ChatPageFailed to upload image. Please try again.Failed to upload file. Please try again.Failed to upload audio. Please try again.Failed to upload video. Please try again.Failed to restore OLM account. Please login again.Failed to restore save data. Please login again.Failed to setup encryption keys. Server response: %1 %2. Please try again later.Please try to login again: %1Room creation failed: %1Failed to leave room: %1CommunitiesListItemAll roomsFavourite roomsLow priority rooms (tag) (community)EditModalApplyCancelAnnulerenNameNaamTopicOnderwerpEncryptionIndicatorEncryptedInviteeItemRemoveLoginPageMatrix IDMatrix-ide.g @joe:matrix.orgb.v<PasswordWachtwoordDevice nameLOGININLOGGENAutodiscovery failed. Received malformed response.Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when requesting .well-known.The required endpoints were not found. Possibly not a Matrix server.Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.An unknown error occured. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Empty passwordLeeg wachtwoordMemberListRoom membersKamerledenOKPlaceholderunimplemented event: QuickSwitcherSearch for a room...Zoek een kamer...RedactedredactedRegisterPageUsernameGebruikersnaamPasswordWachtwoordPassword confirmationWachtwoord bevestigenHome ServerThuisserverREGISTERREGISTRERENInvalid usernameOngeldige gebruikersnaamPassword is not long enough (min 8 chars)Het wachtwoord is niet lang genoeg (minimaal 8 tekens)Passwords don't matchDe wachtwoorden komen niet overeenInvalid server nameOngeldige servernaamReplyPopupLogoutRoomInfono version storedRoomInfoListItemLeave roomKamer verlatenAcceptAccepterenDeclineAfwijzenSideBarActionsUser settingsCreate new roomNieuwe kamer creërenJoin a roomKamer betredenStart a new chatRoom directoryStatusIndicatorFailedSentReceivedReadTextInputWidgetSend a fileWrite a message...Typ een bericht...Send a messageEmojiSelect a fileKies een bestandAll Files (*)Alle bestanden (*)Connection lost. Nheko is trying to re-connect...TimelineModel-- Encrypted Event (No keys found for decryption) --Placeholder, when the message was not decrypted yet or can't be decrypted-- Decryption Error (failed to communicate with DB) --Placeholder, when the message can't be decrypted, because the DB access failed when trying to lookup the session.-- Decryption Error (failed to retrieve megolm keys from db) --Placeholder, when the message can't be decrypted, because the DB access failed.-- Decryption Error (%1) --Placeholder, when the message can't be decrypted. In this case, the Olm decrytion returned an error, which is passed ad %1-- Encrypted Event (Unknown event type) --Placeholder, when the message was decrypted, but we couldn't parse it, because Nheko/mtxclient don't support that event type yetMessage redaction failed: %1TimelineRowReplyOptionsRead receiptsLeesbevestigingenMark as readView raw messageRedact messageSave asTimelineViewNo room openTimelineViewManagerSave imageAfbeelding opslaanSave videoSave audioSave fileTopRoomBarRoom optionsMentionsInvite usersGebruikers uitnodigenMembersLedenLeave roomKamer verlatenSettingsInstellingenTrayIconShowTonenQuitAfsluitenTypingDisplay%1 and %2 are typingMultiple users are typing. First argument is a comma separated list of potentially multiple users. Second argument is the last user of that list. (If only one user is typing, %1 is empty. You should still use it in your string though to silence Qt warnings.)UserInfoWidgetLogoutUserSettingsPageMinimize to trayMinimaliseren naar systeemvakStart in trayGeminimaliseerd opstartenGroup's sidebarZijbalk van groepCircular AvatarsTyping notificationsMeldingen bij typen van berichtenRead receiptsLeesbevestigingenDesktop notificationsScale factorFont sizeFont FamilyEmoji Font FamlyThemeThemaDevice IDDevice FingerprintSession KeysIMPORTEXPORTENCRYPTIONGENERALALGEMEENOpen Sessions FileErrorFile PasswordEnter the passphrase to decrypt the file:The password cannot be emptyEnter passphrase to encrypt your session keys:File to save the exported session keysWelcomePageWelcome to nheko! The desktop client for the Matrix protocol.Welkom bij nheko! Dé computerclient voor het Matrix-protocol.Enjoy your stay!Geniet van je verblijf!REGISTERREGISTRERENLOGININLOGGENdescriptiveTimeYesterdaydialogs::CreateRoomCreate roomCancelAnnulerenNameNaamTopicOnderwerpAliasAliasRoom VisibilityKamerzichtbaarheidRoom PresetKamer-voorinstellingenDirect ChatDirecte chatdialogs::InviteUsersCancelAnnulerenUser ID to inviteUit te nodigen gebruikers-iddialogs::JoinRoomJoinCancelAnnulerenRoom ID or aliasKamer-id of aliasdialogs::LeaveRoomCancelAnnulerenAre you sure you want to leave?Weet je zeker dat je wilt vertrekken?dialogs::LogoutCancelAnnulerenLogout. Are you sure?Uitloggen. Weet je het zeker?dialogs::PreviewUploadOverlayUploadUploadenCancelAnnulerenMedia type: %1
Media size: %2
Mediasoort: %1
Mediagrootte: %2
dialogs::ReCaptchaCancelAnnulerenConfirmSolve the reCAPTCHA and press the confirm buttonLos de reCAPTCHA op en klik op 'Bevestigen'dialogs::ReadReceiptsRead receiptsLeesbevestigingenClosedialogs::ReceiptItemToday %1Yesterday %1dialogs::RoomSettingsSettingsInstellingenInfoInternal IDRoom VersionNotificationsMeldingenMutedGedemptMentions onlyAlleen vermeldingenAll messagesAlle berichtenRoom accessKamertoegangAnyone and guestsIedereen, incl. gastenAnyoneIedereenInvited usersUitgenodigde gebruikersEncryptionEnd-to-End EncryptionEncryption is currently experimental and things might break unexpectedly. <br>Please take note that it can't be disabled afterwards.Respond to key requestsWhether or not the client should respond automatically with the session keys
upon request. Use with caution, this is a temporary measure to test the
E2E implementation until device verification is completed.%n member(s)Failed to enable encryption: %1Select an avatarAll Files (*)Alle bestanden (*)The selected file is not an imageError while reading file: %1Failed to upload image: %sdialogs::UserProfileBan the user from the roomIgnore messages from this userKick the user from the roomStart a conversationDevicesemoji::PanelSmileys & PeopleSmileys en mensenAnimals & NatureDieren en natuurFood & DrinkEten en drinkenActivityActiviteitTravel & PlacesReizen en locatiesObjectsObjectenSymbolsSymbolenFlagsVlaggenmessage-description sent:You sent an audio clip%1 sent an audio clipYou sent an image%1 sent an imageYou sent a file%1 sent a fileYou sent a video%1 sent a videoYou sent a sticker%1 sent a stickerYou sent a notification%1 sent a notificationYou: %1%1: %2You sent an encrypted message%1 sent an encrypted messagepopups::UserMentionsThis RoomAll Roomsutilssent a file.sent an image.sent an audio file.sent a videoUnknown Message Type