// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Nheko Contributors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "InputBar.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Cache.h" #include "Cache_p.h" #include "ChatPage.h" #include "CombinedImagePackModel.h" #include "Config.h" #include "EventAccessors.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MatrixClient.h" #include "TimelineModel.h" #include "TimelineViewManager.h" #include "UserSettingsPage.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "blurhash.hpp" static constexpr size_t INPUT_HISTORY_SIZE = 10; std::string threadFallbackEventId(const std::string &room_id, const std::string &thread_id) { auto event_ids = cache::client()->relatedEvents(room_id, thread_id); std::map> orderedEvents; for (const auto &e : event_ids) { if (auto index = cache::client()->getTimelineIndex(room_id, e)) orderedEvents.emplace(*index, e); } for (const auto &[index, event_id] : orderedEvents) { (void)index; if (auto event = cache::client()->getEvent(room_id, event_id)) { if (mtx::accessors::relations(event->data).thread() == thread_id) return std::string(event_id); } } return thread_id; } QUrl MediaUpload::thumbnailDataUrl() const { if (thumbnail_.isNull()) return {}; QByteArray byteArray; QBuffer buffer(&byteArray); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); thumbnail_.save(&buffer, "PNG"); QString base64 = QString::fromUtf8(byteArray.toBase64()); return QString("data:image/png;base64,") + base64; } bool InputVideoSurface::present(const QVideoFrame &frame) { QImage::Format format = QVideoFrame::imageFormatFromPixelFormat(frame.pixelFormat()); if (format == QImage::Format_Invalid) { emit newImage({}); return false; } else { QVideoFrame frametodraw(frame); if (!frametodraw.map(QAbstractVideoBuffer::ReadOnly)) { emit newImage({}); return false; } // this is a shallow operation. it just refer the frame buffer QImage image(qAsConst(frametodraw).bits(), frametodraw.width(), frametodraw.height(), frametodraw.bytesPerLine(), format); image.detach(); frametodraw.unmap(); emit newImage(std::move(image)); return true; } } QList InputVideoSurface::supportedPixelFormats(QAbstractVideoBuffer::HandleType type) const { if (type == QAbstractVideoBuffer::NoHandle) { return { QVideoFrame::Format_ARGB32, QVideoFrame::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied, QVideoFrame::Format_RGB24, QVideoFrame::Format_BGR24, QVideoFrame::Format_RGB32, QVideoFrame::Format_RGB565, QVideoFrame::Format_RGB555, }; } else { return {}; } } bool InputBar::tryPasteAttachment(bool fromMouse) { const QMimeData *md = nullptr; if (fromMouse && QGuiApplication::clipboard()->supportsSelection()) { md = QGuiApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(QClipboard::Selection); } else { md = QGuiApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(QClipboard::Clipboard); } if (md) return insertMimeData(md); return false; } bool InputBar::insertMimeData(const QMimeData *md) { if (!md) return false; nhlog::ui()->debug("Got mime formats: {}", md->formats().join(QStringLiteral(", ")).toStdString()); const auto formats = md->formats().filter(QStringLiteral("/")); const auto image = formats.filter(QStringLiteral("image/"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); const auto audio = formats.filter(QStringLiteral("audio/"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); const auto video = formats.filter(QStringLiteral("video/"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (md->hasImage()) { if (formats.contains(QStringLiteral("image/svg+xml"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { startUploadFromMimeData(*md, QStringLiteral("image/svg+xml")); } else if (formats.contains(QStringLiteral("image/png"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { startUploadFromMimeData(*md, QStringLiteral("image/png")); } else if (image.empty()) { QByteArray ba; QBuffer buffer(&ba); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); qvariant_cast(md->imageData()).save(&buffer, "PNG"); QMimeData d; d.setData(QStringLiteral("image/png"), ba); startUploadFromMimeData(d, QStringLiteral("image/png")); } else { startUploadFromMimeData(*md, image.first()); } } else if (!audio.empty()) { startUploadFromMimeData(*md, audio.first()); } else if (!video.empty()) { startUploadFromMimeData(*md, video.first()); } else if (md->hasUrls() && // NOTE(Nico): Safari, when copying the url, sends a url list. Since we only paste // local files, skip remote ones. [&md] { for (auto &&u : md->urls()) { if (u.isLocalFile()) return true; } return false; }()) { // Generic file path for any platform. for (auto &&u : md->urls()) { if (u.isLocalFile()) { startUploadFromPath(u.toLocalFile()); } } } else if (md->hasFormat(QStringLiteral("x-special/gnome-copied-files"))) { // Special case for X11 users. See "Notes for X11 Users" in md. // Source: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qclipboard.html // This MIME type returns a string with multiple lines separated by '\n'. The first // line is the command to perform with the clipboard (not useful to us). The // following lines are the file URIs. // // Source: the nautilus source code in file 'src/nautilus-clipboard.c' in function // nautilus_clipboard_get_uri_list_from_selection_data() // https://github.com/GNOME/nautilus/blob/master/src/nautilus-clipboard.c auto data = md->data(QStringLiteral("x-special/gnome-copied-files")).split('\n'); if (data.size() < 2) { nhlog::ui()->warn("MIME format is malformed, cannot perform paste."); return false; } for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); ++i) { QUrl url{data[i]}; if (url.isLocalFile()) { startUploadFromPath(url.toLocalFile()); } } } else if (md->hasText()) { return false; } else { nhlog::ui()->debug("formats: {}", md->formats().join(QStringLiteral(", ")).toStdString()); return false; } return true; } void InputBar::updateTextContentProperties(const QString &t) { // check for @room bool roomMention = false; if (t.size() > 4) { QTextBoundaryFinder finder(QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryType::Word, t); finder.toStart(); do { auto start = finder.position(); finder.toNextBoundary(); auto end = finder.position(); if (start > 0 && end - start >= 4 && t.mid(start, end - start) == QLatin1String("room") && t.at(start - 1) == QChar('@')) { roomMention = true; break; } } while (finder.position() < t.size()); } if (roomMention != this->containsAtRoom_) { this->containsAtRoom_ = roomMention; emit containsAtRoomChanged(); } // check for invalid commands auto commandName = getCommandAndArgs().first; bool hasInvalidCommand{}; if (!commandName.isNull() && '/' + commandName != text()) { static const QStringList validCommands{QStringLiteral("me"), QStringLiteral("react"), QStringLiteral("join"), QStringLiteral("knock"), QStringLiteral("part"), QStringLiteral("leave"), QStringLiteral("invite"), QStringLiteral("kick"), QStringLiteral("ban"), QStringLiteral("unban"), QStringLiteral("redact"), QStringLiteral("roomnick"), QStringLiteral("shrug"), QStringLiteral("fliptable"), QStringLiteral("unfliptable"), QStringLiteral("sovietflip"), QStringLiteral("clear-timeline"), QStringLiteral("reset-state"), QStringLiteral("rotate-megolm-session"), QStringLiteral("md"), QStringLiteral("cmark"), QStringLiteral("plain"), QStringLiteral("rainbow"), QStringLiteral("rainbowme"), QStringLiteral("notice"), QStringLiteral("rainbownotice"), QStringLiteral("confetti"), QStringLiteral("rainbowconfetti"), QStringLiteral("goto"), QStringLiteral("converttodm"), QStringLiteral("converttoroom")}; hasInvalidCommand = !validCommands.contains(commandName); } else hasInvalidCommand = false; if (containsInvalidCommand_ != hasInvalidCommand) { containsInvalidCommand_ = hasInvalidCommand; emit containsInvalidCommandChanged(); } if (currentCommand_ != commandName) { currentCommand_ = commandName; emit currentCommandChanged(); } } void InputBar::setText(const QString &newText) { if (history_.empty()) history_.push_front(newText); else history_.front() = newText; history_index_ = 0; if (history_.size() == INPUT_HISTORY_SIZE) history_.pop_back(); updateTextContentProperties(QLatin1String("")); emit textChanged(newText); } void InputBar::updateState(int selectionStart_, int selectionEnd_, int cursorPosition_, const QString &text_) { if (text_.isEmpty()) stopTyping(); else startTyping(); if (text_ != text()) { if (history_.empty()) history_.push_front(text_); else history_.front() = text_; history_index_ = 0; updateTextContentProperties(text_); // disabled, as it moves the cursor to the end // emit textChanged(text_); } selectionStart = selectionStart_; selectionEnd = selectionEnd_; cursorPosition = cursorPosition_; } QString InputBar::text() const { if (history_index_ < history_.size()) return history_.at(history_index_); return QString(); } QString InputBar::previousText() { history_index_++; if (history_index_ >= INPUT_HISTORY_SIZE) history_index_ = INPUT_HISTORY_SIZE; else if (text().isEmpty()) history_index_--; updateTextContentProperties(text()); return text(); } QString InputBar::nextText() { history_index_--; if (history_index_ >= INPUT_HISTORY_SIZE) history_index_ = 0; updateTextContentProperties(text()); return text(); } void InputBar::send() { QInputMethod *im = QGuiApplication::inputMethod(); im->commit(); if (text().trimmed().isEmpty()) { acceptUploads(); return; } nhlog::ui()->debug("Send: {}", text().toStdString()); auto wasEdit = !room->edit().isEmpty(); if (auto [commandName, args] = getCommandAndArgs(); commandName.isNull()) message(text()); else command(commandName, args); if (!wasEdit) { history_.push_front(QLatin1String("")); setText(QLatin1String("")); } } void InputBar::openFileSelection() { const QString homeFolder = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation); const auto fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(nullptr, tr("Select a file"), homeFolder, tr("All Files (*)")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; startUploadFromPath(fileName); } QString replaceMatrixToMarkdownLink(QString input) { bool replaced = false; do { replaced = false; int endOfName = input.indexOf("](https://matrix.to/#/"); int startOfName; int nestingCount = 0; for (startOfName = endOfName - 1; startOfName > 0; startOfName--) { // skip escaped chars if (startOfName > 0 && input[startOfName - 1] == '\\') continue; if (input[startOfName] == '[') { if (nestingCount <= 0) break; else nestingCount--; } if (input[startOfName] == ']') nestingCount++; } if (startOfName < 0 || nestingCount > 0) break; int endOfLink = input.indexOf(')', endOfName); int newline = input.indexOf('\n', endOfName); if (endOfLink > endOfName && (newline == -1 || endOfLink < newline)) { auto name = input.mid(startOfName + 1, endOfName - startOfName - 1); name.replace("\\[", "["); name.replace("\\]", "]"); input.replace(startOfName, endOfLink - startOfName + 1, name); replaced = true; } } while (replaced); return input; } mtx::common::Relations InputBar::generateRelations() const { mtx::common::Relations relations; if (!room->thread().isEmpty()) { relations.relations.push_back( {mtx::common::RelationType::Thread, room->thread().toStdString()}); if (room->reply().isEmpty()) relations.relations.push_back( {mtx::common::RelationType::InReplyTo, threadFallbackEventId(room->roomId().toStdString(), room->thread().toStdString()), std::nullopt, true}); } if (!room->reply().isEmpty()) { relations.relations.push_back( {mtx::common::RelationType::InReplyTo, room->reply().toStdString()}); } if (!room->edit().isEmpty()) { relations.relations.push_back( {mtx::common::RelationType::Replace, room->edit().toStdString()}); } return relations; } void InputBar::message(const QString &msg, MarkdownOverride useMarkdown, bool rainbowify) { mtx::events::msg::Text text = {}; text.body = msg.trimmed().toStdString(); if ((ChatPage::instance()->userSettings()->markdown() && useMarkdown == MarkdownOverride::NOT_SPECIFIED) || useMarkdown == MarkdownOverride::ON) { text.formatted_body = utils::markdownToHtml(msg, rainbowify).toStdString(); // Remove markdown links by completer text.body = replaceMatrixToMarkdownLink(msg.trimmed()).toStdString(); // Don't send formatted_body, when we don't need to // Specifically, if it includes no html tag and no newlines (which behave differently in // formatted bodies). Probably we forgot something, so this might need to expand at some // point. if (text.formatted_body.find('<') == std::string::npos && text.body.find('\n') == std::string::npos) text.formatted_body = ""; else text.format = "org.matrix.custom.html"; } else if (useMarkdown == MarkdownOverride::CMARK) { // disable all markdown extensions text.formatted_body = utils::markdownToHtml(msg, rainbowify, true).toStdString(); // keep everything as it was text.body = msg.trimmed().toStdString(); // always send formatted text.format = "org.matrix.custom.html"; } text.relations = generateRelations(); if (!room->reply().isEmpty() && room->thread().isEmpty() && room->edit().isEmpty()) { auto related = room->relatedInfo(room->reply()); // Skip reply fallbacks to users who would cause a room ping with the fallback. // This should be fine, since in some cases the reply fallback can be omitted now and the // alternative is worse! On Element Android this applies to any substring, but that is their // bug to fix. if (!related.quoted_user.startsWith("@room:")) { QString body; bool firstLine = true; auto lines = related.quoted_body.splitRef(u'\n'); for (auto line : qAsConst(lines)) { if (firstLine) { firstLine = false; body = QStringLiteral("> <%1> %2\n").arg(related.quoted_user, line); } else { body += QStringLiteral("> %1\n").arg(line); } } text.body = QStringLiteral("%1\n%2").arg(body, QString::fromStdString(text.body)).toStdString(); // NOTE(Nico): rich replies always need a formatted_body! text.format = "org.matrix.custom.html"; if ((ChatPage::instance()->userSettings()->markdown() && useMarkdown == MarkdownOverride::NOT_SPECIFIED) || useMarkdown == MarkdownOverride::ON) text.formatted_body = utils::getFormattedQuoteBody(related, utils::markdownToHtml(msg, rainbowify)) .toStdString(); else text.formatted_body = utils::getFormattedQuoteBody(related, msg.toHtmlEscaped()).toStdString(); } } room->sendMessageEvent(text, mtx::events::EventType::RoomMessage); } void InputBar::emote(const QString &msg, bool rainbowify) { auto html = utils::markdownToHtml(msg, rainbowify); mtx::events::msg::Emote emote; emote.body = msg.trimmed().toStdString(); if (html != msg.trimmed().toHtmlEscaped() && ChatPage::instance()->userSettings()->markdown()) { emote.formatted_body = html.toStdString(); emote.format = "org.matrix.custom.html"; // Remove markdown links by completer emote.body = replaceMatrixToMarkdownLink(msg.trimmed()).toStdString(); } emote.relations = generateRelations(); room->sendMessageEvent(emote, mtx::events::EventType::RoomMessage); } void InputBar::notice(const QString &msg, bool rainbowify) { auto html = utils::markdownToHtml(msg, rainbowify); mtx::events::msg::Notice notice; notice.body = msg.trimmed().toStdString(); if (html != msg.trimmed().toHtmlEscaped() && ChatPage::instance()->userSettings()->markdown()) { notice.formatted_body = html.toStdString(); notice.format = "org.matrix.custom.html"; // Remove markdown links by completer notice.body = replaceMatrixToMarkdownLink(msg.trimmed()).toStdString(); } notice.relations = generateRelations(); room->sendMessageEvent(notice, mtx::events::EventType::RoomMessage); } void InputBar::confetti(const QString &body, bool rainbowify) { auto html = utils::markdownToHtml(body, rainbowify); mtx::events::msg::Confetti confetti; confetti.body = body.trimmed().toStdString(); if (html != body.trimmed().toHtmlEscaped() && ChatPage::instance()->userSettings()->markdown()) { confetti.formatted_body = html.toStdString(); confetti.format = "org.matrix.custom.html"; // Remove markdown links by completer confetti.body = replaceMatrixToMarkdownLink(body.trimmed()).toStdString(); } confetti.relations = generateRelations(); room->sendMessageEvent(confetti, mtx::events::EventType::RoomMessage); } void InputBar::image(const QString &filename, const std::optional &file, const QString &url, const QString &mime, uint64_t dsize, const QSize &dimensions, const std::optional &thumbnailEncryptedFile, const QString &thumbnailUrl, uint64_t thumbnailSize, const QSize &thumbnailDimensions, const QString &blurhash) { mtx::events::msg::Image image; image.info.mimetype = mime.toStdString(); image.info.size = dsize; image.info.blurhash = blurhash.toStdString(); image.body = filename.toStdString(); image.info.h = dimensions.height(); image.info.w = dimensions.width(); if (file) image.file = file; else image.url = url.toStdString(); if (!thumbnailUrl.isEmpty()) { if (thumbnailEncryptedFile) image.info.thumbnail_file = thumbnailEncryptedFile; else image.info.thumbnail_url = thumbnailUrl.toStdString(); image.info.thumbnail_info.h = thumbnailDimensions.height(); image.info.thumbnail_info.w = thumbnailDimensions.width(); image.info.thumbnail_info.size = thumbnailSize; image.info.thumbnail_info.mimetype = "image/png"; } image.relations = generateRelations(); room->sendMessageEvent(image, mtx::events::EventType::RoomMessage); } void InputBar::file(const QString &filename, const std::optional &encryptedFile, const QString &url, const QString &mime, uint64_t dsize) { mtx::events::msg::File file; file.info.mimetype = mime.toStdString(); file.info.size = dsize; file.body = filename.toStdString(); if (encryptedFile) file.file = encryptedFile; else file.url = url.toStdString(); file.relations = generateRelations(); room->sendMessageEvent(file, mtx::events::EventType::RoomMessage); } void InputBar::audio(const QString &filename, const std::optional &file, const QString &url, const QString &mime, uint64_t dsize, uint64_t duration) { mtx::events::msg::Audio audio; audio.info.mimetype = mime.toStdString(); audio.info.size = dsize; audio.body = filename.toStdString(); audio.url = url.toStdString(); if (duration > 0) audio.info.duration = duration; if (file) audio.file = file; else audio.url = url.toStdString(); audio.relations = generateRelations(); room->sendMessageEvent(audio, mtx::events::EventType::RoomMessage); } void InputBar::video(const QString &filename, const std::optional &file, const QString &url, const QString &mime, uint64_t dsize, uint64_t duration, const QSize &dimensions, const std::optional &thumbnailEncryptedFile, const QString &thumbnailUrl, uint64_t thumbnailSize, const QSize &thumbnailDimensions, const QString &blurhash) { mtx::events::msg::Video