessages: case Roles::HasLoudNotification: return false; case Roles::NotificationCount: return 0; case Roles::IsInvite: return false; case Roles::IsSpace: return room.is_space; case Roles::IsPreview: return true; case Roles::IsPreviewFetched: return true; case Roles::Tags: return QStringList(); default: return {}; } } else { if (role == Roles::IsPreview) return true; else if (role == Roles::IsPreviewFetched) return false; fetchPreview(roomid); switch (role) { case Roles::AvatarUrl: return QString(); case Roles::RoomName: return tr("No preview available"); case Roles::LastMessage: return QString(); case Roles::Time: return QString(); case Roles::Timestamp: return QVariant(static_cast<quint64>(0)); case Roles::HasUnreadMessages: case Roles::HasLoudNotification: return false; case Roles::NotificationCount: return 0; case Roles::IsInvite: return false; case Roles::IsSpace: return false; case Roles::Tags: return QStringList(); default: return {}; } } } else { return {}; } } void RoomlistModel::updateReadStatus(const std::map<QString, bool> roomReadStatus_) { std::vector<int> roomsToUpdate; roomsToUpdate.resize(roomReadStatus_.size()); for (const auto &[roomid, roomUnread] : roomReadStatus_) { if (roomUnread != roomReadStatus[roomid]) { roomsToUpdate.push_back(this->roomidToIndex(roomid)); } this->roomReadStatus[roomid] = roomUnread; } for (auto idx : roomsToUpdate) { emit dataChanged(index(idx), index(idx), { Roles::HasUnreadMessages, }); } } void RoomlistModel::addRoom(const QString &room_id, bool suppressInsertNotification) { if (!models.contains(room_id)) { // ensure we get read status updates and are only connected once connect(cache::client(), &Cache::roomReadStatus, this, &RoomlistModel::updateReadStatus, Qt::UniqueConnection); QSharedPointer<TimelineModel> newRoom(new TimelineModel(manager, room_id)); newRoom->setDecryptDescription( ChatPage::instance()->userSettings()->decryptSidebar()); connect(newRoom.data(), &TimelineModel::newEncryptedImage, manager->imageProvider(), &MxcImageProvider::addEncryptionInfo); connect(newRoom.data(), &TimelineModel::forwardToRoom, manager, &TimelineViewManager::forwardMessageToRoom); connect( newRoom.data(), &TimelineModel::lastMessageChanged, this, [room_id, this]() { auto idx = this->roomidToIndex(room_id); emit dataChanged(index(idx), index(idx), { Roles::HasLoudNotification, Roles::LastMessage, Roles::Timestamp, Roles::NotificationCount, Qt::DisplayRole, }); }); connect( newRoom.data(), &TimelineModel::roomAvatarUrlChanged, this, [room_id, this]() { auto idx = this->roomidToIndex(room_id); emit dataChanged(index(idx), index(idx), { Roles::AvatarUrl, }); }); connect(newRoom.data(), &TimelineModel::roomNameChanged, this, [room_id, this]() { auto idx = this->roomidToIndex(room_id); emit dataChanged(index(idx), index(idx), { Roles::RoomName, }); }); connect( newRoom.data(), &TimelineModel::notificationsChanged, this, [room_id, this]() { auto idx = this->roomidToIndex(room_id); emit dataChanged(index(idx), index(idx), { Roles::HasLoudNotification, Roles::NotificationCount, Qt::DisplayRole, }); int total_unread_msgs = 0; for (const auto &room : models) { if (!room.isNull()) total_unread_msgs += room->notificationCount(); } emit totalUnreadMessageCountUpdated(total_unread_msgs); }); newRoom->updateLastMessage(); std::vector<QString> previewsToAdd; if (newRoom->isSpace()) { auto childs = cache::client()->getChildRoomIds(room_id.toStdString()); for (const auto &c : childs) { auto id = QString::fromStdString(c); if (!(models.contains(id) || invites.contains(id) || previewedRooms.contains(id))) { previewsToAdd.push_back(std::move(id)); } } } bool wasInvite = invites.contains(room_id); bool wasPreview = previewedRooms.contains(room_id); if (!suppressInsertNotification && ((!wasInvite && !wasPreview) || !previewedRooms.empty())) // if the old room was already in the list, don't add it. Also add all // previews at the same time. beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), (int)roomids.size(), (int)(roomids.size() + previewsToAdd.size() - ((wasInvite || wasPreview) ? 