ActiveCallBarCalling...Connecting...Łączenie...You are screen sharingUdostępniasz ekranHide/Show Picture-in-PictureUkryj/Pokaż Obraz w obrazieUnmute MicWyłącz wyciszenie mikrofonuMute MicWycisz mikrofonAwaitingVerificationConfirmationAwaiting ConfirmationOczekiwanie na potwierdzenieWaiting for other side to complete verification.Oczekiwanie na dokończenie weryfikacji przez drugą stronę.CancelAnulujCallInviteVideo CallVoice CallNo microphone found.CallInviteBarVideo CallVoice CallDevicesUrządzeniaAcceptAkceptujUnknown microphone: %1Unknown camera: %1DeclineOdrzućNo microphone found.CallManagerEntire screenChatPageFailed to invite user: %1Nie udało się zaprosić użytkownika: %1Invited user: %1Migrating the cache to the current version failed. This can have different reasons. Please open an issue and try to use an older version in the mean time. Alternatively you can try deleting the cache manually.Confirm joinDo you really want to join %1?Room %1 created.Confirm inviteDo you really want to invite %1 (%2)?Czy na pewno chcesz zaprosić %1 (%2)?Failed to invite %1 to %2: %3Confirm kickPotwierdź kopniakaDo you really want to kick %1 (%2)?czy na pewno chcesz wykopać %1 (%2)?Kicked user: %1Wykopano użytkownika: %1Confirm banPotwierdź zablokowanieDo you really want to ban %1 (%2)?Czy na pewno chcesz zablokować %1 (%2)?Failed to ban %1 in %2: %3Banned user: %1Zablokowano użytkownika: %1Confirm unbanPotwierdź odblokowanieDo you really want to unban %1 (%2)?Czy na pewno chcesz odblokować %1 (%2)?Failed to unban %1 in %2: %3Unbanned user: %1Odblokowano użytkownika: %1Do you really want to start a private chat with %1?Cache migration failed!Nie udało się przenieść pamięci podręcznej!Incompatible cache versionNiekompatybilna wersja pamięci podręcznejThe cache on your disk is newer than this version of Nheko supports. Please update or clear your cache.Pamięć podręczna na Twoim dysku jest nowsza niż wersja obsługiwana przez Nheko. Zaktualizuj lub wyczyść pamięć podręczną.Failed to restore OLM account. Please login again.Nie udało się przywrócić konta OLM. Spróbuj zalogować się ponownie.Failed to restore save data. Please login again.Nie udało się przywrócić zapisanych danych. Spróbuj zalogować się ponownie.Failed to setup encryption keys. Server response: %1 %2. Please try again later.Nie udało się ustawić kluczy szyfrujących. Odpowiedź serwera: %1 %2. Spróbuj ponownie później.Please try to login again: %1Spróbuj zalogować się ponownie: %1Failed to join room: %1Nie udało się dołączyć do pokoju: %1You joined the roomDołączyłeś do pokojuFailed to remove invite: %1Nie udało się usunąć zaproszenia: %1Room creation failed: %1Tworzenie pokoju nie powiodło się: %1Failed to leave room: %1Nie udało się opuścić pokoju: %1Failed to kick %1 from %2: %3CommunitiesListHide rooms with this tag or from this space by default.CommunitiesModelAll roomsWszystkie pokojeShows all rooms without filtering.FavouritesRooms you have favourited.Low PriorityRooms with low priority.Server NoticesOgłoszenia serweraMessages from your server or administrator.CrossSigningSecretsDecrypt secretsEnter your recovery key or passphrase to decrypt your secrets:Enter your recovery key or passphrase called %1 to decrypt your secrets:Decryption failedFailed to decrypt secrets with the provided recovery key or passphraseDigitVerificationVerification CodeKod weryfikacyjnyPlease verify the following digits. You should see the same numbers on both sides. If they differ, please press 'They do not match!' to abort verification!Zweryfikuj poniższy ciąg cyfr. Po obu stronach powinny być wyświetlane identyczne. Jeżeli ciągi się różnią, naciśnij 'Nie pasują!' aby przerwać weryfikację!They do not match!Nie pasują!They match!Pasują!EditModalApplyZastosujCancelAnulujNameNazwaTopicTematEmojiPickerSearchSzukajPeopleLudzieNaturePrzyrodaFoodJedzenieActivityAktywnośćTravelPodróżeObjectsPrzedmiotySymbolsSymboleFlagsFlagiEmojiVerificationVerification CodeKod weryfikacyjnyPlease verify the following emoji. You should see the same emoji on both sides. If they differ, please press 'They do not match!' to abort verification!Zweryfikuj poniższe emotikony. Powinny być identyczne po obu stronach. Jeżeli są różne, naciśnij 'Nie pasują!' aby przerwać weryfikację!They do not match!Nie pasują!They match!Pasują!EncryptedThere is no key to unlock this message. We requested the key automatically, but you can try requesting it again if you are impatient.This message couldn't be decrypted, because we only have a key for newer messages. You can try requesting access to this message.There was an internal error reading the decryption