// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Nheko Contributors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "CommunitiesModel.h" #include <set> #include "Cache.h" #include "Cache_p.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "UserSettingsPage.h" CommunitiesModel::CommunitiesModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) {} QHash<int, QByteArray> CommunitiesModel::roleNames() const { return { {AvatarUrl, "avatarUrl"}, {DisplayName, "displayName"}, {Tooltip, "tooltip"}, {Collapsed, "collapsed"}, {Collapsible, "collapsible"}, {Hidden, "hidden"}, {Depth, "depth"}, {Id, "id"}, }; } bool CommunitiesModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (role != CommunitiesModel::Collapsed) return false; else if (index.row() >= 2 || index.row() - 2 < spaceOrder_.size()) { spaceOrder_.tree.at(index.row() - 2).collapsed = value.toBool(); const auto cindex = spaceOrder_.lastChild(index.row() - 2); emit dataChanged(index, this->index(cindex + 2), {Collapsed, Qt::DisplayRole}); spaceOrder_.storeCollapsed(); return true; } else return false; } QVariant CommunitiesModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (index.row() == 0) { switch (role) { case CommunitiesModel::Roles::AvatarUrl: return QStringLiteral(":/icons/icons/ui/world.svg"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::DisplayName: return tr("All rooms"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Tooltip: return tr("Shows all rooms without filtering."); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Collapsed: return false; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Collapsible: return false; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Hidden: return false; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Parent: return ""; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Depth: return 0; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Id: return ""; } } else if (index.row() == 1) { switch (role) { case CommunitiesModel::Roles::AvatarUrl: return QStringLiteral(":/icons/icons/ui/people.svg"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::DisplayName: return tr("Direct Chats"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Tooltip: return tr("Show direct chats."); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Collapsed: return false; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Collapsible: return false; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Hidden: return hiddentTagIds_.contains(QStringLiteral("dm")); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Parent: return ""; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Depth: return 0; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Id: return "dm"; } } else if (index.row() - 2 < spaceOrder_.size()) { auto id = spaceOrder_.tree.at(index.row() - 2).name; switch (role) { case CommunitiesModel::Roles::AvatarUrl: return QString::fromStdString(spaces_.at(id).avatar_url); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::DisplayName: case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Tooltip: return QString::fromStdString(spaces_.at(id).name); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Collapsed: return spaceOrder_.tree.at(index.row() - 2).collapsed; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Collapsible: { auto idx = index.row() - 2; return idx != spaceOrder_.lastChild(idx); } case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Hidden: return hiddentTagIds_.contains("space:" + id); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Parent: { if (auto p = spaceOrder_.parent(index.row() - 2); p >= 0) return spaceOrder_.tree[p].name; return ""; } case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Depth: return spaceOrder_.tree.at(index.row() - 2).depth; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Id: return "space:" + id; } } else if (index.row() - 2 < tags_.size() + spaceOrder_.size()) { auto tag = tags_.at(index.row() - 2 - spaceOrder_.size()); if (tag == QLatin1String("m.favourite")) { switch (role) { case CommunitiesModel::Roles::AvatarUrl: return QStringLiteral(":/icons/icons/ui/star.svg"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::DisplayName: return tr("Favourites"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Tooltip: return tr("Rooms you have favourited."); } } else if (tag == QLatin1String("m.lowpriority")) { switch (role) { case CommunitiesModel::Roles::AvatarUrl: return QStringLiteral(":/icons/icons/ui/lowprio.svg"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::DisplayName: return tr("Low Priority"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Tooltip: return tr("Rooms with low priority."); } } else if (tag == QLatin1String("m.server_notice")) { switch (role) { case CommunitiesModel::Roles::AvatarUrl: return QStringLiteral(":/icons/icons/ui/tag.svg"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::DisplayName: return tr("Server Notices"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Tooltip: return tr("Messages from your server or administrator."); } } else { switch (role) { case CommunitiesModel::Roles::AvatarUrl: return QStringLiteral(":/icons/icons/ui/tag.svg"); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::DisplayName: case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Tooltip: return tag.mid(2); } } switch (role) { case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Hidden: return hiddentTagIds_.contains("tag:" + tag); case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Collapsed: return true; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Collapsible: return false; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Parent: return ""; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Depth: return 0; case CommunitiesModel::Roles::Id: return "tag:" + tag; } } return QVariant(); } namespace { struct temptree { std::map<std::string, temptree> children; void insert(const std::vector<std::string> &parents, const std::string &child) { temptree *t = this; for (const auto &e : parents) t = &t->children[e]; t->children[child]; } void flatten(CommunitiesModel::FlatTree &to, int i = 0) const { for (const auto &[child, subtree] : children) { to.tree.push_back({QString::fromStdString(child), i, false}); subtree.flatten(to, i + 1); } } }; void addChildren(temptree &t, std::vector<std::string> path, std::string child, const std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> &children) { if (std::find(path.begin(), path.end(), child) != path.end()) return; path.push_back(child); if (children.count(child)) { for (const auto &c : children.at(child)) { t.insert(path, c); addChildren(t, path, c, children); } } } } void CommunitiesModel::initializeSidebar() { beginResetModel(); tags_.clear(); spaceOrder_.tree.clear(); spaces_.clear(); std::set<std::string> ts; std::set<std::string> isSpace; std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> spaceChilds; std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> spaceParents; auto infos = cache::roomInfo(); for (auto it = infos.begin(); it != infos.end(); it++) { if (it.value().is_space) { spaces_[it.key()] = it.value(); isSpace.insert(it.key().toStdString()); } else { for (const auto &t : it.value().tags) { if (t.find("u.") == 0 || t.find("m." == 0)) { ts.insert(t); } } } } // NOTE(Nico): We build a forrest from the Directed Cyclic(!) Graph of spaces. To do that we // start with orphan spaces at the top. This leaves out some space circles, but there is no good // way to break that cycle imo anyway. Then we carefully walk a tree down from each root in our // forrest, carefully checking not to run in a circle and get lost forever. // TODO(Nico): Optimize this. We can do this with a lot fewer allocations and checks. for (const auto &space : isSpace) { spaceParents[space]; for (const auto &p : cache::client()->getParentRoomIds(space)) { spaceParents[space].insert(p); spaceChilds[p].insert(space); } } temptree spacetree; std::vector<std::string> path; for (const auto &space : isSpace) { if (!spaceParents[space].empty()) continue; spacetree.children[space] = {}; } for (const auto &space : spacetree.children) { addChildren(spacetree, path, space.first, spaceChilds); } // NOTE(Nico): This flattens the tree into a list, preserving the depth at each element. spacetree.flatten(spaceOrder_); for (const auto &t : ts) tags_.push_back(QString::fromStdString(t)); hiddentTagIds_ = UserSettings::instance()->hiddenTags(); spaceOrder_.restoreCollapsed(); endResetModel(); emit tagsChanged(); emit hiddenTagsChanged(); emit containsSubspacesChanged(); } void CommunitiesModel::FlatTree::storeCollapsed() { QList<QStringList> elements; int depth = -1; QStringList current; for (const auto &e : tree) { if (e.depth > depth) { current.push_back(e.name); } else if (e.depth == depth) { current.back() = e.name; } else { current.pop_back(); current.back() = e.name; } if (e.collapsed) elements.push_back(current); } UserSettings::instance()->setCollapsedSpaces(elements); } void CommunitiesModel::FlatTree::restoreCollapsed() { QList<QStringList> elements = UserSettings::instance()->collapsedSpaces(); int depth = -1; QStringList current; for (auto &e : tree) { if (e.depth > depth) { current.push_back(e.name); } else if (e.depth == depth) { current.back() = e.name; } else { current.pop_back(); current.back() = e.name; } if (elements.contains(current)) e.collapsed = true; } } void CommunitiesModel::clear() { beginResetModel(); tags_.clear(); endResetModel(); resetCurrentTagId(); emit