video; video.info.mimetype = mime.toStdString(); video.info.size = dsize; video.info.blurhash = blurhash.toStdString(); video.body = filename.toStdString(); if (duration > 0) video.info.duration = duration; if (dimensions.isValid()) { video.info.h = dimensions.height(); video.info.w = dimensions.width(); } if (file) video.file = file; else video.url = url.toStdString(); if (!thumbnailUrl.isEmpty()) { if (thumbnailEncryptedFile) video.info.thumbnail_file = thumbnailEncryptedFile; else video.info.thumbnail_url = thumbnailUrl.toStdString(); video.info.thumbnail_info.h = thumbnailDimensions.height(); video.info.thumbnail_info.w = thumbnailDimensions.width(); video.info.thumbnail_info.size = thumbnailSize; video.info.thumbnail_info.mimetype = "image/png"; } video.relations = generateRelations(); room->sendMessageEvent(video, mtx::events::EventType::RoomMessage); } QPair InputBar::getCommandAndArgs() const { if (!text().startsWith('/')) return {{}, text()}; int command_end = text().indexOf(QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\\s"))); if (command_end == -1) command_end = text().size(); auto name = text().mid(1, command_end - 1); auto args = text().mid(command_end + 1); if (name.isEmpty() || name == QLatin1String("/")) { return {{}, text()}; } else { return {name, args}; } } void InputBar::sticker(CombinedImagePackModel *model, int row) { if (!model || row < 0) return; auto img = model->imageAt(row); mtx::events::msg::StickerImage sticker{}; sticker.info = img.info.value_or(mtx::common::ImageInfo{}); sticker.url = img.url; sticker.body = img.body.empty() ? model->shortcodeAt(row).toStdString() : img.body; // workaround for https://github.com/vector-im/element-ios/issues/2353 sticker.info.thumbnail_url = sticker.url; sticker.info.thumbnail_info.mimetype = sticker.info.mimetype; sticker.info.thumbnail_info.size = sticker.info.size; sticker.info.thumbnail_info.h = sticker.info.h; sticker.info.thumbnail_info.w = sticker.info.w; sticker.relations = generateRelations(); room->sendMessageEvent(sticker, mtx::events::EventType::Sticker); } void InputBar::command(const QString &command, QString args) { if (command == QLatin1String("me")) { emote(args, false); } else if (command == QLatin1String("react")) { auto eventId = room->reply(); if (!eventId.isEmpty()) reaction(eventId, args.trimmed()); } else if (command == QLatin1String("join")) { ChatPage::instance()->joinRoom(args.section(' ', 0, 0), args.section(' ', 1, -1)); } else if (command == QLatin1String("knock")) { ChatPage::instance()->knockRoom(args.section(' ', 0, 0), args.section(' ', 1, -1)); } else if (command == QLatin1String("part") || command == QLatin1String("leave")) { ChatPage::instance()->timelineManager()->openLeaveRoomDialog(room->roomId(), args); } else if (command == QLatin1String("invite")) { ChatPage::instance()->inviteUser( room->roomId(), args.section(' ', 0, 0), args.section(' ', 1, -1)); } else if (command == QLatin1String("kick")) { ChatPage::instance()->kickUser( room->roomId(), args.section(' ', 0, 0), args.section(' ', 1, -1)); } else if (command == QLatin1String("ban")) { ChatPage::instance()->banUser( room->roomId(), args.section(' ', 0, 0), args.section(' ', 1, -1)); } else if (command == QLatin1String("unban")) { ChatPage::instance()->unbanUser( room->roomId(), args.section(' ', 0, 0), args.section(' ', 1, -1)); } else if (command == QLatin1String("redact")) { if (args.startsWith('@')) { room->redactAllFromUser(args.section(' ', 0, 0), args.section(' ', 1, -1)); } else if (args.startsWith('$')) { room->redactEvent(args.section(' ', 0, 0), args.section(' ', 1, -1)); } } else if (command == QLatin1String("roomnick")) { mtx::events::state::Member member; member.display_name = args.toStdString(); member.avatar_url = cache::avatarUrl(room->roomId(), QString::fromStdString(http::client()->user_id().to_string())) .toStdString(); member.membership = mtx::events::state::Membership::Join; http::client()->send_state_event( room->roomId().toStdString(), http::client()->user_id().to_string(), member, [](const mtx::responses::EventId &, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) nhlog::net()->error("Failed to set room displayname: {}", err->matrix_error.error); }); } else if (command == QLatin1String("shrug")) { message("¯\\_(ツ)_/¯" + (args.isEmpty() ? QLatin1String("") : " " + args)); } else if (command == QLatin1String("fliptable")) { message(QStringLiteral("(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻")); } else if (command == QLatin1String("unfliptable")) { message(QStringLiteral(" ┯━┯╭( º _ º╭)")); } else if (command == QLatin1String("sovietflip")) { message(QStringLiteral("ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \\o°o)\\")); } else if (command == QLatin1String("clear-timeline")) { room->clearTimeline(); } else if (command == QLatin1String("reset-state")) { room->resetState(); } else if (command == QLatin1String("rotate-megolm-session")) { cache::dropOutboundMegolmSession(room->roomId().toStdString()); } else if (command == QLatin1String("md")) { message(args, MarkdownOverride::ON); } else if (command == QLatin1String("cmark")) { message(args, MarkdownOverride::CMARK); } else if (command == QLatin1String("plain")) { message(args, MarkdownOverride::OFF); } else if (command == QLatin1String("rainbow")) { message(args, MarkdownOverride::ON, true); } else if (command == QLatin1String("rainbowme")) { emote(args, true); } else if (command == QLatin1String("notice")) { notice(args, false); } else if (command == QLatin1String("rainbownotice")) { notice(args, true); } else if (command == QLatin1String("confetti")) { confetti(args, false); } else if (command == QLatin1String("rainbowconfetti")) { confetti(args, true); } else if (command == QLatin1String("goto")) { // Goto has three different modes: // 1 - Going directly to a given event ID if (args[0] == '$') { room->showEvent(args); return; } // 2 - Going directly to a given message index if (args[0] >= '0' && args[0] <= '9') { room->showEvent(args); return; } // 3 - Matrix URI handler, as if you clicked the URI if (ChatPage::instance()->handleMatrixUri(args)) { return; } nhlog::net()->error("Could not resolve goto: {}", args.toStdString()); } else if (command == QLatin1String("converttodm")) { utils::markRoomAsDirect(this->room->roomId(), cache::getMembers(this->room->roomId().toStdString(), 0, -1)); } else if (command == QLatin1String("converttoroom")) { utils::removeDirectFromRoom(this->room->roomId()); } else { message("/" + command + " " + args); } } MediaUpload::MediaUpload(std::unique_ptr source_, const QString &mimetype, const QString &originalFilename, bool encrypt, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , source(std::move(source_)) , mimetype_(std::move(mimetype)) , originalFilename_(QFileInfo(originalFilename).fileName()) , encrypt_(encrypt) { mimeClass_ = mimetype_.left(mimetype_.indexOf(u'/')); if (!source->isOpen()) source->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); data = source->readAll(); source->reset(); if (!data.size()) { nhlog::ui()->warn("Attempted to upload zero-byte file?! Mimetype {}, filename {}", mimetype_.toStdString(), originalFilename_.toStdString()); emit uploadFailed(this); return; } nhlog::ui()->debug("Mime: {}", mimetype_.toStdString()); if (mimeClass_ == u"image") { QImage img = utils::readImage(data); setThumbnail(img.scaled( std::min(800, img.width()), std::min(800, img.height()), Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding)); dimensions_ = img.size(); if (img.height() > 200 && img.width() > 360) img = img.scaled(360, 200, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding); std::vector data_; for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); x++) { auto p = img.pixel(x, y); data_.push_back(static_cast(qRed(p))); data_.push_back(static_cast(qGreen(p))); data_.push_back(static_cast(qBlue(p))); } } blurhash_ = QString::fromStdString(blurhash::encode(data_.data(), img.width(), img.height(), 4, 3)); } else if (mimeClass_ == u"video" || mimeClass_ == u"audio") { auto mediaPlayer = new QMediaPlayer( this, mimeClass_ == u"video" ? QFlags{QMediaPlayer::VideoSurface} : QMediaPlayer::Flags{}); mediaPlayer->setMuted(true); if (mimeClass_ == u"video") { auto newSurface = new InputVideoSurface(this); connect( newSurface, &InputVideoSurface::newImage, this, [this, mediaPlayer](QImage img) { if (img.size().isEmpty()) return; mediaPlayer->stop(); auto orientation = mediaPlayer->metaData(QMediaMetaData::Orientation).toInt(); if (orientation == 90 || orientation == 270 || orientation == 180) { img = img.transformed(QTransform().rotate(orientation), Qt::SmoothTransformation); } nhlog::ui()->debug("Got image {}x{}", img.width(), img.height()); this->setThumbnail(img); if (!dimensions_.isValid()) this->dimensions_ = img.size(); if (img.height() > 200 && img.width() > 360) img = img.scaled(360, 200, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding); std::vector data_; for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); x++) { auto p = img.pixel(x, y); data_.push_back(static_cast(qRed(p))); data_.push_back(static_cast(qGreen(p))); data_.push_back(static_cast(qBlue(p))); } } blurhash_ = QString::fromStdString( blurhash::encode(data_.data(), img.width(), img.height(), 4, 