1 : 0))); models.insert(room_id, std::move(newRoom)); if (wasInvite) { auto idx = roomidToIndex(room_id); invites.remove(room_id); emit dataChanged(index(idx), index(idx)); } else if (wasPreview) { auto idx = roomidToIndex(room_id); previewedRooms.remove(room_id); emit dataChanged(index(idx), index(idx)); } else { roomids.push_back(room_id); } for (auto p : previewsToAdd) { previewedRooms.insert(p, std::nullopt); roomids.push_back(std::move(p)); } if (!suppressInsertNotification && ((!wasInvite && !wasPreview) || !previewedRooms.empty())) endInsertRows(); } } void RoomlistModel::fetchPreview(QString roomid_) const { std::string roomid = roomid_.toStdString(); http::client()->get_state_event<mtx::events::state::Create>( roomid, "", [this, roomid](const mtx::events::state::Create &c, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { bool is_space = false; if (!err) { is_space = c.type == mtx::events::state::room_type::space; } http::client()->get_state_event<mtx::events::state::Avatar>( roomid, "", [this, roomid, is_space](const mtx::events::state::Avatar &a, mtx::http::RequestErr) { auto avatar_url = a.url; http::client()->get_state_event<mtx::events::state::Topic>( roomid, "", [this, roomid, avatar_url, is_space]( const mtx::events::state::Topic &t, mtx::http::RequestErr) { auto topic = t.topic; http::client()->get_state_event<mtx::events::state::Name>( roomid, "", [this, roomid, topic, avatar_url, is_space]( const mtx::events::state::Name &n, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn( "Failed to fetch name event to " "create preview for {}", roomid); } // don't even add a preview, if we got not a single // response if (n.name.empty() && avatar_url.empty() && topic.empty()) return; RoomInfo info{}; info.name = n.name; info.is_space = is_space; info.avatar_url = avatar_url; info.topic = topic; const_cast<RoomlistModel *>(this)->fetchedPreview( QString::fromStdString(roomid), info); }); }); }); }); } void RoomlistModel::sync(const mtx::responses::Rooms &rooms) { for (const auto &[room_id, room] : rooms.join) { auto qroomid = QString::fromStdString(room_id); // addRoom will only add the room, if it doesn't exist addRoom(qroomid); const auto &room_model = models.value(qroomid); room_model->sync(room); // room_model->addEvents(room.timeline); connect(room_model.data(), &TimelineModel::newCallEvent, manager->callManager(), &CallManager::syncEvent, Qt::UniqueConnection); if (ChatPage::instance()->userSettings()->typingNotifications()) { for (const auto &ev : room.ephemeral.events) { if (auto t = std::get_if< mtx::events::EphemeralEvent<mtx::events::ephemeral::Typing>>( &ev)) { std::vector<QString> typing; typing.reserve(t->content.user_ids.size()); for (const auto &user : t->content.user_ids) { if (user != http::client()->user_id().to_string()) typing.push_back( QString::fromStdString(user)); } room_model->updateTypingUsers(typing); } } } } for (const auto &[room_id, room] : rooms.leave) { (void)room; auto qroomid = QString::fromStdString(room_id); if ((currentRoom_ && currentRoom_->roomId() == qroomid) || (currentRoomPreview_ && currentRoomPreview_->roomid() == qroomid)) resetCurrentRoom(); auto idx = this->roomidToIndex(qroomid); if (idx != -1) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), idx, idx); roomids.erase(roomids.begin() + idx); if (models.contains(qroomid)) models.remove(qroomid); else if (invites.contains(qroomid)) invites.remove(qroomid); endRemoveRows(); } } for (const auto &[room_id, room] : rooms.invite) { (void)room; auto qroomid = QString::fromStdString(room_id); auto invite = cache::client()->invite(room_id); if (!invite) continue; if (invites.contains(qroomid)) { invites[qroomid] = *invite; auto idx = roomidToIndex(qroomid); emit dataChanged(index(idx), index(idx)); } else { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), (int)roomids.size(), (int)roomids.size()); invites.insert(qroomid, *invite); roomids.push_back(std::move(qroomid)); endInsertRows(); } } } void RoomlistModel::initializeRooms() { beginResetModel(); models.clear(); roomids.clear(); invites.clear(); currentRoom_ = nullptr; invites = cache::client()->invites(); for (const auto &id : invites.keys()) roomids.push_back(id); for (const auto &id : cache::client()->roomIds()) addRoom(id, true); endResetModel(); } void RoomlistModel::clear() { beginResetModel(); models.clear(); invites.clear(); roomids.clear(); currentRoom_ = nullptr; emit currentRoomChanged(); endResetModel(); } void RoomlistModel::joinPreview(QString roomid, QString