key from the database.There was an error decrypting this message.The message couldn't be parsed.The encryption key was reused! Someone is possibly trying to insert false messages into this chat!Unknown decryption errorRequest keyEncryptionIndicatorThis message is not encrypted!Ta wiadomość nie jest zaszyfrowana!Encrypted by a verified deviceEncrypted by an unverified device, but you have trusted that user so far.Encrypted by an unverified device or the key is from an untrusted source like the key backup.FailedVerification failedWeryfikacja nieudanaOther client does not support our verification protocol.Inny klient nie obsługuje naszego protokołu weryfikacji.Key mismatch detected!Wykryto niedopasowanie kluczy!Device verification timed out.Przekroczono limit czasu na weryfikację urządzenia.Other party canceled the verification.Druga strona anulowała weryfikację.CloseZamknijForwardCompleterForward MessageImagePackEditorDialogEditing image packAdd imagesStickers (*.png *.webp)State keyPacknameAttributionUse as EmojiUse as StickerShortcodeBodyCancelAnulujSaveImagePackSettingsDialogImage pack settingsCreate account packNew room packPrivate packPack from this roomGlobally enabled packEnable globallyEnables this pack to be used in all roomsEditCloseZamknijInputBarSelect a fileWybierz plikAll Files (*)Wszystkie pliki (*)Failed to upload media. Please try again.InviteDialogInvite users to %1User ID to inviteID użytkownika do zaproszenia@joe:matrix.orgExample user id. The name 'joe' can be localized however you want.AddInviteCancelAnulujLoginPageMatrix IDID Matrixae.g @joe:matrix.orgnp. @joe:matrix.orgYour login name. A mxid should start with @ followed by the user id. After the user id you need to include your server name after a :.
You can also put your homeserver address there, if your server doesn't support .well-known lookup.
If Nheko fails to discover your homeserver, it will show you a field to enter the server manually.Twój login. Mxid powinien zaczynać się od @ po którym następuje identyfikator użytkownika. Po identyfikatorze użytkownika musisz podać nazwę Twojego serwera domowego oddzielając ją dwukropkiem (':'). Zamiast nazwy możesz też podać jego adres (jeżeli nie obsługuje on normalnego wyszukiwania).
Jeżeli Nheko nie odnajdzie Twojego serwera domowego, wyświetli formularz umożliwiający ręczne podanie jego adresu.PasswordHasłoYour password.Device nameNazwa urządzeniaA name for this device, which will be shown to others, when verifying your devices. If none is provided a default is used.Nazwa dla tego urządzenia, będzie ona widoczna dla innych użytkowników, kiedy będą weryfikować Twoje urządzenia. Jeżeli żadna nie jest podana, używana jest domyślna.Homeserver address that can be used to contact you homeservers client API.
Example: have entered an invalid Matrix ID e.g @joe:matrix.orgAutodiscovery failed. Received malformed response.Automatyczne odkrywanie zakończone niepowodzeniem. Otrzymano nieprawidłową odpowiedź.Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when requesting .well-known.Automatyczne odkrywanie zakończone niepowodzeniem. Napotkano nieznany błąd. .well-known.The required endpoints were not found. Possibly not a Matrix server.Nie odnaleziono wymaganych punktów końcowych. To może nie być serwer Matriksa.Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Otrzymano nieprawidłową odpowiedź. Upewnij się, że domena serwera domowego jest prawidłowa.An unknown error occured. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Wystąpił nieznany błąd. Upewnij się, że domena serwera domowego jest prawidłowa.SSO LOGINLogowanie SSOEmpty passwordPuste hasłoSSO login failedLogowanie SSO zakończone niepowodzeniemMessageDelegateremovedEncryption enabledSzyfrowanie włączoneroom name changed to: %1Nazwa pokoju zmieniona na: %1removed room nameusunięto nazwę pokojutopic changed to: %1temat zmieniono na: %1removed topicusunięto temat%1 changed the room avatar%1 created and configured room: %2%1 utworzył i skonfigurował pokój: %2%1 placed a voice call.%1 rozpoczął(-ęła) połączenie głosowe.%1 placed a video call.%1 rozpoczął(-ęła) połączenie wideo%1 placed a call.%1 rozpoczął(-ęła) połączenie.%1 answered the call.%1 odebrał(a) połączenie.%1 ended the call.%1 zakończył(a) połączenie.Negotiating call...Negocjowanie połączenia…Allow them inMessageInputHang upPlace a callSend a fileWyślij plikWrite a message...Napisz wiadomość…StickersEmojiEmojiSendYou don't have permission to send messages in this roomMessageViewEditReactReplyOptions&CopyCopy &link locationRe&actRepl&y&EditRead receip&ts&Forward&Mark as readView raw messageView decrypted raw messageRemo&ve message&Save as&Open in external programCopy link to eve&ntNewVerificationRequestSend Verification RequestReceived Verification RequestTo allow other users to see, which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify %1 now?To ensure that no malicious user can eavesdrop on your encrypted communications you can verify the other party.