#include #include "Olm.h" #include "Cache.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MatrixClient.h" #include "Utils.h" static const std::string STORAGE_SECRET_KEY("secret"); constexpr auto MEGOLM_ALGO = "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"; namespace { auto client_ = std::make_unique(); } namespace olm { mtx::crypto::OlmClient * client() { return client_.get(); } void handle_to_device_messages(const std::vector &msgs) { if (msgs.empty()) return; nhlog::crypto()->info("received {} to_device messages", msgs.size()); for (const auto &msg : msgs) { if (msg.count("type") == 0) { nhlog::crypto()->warn("received message with no type field: {}", msg.dump(2)); continue; } std::string msg_type = msg.at("type"); if (msg_type == to_string(mtx::events::EventType::RoomEncrypted)) { try { OlmMessage olm_msg = msg; handle_olm_message(std::move(olm_msg)); } catch (const nlohmann::json::exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->warn( "parsing error for olm message: {} {}", e.what(), msg.dump(2)); } catch (const std::invalid_argument &e) { nhlog::crypto()->warn( "validation error for olm message: {} {}", e.what(), msg.dump(2)); } } else if (msg_type == to_string(mtx::events::EventType::RoomKeyRequest)) { nhlog::crypto()->warn("handling key request event: {}", msg.dump(2)); try { mtx::events::msg::KeyRequest req = msg; if (req.action == mtx::events::msg::RequestAction::Request) handle_key_request_message(std::move(req)); else nhlog::crypto()->warn( "ignore key request (unhandled action): {}", req.request_id); } catch (const nlohmann::json::exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->warn( "parsing error for key_request message: {} {}", e.what(), msg.dump(2)); } } else { nhlog::crypto()->warn("unhandled event: {}", msg.dump(2)); } } } void handle_olm_message(const OlmMessage &msg) { nhlog::crypto()->info("sender : {}", msg.sender); nhlog::crypto()->info("sender_key: {}", msg.sender_key); const auto my_key = olm::client()->identity_keys().curve25519; for (const auto &cipher : msg.ciphertext) { // We skip messages not meant for the current device. if (cipher.first != my_key) continue; const auto type = cipher.second.type; nhlog::crypto()->info("type: {}", type == 0 ? "OLM_PRE_KEY" : "OLM_MESSAGE"); auto payload = try_olm_decryption(msg.sender_key, cipher.second); if (!payload.is_null()) { nhlog::crypto()->info("decrypted olm payload: {}", payload.dump(2)); create_inbound_megolm_session(msg.sender, msg.sender_key, payload); return; } // Not a PRE_KEY message if (cipher.second.type != 0) { // TODO: log that it should have matched something return; } handle_pre_key_olm_message(msg.sender, msg.sender_key, cipher.second); } } void handle_pre_key_olm_message(const std::string &sender, const std::string &sender_key, const mtx::events::msg::OlmCipherContent &content) { nhlog::crypto()->info("opening olm session with {}", sender); mtx::crypto::OlmSessionPtr inbound_session = nullptr; try { inbound_session = olm::client()->create_inbound_session_from(sender_key, content.body); // We also remove the one time key used to establish that // session so we'll have to update our copy of the account object. cache::client()->saveOlmAccount(olm::client()->save("secret")); } catch (const mtx::crypto::olm_exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->critical( "failed to create inbound session with {}: {}", sender, e.what()); return; } if (!mtx::crypto::matches_inbound_session_from( inbound_session.get(), sender_key, content.body)) { nhlog::crypto()->warn("inbound olm session doesn't match sender's key ({})", sender); return; } mtx::crypto::BinaryBuf output; try { output = olm::client()->decrypt_message(inbound_session.get(), content.type, content.body); } catch (const mtx::crypto::olm_exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->critical( "failed to decrypt olm message {}: {}", content.body, e.what()); return; } auto plaintext = json::parse(std::string((char *)output.data(), output.size())); nhlog::crypto()->info("decrypted message: \n {}", plaintext.dump(2)); try { cache::client()->saveOlmSession(sender_key, std::move(inbound_session)); } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { nhlog::db()->warn( "failed to save inbound olm session from {}: {}", sender, e.what()); } create_inbound_megolm_session(sender, sender_key, plaintext); } mtx::events::msg::Encrypted encrypt_group_message(const std::string &room_id, const std::string &device_id, const std::string &body) { using namespace mtx::events; // Always chech before for existence. auto res = cache::client()->getOutboundMegolmSession(room_id); auto payload = olm::client()->encrypt_group_message(res.session, body); // Prepare the m.room.encrypted event. msg::Encrypted data; data.ciphertext = std::string((char *)payload.data(), payload.size()); data.sender_key = olm::client()->identity_keys().curve25519; data.session_id = res.data.session_id; data.device_id = device_id; data.algorithm = MEGOLM_ALGO; auto message_index = olm_outbound_group_session_message_index(res.session); nhlog::crypto()->info("next message_index {}", message_index); // We need to re-pickle the session after we send a message to save the new message_index. cache::client()->updateOutboundMegolmSession(room_id, message_index); return data; } nlohmann::json try_olm_decryption(const std::string &sender_key, const mtx::events::msg::OlmCipherContent &msg) { auto session_ids = cache::client()->getOlmSessions(sender_key); nhlog::crypto()->info("attempt to decrypt message with {} known session_ids", session_ids.size()); for (const auto &id : session_ids) { auto session = cache::client()->getOlmSession(sender_key, id); if (!session) continue; mtx::crypto::BinaryBuf text; try { text = olm::client()->decrypt_message(session->get(), msg.type, msg.body); cache::client()->saveOlmSession(id, std::move(session.value())); } catch (const mtx::crypto::olm_exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->info("failed to decrypt olm message ({}, {}) with {}: {}", msg.type, sender_key, id, e.what()); continue; } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { nhlog::crypto()->critical("failed to save session: {}", e.what()); return {}; } try { return json::parse(std::string((char *)text.data(), text.size())); } catch (const json::exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->critical("failed to parse the decrypted session msg: {}", e.what()); } } return {}; } void create_inbound_megolm_session(const std::string &sender, const std::string &sender_key, const nlohmann::json &payload) { std::string room_id, session_id, session_key; try { room_id = payload.at("content").at("room_id"); session_id = payload.at("content").at("session_id"); session_key = payload.at("content").at("session_key"); } catch (const nlohmann::json::exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->critical( "failed to parse plaintext olm message: {} {}", e.what(), payload.dump(2)); return; } MegolmSessionIndex index; index.room_id = room_id; index.session_id = session_id; index.sender_key = sender_key; try { auto megolm_session = olm::client()->init_inbound_group_session(session_key); cache::client()->saveInboundMegolmSession(index, std::move(megolm_session)); } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { nhlog::crypto()->critical("failed to save inbound megolm session: {}", e.what()); return; } catch (const mtx::crypto::olm_exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->critical("failed to create inbound megolm session: {}", e.what()); return; } nhlog::crypto()->info("established inbound megolm session ({}, {})", room_id, sender); } void mark_keys_as_published() { olm::client()->mark_keys_as_published(); cache::client()->saveOlmAccount(olm::client()->save(STORAGE_SECRET_KEY)); } void request_keys(const std::string &room_id, const std::string &event_id) { nhlog::crypto()->info("requesting keys for event {} at {}", event_id, room_id); http::client()->get_event( room_id, event_id, [event_id, room_id](const mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { using namespace mtx::events; if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn( "failed to retrieve event {} from {}", event_id, room_id); return; } if (boost::get>(&res) == nullptr) { nhlog::net()->info( "retrieved event is not encrypted: {} from {}", event_id, room_id); return; } olm::send_key_request_for(room_id, boost::get>(res)); }); } void send_key_request_for(const std::string &room_id, const mtx::events::EncryptedEvent &e) { using namespace mtx::events; nhlog::crypto()->debug("sending key request: {}", json(e).dump(2)); auto payload = json{{"action", "request"}, {"request_id", http::client()->generate_txn_id()}, {"requesting_device_id", http::client()->device_id()}, {"body", {{"algorithm", MEGOLM_ALGO}, {"room_id", room_id}, {"sender_key", e.content.sender_key}, {"session_id", e.content.session_id}}}}; json body; body["messages"][e.sender] = json::object(); body["messages"][e.sender][e.content.device_id] = payload; nhlog::crypto()->debug("m.room_key_request: {}", body.dump(2)); http::client()->send_to_device("m.room_key_request", body, [e](mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("failed to send " "send_to_device " "message: {}", err->matrix_error.error); } nhlog::net()->info( "m.room_key_request sent to {}:{}", e.sender, e.content.device_id); }); } void handle_key_request_message(const mtx::events::msg::KeyRequest &req) { if (req.algorithm != MEGOLM_ALGO) { nhlog::crypto()->info("ignoring key request {} with invalid algorithm: {}", req.request_id, req.algorithm); return; } // Check if we were the sender of the session being requested. if (req.sender_key != olm::client()->identity_keys().curve25519) { nhlog::crypto()->info("ignoring key request {} because we were not the sender: " "\nrequested({}) ours({})", req.request_id, req.sender_key, olm::client()->identity_keys().curve25519); return; } // Check