3)); }); mediaPlayer->setVideoOutput(newSurface); } connect(mediaPlayer, qOverload(&QMediaPlayer::error), this, [mediaPlayer](QMediaPlayer::Error error) { nhlog::ui()->debug("Media player error {} and errorStr {}", error, mediaPlayer->errorString().toStdString()); }); connect(mediaPlayer, &QMediaPlayer::mediaStatusChanged, [mediaPlayer](QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status) { nhlog::ui()->debug( "Media player status {} and error {}", status, mediaPlayer->error()); }); connect(mediaPlayer, qOverload(&QMediaPlayer::metaDataChanged), this, [this, mediaPlayer](const QString &t, const QVariant &) { nhlog::ui()->debug("Got metadata {}", t.toStdString()); if (mediaPlayer->duration() > 0) this->duration_ = mediaPlayer->duration(); auto dimensions = mediaPlayer->metaData(QMediaMetaData::Resolution).toSize(); if (!dimensions.isEmpty()) { dimensions_ = dimensions; auto orientation = mediaPlayer->metaData(QMediaMetaData::Orientation).toInt(); if (orientation == 90 || orientation == 270) { dimensions_.transpose(); } } }); connect( mediaPlayer, &QMediaPlayer::durationChanged, this, [this, mediaPlayer](qint64 duration) { if (duration > 0) { this->duration_ = mediaPlayer->duration(); if (mimeClass_ == u"audio") mediaPlayer->stop(); } nhlog::ui()->debug("Duration changed {}", duration); }); auto originalFile = qobject_cast(source.get()); mediaPlayer->setMedia( QMediaContent(originalFile ? originalFile->fileName() : originalFilename_), source.get()); mediaPlayer->play(); } } void MediaUpload::startUpload() { if (!thumbnail_.isNull() && thumbnailUrl_.isEmpty()) { QByteArray ba; QBuffer buffer(&ba); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); thumbnail_.save(&buffer, "PNG", 0); if (ba.size() >= (data.size() - data.size() / 10)) { nhlog::ui()->info( "Thumbnail is not a lot smaller than original image, not uploading it"); nhlog::ui()->debug( "\n Image size: {:9d}\nThumbnail size: {:9d}", data.size(), ba.size()); } else { auto payload = std::string(ba.data(), ba.size()); if (encrypt_) { mtx::crypto::BinaryBuf buf; std::tie(buf, thumbnailEncryptedFile) = mtx::crypto::encrypt_file(std::move(payload)); payload = mtx::crypto::to_string(buf); } thumbnailSize_ = payload.size(); http::client()->upload( payload, encryptedFile ? "application/octet-stream" : "image/png", "", [this](const mtx::responses::ContentURI &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) mutable { if (err) { emit ChatPage::instance()->showNotification( tr("Failed to upload media. Please try again.")); nhlog::net()->warn("failed to upload media: {} {} ({})", err->matrix_error.error, to_string(err->matrix_error.errcode), static_cast(err->status_code)); thumbnail_ = QImage(); startUpload(); return; } thumbnailUrl_ = QString::fromStdString(res.content_uri); if (thumbnailEncryptedFile) thumbnailEncryptedFile->url = res.content_uri; startUpload(); }); return; } } auto payload = std::string(data.data(), data.size()); if (encrypt_) { mtx::crypto::BinaryBuf buf; std::tie(buf, encryptedFile) = mtx::crypto::encrypt_file(std::move(payload)); payload = mtx::crypto::to_string(buf); } size_ = payload.size(); http::client()->upload( payload, encryptedFile ? "application/octet-stream" : mimetype_.toStdString(), encrypt_ ? "" : originalFilename_.toStdString(), [this](const mtx::responses::ContentURI &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) mutable { if (err) { emit ChatPage::instance()->showNotification( tr("Failed to upload media. Please try again.")); nhlog::net()->warn("failed to upload media: {} {} ({})", err->matrix_error.error, to_string(err->matrix_error.errcode), static_cast(err->status_code)); emit uploadFailed(this); return; } auto url = QString::fromStdString(res.content_uri); if (encryptedFile) encryptedFile->url = res.content_uri; emit uploadComplete(this, std::move(url)); }); } void InputBar::finalizeUpload(MediaUpload *upload, const QString &url) { auto mime = upload->mimetype(); auto filename = upload->filename(); auto mimeClass = upload->mimeClass(); auto size = upload->size(); auto encryptedFile = upload->encryptedFile_(); if (mimeClass == u"image") image(filename, encryptedFile, url, mime, size, upload->dimensions(), upload->thumbnailEncryptedFile_(), upload->thumbnailUrl(), upload->thumbnailSize(), upload->thumbnailImg().size(), upload->blurhash()); else if (mimeClass == u"audio") audio(filename, encryptedFile, url, mime, size, upload->duration()); else if (mimeClass == u"video") video(filename, encryptedFile, url, mime, size, upload->duration(), upload->dimensions(), upload->thumbnailEncryptedFile_(), upload->thumbnailUrl(), upload->thumbnailSize(), upload->thumbnailImg().size(), upload->blurhash()); else