tagsChanged(); } void CommunitiesModel::sync(const mtx::responses::Sync &sync_) { bool tagsUpdated = false; for (const auto &[roomid, room] : sync_.rooms.join) { (void)roomid; for (const auto &e : room.account_data.events) if (std::holds_alternative< mtx::events::AccountDataEvent<mtx::events::account_data::Tags>>(e)) { tagsUpdated = true; } for (const auto &e : room.state.events) if (std::holds_alternative<mtx::events::StateEvent<mtx::events::state::space::Child>>( e) || std::holds_alternative<mtx::events::StateEvent<mtx::events::state::space::Parent>>( e)) { tagsUpdated = true; } for (const auto &e : room.timeline.events) if (std::holds_alternative<mtx::events::StateEvent<mtx::events::state::space::Child>>( e) || std::holds_alternative<mtx::events::StateEvent<mtx::events::state::space::Parent>>( e)) { tagsUpdated = true; } } for (const auto &[roomid, room] : sync_.rooms.leave) { (void)room; if (spaces_.count(QString::fromStdString(roomid))) tagsUpdated = true; } for (const auto &e : sync_.account_data.events) { if (std::holds_alternative< mtx::events::AccountDataEvent<mtx::events::account_data::Direct>>(e)) { tagsUpdated = true; break; } } if (tagsUpdated) initializeSidebar(); } void CommunitiesModel::setCurrentTagId(QString tagId) { if (tagId.startsWith(QLatin1String("tag:"))) { auto tag = tagId.mid(4); for (const auto &t : qAsConst(tags_)) { if (t == tag) { this->currentTagId_ = tagId; emit currentTagIdChanged(currentTagId_); return; } } } else if (tagId.startsWith(QLatin1String("space:"))) { auto tag = tagId.mid(6); for (const auto &t : spaceOrder_.tree) { if (t.name == tag) { this->currentTagId_ = tagId; emit currentTagIdChanged(currentTagId_); return; } } } else if (tagId == QLatin1String("dm")) { this->currentTagId_ = tagId; emit currentTagIdChanged(currentTagId_); return; } this->currentTagId_ = QLatin1String(""); emit currentTagIdChanged(currentTagId_); } void CommunitiesModel::toggleTagId(QString tagId) { if (hiddentTagIds_.contains(tagId)) { hiddentTagIds_.removeOne(tagId); UserSettings::instance()->setHiddenTags(hiddentTagIds_); } else { hiddentTagIds_.push_back(tagId); UserSettings::instance()->setHiddenTags(hiddentTagIds_); } if (tagId.startsWith(QLatin1String("tag:"))) { auto idx = tags_.indexOf(tagId.mid(4)); if (idx != -1) emit dataChanged( index(idx + 1 + spaceOrder_.size()), index(idx + 1 + spaceOrder_.size()), {Hidden}); } else if (tagId.startsWith(QLatin1String("space:"))) { auto idx = spaceOrder_.indexOf(tagId.mid(6)); if (idx != -1) emit dataChanged(index(idx + 1), index(idx + 1), {Hidden}); } else if (tagId == QLatin1String("dm")) { emit dataChanged(index(1), index(1), {Hidden}); } emit hiddenTagsChanged(); } FilteredCommunitiesModel::FilteredCommunitiesModel(CommunitiesModel *model, QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) { setSourceModel(model); setDynamicSortFilter(true); sort(0); } namespace { enum Categories { World, Direct, Favourites, Server, LowPrio, Space, UserTag, }; Categories tagIdToCat(QString tagId) { if (tagId.isEmpty()) return World; else if (tagId == QLatin1String("dm")) return Direct; else if (tagId == QLatin1String("tag:m.favourite")) return Favourites; else if (tagId == QLatin1String("tag:m.server_notice")) return Server; else if (tagId == QLatin1String("tag:m.lowpriority")) return LowPrio; else if (tagId.startsWith(QLatin1String("space:"))) return Space; else return UserTag; } } bool FilteredCommunitiesModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const { QModelIndex const left_idx = sourceModel()->index(left.row(), 0, QModelIndex()); QModelIndex const right_idx = sourceModel()->index(right.row(), 0, QModelIndex()); Categories leftCat = tagIdToCat(sourceModel()->data(left_idx, CommunitiesModel::Id).toString()); Categories rightCat = tagIdToCat(sourceModel()->data(right_idx, CommunitiesModel::Id).toString()); if (leftCat != rightCat) return leftCat < rightCat; if (leftCat == Space) { return left.row() < right.row(); } QString leftName = sourceModel()->data(left_idx, CommunitiesModel::DisplayName).toString(); QString rightName = sourceModel()->data(right_idx, CommunitiesModel::DisplayName).toString(); return leftName.compare(rightName, Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0; } bool FilteredCommunitiesModel::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &) const { CommunitiesModel *m = qobject_cast<CommunitiesModel *>(this->sourceModel()); if (!m) return true; if (sourceRow < 2 || sourceRow - 2 >= m->spaceOrder_.size()) return true; auto idx = sourceRow - 2; while (idx >= 0 && m->spaceOrder_.tree[idx].depth > 0) { idx = m->spaceOrder_.parent(idx); if (idx >= 0 && m->spaceOrder_.tree.at(idx).collapsed) return false; } return true; }