if we have the keys for the requested session. if (!cache::client()->outboundMegolmSessionExists(req.room_id)) { nhlog::crypto()->warn("requested session not found in room: {}", req.room_id); return; } // Check that the requested session_id and the one we have saved match. const auto session = cache::client()->getOutboundMegolmSession(req.room_id); if (req.session_id != session.data.session_id) { nhlog::crypto()->warn("session id of retrieved session doesn't match the request: " "requested({}), ours({})", req.session_id, session.data.session_id); return; } if (!cache::client()->isRoomMember(req.sender, req.room_id)) { nhlog::crypto()->warn( "user {} that requested the session key is not member of the room {}", req.sender, req.room_id); return; } if (!utils::respondsToKeyRequests(req.room_id)) { nhlog::crypto()->info("ignoring all key requests for room {}", req.room_id); return; } // // Prepare the m.room_key event. // auto payload = json{{"algorithm", "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"}, {"room_id", req.room_id}, {"session_id", req.session_id}, {"session_key", session.data.session_key}}; send_megolm_key_to_device(req.sender, req.requesting_device_id, payload); } void send_megolm_key_to_device(const std::string &user_id, const std::string &device_id, const json &payload) { mtx::requests::QueryKeys req; req.device_keys[user_id] = {device_id}; http::client()->query_keys( req, [payload, user_id, device_id](const mtx::responses::QueryKeys &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("failed to query device keys: {} {}", err->matrix_error.error, static_cast(err->status_code)); return; } nhlog::net()->warn("retrieved device keys from {}, {}", user_id, device_id); if (res.device_keys.empty()) { nhlog::net()->warn("no devices retrieved {}", user_id); return; } auto device = res.device_keys.begin()->second; if (device.empty()) { nhlog::net()->warn("no keys retrieved from user, device {}", user_id); return; } const auto device_keys = device.begin()->second.keys; const auto curveKey = "curve25519:" + device_id; const auto edKey = "ed25519:" + device_id; if ((device_keys.find(curveKey) == device_keys.end()) || (device_keys.find(edKey) == device_keys.end())) { nhlog::net()->info("ignoring malformed keys for device {}", device_id); return; } DevicePublicKeys pks; pks.ed25519 = device_keys.at(edKey); pks.curve25519 = device_keys.at(curveKey); try { if (!mtx::crypto::verify_identity_signature(json(device.begin()->second), DeviceId(device_id), UserId(user_id))) { nhlog::crypto()->warn("failed to verify identity keys: {}", json(device).dump(2)); return; } } catch (const json::exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->warn("failed to parse device key json: {}", e.what()); return; } catch (const mtx::crypto::olm_exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->warn("failed to verify device key json: {}", e.what()); return; } auto room_key = olm::client() ->create_room_key_event(UserId(user_id), pks.ed25519, payload) .dump(); http::client()->claim_keys( user_id, {device_id}, [room_key, user_id, device_id, pks](const mtx::responses::ClaimKeys &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("claim keys error: {} {} {}", err->matrix_error.error, err->parse_error, static_cast(err->status_code)); return; } nhlog::net()->info("claimed keys for {}", user_id); if (res.one_time_keys.size() == 0) { nhlog::net()->info("no one-time keys found for user_id: {}", user_id); return; } if (res.one_time_keys.find(user_id) == res.one_time_keys.end()) { nhlog::net()->info("no one-time keys found for user_id: {}", user_id); return; } auto retrieved_devices = res.one_time_keys.at(user_id); if (retrieved_devices.empty()) { nhlog::net()->info("claiming keys for {}: no retrieved devices", device_id); return; } json body; body["messages"][user_id] = json::object(); auto device = retrieved_devices.begin()->second; nhlog::net()->info("{} : \n {}", device_id, device.dump(2)); json device_msg; try { auto olm_session = olm::client()->create_outbound_session( pks.curve25519, device.begin()->at("key")); device_msg = olm::client()->create_olm_encrypted_content( olm_session.get(), room_key, pks.curve25519); cache::client()->saveOlmSession(pks.curve25519, std::move(olm_session)); } catch (const json::exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->warn("creating outbound session: {}", e.what()); return; } catch (const mtx::crypto::olm_exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->warn("creating outbound session: {}", e.what()); return; } body["messages"][user_id][device_id] = device_msg; nhlog::net()->info( "sending m.room_key event to {}:{}", user_id, device_id); http::client()->send_to_device( "m.room.encrypted", body, [user_id](mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("failed to send " "send_to_device " "message: {}", err->matrix_error.error); } nhlog::net()->info("m.room_key send to {}", user_id); }); }); }); } } // namespace olm