file(filename, encryptedFile, url, mime, size); removeRunUpload(upload); } void InputBar::removeRunUpload(MediaUpload *upload) { auto it = std::find_if(runningUploads.begin(), runningUploads.end(), [upload](const UploadHandle &h) { return h.get() == upload; }); if (it != runningUploads.end()) runningUploads.erase(it); if (runningUploads.empty()) setUploading(false); else runningUploads.front()->startUpload(); } void InputBar::startUploadFromPath(const QString &path) { if (path.isEmpty()) return; auto file = std::make_unique(path); if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { nhlog::ui()->warn( "Failed to open file ({}): {}", path.toStdString(), file->errorString().toStdString()); return; } QMimeDatabase db; auto mime = db.mimeTypeForFileNameAndData(path, file.get()); startUpload(std::move(file), path, mime.name()); } void InputBar::startUploadFromMimeData(const QMimeData &source, const QString &format) { auto file = std::make_unique(); file->setData(source.data(format)); if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { nhlog::ui()->warn("Failed to open buffer: {}", file->errorString().toStdString()); return; } QMimeDatabase db; auto mime = db.mimeTypeForName(format); auto suffix = mime.preferredSuffix(); QString filename = QStringLiteral("clipboard"); startUpload(std::move(file), suffix.isEmpty() ? filename : (filename + "." + suffix), format); } void InputBar::startUpload(std::unique_ptr dev, const QString &orgPath, const QString &format) { auto upload = UploadHandle(new MediaUpload(std::move(dev), format, orgPath, room->isEncrypted(), this)); connect(upload.get(), &MediaUpload::uploadComplete, this, &InputBar::finalizeUpload); // TODO(Nico): Show a retry option connect(upload.get(), &MediaUpload::uploadFailed, this, [this](MediaUpload *up) { ChatPage::instance()->showNotification(tr("Upload of '%1' failed").arg(up->filename())); removeRunUpload(up); }); unconfirmedUploads.push_back(std::move(upload)); nhlog::ui()->debug("Uploads {}", unconfirmedUploads.size()); emit uploadsChanged(); } void InputBar::acceptUploads() { if (unconfirmedUploads.empty()) return; bool wasntRunning = runningUploads.empty(); runningUploads.insert(runningUploads.end(), std::make_move_iterator(unconfirmedUploads.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(unconfirmedUploads.end())); unconfirmedUploads.clear(); emit uploadsChanged(); if (wasntRunning) { setUploading(true); runningUploads.front()->startUpload(); } } void InputBar::declineUploads() { unconfirmedUploads.clear(); emit uploadsChanged(); } QVariantList InputBar::uploads() const { QVariantList l; l.reserve((int)unconfirmedUploads.size()); for (auto &e : unconfirmedUploads) l.push_back(QVariant::fromValue(e.get())); return l; } void InputBar::startTyping() { if (!typingRefresh_.isActive()) { typingRefresh_.start(); if (ChatPage::instance()->userSettings()->typingNotifications()) { http::client()->start_typing( room->roomId().toStdString(), 10'000, [](mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("failed to send typing notification: {}", err->matrix_error.error); } }); } } typingTimeout_.start(); } void InputBar::stopTyping() { typingRefresh_.stop(); typingTimeout_.stop(); if (!ChatPage::instance()->userSettings()->typingNotifications()) return; http::client()->stop_typing(room->roomId().toStdString(), [](mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("failed to stop typing notifications: {}", err->matrix_error.error); } }); } void InputBar::reaction(const QString &reactedEvent, const QString &reactionKey) { auto reactions = room->reactions(reactedEvent.toStdString()); QString selfReactedEvent; for (const auto &reaction : reactions) { if (reactionKey == reaction.key_) { selfReactedEvent = reaction.selfReactedEvent_; break; } } if (selfReactedEvent.startsWith(QLatin1String("m"))) return; // If selfReactedEvent is empty, that means we haven't previously reacted if (selfReactedEvent.isEmpty()) { mtx::events::msg::Reaction reaction; mtx::common::Relation rel; rel.rel_type = mtx::common::RelationType::Annotation; rel.event_id = reactedEvent.toStdString(); rel.key = reactionKey.toStdString(); reaction.relations.relations.push_back(rel); room->sendMessageEvent(reaction, mtx::events::EventType::Reaction); auto recents = UserSettings::instance()->recentReactions(); if (recents.contains(reactionKey)) recents.removeOne(reactionKey); else if (recents.size() >= 6) recents.removeLast(); recents.push_front(reactionKey); UserSettings::instance()->setRecentReactions(recents); // Otherwise, we have previously reacted and the reaction should be redacted } else { room->redactEvent(selfReactedEvent); } }