// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Nheko Contributors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "DelegateChooser.h" #include "Logging.h" // uses private API, which moved between versions #include #include QQmlComponent * DelegateChoice::delegate() const { return delegate_; } void DelegateChoice::setDelegate(QQmlComponent *delegate) { if (delegate != delegate_) { delegate_ = delegate; emit delegateChanged(); emit changed(); } } QVariant DelegateChoice::roleValue() const { return roleValue_; } void DelegateChoice::setRoleValue(const QVariant &value) { if (value != roleValue_) { roleValue_ = value; emit roleValueChanged(); emit changed(); } } QVariant DelegateChooser::roleValue() const { return roleValue_; } void DelegateChooser::setRoleValue(const QVariant &value) { if (value != roleValue_) { roleValue_ = value; recalcChild(); emit roleValueChanged(); } } QQmlListProperty DelegateChooser::choices() { return QQmlListProperty(this, this, &DelegateChooser::appendChoice, &DelegateChooser::choiceCount, &DelegateChooser::choice, &DelegateChooser::clearChoices); } void DelegateChooser::appendChoice(QQmlListProperty *p, DelegateChoice *c) { DelegateChooser *dc = static_cast(p->object); dc->choices_.append(c); } int DelegateChooser::choiceCount(QQmlListProperty *p) { return static_cast(p->object)->choices_.count(); } DelegateChoice * DelegateChooser::choice(QQmlListProperty *p, int index) { return static_cast(p->object)->choices_.at(index); } void DelegateChooser::clearChoices(QQmlListProperty *p) { static_cast(p->object)->choices_.clear(); } void DelegateChooser::recalcChild() { for (const auto choice : qAsConst(choices_)) { auto choiceValue = choice->roleValue(); if (!roleValue_.isValid() || !choiceValue.isValid() || choiceValue == roleValue_) { if (child_) { child_->setParentItem(nullptr); child_ = nullptr; } choice->delegate()->create(incubator, QQmlEngine::contextForObject(this)); return; } } } void DelegateChooser::componentComplete() { QQuickItem::componentComplete(); recalcChild(); } void DelegateChooser::DelegateIncubator::statusChanged(QQmlIncubator::Status status) { if (status == QQmlIncubator::Ready) { chooser.child_ = qobject_cast(object()); if (chooser.child_ == nullptr) { nhlog::ui()->error("Delegate has to be derived of Item!"); return; } chooser.child_->setParentItem(&chooser); QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(chooser.child_, QQmlEngine::ObjectOwnership::JavaScriptOwnership); emit chooser.childChanged(); } else if (status == QQmlIncubator::Error) { auto errors_ = errors(); for (const auto &e : qAsConst(errors_)) nhlog::ui()->error("Error instantiating delegate: {}", e.toString().toStdString()); } }