%1 has requested to verify their device %2.%1 using the device %2 has requested to be verified.Your device (%1) has requested to be verified.CancelAnulujDenyOdmówStart verificationRozpocznij weryfikacjęAcceptAkceptujNotificationsManager%1 sent an encrypted message* %1 %2Format an emote message in a notification, %1 is the sender, %2 the message%1 replied: %2Format a reply in a notification. %1 is the sender, %2 the message%1: %2Format a normal message in a notification. %1 is the sender, %2 the message%1 replied with an encrypted message%1 replied to a message%1 sent a messagePlaceCallPlace a call to %1?No microphone found.VoiceVideoScreenCancelAnulujPlaceholderunimplemented event: Niezaimplementowane wydarzenie: QCoreApplicationCreate a unique profile, which allows you to log into several accounts at the same time and start multiple instances of nheko.Stwórz unikalny profil, który pozwoli Ci na zalogowanie się do kilku kont jednocześnie i uruchomienie wielu instancji Nheko.profileProfilprofile namenazwa profiluReadReceiptsRead receiptsPotwierdzenia przeczytaniaReadReceiptsModelYesterday, %1RegisterPageUsernameNazwa użytkownikaThe username must not be empty, and must contain only the characters a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, and /.Nazwa użytkownika nie może być pusta i może zawierać wyłącznie znaki a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, i /.PasswordHasłoPlease choose a secure password. The exact requirements for password strength may depend on your server.Wpisz swoje hasło. Dokładne wymagania dotyczące jego siły mogą zależeć od Twojego serwera.Password confirmationPotwierdzenie hasłaHomeserverSerwer domowyA server that allows registration. Since matrix is decentralized, you need to first find a server you can register on or host your own.Serwer, który pozwala na rejestrację. Ponieważ Matrix jest zdecentralizowany, musisz najpierw znaleźć serwer który pozwala na rejestrację bądź hostować swój własny.REGISTERZAREJESTRUJNo supported registration flows!Nie wspierana procedura rejestracji!Registration tokenPlease enter a valid registration token.Autodiscovery failed. Received malformed response.Automatyczne odkrywanie zakończone niepowodzeniem. Otrzymano nieprawidłową odpowiedź.Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when requesting .well-known.Automatyczne odkrywanie zakończone niepowodzeniem. Napotkano nieznany błąd. .well-known.The required endpoints were not found. Possibly not a Matrix server.Nie odnaleziono wymaganych punktów końcowych. To może nie być serwer Matriksa.Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Otrzymano nieprawidłową odpowiedź. Upewnij się, że domena serwera domowego jest prawidłowa.An unknown error occured. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Wystąpił nieznany błąd. Upewnij się, że domena serwera domowego jest prawidłowa.Password is not long enough (min 8 chars)Hasło jest zbyt krótkie (min. 8 znaków)Passwords don't matchHasła nie pasują do siebieInvalid server nameNieprawidłowa nazwa serweraReplyPopupCloseZamknijCancel editRoomDirectoryExplore Public RoomsSearch for public roomsRoomInfono version storedRoomListNew tagEnter the tag you want to use:Leave RoomAre you sure you want to leave this room?Leave roomOpuść pokójTag room as:FavouriteLow priorityServer noticeCreate new tag...Status MessageEnter your status message:Profile settingsSet status messageLogoutWylogujStart a new chatUtwórz nowy czatJoin a roomDołącz do pokojuCreate a new roomRoom directoryKatalog pokojówUser settingsUstawienia użytkownikaRoomMembersMembers of %1%n people in %1Summary above list of membersInvite more peopleThis room is not encrypted!This user is verified.This user isn't verified, but is still using the same master key from the first time you met.This user has unverified devices!RoomSettingsRoom Settings%1 member(s)SETTINGSNotificationsMutedMentions onlyAll messagesRoom accessAnyone and guestsAnyoneInvited usersBy knockingRestricted by membership in other roomsEncryptionEnd-to-End EncryptionSzyfrowanie end-to-endEncryption is currently experimental and things might break unexpectedly. <br>