parentSpace) { if (previewedRooms.contains(roomid)) { auto child = cache::client()->getStateEvent<mtx::events::state::space::Child>( parentSpace.toStdString(), roomid.toStdString()); ChatPage::instance()->joinRoomVia(roomid.toStdString(), (child && child->content.via) ? child->content.via.value() : std::vector<std::string>{}, false); } } void RoomlistModel::acceptInvite(QString roomid) { if (invites.contains(roomid)) { auto idx = roomidToIndex(roomid); if (idx != -1) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), idx, idx); roomids.erase(roomids.begin() + idx); invites.remove(roomid); endRemoveRows(); ChatPage::instance()->joinRoom(roomid); } } } void RoomlistModel::declineInvite(QString roomid) { if (invites.contains(roomid)) { auto idx = roomidToIndex(roomid); if (idx != -1) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), idx, idx); roomids.erase(roomids.begin() + idx); invites.remove(roomid); endRemoveRows(); ChatPage::instance()->leaveRoom(roomid); } } } void RoomlistModel::leave(QString roomid) { if (models.contains(roomid)) { auto idx = roomidToIndex(roomid); if (idx != -1) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), idx, idx); roomids.erase(roomids.begin() + idx); models.remove(roomid); endRemoveRows(); ChatPage::instance()->leaveRoom(roomid); } } } void RoomlistModel::setCurrentRoom(QString roomid) { nhlog::ui()->debug("Trying to switch to: {}", roomid.toStdString()); if (models.contains(roomid)) { currentRoom_ = models.value(roomid); currentRoomPreview_.reset(); emit currentRoomChanged(); nhlog::ui()->debug("Switched to: {}", roomid.toStdString()); } else if (invites.contains(roomid) || previewedRooms.contains(roomid)) { currentRoom_ = nullptr; std::optional<RoomInfo> i; RoomPreview p; if (invites.contains(roomid)) { i = invites.value(roomid); p.isInvite_ = true; } else { i = previewedRooms.value(roomid); p.isInvite_ = false; } if (i) { p.roomid_ = roomid; p.roomName_ = QString::fromStdString(i->name); p.roomTopic_ = QString::fromStdString(i->topic); p.roomAvatarUrl_ = QString::fromStdString(i->avatar_url); currentRoomPreview_ = std::move(p); } emit currentRoomChanged(); nhlog::ui()->debug("Switched to: {}", roomid.toStdString()); } } namespace { enum NotificationImportance : short { ImportanceDisabled = -3, NoPreview = -2, Preview = -1, AllEventsRead = 0, NewMessage = 1, NewMentions = 2, Invite = 3, SubSpace = 4, CurrentSpace = 5, }; } short int FilteredRoomlistModel::calculateImportance(const QModelIndex &idx) const { // Returns the degree of importance of the unread messages in the room. // If sorting by importance is disabled in settings, this only ever // returns ImportanceDisabled or Invite if (sourceModel()->data(idx, RoomlistModel::IsSpace).toBool()) { if (filterType == FilterBy::Space && filterStr == sourceModel()->data(idx, RoomlistModel::RoomId).toString()) return CurrentSpace; else return SubSpace; } else if (sourceModel()->data(idx, RoomlistModel::IsPreview).toBool()) { if (sourceModel()->data(idx, RoomlistModel::IsPreviewFetched).toBool()) return Preview; else return NoPreview; } else if (sourceModel()->data(idx, RoomlistModel::IsInvite).toBool()) { return Invite; } else if (!this->sortByImportance) { return ImportanceDisabled; } else if (sourceModel()->data(idx, RoomlistModel::HasLoudNotification).toBool()) { return NewMentions; } else if (sourceModel()->data(idx, RoomlistModel::NotificationCount).toInt() > 0) { return NewMessage; } else { return AllEventsRead; } } bool FilteredRoomlistModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const { QModelIndex const left_idx = sourceModel()->index(left.row(), 0, QModelIndex()); QModelIndex const right_idx = sourceModel()->index(right.row(), 0, QModelIndex()); // Sort by "importance" (i.e. invites before mentions before // notifs before new events before old events), then secondly // by recency. // Checking importance first const auto a_importance = calculateImportance(left_idx); const auto b_importance = calculateImportance(right_idx); if (a_importance != b_importance) { return a_importance > b_importance; } // Now sort by recency // Zero if empty, otherwise the time that the event occured uint64_t a_recency = sourceModel()->data(left_idx, RoomlistModel::Timestamp).toULongLong(); uint64_t b_recency = sourceModel()->data(right_idx, RoomlistModel::Timestamp).toULongLong(); if (a_recency != b_recency) return a_recency > b_recency; else return left.row() < right.row(); } FilteredRoomlistModel::FilteredRoomlistModel(RoomlistModel *model, QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) , roomlistmodel(model) { this->sortByImportance = UserSettings::instance()->sortByImportance(); setSourceModel(model); setDynamicSortFilter(true); QObject::connect(UserSettings::instance().get(), &UserSettings::roomSortingChanged, this, [this](bool sortByImportance_) { this->sortByImportance = sortByImportance_; invalidate(); }); connect(roomlistmodel, &RoomlistModel::currentRoomChanged, this, &FilteredRoomlistModel::currentRoomChanged); sort(0); } void FilteredRoomlistModel::updateHiddenTagsAndSpaces() { hiddenTags.clear(); hiddenSpaces.clear(); for (const auto &t : UserSettings::instance()->hiddenTags()) { if (t.startsWith("tag:")) hiddenTags.push_back(t.mid(4)); else if (t.startsWith("space:")) hiddenSpaces.push_back(t.mid(6)); } invalidateFilter(); } bool FilteredRoomlistModel::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &) const { if (filterType == FilterBy::Nothing) { if (sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::IsPreview) .toBool()) { return false; } if (sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::IsSpace) .toBool()) { return false; } if (!hiddenTags.empty()) { auto tags = sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::Tags) .toStringList(); for (const auto &t : tags) if (hiddenTags.contains(t)) return false; } if (!hiddenSpaces.empty()) { auto parents = sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::ParentSpaces) .toStringList(); for (const auto &t : parents) if (hiddenSpaces.contains(t)) return false; } return true; } else if (filterType == FilterBy::Tag) { if (sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::IsPreview) .toBool()) { return false; } if (sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::IsSpace) .toBool()) { return false; } auto tags = sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::Tags) .toStringList(); if (!tags.contains(filterStr)) return false; if (!hiddenTags.empty()) { for (const auto &t : tags) if (t != filterStr && hiddenTags.contains(t)) return false; } if (!hiddenSpaces.empty()) { auto parents = sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::ParentSpaces) .toStringList(); for (const auto &t : parents) if (hiddenSpaces.contains(t)) return false; } return true; } else if (filterType == FilterBy::Space) { if (filterStr == sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::RoomId) .toString()) return true; auto parents = sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::ParentSpaces) .toStringList(); if (!parents.contains(filterStr)) return false; if (!hiddenTags.empty()) { auto tags = sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::Tags) .toStringList(); for (const auto &t : tags) if (hiddenTags.contains(t)) return false; } if (!hiddenSpaces.empty()) { for (const auto &t : parents) if (hiddenSpaces.contains(t)) return false; } if (sourceModel() ->data(sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0), RoomlistModel::IsSpace) .toBool() && !parents.contains(filterStr)) { return false; } return true; } else { return true; } } void FilteredRoomlistModel::toggleTag(QString roomid, QString tag, bool on) { if (on) { http::client()->put_tag( roomid.toStdString(), tag.toStdString(), {}, [tag](mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::ui()->error("Failed to add tag: {}, {}", tag.toStdString(), err->matrix_error.error); } }); } else { http::client()->delete_tag( roomid.toStdString(), tag.toStdString(), [tag](mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::ui()->error("Failed to delete tag: {}, {}", tag.toStdString(), err->matrix_error.error); } }); } } void FilteredRoomlistModel::nextRoom() { auto r = currentRoom(); if (r) { int idx = roomidToIndex(r->roomId()); idx++; if (idx < rowCount()) { setCurrentRoom( data(index(idx, 0), RoomlistModel::Roles::RoomId).toString()); } } } void FilteredRoomlistModel::previousRoom() { auto r = currentRoom(); if (r) { int idx = roomidToIndex(r->roomId()); idx--; if (idx >= 0) { setCurrentRoom( data(index(idx, 0), RoomlistModel::Roles::RoomId).toString()); } } }