Please take note that it can't be disabled afterwards.Sticker & Emote SettingsChangeChange what packs are enabled, remove packs or create new onesINFOInternal IDRoom VersionFailed to enable encryption: %1Nie udało się włączyć szyfrowania: %1Select an avatarWybierz awatarAll Files (*)Wszystkie pliki (*)The selected file is not an imageError while reading file: %1Failed to upload image: %sNie udało się wysłać obrazu: %sRoomlistModelPending invite.Previewing this roomNo preview availableScreenShareShare desktop with %1?Window:Frame rate:Include your camera picture-in-pictureRequest remote cameraView your callee's camera like a regular video callHide mouse cursorSharePreviewCancelAnulujSingleImagePackModelFailed to update image pack: %1Failed to delete old image pack: %1Failed to open image: %1Failed to upload image: %1StatusIndicatorFailedSentReceivedReadStickerPickerSearchSzukajSuccessSuccessful VerificationVerification successful! Both sides verified their devices!CloseZamknijTimelineModelMessage redaction failed: %1Redagowanie wiadomości nie powiodło się: %1Failed to encrypt event, sending aborted!Save imageZapisz obrazSave videoSave audioSave file%1 and %2 are typing.Multiple users are typing. First argument is a comma separated list of potentially multiple users. Second argument is the last user of that list. (If only one user is typing, %1 is empty. You should still use it in your string though to silence Qt warnings.)%1 opened the room to the public.%1 made this room require and invitation to join.%1 allowed to join this room by knocking.%1 allowed members of the following rooms to automatically join this room: %2%1 made the room open to guests.%1 has closed the room to guest access.%1 made the room history world readable. Events may be now read by non-joined people.%1 set the room history visible to members from this point on.%1 set the room history visible to members since they were invited.%1 set the room history visible to members since they joined the room.%1 has changed the room's permissions.%1 was invited.%1 changed their avatar.%1 changed some profile info.%1 joined.%1 joined via authorisation from %2's server.%1 rejected their invite.Revoked the invite to %1.%1 left the room.Kicked %1.Unbanned %1.%1 was banned.Reason: %1%1 redacted their knock.You joined this room.Dołączyłeś(-łaś) do tego pokoju.%1 has changed their avatar and changed their display name to %2.%1 has changed their display name to %2.Rejected the knock from %1.%1 left after having already left!This is a leave event after the user already left and shouldn't happen apart from state resets%1 knocked.TimelineRowEditedTimelineViewNo room open%1 member(s)join the conversationaccept invitedecline inviteBack to room listTimelineViewManagerNo encrypted private chat found with this user. Create an encrypted private chat with this user and try again.TopBarBack to room listNo room selectedThis room is not encrypted!This room contains only verified devices.This rooms contain verified devices and devices which have never changed their master key.This room contains unverified devices!Room optionsUstawienia pokojuInvite usersZaproś użytkownikówMembersCzłonkowieLeave roomOpuść pokójSettingsUstawieniaTrayIconShowPokażQuitZakończUserProfileGlobal User ProfileRoom User ProfileVerifyBan the userStart a private chatKick the userUnverifySelect an avatarWybierz awatarAll Files (*)Wszystkie pliki (*)The selected file is not an imageError while reading file: %1UserSettingsDefaultUserSettingsPageMinimize to trayZminimalizuj do paska zadańStart in trayRozpocznij na pasku zadańGroup's sidebarPasek boczny grupyCircular Avatarsprofile: %1DefaultCALLSCross Signing KeysREQUESTDOWNLOADKeep the application running in the background after closing the client window.Start the application in the background without showing the client window.Change the appearance of user avatars in chats.
OFF - square, ON - Circle.Show a column containing groups and tags next to the room list.Decrypt messages in sidebarDecrypt the messages shown in the sidebar.
Only affects messages in encrypted chats.Privacy ScreenWhen the window loses focus, the timeline will
be blurred.Privacy screen timeout (in seconds [0 - 3600])Set timeout (in seconds) for how long after window loses
focus before the screen will be blurred.
Set to 0 to blur immediately after focus loss. Max value of 1 hour (3600 seconds)Show buttons in timelineShow buttons to quickly reply, react or access additional options next to each message.Limit width of timelineSet the max width of messages in the timeline (in pixels). This can help readability on wide screen, when Nheko is maximisedTyping notificationsPowiadomienia o pisaniuShow who is typing in a room.
This will also enable or disable sending typing notifications to others.Sort rooms by unreadsDisplay rooms with new messages first.
If this is off, the list of rooms will only be sorted by the timestamp of the last message in a room.
If this is on, rooms which have active notifications (the small circle with a number in it) will be sorted on top. Rooms, that you have muted, will still be sorted by timestamp, since you don't seem to consider them as important as the other rooms.Read receiptsPotwierdzenia przeczytaniaShow if your message was read.
Status is displayed next to timestamps.Send messages as MarkdownAllow using markdown in messages.
When disabled, all messages are sent as a plain text.Desktop notificationsPowiadomienia na pulpicieNotify about received message when the client is not currently focused.Alert on notificationShow an alert when a message is received.
This usually causes the application icon in the task bar to animate in some fashion.Highlight message on hoverChange the background color of messages when you hover over them.Large Emoji in timelineMake font size larger if messages with only a few emojis are displayed.Send encrypted messages to verified users onlyRequires a user to be verified to send encrypted messages to them. This improves safety but makes E2EE more tedious.Share keys with verified users and devicesAutomatically replies to key requests from other users, if they are verified, even if that device shouldn't have access to those keys otherwise.Online Key BackupDownload message encryption keys from and upload to the encrypted online key backup.CACHEDNOT CACHEDScale factorChange the scale factor of the whole user interface.Font sizeFont FamilyThemeMotywRingtoneSet the notification sound to play when a call invite arrivesMicrophoneCameraCamera resolutionCamera frame rateAllow fallback call assist serverWill use as assist when your home server does not offer one.Device IDID urządzeniaDevice FingerprintOdcisk palca urządzeniaSession KeysIMPORTEXPORTENCRYPTIONSZYFROWANIEGENERALOGÓLNEINTERFACETouchscreen modeWill prevent text selection in the timeline to make touch scrolling easier.Emoji Font FamilyMaster signing keyYour most important key. You don't need to have it cached, since not caching it makes it less likely it can be stolen and it is only needed to rotate your other signing keys.User signing keyThe key to verify other users. If it is cached, verifying a user will verify all their devices.Self signing keyThe key to verify your own devices. If it is cached, verifying one of your devices will mark it verified for all your other devices and for users, that have verified you.Backup keyThe key to decrypt online key backups. If it is cached, you can enable online key backup to store encryption keys securely encrypted on the server.Select a fileWybierz plikAll Files (*)Wszystkie pliki (*)Open Sessions FileErrorFile PasswordEnter the passphrase to decrypt the file:The password cannot be emptyEnter passphrase to encrypt your session keys:File to save the exported session keysWaitingWaiting for other party…Waiting for other side to accept the verification request.Waiting for other side to continue the verification process.Waiting for other side to complete the verification process.CancelAnulujWelcomePageWelcome to nheko! The desktop client for the Matrix protocol.Witamy w nheko! Desktopowy klient protokołu Matrix.Enjoy your stay!Udanego pobytu!REGISTERZAREJESTRUJ SIĘLOGINZALOGUJ SIĘdescriptiveTimeYesterdaydialogs::CreateRoomCreate roomCancelAnulujNameNazwaTopicTematAliasAliasRoom VisibilityWidoczność pokojuRoom PresetPreset pokojuDirect ChatCzat bezpośrednidialogs::FallbackAuthOpen Fallback in BrowserCancelAnulujConfirmOpen the fallback, follow the steps and confirm after completing them.dialogs::JoinRoomJoinCancelAnulujRoom ID or aliasID pokoju lub aliasdialogs::LeaveRoomCancelAnulujAre you sure you want to leave?Czy na pewno chcesz wyjść?dialogs::LogoutCancelAnulujLogout. Are you sure?Czy na pewno chcesz wylogować się?dialogs::PreviewUploadOverlayUploadWyślijCancelAnulujMedia type: %1
Media size: %2
Rodzaj multimediów: %1
Rozmiar multimediów: %2
dialogs::ReCaptchaCancelAnulujConfirmSolve the reCAPTCHA and press the confirm buttonRozwiąż reCAPTCHA i naciśnij przycisk „potwierdź”message-description sent:You sent an audio clip%1 sent an audio clipYou sent an image%1 sent an imageYou sent a file%1 sent a fileYou sent a video%1 sent a videoYou sent a sticker%1 sent a stickerYou sent a notification%1 sent a notificationYou: %1%1: %2You sent an encrypted message%1 sent an encrypted messageYou placed a call%1 placed a callYou answered a call%1 answered a callYou ended a call%1 ended a callutilsUnknown Message Type